A Misty Memory

By Jay_Addams

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As promised, I am here to re-post the Wednesday/Reader book that I had created in the 'Oh, Who Is She?' book... More

Act One - Scene 1: A haunting face
Act One - Scene 2: Across the sea of time
Act One - Scene 3: Just a dream?
Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace
Act One - Scene 6: A love immortal such as mine
Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally
Act One - Final Scene: Immortal she, Return to me.
Intermission: Scene 1
Intermission: Scene 2
Intermission: Final Scene

Act One - Scene 4: A Mystery

1.1K 52 41
By Jay_Addams

⚠️ Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the show. E.g: The characters or the plot. I'm only using it for fanfiction use.⚠️


I walk into Enid's room the following day just as she falls to the ground. Wednesday turns to me with wide eyes.

"She fainted."

I sigh. "What did you show her now?"

"Pictures that Thing copied from the autopsy reports at the morgue." She pauses and then adds, "and a few other grueling photos from other cases."

I walk inside and close the door behind me, as I walk by Wednesday steps aside and walks right back up to her black board of pictures. I bend down just as Thing comes over with the smelling salts that Wednesday uses to wake the poor girl.

"So did you find anything?"

"Each victim that the monster murdered has had a different body part surgically removed."

I pick the pictures up, take a quick peek and then hand them to Thing while I take the little jar of salts and waft it under Enid's nose. She pops up with a growl and snarls at me. This causes me to stumble back and land on my ass.

"Hey! Claws down Enid!!" I exclaimed. I could see Wednesday glancing at me over her shoulder. She was acting weird, ever since after we came back from outreach. She talks to me but it's clipped, and her coldness is back. It makes me wonder if she saw something that she's not telling me about.

"Sorry Y/n."

The breath I'd been holding lets out slowly as I start to calm down. "No worries pup." I pat her shoulder before letting her help me up.

"So how was the date?" I ask and quickly see the sadden look that crossed my friends face.

"...." She mumbles.

I narrow my eyes while Wednesday glances at us over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry?"

Enid sighs, her gaze shifting to Wednesday, before back to me. She then looks down to the ground. "...he stood me up."

"Excuse me?!" I hiss and quickly grab her hands into mine. Enid then sniffles as she avoids my stare. Out of my peripheral I see Wednesday walk around the room. I don't pay it much mind as I'm focused on the upset wolf girl in front of me.

"He never showed up. And he's been ignoring me all morning." Whimpered Enid.

The sound of something cocking catches both of our attention and we whip our heads around to see it. Wednesday stood there by her bed with....was that an actual nail gun?!

"Wednesday, no." I state firmly. The girl just raises an eyebrow at me as she starts to load the nail gun while keeping eye contact.

"I did make a promise..." she rebuttals.

"You did no such thing," I retorted, still gripping onto Enid's hands.

The Addams girl finally looked at Enid, who slowly shook her head while her lower lip trembled. She then sighed and put the nail gun back on her bed. Finally, I turn my head back to Enid and cradle her face in my hands.

"It's gonna be okay sweet pea. It's his loss, and if he can't see the wonderful awesomeness that is Enid then he just has no absolute taste in women." I then pull Enid in for a hug as she clings onto me, her face buried into my chest. I look over her head to spot Wednesday observing us before she's turning away to look back at her board.

Once I knew Enid was gonna be okay, we parted from the hug and I made my way over to where Wednesday still stood with her back to us.

"You ready for class, ghoul?" I ask in a quiet tone.

She says nothing as she walks to her desk and picks up her books, then turns to walk towards her dorm room door.

"See you later Nid." I waved, smiling when she waves back from her bed. I walked after Wednesday and grabbed my books off the table by the door only to follow her out of the room and down the hallway. And neither of us said a word.

To be fair, I was off in lala land thinking about all the possibilities as to why Wednesday is being cold towards me. Or well....colder than usual. The silence we created was so comfortable that I almost walked past the class room if it weren't for Wednesday. She grabbed me by the back of my uniform collar and I was practically clothes lined. I choke a little bit from the force and then turn around to see Wednesday looking at me, confused. I rub my throat and swallow a few times.

