A Misty Memory


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As promised, I am here to re-post the Wednesday/Reader book that I had created in the 'Oh, Who Is She?' book... Еще

Act One - Scene 1: A haunting face
Act One - Scene 2: Across the sea of time
Act One - Scene 3: Just a dream?
Act One - Scene 4: A Mystery
Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace
Act One - Scene 6: A love immortal such as mine
Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally
Intermission: Scene 1
Intermission: Scene 2
Intermission: Final Scene

Act One - Final Scene: Immortal she, Return to me.

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A/n: Alrighty guys, gals and non-binary pals. Here is the ending to my remake of Wednesday. Let me tell you, this chapter took me alot longer than I had anticipated. But, here it is.

⚠️I do not own anything. Just my mistakes if there is any.⚠️


"You're going off on some vision that you saw after we kissed?"

Wednesday was currently pulling out items from her bag as Tyler tried to talk his way out of the situation he found himself in.

"Wednesday, what the hell are you doing?" Bianca asked.

"Just some light torture." I watched as the group looked at one another as Wednesday answered as clear as day. "Don't worry, I won't leave a mark."

After we had gotten the remaining members of The Nightshades, Wednesday had asked Tyler to meet her in the woods near Crackstone's crypt. And in love-sick boy fashion, he came without fail. But he hadn't expected to be taken and chained to a chair. After she pretty much retold his whole life story to him; from his mother going to Nevermore, to his father falling for an outcast and so many other things that just pieces the clues together, she started to get herself prepared for what was to come.

Bianca piped up once more, "Wednesday, hold on."

"Wait, are you serious?" Ajax was next. The girl spins around, a taser in her hand.

"The only thing Hyde's understand is pain," she instantly sticks the side of his neck with the taser and the whole room starts talking at once. Trying to get her to stop.

A couple of the Nightshade members started backing out from this little get together.

"I didn't sign up for this." Bianca tried again, wanting to reason with the Addams girl.

"Let's go to Weems, explain everything."

"Weems won't help." Wednesday stated.

Bianca watched as she pulled out a second taser and started to walk towards a scared and panting Tyler.

Bianca turns to me, "Are you even going to try and stop her?"

I was leant up against the edge of a table with my arms crossed this whole time, watching everything unfold. I looked over to where Wednesday was preparing to shock Tyler; she looked good in a leather jacket. I just smile and then shake my head.

"Why should I? He's the one kissing people without their consent."

Bianca shook her head, "Then you both are on your own." I watch her leave while Tyler begs her to stay, asking not to be left alone with us. I turn my head just as I catch Tyler's gaze and grin widely.


The Jericho police burst into the shed some time later just as Wednesday held up a hammer, prepared to use it.

"Let's test your reflexes." she says with a smirk, pulling her arm back and going to swing it towards Tyler. Only for the door to the shed to yank open, the sheriff there, holding a gun. We were just in here, like this, and it was all for Xavier. Deja Vu much?

"Get away from my son! Drop it!"

Wednesday halts, and then slowly turns around to face everyone behind her. Her eyes instantly found mine just as I pushed from the edge of the table and a cop grabbed my hands to place some cuffs on my wrists. I smiled at her, letting her know that I wasn't going anywhere. Just as another cop rushes past us to cuff her so the Sheriff could rescue his son.

We were both escorted to the police station and told to wait in the sheriff's office while Weems talked with Tyler's father about what would happen to the both of us. I was sitting down, watching as Wednesday paced back and forth. You could tell how frustrated she was, now that everything was laid out for her she probably felt as if she wasn't getting anywhere. With Kinbott and Xavier out of the picture, all she needed was the answers as to why Laurel did what she had. And now this little mishap has set her back a bit.

Suddenly, the two adults walk back into the office and Weems looks to Wednesday first then to me. I didn't have to look at her to know she was disappointed in me. I didn't care, I believed Wednesday with my entire being, nothing would change my mind about any of it now.

"The sheriff has decided not to press charges for kidnapping." Weems started with a sigh.

"How long have you known?" Wednesday finally said, turning her body to face the Sheriff. He frowned and looked at Weems before looking back to Wednesday.

"Excuse me?"

"When I gave that claw from the cave, did you already know?" she demanded.

"Wednesday, that's enough." Weems said firmly.

Galpin cut in, "Xavier Thorpe is our Hyde. We got our evidence, thanks to you. That's why I'm giving you one pass."

I roll my eyes and drop my head back as if this whole thing was boring me. Weems and Galpin looked at me but I refused to look at either one.

