A Misty Memory

By Jay_Addams

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As promised, I am here to re-post the Wednesday/Reader book that I had created in the 'Oh, Who Is She?' book... More

Act One - Scene 1: A haunting face
Act One - Scene 2: Across the sea of time
Act One - Scene 4: A Mystery
Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace
Act One - Scene 6: A love immortal such as mine
Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally
Act One - Final Scene: Immortal she, Return to me.
Intermission: Scene 1
Intermission: Scene 2
Intermission: Final Scene

Act One - Scene 3: Just a dream?

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By Jay_Addams

⚠️ Disclaimer: I still do not own anything besides my mistakes. Only using the plot and characters for fun.⚠️


I may look like I'm a heavy sleeper but even the slightest of sounds can rouse me. In this case, it was the sound of my bed creaking just as it dips at the foot. Grumbling, I suck in a deep breath before rolling over. There sat Wednesday, looking...was that smug? I blink a few times to rid myself of the sleep that still riddled me before sitting up and leaning against the headboard. One of my hands rubbed at my right eye.

"Good evening Wednesday. To what do I owe this wonderful nightly visit?" I ask, sarcasm lacing my tone. Wednesday was unfazed.

"The Nightshades."

Silence spreads through my room and that's when I realized that she wasn't going to go into more depth. "Uh...huh. Okay, and didn't Ms. Thornhill say they disbanded years ago?"

Wednesday keeps the look for a little while longer before her lips part and a tiny sigh slips free. She looks down and holds out a book to me. I take it without question.

"Is this the book you saw?"

"It is."

I still wasn't sure what was going on. And then, she holds up a mask. It was in the shape of feathers and the nose had a beak, like a masquerade mask. I raise a brow as I look at it only to snap my gaze back to my visitor.

"Did you just come from a masquerade or something?"

"Do I look like I'm wearing the proper attire for a dance?"

My face melts into a neutral look as I click my tongue and look down at the book in my lap before opening it to the very middle of the pages where the ripped page sat.

"Okay smart ass. Are you gonna fill in the blanks for me or am I gonna have to guess my way to the answer?"

"I do enjoy keeping my victims guessing, which makes for a great chase."

My hand lines the photo up with the tear, "hardy har har," i mumble.

"I am going to assume by your lack of knowledge on any of this that you're not part of the Nightshades."

My head lifts while giving Wednesday a bored look. "Do I look like I'd be part of some finicky group?"

Her large eyes sweep down my face and torse and then back up again, what was that look? It's the second time she's given it to me and somehow it makes me feel comfortable yet uncomfortable. She just hums.

"What's your relationship with Xavier?"

My brows knit together at the question, why was she asking me this?

"Well, he became my first friend here in Nevermore when I started. And then I met Enid a few months later."

"Would you say you and Xavier are close?"

Really, why was she asking me all of this? I felt like I had swallowed barbed wire at the thought of her being interested in him. Though I pushed the feelings down to answer honestly.

"He's like a brother to me, I'd say best friends but Enid takes that title. More like really good friends"

"You might want to reconsider your friendship with Xavier then."

"Why? What'd he do this time?"

Wednesday just raised her left brow in interest at the thought before adding her reasoning.

"Tonight, while I went in search of more clues. I found a riddle in the book that Poe was holding."

"The statue I found you sitting on?"

I see her nod before she continues.

"If you decipher it correctly, it gives you the key to a secret library located under the statue. That's where I found the book. It's also how I got kidnapped."

"Excuse me?!" I sit forward but Wednesday holds her hand up for me to settle back down. I do without hesitation.

"According to the very much ongoing Nightshades, they tossed Rowan out of the group last semester."


"And Xavier is part of it."

So they were part of a secret society? Huh....

"I wasn't sure how much I could share with you considering your friendship with him, but seeing as how confused you are, I'll take it that you know nothing about any of this."

"You would be correct." I shut the book and slid it back into Wednesday's lap.

"Which means Xavier hasn't been telling you the whole truth."

