A Misty Memory

By Jay_Addams

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As promised, I am here to re-post the Wednesday/Reader book that I had created in the 'Oh, Who Is She?' book... More

Act One - Scene 2: Across the sea of time
Act One - Scene 3: Just a dream?
Act One - Scene 4: A Mystery
Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace
Act One - Scene 6: A love immortal such as mine
Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally
Act One - Final Scene: Immortal she, Return to me.
Intermission: Scene 1
Intermission: Scene 2
Intermission: Final Scene

Act One - Scene 1: A haunting face

4K 89 32
By Jay_Addams

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine but my own mistakes. I'm only using these characters and the series for fictional use.

When Enid introduced me to Wednesday I thought the girl was weird. The stoic expressionless face, the way her hands always remained in front of her in a proper fashion and the pigtails. I've never quite liked pigtails on girls but Wednesday? Somehow it worked for her.

"Y/n." Enid had grabbed my hand before I could get too far. I was on my way up the stairs to my dorm room when she stopped me. "This is Wednesday. She's new." Enid had said once my attention was on her and the new student. I glance from her to Wednesday then back to her with a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you." I say with a nod towards the silent individual. Her eyes flick down my body, sizing me up, before she lifts her head up and stares at me from the tip of her nose.

I stood frozen from the way she was glaring at me. Not sure what to say, but thankfully Enid saved the day and pulled Wednesday away to finish the tour.

Anyways. I didn't think the new girl would find herself in my life much aside from the occasional greeting when Enid lugged her around like the wolf girl does most new recruits. But the day I walked into fencing class, I was floored by the way this girl gave Queen Bianca a run for her money.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Xavier.

"The new girl, Wednesday, came and demanded a duel with Bianca. And she's winning..."

It was an even match alright. Wednesday was a beast with a fencing sword. Okay, maybe she wasn't so bad if she could hold her own against the queen. She was doing all sorts of tricks and flips that Bianca could barely keep up. But, after Wednesday's demand to use no guard on the tips, Bianca bested her at the very last second. Once the fight was over, Bianca being the victor, my interest was lost and I quickly pulled on my mask. I had to admit, Addams was pretty intriguing.

Just as I get into position to spar off with Xavier I hear my name.


I sigh and rip my mask off. "What?"

My coach was glaring at me as he jerked his head towards Wednesday. She had a cut on her forehead and an angry stare in her dark eyes. I stand tall without a single word and make my way over to the pair, passing by a snickering Bianca and her lackey. I ignore them and come to a stop a few feet from Wednesday.

"What do you need coach?"

"Escort miss Addams to the infirmary."

I looked at him, confused, before turning to Wednesday, who looked as if she were about ready to rip anyone's head off if they talked to her. My shoulders deflate and I sigh through my nose.

"Come on then, Addams. Let's get you cleaned up."

I don't give her time to refuse and brush by her arm to head out of the room. Catching Enid and Yoko's gaze as I leave. They were trying hard not to laugh at my misfortune though I stuck it out and made my way out of the training quarters.

I was half way down the hallway before the sound of another set of shoes picked up behind me. Though when the sound stops I turn to my side only to see Wednesday there. It spooked me how quiet she could get when you weren't listening. I flinched and then let the breath I had been holding go.

"Don't....do that."

"Do what?"

Her expressionless face showed me nothing of what she was feeling by my comment, she didn't even look confused. But her tone sounded confused. I just let my eyes race down her torso and then back up to her face, I blink and then tilt my head at her.

"Creep up like some quiet ghoul." I then noticed how short she was to me. I had at least 5 inches on her.

"My father did say I looked half dead." she deadpanned before turning and walking ahead of me.

"Huh..." I squint my eyes and cock my jaw to the side.

I walked after her and quietly escorted her to the changing room so we could dress out before I took her to the infirmary. I really don't understand the need to take her there, she knew where it was and was quite capable of going on her own. I think about this as I peel off my training gear and replace it with my uniform. I liked the purple color, it suits me quite nicely. After I was done, I shut my locker door to find Wednesday there. I jump back with my hand over my heart and my other grasping at the locker for support but end up missing it and falling flat on my ass.