"Got something to say, Y/n?" the sheriff asked.

"Yeah," I say before standing up. "Your son is a fucking creep."


"What?" I chuckle. "Just because his dad is the sheriff does not give him the right to get away with his own wrong doings."

Galpin glared at me. "If you think my son is the Hyde then you really need psychological help."

"Your son needs psychological help, since he can't seem to take no for an answer."

I saw a vein in Galpin's neck twitch.

"Wednesday here went to go turn him down, and he didn't like that idea so he pushed himself onto her and kissed her without her consent."

Weems quickly turned to Wednesday as the sheriff looked out of his office window to spot his son standing just near.

"Did that happen, Ms. Addams?"

Wednesday kept her eyes on the Sheriff before nodding her head. I tilt mine and cross my arms, watching as the look on the man's face dropped.

"Now, if you stand there and tell me that what he did to Wednesday is okay then you don't deserve to wear that badge."

When he said nothing, I just scoffed and shook my head. Fucking normies.

"Come on girls, let's go."

Weems kept her tone firm as she stood to the side to wait for us to leave out first. I went then Wednesday right after me, hearing Galpin tell us to get out. We walk side by side, not saying a single word, until someone calls out to us. Or rather to Wednesday.


"Tyler! No, no. What are you doing?" Galpin asked as he stepped out of the office to hold his son back. Weems behind him.

"I need to talk to her."

"No, no you don't."

Wednesday and I turn around to watch the two talk before we glance at one another when we watch Tyler put on his 'good boy' act.

"She was my friend," he said. "Please, just one second."

His dad wasn't sure he liked that idea and neither did I.

"We're at the station, there's nothing she can do here." Tyler told his dad.

I clench my jaw and go to move Wednesday out of the way but she pressed a hand to my chest and made me stop in my tracks. I looked at her but she had her gaze on Tyler.

"It's okay. Just wait for me outside. I'll be quick." She says softly.

"Are you sure?" I whisper.

She glances up at me and quirks her lips up. I just nod my head then give Tyler one last glare before walking out of the building.


To say I was furious would be an understatement. Weems didn't believe Wednesday's nor my claim over Tyler being Hyde. I thought I could trust her and tell her anything without being judged. Yet here she was, expelling Wednesday because she was trying to put the monster to rest. It was like we were trapped and no one was willing to help us.

"Your actions have put me and the school in an impossible position." Weems stressed.

Wednesday stepped forward, "Tyler is the Hyde!"

I watch as Weems stares on, her gaze unwavering.

"He framed Xavier! He even confessed everything to me."

"I wish I could believe you."

"So you don't believe Y/n either?" Wednesday snapped.

Weems met my gaze, as I stood near the door to watch the lashing unfold. I held everything in my eyes for her to see and I knew she wasn't going to budge on this. She had set her mind to expel Wednesday and there was nothing I could do.

"Give me more time! Let me prove that they are Hyde's!"

The desperation in Wednesday's voice caused my heart to clench. Our hands were literally tied at this point.

"There is no more time, Wednesday." She said, " Pack your steamer trunks, you'll be on the afternoon train tomorrow and we'll ship your things to you."


I hadn't talked to Weems since last night. There was nothing to talk about, she wasn't going to listen no matter what either one of us had to say. I was fuming last night, not even able to sleep because all I could think about was what will happen after Wednesday leaves. But I knew the answer to that, I would have to just take over what Wednesday started and prove that Tyler is the Hyde. Weems can't expel me, so if I had to do this on the inside then I would.

I decided to make my way over to Wednesday's room the moment I knew she'd be up and packing. Which was where I was headed now as I turned the corner and found their door ajar. Quietly I step up to it and lean against the door frame just as I open it to see Wednesday and Enid standing some feet apart. They were talking about something so I decided not to step in and interrupt just yet. I do see Enid try to hug Wednesday but the girl takes a step back, still unsure if she wants that physical touch just yet. The thought of physical touch made me remember the kiss I shared with Wednesday a few days ago and it makes me touch my lips as I look down.

"Not hugging is kind of our thing." I hear Enid say.

I smile and think to myself about how cute the damn pup was. Enid turns to look at me and Wednesday follows the action.


"Hi Y/n. Are you here to say goodbye to Wednesday too?"


"Well, I was just about to leave. You can walk me down."

"Sure thing, ghoul."

I push off of the door frame just as she walks up to me, keeping her eyes locked with mine as we have a silent understanding of what will happen the moment she leaves. We walk side by side in comfortable silence, some people watching us go. Bianca stops us at the bottom of the stairs and tells Wednesday she wasn't trying to get her expelled.