"That explains his and Rowan's awkwardness when I asked about the symbol." I add on. "So what happened?"

"Xavier wanted me to pledge and Bianca-"

"Bianca is in it too?"

"Unfortunately she is the leader."

"Oy vay, even in secrecy she's gotta be the center of attention."

"Yes, well after Bianca's denial to my entry, I informed them that I wasn't interested in being a part of their club of amateurs."

My arms were crossed over my chest as I listened to her speak. No matter how sarcastic she is or how frustrated I was at her, Wednesday's voice soothed me. For whatever reason, it was refreshing.

"And then you came here."

"Mhm." Her eyes were still on me by the time I looked from my lap. "You're thinking about something, what is it?"

"Do you think Xavier knows more than he's letting on?"

"Doubtful. His little group barely kidnapped me correctly. I give them points for staying discrete about their identity this long but as for the act itself? They're weak."

A chuckle finds its way up my throat.

"What about any of this do you find funny?" Wednesday asked, slightly offended.

"You're quick with your insults." I comment.

Wednesday purses her lips together before she responds, "I'm quicker with a blade."

"And that's," I snap my fingers, "what terrifies me about you." Was my closing to this conversation as I rolled over and burrow under my covers.

It didn't take long before the weight left my bed and all became silent with a light click from my door as Wednesday left. At least she knew when you wanted her to leave.


Outreach day. Most of the kids were excited, I didn't mind it either way. Of course I knew the huge impact that this day had for everyone, especially with a new statue being placed. You could feel how high the energy was as everyone retrieved their volunteer booklets. I stood next to Enid who was explaining to Wednesday what Uriah's Heap was. She made a comment about how the Addams girl might actually like the place and received another one of her steely glares.

"I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together." Enid was quick to get the icy stare off of her.

"Dream on pup, you can't get that lucky."

"Says you!" Enid growls at me playfully and I just snarl back. I can feel those lifeless eyes stare at us and break out in a smile. Enid matches it just as Ms. Weems steps up to speak with Wednesday. I let Enid pull me to the side as they speak.

"You sure there's nothing going on between you and Wednesday?"

I give her an incredulous look. "Why would you ask me that?"

"The looks she gives you and the ones you give her." She explains.

"Nothing is going on between us, Enid." I feel someone staring at me and look up to see Wednesday still talking with Weems. I then look over and spot Xavier. He was staring at me with a grin, I guess he was close enough to hear this current conversation. Why did his look of relief cause my blood to boil?

"This she-wolf can only hope, I guess."

I switch my gaze over to meet Wednesdays and feel my heart squeeze. Of course I thought she was beautiful, anyone with eyes would think so and if they didn't then they were blind and didn't know beauty even if it hit them in the face. And I can assure you that I do like her, at least I'm beginning to like her. She's charming in her own weird way and she's easy to talk to, after you get past the dry humor and sarcasm. So why did I deny my attraction for Wednesday to Enid?


I snap from my thoughts, "Hm?"

"Are you okay?" Enid asked.

I look away from Wednesday to give Enid a smile and sling my arm around her shoulders as we head to board the bus. "Yeah! Just lost in thought."

"Okay, you just....went somewhere for a second."

I nod my head and then toss it back to call out to our other friend, "Come on, Ghoul! Or the bus will leave you behind!"

It pleased me to see Wednesday follow behind us without another word. It pleased me even more to see Xavier's look of annoyance as we three walked by him.


"Where did you get placed again?"

"Weathervane." I grumble. Enid and I were on our way to our designated places when Wednesday popped up out of nowhere.


We both spin around and the girl whips out her booklet. "Switch volunteer assignments."

"What? No." Enid says in disgust. "Uriah's Heap is definitely not my scene."

"It's an emergency." Wednesday pressed. "I need to check out Pilgrim World."

I see her eyes slide over Enid's shoulder before looking at me and then back to Enid in one quick motion. Did she know something? By the look she gave me just then, I'd say yes.