"Sorry.... Got lost in thought."

"Hm." She says and then walks inside. I take a second before walking in after. I then take a seat at our table.

While we sat there, listening to Thornhill teach us about another beautiful plant, something moved to our left. Wednesday looks over just as I lean back in my chair to look as well. Xavier was placing a book on the table only to hiss when he moved his right shoulder too high. Wednesday turns to look at me, eyes wide with suspicion, and then turns back when Xavier speaks.

"Just fencing practice gone wrong, no worries." He says to us, his tone low so no one else could hear.

I squint my eyes at him. Huh...

"...-like the boys at Rave'N." I tune into the noise around me just as Bianca snarks and some kids snicker around her.

Oh yeah, the dance. Part of me wasn't too thrilled for it. But I knew I'd be forced to go by Enid. As Ms. Thornhill talks about how there's no homework, I lean forward and rest my head in my arms. I can feel eyes on me.

"Are you two excited for the spiked punch and Mc Blood suckaz dj work?"

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes." I heard Wednesday say.

I just raise my hand in a 'maybe' gesture before dropping it again. That's when the door suddenly was ripped open, catching everyone's attention. I slowly raise my head from the desk to see a flustered Ajax rush inside.

"So kind of you to finally grace us with your presence, Ajax." Ms. Thornhill stated sarcastically. A few of the students snicker as he walks by with his head down. He took a seat next to Xavier and that's when I saw Wednesday grab her bag.

When she opens the top of it, I watch as she digs her hand into the bag and slowly pulls out....a nail gun?! I saw her put it on her bed!

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell, quickly taking a peek at Thornhill as she has her back to us to grab a plant off one of her shelves.

"Upholding my end of the deal."

I quickly reach over and shove the hardware tool back down into her bag just as Thornhill turns to stare at us with an unamused expression. Wednesday didn't look fazed as I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Are you two done?"

"Yes ma'am." We said in unison. Wednesday put her bag down but not before shooting Ajax daggers, which made him shrink in his seat.

Eventually when class was dismissed, I stood up to gather my things. Wednesday didn't move for a long while so I just let her be. I sort of wanted to talk with Ajax and see what was up with him anyway. As I rounded the table I felt a hand grab my wrist and turn to see Wednesday staring at me.

"What's up ghoul?"

She tugs on my arm and I fall forward only to use my hand on the desk for support. My heart thumped heavily against my chest with how close her face was to mine.

"We need to follow Xavier, I feel like he's lying to us."

I glance to my side and watch as Xavier disappears out of the classroom doorway, Ajax in tow. I then look back to Wednesday and nod. "Okay." I say before pulling away just as Wednesday released my wrist.

"And the next time you decide to stop me from inflicting damage to someone," Wednesday said, packing her things away as she speaks. "I'll turn your left hand into another Addams mystery."

I stand there and watch as she walks away from me before briskly leaving the classroom. I was left there alone, even Ms. Thornhill had left. That's when a chill raced down my spine. I should have been scared, just by her tone. But something told me she didn't mean it....or did she?


We ended up finding Xavier at a run down shack like building. He was coming out of the shed while Wednesday and I hid behind a tree.

"What is he doing?"

"Don't know. But he's hiding something."

I glance around the tree and watch for Xavier to vanish from my sight.

"Alright, he's gone."

"Stay here and keep watch." Wednesday tells me. I give a nod and wait outside. Thing stood nearby as he too kept looking out with me.

It wasn't but a few moments later when she came back out.

"Got what you needed?" I asked. She gives a curt nod and then we start to walk away silently until,


Wednesday and I stop in our tracks.

"What are you two doing here?" It was Xavier. Where'd he come from?

Wednesday and I look at one another before slowly turning around to face him.

"Looking for you." Wednesday says.

"For me?" He pointed to himself.

I kept my mouth shut as I let Wednesday do the talking. My eyes scan his face as I chew on the corner of my lip while she explains that she needed his help with the homework Thornhill gave us. I quickly glanced at her, 'that's the best you could come up with?'

"We didn't have any homework, remember?" Xavier reminded us.