"Just keep your eyes open, and prepare for the worst." Wednesday said as one final warning.

Bianca gives her a weird look but I back her up with a look of determination. "We got this Bianca,"

She could see how we both weren't going to let this go and just walked away, still completely confused. She'll understand soon. .

"Stay safe. I'll figure a way out of this, you just stay ready for anything at any moment." Wednesday states.

"I know. I'm going to visit Eugene and see if he has any new information." My voice was low as I looked around. "Something about this is sketchy so I'm not gonna stop. I'll finish what you started, I promise." I snap my eyes back to Wednesday's and smile.

"I'll be back." She said firmly.

"Then this isn't a goodbye. It's an "I'll see you soon.'"

"Stop being cheesy."

I laugh at Wednesday's response as she cringes at my corny pick up lines. Thing peeks out from a Wednesday's bag and I reach out to tap his knuckles with mine.

"Let's go Wednesday." Weems said in a sinfully bitter tone, showing up out of nowhere.

Wednesday gives me one last look, the same look she's given me since we first met, before nodding and then walking away with Weems leading her out of the academy. I was left to stand there and watch, my eyes never leaving Wednesday's back until she wasn't in my line of sight anymore. Not gonna lie, it hurt seeing her walk away like that. But I didn't let myself cry or succumb to the sorrowful feelings that began to bubble up. I knew this wasn't going to be the last time I saw her.

With a sigh, I turn away and head towards Eugene's club.


"Hey Y/n. I have a question."

Eugene was in my room with me, looking through the purple nightshade book that sat on my bed. I sat at my desk, staring at my phone, before humming at him to continue. We had moved to my room after I met up with him, told him that we needed to keep the search going for any and every clue we could find. He agreed and here we were.

"You remember the night you got attacked?"

"Yeah, of course." I place my phone down and turn to give him my full attention.

"The person who set the cave on fire, do you remember what they were wearing?"

I furrow my brows and look to the floor as I try to recall the moment.

"I remember the explosion and then the flash of light. And..... I don't know. Wednesday thinks it was Dr. Kinbott. Maybe she wore a black jacket because all I remember was seeing black clothing." I was trying to recall the clothing before shaking my head to look at him. "But sadly that's all I remember. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I can't figure out if I was seeing things that night.."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she had on red boots."

I tilt my head as I try to pull up a memory of red boots. "Red boots...?" I was staring at the floor as I try to place a pair of red boots into the mix before-

A light bulb clicks on in my head as my face morphs into realization. I look up to Eugene and my jaw starts to slowly drop.

"Eugene.... Oh my god!"

I grab my phone and quickly dial Weems' number.

"Pick up....pick up..."

"Y/n, now is not th-"

"Larissa, Kinbott was not Laurel...Thornhill is."

"I don't have the time for this-"

"Then for once in your goddamn life make time for it!"

I heard screeching through the speaker and knew that got her to stop. I let out a breath.

"Please, just...you told Wednesday that she should have come to you with all of this. Well now I'm coming to you. And if you want this school safe then you need to listen to what I have to say." There was a pause so I continued. "When I got attacked, right before, Eugene and I were at the cave that Hyde was hiding in. We saw someone burn it down. And they were wearing red boots."

Another pause.

"Who do you know wears red boots?"

I almost think she hung up before finally I got a breathless response. "Y/n, are you certain?"

"Yes, 'Rissa, I have never been more certain in my entire life." I dropped the nickname that I had only ever used when I was a kid, so I knew she knew I meant business. And when I didn't hear anything but a dial tone, I had hoped to the gods themselves that she was on the same page.


"Come on, we need to get to the entrance. Shits about to go down."

I grab my jacket and rush out of my room with Eugene. Both of us headed straight for the front of the School.


Wednesday was the first to get out of the van as she ran up to me just as Eugene and I ran towards her. We stopped a few feet apart and I'd have smiled at her if we were under different circumstances. Instead I looked frustrated.

"Are you certain?" Weems asks me again. I looked up into her eyes and instantly she knew I wasn't lying to her.

"Eugene said he saw red boots. The flash was bright enough for him to see exactly what they wore."

I looked at Wednesday and she instantly knew what we meant. I gave her a nod. "Ms. Thornhill is Laurel Gates."

Wednesday's eyes widened as she started to piece everything together.


While Wednesday and Weems went to confront Thornhill I went to look for Enid. I had to push myself forward as quickly as I could if I wanted to make it in time.