"But Wednesday, this definitely isn't a fair trade." Enid whined before huffing, "Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium for crapola?"

Wednesday's face screamed boredom as she held out the booklet one more time and gave her a mundane response.

"Because Ajax is going to be volunteering there."

I saw Enid look down at the booklet then up at me as Wednesday continued her rebuttal.

"Thing sneaked a peak at his assignment." Wednesday took a quick look in my direction only to pull the pamphlet away, "but if you're not interested-"

"No!" Enid quickly traded the pamphlets before grabbing Wednesday, who was practically cringing by the wolf's excitement, by the shoulders. "Oh my god, thank you! You're the best."

She then turns to me and smacks my cheek with the booklet, "Ha! Look who just got that lucky."

I gave her a mocking face before shoving her towards the antique shop. "Get away from me, you love sick moron."

Enid shoots me an air kiss before rushing into the shop just a few feet away before I turn to look at Wednesday.


She was giving me that look again. That calculating and unsure but still just as gentle around the edges as gentle as a sharp edged individual can get, look. Yeah that one. And then the look dropped before something more smug appeared.

"I'd say we're even now."

"What are you talking about?" I chuckle. She brushes by me and makes me turn to watch her leave before it all comes crashing down on me. "You little brat, you gave her that assignment to get back at me for not taking your side over the Thing thing."

She kept walking so I moved quickly to catch up to her. "I do have some things to check out in there, but yes."

I just shake my head, touche Addams, touche. "I didn't think this was a game of retaliation."

"Only when I don't have the upper hand."

A giggle finds its way out of my mouth and I notice that the corner of Wednesday's lip quirked just a tiny bit before it vanished.

"Alright then ghoul, enjoy your time in Pilgrim World. If you need me I'll be assisting Xavier in Weathervane." I say it with the enthusiasm that Enid possesses before dropping it and turning away from the silent girl.

Unbeknownst to me, I got an actual smile from her. Albeit small, it was still a smile. Wednesday quickly wiped it off her face while looking around to make sure no one else saw it before heading into the direction of her assignment.


The cafe wasn't the worst place to work at, honestly it was pretty chill and made my day go by rather quickly. Even when I was stuck with idiot #2. Tyler being idiot #1.


"If you ask me if there's anything going on between Wednesday and I, I'll shove your head into this Espresso machine."

I look over and see Xavier closing his mouth. That's when my phone dinged so I excused myself to answer it since there really weren't any customers at the moment. And I knew the lover boy could handle himself. I pull my phone out and see it's from Enid. With a sigh, I unlock the device and call her.


"Yes Enid, how can I help you?"

"He's not getting it. I have been flirting with him all morning. Maybe he's not interested."

I swear I could see her invisible dog ears droop at Enid's statement. Poor pup.

"Listen to me, the boy is oblivious. Make him see Enid, if you have to be the one to make the first move then do it."


"You like this kid, right?"


"Then just tell him, be a woman."

I didn't hear anything for a good while. "Hello?"

"You know what, you're right. Thanks Y/n."

"Anytime pup, now I must go before Xavier breaks the espresso machine and I'm left fixing it...for a third time."

"Ouch, that bad huh?"

"Let's just say that I'd rather be fencing my heart out against Bianca than be here."

"Are you and Xavier okay?

I look behind my shoulder just as Xavier drops a coffee cup, cursing under his breath.

"I guess so. He's been nice to me all day and then decides to ask me, or at least try to, if Wednesday and I are a thing."

"See?! Even he can see it and he's hopelessly in love with the poor girl." there was a pause and then a sigh on Enid's end. "I know you and him are close, and he's your frie-"

"Were." I corrected. "He hasn't acted like a friend recently. Acting like it pains him that I even befriend Wednesday, plus he's been keeping secrets from me. If that's his way of keeping his friends close, then I don't wanna be one." I sigh into the phone. "I gotta go 'Nid, I'll see you later."

"Cheer up cupcake, it's gonna be okay. You still have me."