That's when I caught Wednesday's throat bob as she swallowed back the thought of being caught in a lie. My eyes flick to see a smug looking individual before us.

"Could this be about a certain dance, perhaps?"

My eyes narrow as I glare at him, feeling my hands fisting the fabric of my school blazer.

"I'm all ears."

"Are you really going to make me ask?"

Xavier was grinning now. "Oh absolutely."

My head lifts up as I run my gaze up and down his entire body, sizing him up as my jaw sets tightly. This bit-

Wednesday has a hard time trying to come up with the words, "Wo-would you" she sighs in annoyance before trying again. "Would you..may be ...consider.."

"Why were you in the forest, Xavier?"

Wednesday looked at me but my eyes were On Xavier.

"What?" He snapped and turned his head to face me. I didn't back down.

"You heard me." I said.

"Y/n, what are you talking about?"

I never pulled my eyes away from Xavier, watching as he clenches his jaw, while I address Wednesday's curiosity.

"While you were getting ready for your number with Jericho's band, I spotted Xavier sitting next to Ajax." I stop for a moment and watch a warning look flash in his eyes. "Completely soaked."

Xavier's eyes flicked between the both of us before settling on Wednesdays as he let out a nervous chuckle.

"It rained in Jericho. My shift was over and so I went for lunch."

Wednesday kept her head turned towards Xavier as I quickly responded.

"Enid told me that it only sprinkled for a short period of time."

Xavier's face was more than enough for me to know he was aware that he had been caught up in his own lies. I felt a sense of satisfaction at the sight of him squirming like a maggot.

"Xavier, do not lie to me." Wednesday said through gritted teeth. "I'm not in a particularly good mood today. Were you in the forest?"

He sighed and then quickly nodded his head. "I overheard you and Tyler talking about the old burned down building and wanted to make sure you were safe."

When Wednesday didn't say anything, he continued by looking at me.

"I didn't know you were with her, so when I saw the both of you I decided to turn back. I was kind of mad."

"Oh my god..." I roll my eyes.

When Wednesday doesn't say anything, Xavier looks at her while I cross my arms and scoff. She gives Xavier a hard look before letting it fizzle out into her neutral expression.

"Will you go to the Rave'N with me?"

My left hand grips my arm as I look at the boy before us and when he looks at me with his smug expression, I have to fight the urge to shove my fist into his face.

"I thought you'd never ask." Xavier snarked while turning to look at me. My jaw clenches so hard that I feel a jolt of pain in my mouth. He didn't have to fucking gloat.

Wednesday turns around and mumbled under her breath before walking away. But not before she grabbed my arm to pull me with her.

I let her drag me behind as I tried to push every last feeling of anger down. I pulled my arm from her hold once we were far away enough and crossed my arms over my chest. Wednesday kept up with my strides.

"I need to get closer to him."

I hum.

"He had these in there." Wednesday stated while she pulled out the papers she tucked into her blazer from the shed before handing them to me. At first I didn't take them, and then she stopped in front of me, papers held out to me.

"If what you said is true, then my suspicions might be more than that after all." I lower my gaze down to the worn out sheets of tree shavings before sighing and snatching them from her grasp. I open them and check each one out.

"...I think he's the killer." She states.

They were drawings of the monster, all in different shapes and sizes. "You think he killed Rowan?"

"When I bumped into Xavier about a week ago I saw a vision of Rowan using his ability on him after a heated argument." Wednesday started.

"And you think he got revenge by murdering his roommate?"

Wednesday's shoulders shrug. "I know it's a stretch but..."

"I got it, stranger things have happened." I gathered and Wednesday nodded.


Enid did exactly what I knew she would and dragged Wednesday to the dress shop. I opted out because I wasn't actually going, so I decided to stick at the academy and do some more picking around. Truth be told, I just didn't want to see the dress she'd be wearing to a dance she doesn't even wanna go to. I have no idea if I was more mad at Xavier or myself for acting like a total cry baby.

I guess in a way, I didn't feel like I deserved to even be around Wednesday.