I burst into Enid's room only to find her and Ajax making out. "Enid!"

They both stand up, shocked. But then Enid sees how distraught I am and I quickly reach her. My hands grab her arms to steady myself.

"Thornhill is the....is the....p-"

"Breathe Y/n. Calm down. Talk slowly."

I take a few deep breaths, trying to match hers until I can regain myself. I swallow then look into Enid's eyes.

"Thornhill is the Hyde's master. Not Kinbott. She's the bad guy." I say. Enid slowly comes into understanding and she turns to look at Ajax. He looks just as stunned.

And not even ten seconds later, Thing comes in. He could barely get out what he was saying. I reach down and pick him up then place him on the table.

"Slow down..." Enid says as she comes to stand next to me. "...we can't understand you, Thing."

He starts to sign a little less frantically than before. And that's when my blood ran cold.

'Thornhill...injected Weems with....Nightshade poison...'

I heard Enid gasp from next to me, her hands placing over her mouth. Ajax stood back as he stared at Thing like it was a severed hand or something.

"Weems.....is she-..." I get choked up as tears well up in my eyes. I can't believe that; not Weems, not her.

Thing begins to sign again, and I'm quick to suck in a deep breath before clenching my jaw and feeling a surge of anger swell up in my chest.

They had Wednesday.


I went ahead of Enid while Ajax explained the Nightshades to her. I didn't have time to gather others, I needed to get to Wednesday. So I ran. I ran until I couldn't anymore. Even as my legs burned I ran until I found that damned crypt. But when I opened the doors, what I found made my heart drop into my stomach.


She grunts as she looks up at me, I was surprised to see her look more pissed off than anything. Quickly, I rushed to her side and slid to my knees, my hands shaking as I picked her up to sit behind her so she could lean against my chest.

"Nonononono....hold on. Hold on and I'll heal you." I say quickly, trying my best to hide the fear in my voice.

"Y/n...d-dont. I'm dying and it's too big a wound. You'll die."

"I don't care!" I was on the verge of tears, I couldn't lose Wednesday.

Once I knew she was situated, I slid my arms up under hers and took the blade in one hand while my other rested just over the wound. I suck in a deep breath as I try to calm down.

"I can't let you die, Wednesday. You are the key to saving Nevermore, don't forget that. We need you." I said, right against her ear. "I need you."

In a swift motion I yank the dagger out and quickly place my hand over the wound. I wait for the force to pull my hand in but it never comes. She was still bleeding and only getting worse.


No no no no no no.

Why isn't it working! I kept trying, holding the wound as blood trickled down through my fingers. The sounds of her trying not to suck in the blood that was probably filling up her lungs froze me to the core and that's when I realized; I was going to lose Wednesday.

"Why....why won't it work!" I lean over and hold onto the dying girl, tears falling down my cheeks as I let myself finally cry. My powers weren't working and I couldn't understand why, why I couldn't heal her.



My name being called caused me to glance down and see Wednesday looking up at me. I feel one of her hands lift up, in a weak fashion, and grip onto my neck tie. They were covered in blood, her blood, and I didn't even care how much she got on me. I just lent forward and sobbed as the blood from her wound kept oozing out.

"Please...don't die, Wednesday."

My powers just weren't reaching and that meant I had to hold someone I adored more than life itself while she died, and there was nothing I could do.

"I..." Wednesday got choked up, before she closed her eyes and swallowed. It looked like it was painful to even do that. "Do...not cry. This is...simply everything I have ever wanted..."

I roll my eyes, good naturedly, and keep my hand pressed to the wound to stop some of the bleeding as a humorless chuckle escapes my lips.

"Your need for the taste of death is beyond me, I'll never meet someone like you ever again."

Wednesday just stared at me, into my soul, as those lifeless eyes shone brighter than I'd ever seen them. She looked almost too happy to be on death's door.

Suddenly, Goody popped up and knelt beside me. She then looked to Wednesday. "Crackstone needs to be stabbed through his black heart. It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever."

Wednesday snapped her eyes towards Goody and glared at the spirit. "Is your...spectral vision impaired? I'm dying."

I swear, her sarcasm knows no bounds. Even when she's at death's door, she manages to be a smart ass through it all.

"The powerful talisman you possess."

Wednesday pulled it out with a shaky hand, it was the pendent her mother gave her. "My mother..... said it.... Conjures visions."

"It's also a conduit for conjuring spirits." Goody said, a smile on her face. "I'll pass through you and heal the wound but...."

When Wednesday didn't say a word, Goody finished her warning.

"Just know, once I do, You will never see me again."