I smile softly at that. "Thank the gods for that, don't know what I'd do without your bright, big toothy smile, everyday."

"Stop it, you're making me blush."

I laugh and tell her goodbye one more time. I hang up the phone and lock it before slipping it into my back pocket and heading back towards the cash register just as a customer steps up.


So imagine the tension you could feel in the cafe when Tyler walked in for his shift. He didn't say a word to me nor to Xavier as he walked behind the bar to get ready for the day. I was picking up plates from the table just as Wednesday walked in.

"Sup ghoul."

"Y/n." she said in passing as she came to a stop in front of a bulletin board. I left her alone and slid in behind the bar.

Xavier wasn't far behind me when he placed another plate on top of mine and tried to make conversation with the girl. I watch from afar as I wipe down the counters, watching his attempt at trying to get her to grab a coffee with him.

"I'm actually here for Tyler."

I looked down when Wednesday met my eyes, I didn't want to let her know through my gaze how upset I was over her decision. Instead I kept my self busy by washing the few dishes that were left behind.

"I told you he was bad news." Xavier mumbles.


I place the plates in the the dish drainer, letting them dry before busying myself in washing the silverware next. Why did I feel...jealous, over that? Whatever, I had dishes to clean.

"But who I speak to is my business."

This made my jealousy simmer as guilt welled up in my body. I was no different from those two, acting like she was mine to even get jealous over. We were just barely becoming great friends, so who was I to ruin that. I look over my shoulder to see Wednesday practically glaring daggers at Xavier. That's what happens when you try to hold Wednesday back, she cuts you off without a single hesitation. The sound of the bell dings and Tyler comes out with his apron on.

I walk out of the bar to pick up a few more dishes just as Wednesday pulls Tyler to the side and shows him something.

I did my job for a few long seconds in silence until,

"I'm sorry."

The apology makes me stop as I look up. Xavier was there with a pout on his face, what's his deal?

"What are you talking about?"

"I overheard your conversation with Enid this morning about Wednesday and it made me weirdly jealous. And I was being nice to you today because I-..."

"....didn't view me as competition? Yeah, I know."

He sees the look on my face and knows that I'm not very happy with him. "Y/n-"

"Don't. You've been a jerk since she got here. And now this? It isn't some game, and Wednesday isn't a toy to be jerked around. I'm-...was your friend but you saw me as a threat. How could I ever wanna be friends with someone like that?" I whispered each word in gentle firmness before shaking my head at him.

"And to top it all off, once she rejects you, you come crying back to me. Thinking we'd be best buds again?"

Xavier had the audacity to look guilty as he lowered his gaze to the ground.

"You wanna be friends again? Then stop being an asshole and start acting like one." I shove a rag into his chest. "And friends don't keep secrets from each other."

I didn't want to make a bigger scene then just the few people that looked our way, so I walked by Xavier with the dirty dishes I had picked up, shoulder checking him along the way, before sliding back behind the bar. I place the dishes in the sink and then turn around only to jump from seeing who was right there.

"I swear to god, ghoul."

"I don't believe in god."

I give her a tight smile, "Well good for you." with a sigh I soften my smile.

"What can I get for you?"

"A quad over ice and..."

I move to start on the order before pausing when she does the same and give her an expecting look. "...and?"

"...I need you to meet me at 1."

I lower my gaze back down to the espresso machine and chuckle. "You're lucky that my shift ends at 1."

"Would you have not come if it didn't?"

Of course I would, and she knew that. I clench my jaw and watch as the espresso finishes filling up in her cup. I cap it off and hand it to her. Her gaze lowered just a few inches from my eyes before snapping back up to meet them. That's when she spins on her heel and leaves the cafe without a single word.


I wasn't sure what Wednesday wanted but traveling through some sketchy woods was not what I expected. Actually...I take that back. It's exactly what I expected.

"So why are we walking through the spooky forest of death?"

"Because I didn't want to come alone, and I prefer your company over the two sniveling children."