Instead of sulking in my dorm room, I decided to hunt for Ajax. Finding him in the library with the Stoners in a corner. When I came to a stop by the group, they all looked at me with a smile and waved to me. All of them high off their asses. It was a wonder to me that Weems' let them smoke on campus when she wouldn't even let anyone spike the punch.

"Ajax, can I talk to you for a moment?"

The group all 'oooo' as if he were in trouble but he just ignores them while getting up from his sitting position to follow me once I've turned around. I lead him to the other side of the room and then spin on my heel, arms crossed over my chest.

"What happened?"

He avoids my eyes while he sticks his hands into his pockets.

"Ajax, you really hurt her. Please give me one good reason why I shouldn't let Wednesday harm you like she wants."

I see the male blanch at the thought before finally meeting my gaze, full regret in his eyes.

"It's embarrassing." He sighs, trying to dig his hands even deeper into his pockets.

"Okay? And I have a stack of manga in my room that no one knows about..." I stopped once I realized I'd told him one of my darkest secrets before shaking my head and adding, "...but you. Now tell me."

His head tilts back which allows me to see his throat as he sighs. Then he drops his head to look at me again.

"I stoned myself."

I facepalmed so hard. "Ajax...that's it?"

"Yeah. I didn't ditch her on purpose."

"Well she thinks you did. And it doesn't help that you ignored her all day today?"

"I'm sorry! I just.... don't want her to think I'm some idiot."

"She won't," I say confidently.

"How do you know?" He speculated.

"Because she thinks you're an asshole."

I watch as he rubs his face, one of his snakes slipping out as its tongue poked from its mouth.

"Look, she's going to the dance this weekend, the best thing you can do is to catch her there and explain it to her."

He nods his head and then looks at me. "Thanks Y/n. You're a pretty good friend."

"I'm only doing my duty as her best friend. She deserves nothing but the best."

"I know."

I pat his chest gently before turning away and walking out of the library.


"I think I upset Galpin."

My head picks up from where I had it hanging while reading in the book I had on my desk. I turn to see Wednesday standing there with her bag wrapped around her shoulders.

"The Sheriff or his son?"

"Both?" Wednesday said, she sounded unsure as she walked over to my bed to take a seat.

"The Sheriff was of no help at all. Told me I needed concrete proof that my suspect was the killer. Then he'll talk about ideas with me."

I leaned back in my chair and listened to her speak, my arms crossed over my chest.

"And then apparently I'm the only one that isn't obsessed with this stupid dance."

A soft scoff escapes my throat. "Let me guess, Tyler asked you to be his date?"

"Actually, he got upset when I told him that I was going with Xavier." Wednesday looked around the room before back at me. "I told him that I needed to prioritize my time."

"Oh I bet that really got him heated."


Oh gosh, these boys are really making Wednesday's life a living hell. I shake my head before letting it hang forward. That's when Wednesday stands up and walks to my door.

"I have to get my boards to the beekeeping club before Enid gets back."

"Need any help?"

"Hmm. No. I think I can manage."

I watch as she leaves and I'm left alone once more.


No ones pov:

"So, you're not going to the Rave'N either?" Eugene asked Wednesday.

The girl's eyes move to the side before looking ahead once more.

"Actually, I am."

"I see." Eugene felt a little disappointed if he was being honest. Wednesday saw this and was quick to explain herself.

"It's not like I'm doing it because I like him." She stated, almost a bit too firmly. "I have ulterior motives."

Eugene lowers his head for a brief moment only to look back up again.

"These sketches are the closest I have to a lead to try and stop this thing." Wednesday finished.

Eugene turns to the board and then slowly starts to lean forward. His eyes squint under his glasses as he spots something familiar.

"That circle..." he starts. "I think I know where that is."

Wednesday turns to him. "Show me."


While Wednesday was off acting like a detective with Eugene, I got a visit from Thing. He hops onto my desk which makes me pull my ear buds out so I don't yell at him when I talk.

"What's up?"

'I need you to go buy a dress for me.'

My brows rise. "Oh? Where?"

'Uriah's Heap.'

"I mean, I can totally do that for ya." I say with a shrug of my shoulders as I grab my bag before picking Thing up to place him in it. "But I doubt it'll fit you."