Wednesday weakly held the necklace in her hand, thinking for a few seconds. She then gave her a silent nod and Goody quickly placed her hands over mine. She met my eyes and smiled at me. "Don't let this Raven die, no matter how much she craves it, take care of her."

I blink a few times before witnessing Goody lean in and disappear into Wednesday's body. She goes to take her last breath before her body shoots forward and she's engulfed more air than she could handle. I can see that her wounds begin to heal as she quickly turns around to look at me. All I could think about was kissing her, but before I could even move she reached out and grabbed me by the shoulder with her free hand while tightening her hold on my tie. It brought me closer to her but not enough to be in her personal bubble.

I waited to see what she was going to do, her eyes flicking between mine and my lips a few times. I swallow slowly while looking down to her lips and lean in to press a short kiss to the corner of her mouth.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I said, sucking in a shuddery breath after and staying close to Wednesday. She eventually pulls away and gives me a look that I would soon come to find was the look she used when she wanted to tell me that she loved me. Even if she would barely say the words, her eyes would always say it loud and clear.

"Why are you looking at me like I just saved your life?" I asked, a weak chuckle leaving my throat as I sniffled back my tears. "You seemed quite smitten with the idea of dying back there."

"You were going to give your life up for mine." she states in her normal monotone voice.

I laugh this time and gently knock my forehead against hers. She grunts but refuses to pull away as she looks up at me with a furrowed brow.

"And I'd do it all over again."

We hold gazes for a few moments longer before she rolls her eyes and scoffs, pulling her head away from me.

"You are being sappy and it's disgusting."

I grin at her and she crosses her arms before I lean in and start to pepper her face with kisses. She tried to pull away but she still had a hold of my neck tie. Her other hand pushed on my shoulder.

"I'll suffocate you in your sleep." she hisses. I just roll my eyes at her before pecking her lips and then pull away so I wouldn't get my neck snapped for being overly affectionate. Wednesday just stood up, and I followed.

"Come on, we need to save the school." She stated.

"Sure, but uh...before we go."

Wednesday turns to look at me and I give her a knowing look before glancing down to my collar.

"Can I uh, will you let go of my tie?"

Her gaze lowered to where she still had a firm hold on the attire piece before snapping her hand away. I just smile as I smooth the wrinkles out and stand tall. She had the nerve to flush in embarrassment and look anywhere but at me.

She clears her throat and then walks towards the exit. I followed after her feeling rather smug that I managed to make the Addams girl so flustered.

"Don't gloat..." she snapped.


Wednesday and I run through the woods to get back to the school as quickly as possible until Tyler steps out in front of us. I glare at him and fist my hands up, ready to fight him to the very end.

"Laurel said you were dead."

"I'm feeling much better now." Wednesday snips. I stand closely behind her.

"You're both like cockroaches."

"Flattery will get you nowhere."

I slowly start to clench and unclench my hands when Tyler starts to walk forward and in a swift motion I grab Wednesday's shoulder and tug her back before landing a vicious punch to Tyler's jaw, I could feel it crack under my knuckles as he tumbles to the ground.

"I have been waiting to do that." I chuckle. But that's when Tyler starts to stand up, blood on his lip, and then starts to huff quickly. He was transforming and I quickly realized what I had just done. Wednesday grabs my arm and tugs me along as we run away from the creature.

"I'm not going to comment on that punch."

"You just did." I snark. Wednesday goes to say something else but then Hyde Tyler snags her up and pins her to a tree. I skid to a stop. "No!!!"

and just as he's about to slice her up, a large furry creature tackles him. I turn around just to see them wrestle and Wednesday slides down from the tree stump before coming to stand next to me.

"Enid?" She asked.

We both watch as Enid turns around and smiles at us. I smile really wide and toss my arms up, feeling pride swell up that my best friend had just wolfed out. But before I could even properly congratulate her, Tyler tackles her to the ground and their back to wrestling one another. I feel Wednesday grab my arm and pull me with her in a hurry.

"We have to get to school!" she reminded me and I was rushing after her in no time, knowing Enid was able to handle herself.


"I need you to take the top balcony in the quad, try and get a good aim and when I give the okay, take the shot."

Wednesday was going over the plan with me as we ran through the school, most of the students already being ushered out and passing us in a hurry. We stopped by the archery fields and retrieved a bow and a quiver full of arrows. She handed them to me along the way before we got to the top balcony. That's where she found the sword her parents held all those years ago. It was a story that would be told to me later on down the road.