I gasp and place my hand on my heart as I turn around to walk backwards. Daja vu much?

"Oh wow, Wednesday Addams doesn't want to be in a creepy forest alone? Hell hath frozen over!"

Wednesday's steps halted as she shot me a look. "I take it back. I'd much prefer that monster's company than either of yours combined."

She walked away and left me there to laugh.. "Oh come on ghoul, I'm just kidding!"


The place that Tyler had pointed out on the map was nothing but a burnt barn, or at least what was left of it. It gave me the chills just looking at it, I had heard the stories about this place but never been. Until now. As we walk inside, Wednesday drops her bag and Thing pops out. I stop next to the appendage before bending down to give him a fist bump. While Wednesday is out being a detective, Enid and I got close to the weird anomaly. He was actually pretty cool once you got to know him. Incredibly sensitive too.

"You two are pretty chummy." Wednesday retorts. I look up from him and offer her a smile.

"He's kind of a badass." I look back down and watch the appendage pose. "You can't help but be his friend."

I didn't see it but Wednesday had picked her head up slowly as if she were impressed by my words and gave a quiet hum.

"Naturally..." Wednesday trails off before walking away from us.

I place Thing on my shoulder then stand up to look around the empty space. Thing taps my shoulder just as Wednesday turns around and sees his motioned hand.

"I was expecting more too."

"Could be a crackhead here, maybe." I feel Thing tap my shoulder and I look down at him just as a low gravelly voice speaks up.

"Who you talking to, little girl?"

Wednesday's eyebrows furrowed together slightly as she spins around and without effort says,

"Use "little" and "girl" to address me again and I can't guarantee your safety."

I swallow thickly as I keep my mouth shut. Wednesday was scarier than the forest itself.

"This is my place, get out!"

Wednesday sighs. "Can I get a hand here?"

Thing jumps off my shoulder and races along the ground before scampering up the old man's body before gripping his throat and quite literally tossing him out of the burnt building.

"Damn, you go Thing" I say with a chuckle. Wednesday was done with the scene and walked around again, kicking at random things.

"There's nothing here."

"Can't you just touch something?"

Wednesday looked at me over her shoulder and I was quick to elaborate. "Like, your powers. Can you maybe use them here to see if a vision pops up?"

"No, it's not like that. They seem to happen spontaneously."

"Huh..." I say and then feel something crawl along my back. I look over to see Thing gripping my shoulder now that he is back. He signs something and it makes me slowly raise a brow at his comment. I haven't met Wednesday's mother before, aside from Weems' sometimes telling me stories about her or hearing stories Enid has told me. And it made me wonder where Wednesday got her cold attitude from, if not her parents. I snicker when Thing starts to call her bluff on her powers and Wednesday starts walking around, touching every surface she can find to appease the hand.

"Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight."

I snap from my thoughts and see Wednesday pick up an old bag of...taco bell? She does her little vision motion but you can tell she's, once again, being sarcastic before she's glaring at Thing. She walks past me and mumbles under her breath. That's when Thing starts to tap his index finger on my shoulder, like one would tap their foot in annoyance. I just sigh and turn around to follow Wednesday just as she slips her bag onto her shoulder and reaches out to grab the door. Her body jerks forward and that's when I knew she was having a vision. I catch her body as it falls and look at Thing before giving him a confused look.

"I guess I just sit guard here while she's in another world?"

Thing motions with his hand in a 'I guess' kind of way. And with little to no effort, since this girl was smaller than me, I picked her up bridal style and carried her back into the barn. If she was having a vision then I wasn't going to let anyone disturb her.


I found a little corner to sit her body against, slowly resting it on the stone of an old fireplace, before standing up to give her some space. I take a seat a few feet from her and Thing hops onto a piece of burnt log next to me. He starts to sign something and I chuckle.

"You are the third person to ask me that in a single day." the appendage just stands there. Even for a hand he gave so many expressions. I sigh when he doesn't drop it and decide to face what's been thrown at me.