Thing pops out of the bag now that the straps are on my shoulders before he pinches my cheek. I just laugh at him.

Then he starts tapping my shoulder and I stop to glance at him while he signs his response to me.

'Wednesday is going through a lot right now. Don't hold it against her. She tends to use people to get what she wants.'

I walk out of my room and down the hall. Passing a few students on my way. Once I knew I was alone I started speaking.

"I'm not mad at her, more so at myself."


"Because I'm no different than Tyler and Xavier. Acting like some love sick fool when all she probably needs is a friend."

Thing goes silent as I walk down the steps to get to the main floor. Then he taps my shoulder once more.

'Wednesday hasn't experienced any type of romance before so having three people of interest show her that they appreciate her is new.' he stops and I nod my head in understanding.

"I'll do my best to be an ally like I promised. Take myself out of the equation so I don't overwhelm her."

'She appreciates trust and confidence. Don't let your judgment of what you think she wants cloud your mind to something she actually needs. She hates weakness.'

I click my tongue and push my way outside. I jog down the steps and walk across the campus before coming close to the shuttle van. That's when I bump into Xavier. And boy did he look pissed.

"You can have your psycho girlfriend back. I'm done with her."

"Excuse me?" I ask, feeling a bit defensive by his accusations.

"Don't play dumb. You both were out at the shed looking at my drawings. That's why you were there, not for her to ask me out."

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling and just give him a wide eyed look of surprise.

"I almost believed that little charade of yours about the forest. You were right though, I was there." His glare shifted to a smirk as he peered down at me. "But the look on your face when she did manage to ask me, even after your attempt at trying to stop her. Now that was worth it. I bet you were livid."

He chuckles. "Just thinking about it makes me proud of myself, really."

My hand clenched into a fist and without missing a beat I swing my arm out and punch Xavier square in the jaw. It was hard enough to cause him to stumble back. Some kids stopped to look and yet I was too angry to even care.

"You don't know what the fuck I was feeling in that moment, you fucking jerk. And I won't give you the satisfaction of knowing." I shove at his chest until his back hits the shuttle van. "The fact that you got jealous everytime she talked to someone that wasn't you was pathetic enough. Wednesday is my friend and I'll stay that way until further notice. So back. off."

Wow...I just friend zoned myself. I watched, more like glared, as he pushed himself off the van. Once Xavier's shoulder checked me on his way back inside, I looked over and witnessed that Wednesday had been watching the whole time. I clenched my jaw while we held the gaze for a minute longer than normal before I dropped it and got into the van. It's a privilege getting to use the van whenever I wanted. Thank you Ms. Weems.

I sit there with my hands gripping the steering wheel when the passenger side door opens. I turn my head to watch as Wednesday slips inside and shuts the door. I don't say anything as I just stare at her. Thing comes out of hiding from my bag and sits next to me as I start the Van up before I drive away from the academy.

'Are you okay?' he taps out.

I sigh. "I will be." I answered him. My hand was already starting its healing process from the punch so I knew by the time I got into town, it'd be like I never even punched him.

"And where am I taking you?" I asked my other passenger.

Wednesday turns to look out of the window. "I need to get to the Sheriff."

"Your wish is my command." I mumble, heading towards town.


I was in my room when Wednesday came by, looking absolutely beautiful. She was fussing over the dress as she walked in. So I stood up slowly from my chair and soaked in every last detail that I could. It's the night of the Rave'N and Wednesday just kept taking my breath away.



She huffs and stands in the middle of my room. I could see what she was fussing about and take a few steps forward. She eyes me but says nothing as I kneel down in front of her and help fix the dress. She watches me in silence for a few long moments, which makes me nervous.

"I wanted to tell you that Ajax didn't ditch Enid on purpose."

I earn silence from the other girl so I continue. "He ended up stoning himself the night of and he was too embarrassed to tell Enid the truth."

"Does he know about Enid's overflowing collection of plushies?" She questions in her usual sarcastic tone, to which I shake my head. She drops the topic and looks around my room before starting on a new topic.

"You bought me this dress, why?"

"Thing asked me too." I confessed. "But..."