I watch as the blade of the sword rings out while Wednesday gets a feel of the weapon before she looks up to me and gives me a determined look.

"Good luck, Ghoul."

Wednesday picks her head up as if she were staring at me from the tip of her nose before her lips start to move and she speaks.

"Don't die."

And with that she was walking away from me to put this evil spirit to rest once and for all.


"Howdy Pilgrim."

Crackstone spins around, sparing the two students that ended up getting caught by him, and spots Wednesday standing there with the sword clenched in her right hand.

"How canst thy heart still beat?" he asked.

Wednesday ignored him as she prepared herself to fight and held the sword out in the offensive.

"What demon sorcery is this?"

"Now Y/n!"

Crackstone lifted his head quickly just as an arrow flew through the air and came just inches from his face. He stops it with his demon powers and spots a young girl at the top. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Goody's hellish lover. I banished thee." with a flick of his wrist, he sends the arrow back towards me but I duck in time. It lodges in the wall behind me and boy was I happy my reflexes were still intact.

While Crackstone was preoccupied, Wednesday took this time to charge first as she swung the sword towards his chest. He was quick to dodge it though the tip swung up and knocked his hat off. He doesn't even give her a moment to recover as he swings his staff out but Wednesday guards it and they struggle against one another. Or rather, Wednesday struggles while Crackstone chuckles at her.

Shoving her away, she stumbles back just as his staff swings out for a hit but with quick thinking, Wednesday guards herself and swings her own weapon just as they collide together. The blade shatters and Crackstone is left triumph. Wednesday gasps as she looks to the broken weapon just as a strong force, stronger than Rowan's abilities, pushes her back until she hits something solid.

Crackstone follows through as she walks closer to Wednesday, the power from his scepter increasing the closer he got to Wednesday's heart. The pain was something she's never felt before, her breathing almost non-existent as she struggles for it. The pressure is almost too much as she feels her senses start to weaken. And just as he was getting comfortable, nearly pressing the jeweled tip to the girl's chest, a blade could be seen entering Crackstone's chest from the back as a hideous wail fills the evening air.

Wednesday watches as his chest glows a fiery orange while the blade is removed and Crackstone turns to face his attacker.

"Hellish lover huh? Don't think I've ever heard that one before." I say, a duplicate sword to Wednesday's in my hand.

"I will send you back to hell," he snarls and swats me away like a fly. My body flies through the air and lands on the ground like a rag doll, a pain shooting through my left ankle as I'm left to groan in pain as the healing process starts.

But that gave Wednesday enough time to grab a piece of the blade she once held, and stab it right into the weakened wound I had created. Crackstone barely had time to turn around before it was lodged into his chest, gurgling as Wednesday twists the blade to ensure his heart was pierced just right. He steps back, stumbles, as he gives off a demonic scream. Crackstone's body slowly disintegrated into ash right before Wednesday's eyes.

Bianca came and helped me up as we all three watched his body glow as bright as the sun until his screams echo throughout the academy. And just like that, he explodes. Bianca hid behind my shoulder as I held my arm up to shield my eyes, Wednesday only squinting hers. All that was left of Crackstone was his ring, glowing embers floating up to the sky. It was over.

Bianca looks to Wednesday, and they both give each other a nod. She then looks at me.


I wave my hand, having been lent up against Bianca as my twisted ankle heals from the landing.

"It'll heal in no time, I'm good."

As quick as it ended, it began once more. The sound of a gun cocking made us all look over and in walks Laurel Gates, in the flesh.

"You brought a gun to a sword fight." Wednesday jests. "Possibly the first smart decision you've made today."

"If I can't kill off all outcasts, at least I get to kill you, Wednesday."

She points the gun right at Wednesday's face and slowly slides her finger over the trigger. But just as she presses against it, a bee lands on the sight of the gun. Within seconds, a swarm of bees starts to attack Laurel. She tried to shoot at them but it was no use. Bianca and I look at each other in confusion for a moment, and that's when we see Eugene coming out with his hand up. The kid was a fuckin psychic too.

"Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore." he says as he comes to stand next to Wednesday, smiling at his contribution. "Bitch."

He looks at me then he looks at Wednesday. "Hummers stick together, right?"

Wednesday offers Eugene a half smile. It was short lived as the sounds of Laurel brought everyone back to the task at hand; she was still alive.

"I'll take it from here." Wednesday says, menacingly.

Eugene asks. "Maybe we should call the sheriff?"