"There's nothing going on between us. Nothing that I know of, anyways." I lean back on the stump I chose for my chair, and peer down at Thing. "I...like her."

Thing signs to me and I laugh.

"How do you tell a stone cold, heartless, young woman that you like her without getting rejected?"

Thing shrugs.

"You can't." I confess. "I refuse to be the 'weakling' that holds her back because I've developed a crush on her. I'd rather be her friend that she can count on."

Thing signs to me again, 'she may be heartless but she's still human,' he pauses and then signs one last thing, '...ish.'

I just let out a dry chuckle as my gaze averted over to where Wednesday was still slumped. I took a second to stare at her, just admiring her beauty even as she sleeps. A pang of longing hits my chest, knowing that I could never be with her. She'd never choose me. But what really got me confused as I tried to push the feelings away, was how quick it took me to even start crushing on this girl. I've had crushes before. But they developed within a few months. Not a few weeks. How was Wednesday different from the rest? Thing pulls my attention once more by tapping my knee and then moving his fingers in another signed sentence.

'Don't write her off just yet. Give her a chance.'

I nod my head, "okay..." I say with a soft look towards Wednesday. "we'll see what happens."


After the heart to heart with Thing, it started to rain. I dug into her bag and found an umbrella she had stashed inside. Popping it opened, I held it over her body to keep the rain drops from soaking her, not at all caring with how I was getting soaked in the process.

'Not a lot of people would do this for her.' Thing signs.

I just shrugged. "It's what any decent human being would do.'

'You'd be surprised with how harsh normies are towards the supernatural.'

I look down to Wednesday, the thought of her being bullied crossed my mind. And as capable as she was, because she's very capable of defending herself, it still angered me that anyone would be mean in the first place.

Wednesday woke up soon after. Her head lifted from the fireplace as her gaze reached mine.

"Y/n...." She called out to me, like she was surprised to see me there while also looking completely spooked. I didn't get the chance to ask her about it because the monster showed up. I was helping Wednesday up just as its snarls filled the space around us and its big eyes peered through the cracks of the barn.

But what was strange was that it didn't even try to harm us, instead it looked in before running off. Wednesday and I ran after it which left us where we are now. Walking after the prints the monster left behind.

"The girl in the picture, her name is Goody Addams. I think she's my ancestor from 400 years ago." Wednesday finally piped up. She sounded so far away.

"Is that what you saw?" I asked, just to keep her talking as her shoes squish under the mud on the ground.

"What I saw was Joseph Crackstone burning her and her family along with others in a barn."

"Wow...Jericho's mascot is a cold blooded murderer." I quip, hoping to get even a look from her.

The tracks stop and we're both met with human footprints.

"The monster is human?" I ask as I kneel down to check the prints.

I snapped up, holding the umbrella to shield Wednesday from the rain as she took a turn to look, and sigh. "So we have a human shifting monster and a definite curse that has to do with your ancestor."

"You're free to run away now." Wednesday states numbly. "I won't hold it against you." she stands up straight and takes the umbrella from my grasp to carry on back towards town. As I watch her go, I feel Thing tug on my shoulder. I look at him and he signs for me to go after her.

"Hey!" I rush forward and come to stand in front of her which makes her stop in her tracks so she can stare up at me. My hands reached out to grab her shoulders and I noticed how she didn't pull away like she would have someone else. "I told you that I wasn't going anywhere. I'm an ally until the end, remember that."

She gives me that look again, I've come to the conclusion that I like that look alot. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Hm, whatever. Don't come haunt me when you die."

I don't know what I was expecting but her answer made me smile nonetheless. We started walking again and while I wasn't paying attention she got closer to me, close enough for our arms to brush one another every time we walked.

"In that case, I'd be able to return the favor, ghoul."

Wednesday, with her swiftness, trips me and I'm eating mud within seconds. Though I can't help but to laugh as she keeps walking away from me.


"Why are you covered in mud?"

I just giggled at Enid, having a bit of a lighter heart after the events just moments ago. She sees I'm not going to say anything so she just rolls her eyes.