I felt her shiver when my hand grazed her lower back as I fixed the skirt of the dress so it wasn't bunched up in the back. With my hand keeping her steady and the other pulling at the skirt, I could feel her body lean into my palm and it made me smile internally. I stood up when I was done and took a step back to look at it properly.

"I'm glad I did. Because you look rather stunning tonight."


My eyes rose up to meet her own, they were hard yet soft. Like she was struggling to keep her vulnerability away. I didn't answer, no need to because I know she heard me. The sight of a faint blush on her cheeks told me all I needed to know.

"I'm going with Tyler," she blurted, then added, "thanks to Thing."

I smile softly. "I know. I told him to."

Wednesday then looked a little betrayed as she took a step back. "Why would you-"

"Tyler likes you and well, take advantage of that. Maybe he can get the information you're looking for from his father faster."

I wasn't sure if Wednesday understood my reasoning behind it, but all I knew was that I was giving her the friend side of me. The Crush side was stowed away in a box. This was me being her ally.

"But Eugene-"

"I'll go with him." I grab the flash light she did have and tap it against my temple. "Gotta stay sharp, so we can figure out who this beast is."

I could see a little smile quirk at her lips before it vanished. Her hands smooth down the front of her dress as she talks in a soft tone. "I'm not going to hug you, if you think that's what's happening right now."

I just scoffed at her before rolling my eyes with a grin.

"No worries." I hold out my hand and she places hers in it without hesitation. I pull it up to my lips and softly ghost them over her knuckles. If she gasped then she was quick to cut it off because I know I heard the start of one. I meet her gaze head on.

"I hope you don't decide to cut my hand off for kissing yours."

This time she does smirk at me as her hand slips free. "Maybe if you're lucky enough,"

I chuckle and then we're left standing there in silence. I'm sure the look she gave me was her way of saying she was grateful to me. Helping her use people for her own gain as well as being there for her like I promised. I wasn't going to let some crush ruin that. I watch as she walks to the door and when she opens it and goes to walk out, she stops half way before turning to face me.

"I want to um.... My actions have been unsatisfactory as of late and I want to...apologize for them."

"Don't sweat it, ghoul. You're going through alot, it's alright."

She just stares at me, lets her eyes travel down my body, then back up before leaving. I look down to see Thing giving me a thumbs up.

"It's hard."

'I know, but you did the right thing. Because she'll remember this in the long run.' he signs.

"I hope so."


"So Y/n,"

I was picking at the end of the flash light when I hummed my response.

"You think you could put in a good word to Enid for me?"

Poor kid didn't know she liked Ajax? I turn my head to look at him.

"'Gene, she's into Ajax."


I raise a brow at him. He radiated confidence.

"If I can just show her that I'm just as good of a partner as that stoner, then I know I have a chance."

My arm lowers the flash light and I turn to face him fully, a grin on my lips.

"You know what, I'll talk to her for ya."

He perks up, "really?"

I hold my fist out to him, "I'm not a hummer but, I'll be a hummer ally."

He fist bumped mine and we made a pact that night.

"But if she doesn't ever come around, you better not become some creepy stalker kid." I say as I point at him with a half threatening, half joking tone.

He holds his hands up in surrender. "I won't! I just want a chance."

As Eugene and I remained in our spots behind a tree, watching out for anything unusual, I did my best not to think about a certain goth girl. I hated that I wasn't there with her, dancing. Stupid Tyler. Stupid feelings. Stup-

"Oh my god..."

I look up and see a flashlight shine our way. Eugene and I quickly peer around the tree from either side and watch as a man or a woman? We didn't know but someone tossed a bottle bomb into the cave. Once it explodes, Eugene and I start running away. But instead of coming after us the person gets back into their truck and leaves.

"Who was that?!" I yell!

"I don't know but I'm not about to stay and find out!"


No one's pov:

"Speaking of suffering, where's your date?" Wednesday asked, after she sat down to give her feet a bit of a break. "I didn't see you and Xavier on the dance floor."

"We had a little tiff," Bianca says with a sigh, then turns to look at Wednesday, "About you, actually."

Wednesday looks away from the siren and sighs.

"You don't know what it's like,"

The Addams girl turns to speak, "Being beautiful and popular?"