"Turn around Eugene." Wednesday orders. I watch as she steps towards Laurel and quickly hobbles over to grab Eugene. I grab him by the shoulders and turn him away from what Wednesday was about to do. I watch as she raises her right leg up and forcefully drives her boot into Laurel's head. Wednesday put enough strength into the first blow to cause Laurel's skull to cave in like a flattened dodge ball. The way her head jerked viciously. It'd make any weak stomached individual turn away. And then a second stomp that ultimately snapped Laurel's neck, killing her for good.


After everything was said and done, Wednesday, Eugene, Bianca and I came walking through the gates just as we saw a group of kids standing around. It was mostly The Nightshades and some lingering students that stayed behind to help. It was a relief to see everyone was okay.

I spot Enid before she can spot us and quickly rush towards her; she was being held by Ajax with her pink jacket around her shoulders and shut tight. Her hair matted with dirt and blood, her face covered with the sticky substance. I wasn't sure if it were hers or Tylers but that didn't matter when she filled my arms with herself in a tight loving embrace.

"You're okay." I whisper against her shoulder. I just hear her whimper softly so I pull away to cup her cheeks and wipe away some of the soot infused blood from her cheeks.

"Wednesday....is she?"

I pull away completely so Enid can see for herself as Wednesday comes walking closer. Enid gives me a look, and I just offer her a supportive smile before she's rushing towards her roommate and glomping onto the smaller girl.

I watch on with a satisfied smile on my lips as Wednesday pushes Enid away slowly from the hug, but with one look, she sees the pure devotion in Enid's eyes and pulls the girl into her for a proper, long overdue, hug. And you can see the way Wednesday just melts into the embrace as the girls stick together for a lot longer than just a minute.

"Finally." I whispered. The group around us laughs softly and I'm paired with a death look from the Addams girl as she glares over Enid's shoulder at me.


With Weems gone the school had to be shut down temporarily until they could find a new principal. It honestly was for the best, the kids needed to be home after such an experience. I had found myself in Weems' office when Wednesday came by.

"I am sorry for your loss, Y/n."

I didn't flinch, I knew she'd come. Instead I stood my ground and held a piece of paper in my hands.

"You weren't the one who killed her, Wednesday. So please, don't be." I whisper.

"I know."

I close my eyes and a teardrop falls onto the paper. It was Weems' will. She didn't have kids, and most of her family was either out of her life or already gone. So when she adopted me everything she owned automatically went to me. It was her final wish when she died. But she also didn't expect it to be this soon.

"She was the closest thing I had to a mother. Even though we weren't close, we were close enough." I said, my voice going monotoned, as I opened my eyes.

I fold the paper up and stuff it into the inside pocket of my leather jacket. Then slip my hands into my outer pockets.

"What will you do now?"

I shrug. "Dunno. I'm too old to go back to the orphanage. And too young to live on my own."

We get silent as I stare at the desk.

"And until I turn 18, I can't touch anything in this will."

I think to myself. Maybe I could get a job in Jericho and raise some money. I'd have to find a cheap place to rent but even so I'd need a cosigner. I start to overthink it all, tears springing in my eyes as I feel my breathing labor a bit. Just as I begin to hyperventilate, a hand grabs my left wrist and pulls it from my pocket. That same hand slips into mine and I turn to look at Wednesday. A tear falling down my cheek.

"I was meant to offer this to you back when my mother met you. But I found that wasn't appropriate at the time." She gives my hand a tug and it makes me glance down at our hands briefly. "My mother insists on you coming to stay with us for a while."

"What?" I lift my head and stare at Wednesday. My heart squeezes, almost painfully, as I look for something in her eyes, anything that could have meant she was joking. But found nothing.

"She knows that you're an orphan, and she now knows about Weems'. We spoke last night and we have more than enough rooms for you to choose one and stay in."

I was still in disbelief. "Do you think that's a good idea? With....well," I hold our hands up for show before dropping them again, still holding onto hers.

She gives me a confused look. "I hardly see the problem with it. It'll be like we are dorm mates except we are only a few doors from one another."

"Wouldn't it be weird living with your crush?"

"Don't make it weird."

I let out an airy laugh, ignoring the lack of comment on the 'crush' statement and looked back to the desk.

"Yeah, alright. I'll come crash with you and your family for a bit."

"You're more than welcome at mine too,"

We turn around to see Enid there with a bright smile. "I'd like for you both to come visit me. Since we have down time, you can come to San Francisco."

"You know every chance I get to come see you and pester your mother is a good time for me."

Enid fist bumps me with a giggle before she looks at Wednesday. "What about you? I promise it'll be wet and dreary."

Wednesday sighs. "Sounds enticing. I'll think about it."