"....damn it..." I hissed and sat up, thankfully my jacket landed on my lap to cover my thighs, I didn't want to give the poor ghoul a free show. I hear snickering and quickly look up but only see an expressionless Wednesday. "....one of these days you're gonna find my fist against your throat if you keep sneaking up on me like that."

Wednesday just stares at me, looking to see if my threat was real or not. (It wasn't) and then she turns around to walk out of the room. I push myself up before standing and close my locker door the rest of the way while pulling on my jacket and fixing the skirt. I grumble to myself and push my way out of the door. I expected Wednesday to be there and just as I guessed, she was there; waiting for me. We continue down the hallway in silence as I ponder on the thoughts in my head.

"We'll see..."

The words didn't register as I blink my eyes and glance over to Wednesday who was looking ahead. Was she playing with me?

We arrived at the infirmary before I could come up with something else to say. I opened the door for her and let her through first only to follow in behind her and let the nurse know why I was there and what had happened. I stood to the side while the nurse got to work on the little knick. I was once again in my thoughts as I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at Wednesday.

She tried to go against Queen B but got reprimanded over it. And yet she doesn't even look the slightest terrified of it. Of what could happen. But then again, she doesn't look much of anything besides a clear void. I tilt my head and the action catches her eye.

"What?" she demands.

"I'm just trying to figure you out, that's all." I say, almost absentmindedly.

"You're Wednesday, right?"

I look over her head as her eyes flit to the side before she turns around and sees Rowan sitting there, behind her on a stool as a nurse took his vitals. I excuse myself to let them speak and turn to walk out the door. I decided to wait for her.

When she does come out she looks to be in a bit of a hurry. I push from the wall and follow after her as we head out of the med hall and onto the quad. Wednesday was smart enough to bring an umbrella to which I was left with pulling the collar to my blazor up to shield my ears from the cold wet wind.

"You are an idiot."

I hear her say and turn to say something to her as I walk backwards, she walks forwards while watching me. "I'm sorry but I can't hear you from all the gloomy rain!"

I see her eyes rolling at me in annoyance, to which I just laugh it off and spin around so I can walk normally. And that's when a body knocks into me. I stumbled a bit before I slam into Wednesday.

I barely got the chance to see who had pushed into me because before I knew it, my whole right arm jerked downward and I'm suddenly in pain. My body falls on the wet cobblestone and then darkness takes over.

What the fuck happened?


I awake in the infirmary with a killer headache. My right shoulder throbbing and the need to vomit rises as the pain from before resurfaces. My left arm moves to shield the bright light as I try to sit up. "God dang it, it still hurts like a bitch..." I hiss to myself, not thinking anyone was around.


I flinch at the voice but act as if it didn't catch me off guard.

"....yeah.." I groan and suck in a deep breath. I look over to see Wednesday there, Xavier right behind her. He had a guilty look on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I saw the gargoyle falling and you had your back to it so I didn't know what else I could do. I didn't think about the consequences and just pushed you forward to use you as a safety net for Wednesday. I'm so sorry..I know that you can-"

"Whoa buddy, slow the fuck down." I sit up fully, struggling a bit as I do so. I could see Wednesday fighting a war with herself to help me or not. Once I was successfully up I looked down and noticed my right shoulder was wrapped down to my elbow. My arm in a sling.

"So, what hit me?"

"The wing of the statue. You had passed under it just in time but Wednesday was walking right into it. So I used you as a shield and shoved her away with your body."

I mean, I guess that's the best thing he could have done. Though if he pushed me just right, it could have killed me.

"I remember being shoved, the pain and then nothing." I say with a huff as air passes through my lips.

"You fainted."

I look at Wednesday and see her staring at me.

"I did?"

Her eyebrows twitch upward before they go still once more and I swear I can see a new expression form.

"Something tells me that the statue wasn't just, conveniently, loose." Xavier states.

"I think you're right." I agreed before turning my gaze onto Wednesday.

"You should probably be careful from now on." I say as a closing statement to it all. I raise my arm up with a half smile. "I'm not mad this happened, if anything I'm happy Xavier got you to safety. Though from here on out, don't trust just anyone. Because it sounds to me like you're being targeted."

"You really think so?" Xavier asked me. I look up at him and give him a one shoulder shrug.

"I mean, unless someone just happened to knock the statue to the edge in hopes to 'prank' another student, I'd say it's very plausible."