"Never knowing people's true feelings," Bianca snapped. "If someone likes me for me."

They both get quiet as they let the words process between them.

"You're lucky." Bianca then says a few moments later.

Wednesday stares at her for sometime before responding with, "Do tell."

Bianca has a sad look in her eyes. "You don't care what people think of you."

This stumps Wednesday as she looks down to the side, Bianca still looking at her, before she responds.

"Honestly, I wish I cared a little more." She pauses, Y/n flashed through her mind before she was back to reality.

The conversation dies down after that.

"Wednesday, are you coming back?"

She looks to the side and has to keep herself from rolling her eyes at the way Tyler was standing there, waiting for her. She really didn't want to be there, especially with him.

"I just needed to take a breather." She gets up, giving Bianca one last look, and then heads into the gym once more to finish out her dance.


"Okay we should stop here." Eugene says in between pants. I lean over on my knees and do the same. I was out of shape, geez. Remind me to start running with Enid in the mornings again.

"Damn it. Is he gone?" I ask.

I hear Eugene look then turn back around. "I think so."

"Good." I lean back against the tree and try to push the pain in my side away. I regret not taking gym this year.

"Alright, let's start walking back." Eugene says. I give him a chuckle.

"Ready so soon?"

"I want to get back in one piece. There's no telling if that creature is even here or not. And I'm not ready to find out."

I stand straight with my hands on my hips, still catching my breath.

"You were all for it just moments ago."

"Yeah! When there isn't someone sabotaging clues to this thing. We're back to square one and honestly, it's getting dark."

I open my mouth to speak only to jerk my head around. We heard snapping and then growling. We both look at each other with wide eyes before darting forward.

I could feel my legs kick myself forward, pushing as fast as I could. When I see Eugene lacking I skid to a stop and let him keep up before grabbing his wrist and tugging him along with me. "Come on G! Push your legs!"

"I'm trying!"

The growling and sounds of what could have been mistaken for a stampede gets closer as it catches up to us. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

All of a sudden Eugene trips and falls over. I lose my grip on him and quickly turn around. I could see the stupid ugly thing through the trees. He was at least a football field away from us, but that didn't last long, he was catching speed.

"Eugene! Y/n!"

It was Wednesday. I see the monster come to a stop at her voice. Strange... I shake my head and quickly move down to the boy who was looking for his glasses.


"WEDNESDAY! OVER HERE!" Eugene calls out.

I hand him his glasses just as the monster starts to run after us again. He jumps at Eugene and I shove him aside. I turn just in time for sharp claws to rip through my torso and that's when we make eye contact. I swear his eyes look familiar.


That's when I fall back onto the ground, blood covering my body. My vision blacks out and I'm left in my dreams.


No one's pov:

When the losers from Jericho pulled the 'blood in the sprinklers' prank, it caused a gym-wide panic as the kids and staff ran and screamed to get away from the red spray. Wednesday realizes that it wasn't actual blood and her interest gets shattered. That's when she got bumped into someone and saw a vision of Eugene getting sliced open. She quickly comes to and rushes out of the school, leaving behind Tyler.

By the time she gets to the forest, she starts to yell for Eugene and yourself. Fear stabbed her in the chest as she tried to get to her friends. And only when Eugene calls out to her does she relax. That's when she hears Eugene cry your name out and it pushes Wednesday to run faster. She spots Eugene kneeling over your body and slows to a walk as dread fills her entire being. You lay there with slash marks in your torso, blood pouring out of your mouth. You looked to be dead but something caught Wednesday's eyes. The wounds were slowly healing. She'd never known why you were there in Nevermore, you never told her but in your defense, she never asked either. A feeling she's never felt before starts to weigh in on her as she kneels next to your body.

"Y/n..." she whispers. It felt as though her heart, as lifeless as it was, was being stabbed with a hot poker. She felt rage but also a stinging feeling like pieces of her heart were being ripped away. Her hands shook as she raised them over you but refused to actually touch you.

"Oh my god!" Thornhill exclaims. "Is she alive?"

Eugene stood off to the side as he stared at your body. "....she saved me..."


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