I release Wednesday's hand to run over and hug the wolf girl. "I'm proud of you pup."

"Thank you." She pulls away and holds my shoulders. "And I'm proud of you. Also extremely happy for you too."

I glance back at Wednesday and see that she's waiting for me with her hands clasped in front of her. Just the way I first met her. I smile adoringly at her only to turn back to Enid. "We'll flesh out the smaller details once we get to know one another."

"I can't wait to see it." Enid nods. She smacks my arm. "And you can't call me pup anymore. I've wolfed out now. So call me....alpha."

I snort and pull from her. "I will do no such thing, pup."

We all three left the office and walked out to say our final goodbyes to the other students and friends.

"Wednesday, I have something for you."

Enid grabbed Wednesday's elbow gently to guide her from everyone else, which she ends up giving the wolf girl her undivided attention.

"Since you destroyed your snood,"

Wednesday's jaw tightened at the mention of the hideous item. Enid just giggled.

"Next time, tell me you don't like something I gave you. I'd rather you be honest than try to spare my feelings."


"Anyways. Here," she held out a small black box. Wednesday stared at it then up to Enid. "I figured you could keep in touch with your friends."

Wednesday opened the box and revealed a brand new iPhone. Black in color.

"Don't expect me to follow you on Instagram."

Enid just grins and folds her arms behind her back. "My number is already in there, so don't use that as an excuse to not text me once in a while."

I had to admit, Enid was getting smarter with how she handled Wednesday's quips.


I was brought from the world of Wenclair by Bianca as she tapped my arm. When I turn to face her, she's giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry about what Xavier did."

Everyone knew my friendship with him was like mine with Enid, so she knew I'd be hurting still after everything he put me through. But I also knew she did care alot about him, Siren song be damned. I reach out and grab her right shoulder only to pull her in for a hug. One she returned as we held each other.

"I'm sorry too. Maybe he really was just a troubled kid. Nothing we could have done about that." I say against her shoulder.

"I know."

I pull away and grip her biceps with a bit of a smirk. "You and the Mayors son though..." I wiggle my brows at her and she just punches my arm.

"Shut up." She mumbles with a giggle.

We share a laugh over it and then I hear my name being called. Wednesday stood off to the side, Enid nowhere to be found, and stared at me with nothing but patience.

"Take care, Y/n. We're going to bring that trophy home when we get back."

Bianca holds her hand up and I high five it like the dork that I am.

"Bet your sweet scales we are."

Bianca leaned over and caught Wednesday's gaze. "Right, Addams?"


She walks away once she gets the answers she wanted and disappears in the wave of students. That left me to spin around and make my way to Wednesday. The girl watched me until I stood at her side.

"Are you ready?"

This was it. I'd be going to the Addams estate and staying with them for a while. I wasn't sure what this meant for Wednesday and I but I do hope that it makes us stronger. Whether stronger as friends or more, I wasn't sure. But I knew that whatever it was, I'd always be at her side.

"As I'll ever be."


"Did you get everything?" Wednesday asked me as we stood next to her family car. It was her Butler this time around. I only had two suitcases, a backpack and a duffle bag. With a nod, Wednesday got into the car first and then I followed after. Lurch shuts the door and I find myself sitting across from Wednesday. And then...we were off.


I look down to see Wednesday holding out a phone to me, her face expressionless. I take it cautiously before looking at the unlocked device.

"Enid got it for me for my birthday. I want you to put your number in there."

I crack a smile and navigate my way through the phone to add my name and number.

"Would it kill you to ask like a normal person?"

"Yes and I'm not normal."

I just continue to smile as I finish the contact. I then send myself a message before handing the phone back. I open my own device and save the number into my contacts under 'Ghoul 🖤' before texting Wednesday back. She looks down to see my name pop up, 'Y/n/n 💜'.

"You're lucky I don't know how to change this. Otherwise I'd change it to victim #1."

"That's suspicious." I say playfully, my eyes narrowing slightly. "I'm your number 1 victim?"

She looks away from me to stare out the window before answering with, "You're my only victim."

I smile widely towards Wednesday and am content when she returns it with a small smile of her own, looking at me from the corner of her eye. We break the gaze to instead stare out of our respective windows and watch as the scenery blurs by as Lurch drives away from Nevermore.


A/n2: I didn't want to add too much at the beginning. But I'm gonna take a hiatus. There's a few requests that I need to finish so im gonna work on that. I'll post them here once I'm back but for now. Enjoy this and I'll see you guys in a few weeks. 😘

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