"Whatever," she shoves me towards the bleachers. "Come on, the ceremony is about to start."

We take our seats, Wednesday is already sitting in a chair with her cello. We make eye contact and this time, we hold it. I can feel a smile spread across my lips and Wednesday just watches with rapt attention. Until the mayor steps up to start his speech.

I'm pretty sure the band that played along with Wednesday were bad on purpose. Because who plays that horribly? I could barely hear Wednesday's cello. I did notice her looking to the side a lot, what was she doing? Out of my peripheral I saw Xavier walk up to the bleachers before taking a seat next to Ajax. He was soaked from head to toe. Did he get caught in the rain?

I lean over to press my shoulder against Enid's. "Hey, 'Nid?"

"What's up cupcake?" She whispers.

"Did it rain earlier?"

"Nah, just a little sprinkle. Why?"

When she turns her head to look at me, my head slowly swivels around to catch Xavier still soaked to the bone. Was he following us?

And just like that, Joseph Crackstone's statue was on fire after a loud explosion rattled the town. Everyone began to panic. Not Wednesday though, oh no, she played her cello the entire time as people ran and screamed. Enid and I ran far enough to hide, though I stopped to look back at Wednesday. She was far too focused on her revenge to notice so I decided to just get out of there.

"What about Wednesday?" She asked as we hid behind a car. I looked over the hood and saw how she had a staring match with the sheriff.

"She'll be okay. She's tougher than she looks." I grab Enid's hand and tug her away. "Come on, let's get outta here. We'll meet up with her at the academy."


I found myself in clean clothes laying on Enid's bed while she ran around her room trying to find something to wear. I currently had the book that Wednesday got from the library in my lap, reading it, while Thing would tap out areas that seemed interesting.

"Ooooh, what if I wear this?"

Enid held up an ugly half top with splattered colors on it. I quickly shake my head and pop the sucker I stole from Enid's desk out of my mouth. "Unless you wanna blind the kid before you kiss him, I'd pick something else."

She huffs, "it's not that bad!"

I raise my brows in defiance and look back to the page while sticking the lolly pop in my mouth.

Sometime later, after Weems' rimming, Wednesday came back. She was quiet, to which I don't blame her, as she prepared to change out of her school clothes. I turn back to the book just as Thing turns the page and continues reading. After a while you hear distant tapping as Wednesday continues her book. Enid took this time to ask Wednesday about her colorful top. I glance sideways to see Wednesday's expression go from apprehensive to down right defensive as she turns back around.

"I feel like you just Napalmed me, Enid."

Enid looks at me and I snicker. "Told you."

"Shut up. I'm just excited about my date."

"As you should be."

I high-five Enid as a celebratory action and then go back to reading the book.

"Seriously though, I think I have PTSD."

The sound of my sucker pops out and I furrow my brows at the she-wolf.

"Enid, it wasn't that bad."

"Not that bad? The statue exploded! I mean I didn't even get to do my dance routine."

"What a tragedy." I hear Wednesday snark.

"I mean what kind of twisted psycho wou-"

I saw Wednesday's shoulders flinch and Thing turn the page as if he weren't listening. Those two were behind something. I decided to save them both and rush Enid out before she could stick her foot in her mouth.

"Okay pup! We get it. You missed your chance to show off in front of Ajax." I stand up and grab her shoulders just as she grabs her coat. "You got the date, now go before you're late to the said date."

She gives me a nod and then rushes to the door. "Wish me luck!"

"If he breaks your heart I'll nail-gun his."

"Good luck pup!"

The door shuts and I'm left alone with the typewriting psycho and her severed family mystery. Sounds scary, doesn't it? It's not. And if you're wondering, nothing happened. We didn't even talk. Wednesday continued her writing and I continued my reading. Once I started to get drowsy, I bid the two good nights and then headed back to my own room. It didn't take long for me to find sleep as a pretty white faced ghoul found her way into my dreams.


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