I lower my gaze to the silent girl and watch Wednesday's brows furrow before she stands up and abruptly leaves the room. Xavier stays behind, I'm guessing to give her some space.


I don't see Wednesday again till the next day. I was discharged from the infirmary after being given a full day to let my body heal itself. I knew I'd be completely exhausted after but it was worth it not to feel the pain I felt right then. Having the psychic ability to heal one's body is wonderful and all, but it sucks ass when it drains your energy. Hence the name, Energy Medicine.


I turned around when I was approached by Principal Weems.

"What can I do for you principle?"

She gives me a big smile and instantly makes me take a step back from her. She was a beautiful woman but when she smiles at you like that, you have to think twice about what you're about to get yourself into. Because more than likely, she wants something.

"I need you to drive Wednesday to Jericho."

And there it was.

I furrow my brows and tilt my head. "Why?" I could hear the way my voice whined a little.

"Because I am needed elsewhere and you're the only other student I trust can bring her back and not let her escape."

I was so confused. I rub my face with my left hand and sigh. "So you want me to drive the shuttle to town and make sure she doesn't run off?"

"Precisely," she grins, teeth and all.

"Um, sure. I guess." I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Perfect! She's waiting out front. Here are the keys. And if you succeed, I'll let you skip classes for the rest of the week."

I snagged the keys from her grasp and shot her a wink. "You got yourself a deal, lady."

I make my way out of the academy and spot the van sitting out front. The silhouette of someone already inside catching my attention. As I rush down, I raise my left arm up to try and shield myself from the water before I open the door and slip inside. I shudder from the cold before turning to look at an apprehensive Wednesday.

"Oh, it's you again."

"Fortunately for you, yes. I have been tasked to take you to Jericho and return you in one piece." I say as I stick the key into the ignition and start the vehicle up. All while using my left hand to do so.

Wednesday says nothing as she looks out the window and I start to drive away from the steps of the academy.

The drive was quiet, the noise mostly from the sound of wet pavement and rain pelting the windshield. I took comfort in it as I grew drowsy in the warm van.

"How is your arm?"

Wednesday's voice quickly snapped me awake as I grew confused. "Pretty healed. I just gotta leave the sling on for a few more days."


"Don't blame yourself for what happened." I said and glanced at her once I was stopped at a stop sign right before town.

Wednesday wrinkles her nose in slight disgust as she looks away and crosses her arms. "I don't. I merely asked how your arm was, nothing more."

I snort to myself and continue driving. "Well how kind of you." I snark before turning right and headed straight into the town of Jericho.

It wasn't long before I pulled up to the building that held a familiar woman. I was happy I didn't have to see her anymore.

"You have arrived."

"Wonderful." she retorted while opening the door. I watch her slip out and turn back to look at me. I raise my brows and we stare off for a few moments before I break it.

"Have fun. I'll be here waiting." I say with a smile and a wave of my left hand.

The door slams in my face and I chuckle to myself. It was kind of fun getting under her skin like that. Once she was inside I finally gave in to the drowsy feeling and slipped into a quiet nap. My head on the door window.


My nap didn't last long as the sound of soft tapping on my window woke me up. I jolt awake and roll down the widow. "Kinbott."

"Y/n, where's wednesday?"

"Last I checked she was with you."

The woman rolls her eyes, "Well it seems as if she has slipped away." She steps back from the door just as I open it to get out and I take a look around. But all I see are the busy streets filled with Jericho normies. And no Wednesday.

"I'll go look for her." I say as I turn the van off and take the keys with me. With a sigh, I leave the therapist behind and disappear through the throng of Jericho's residents.

I spent the better part of an hour looking for this girl. I was tired and wanted somewhere warm to sleep. Made me determined to find her but also made me like her less and less. Don't get me wrong, Wednesday was pretty to look at and fun to tease. But the fact that she had no regards for anyone but herself made me want to steer clear from her completely.

I was really getting to the point of just giving up, when the sight of pilgrim costumes blurred by me. I watch three boys walk into a cafe and then stop at a booth. My first instinct was to ignore their weirdness and continue down the path. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Wednesday in a booth. Where the three pilgrims from before stood at. I stop and backtrack to peer into the window.

This little wench is having a nice cup of coffee when she should be in therapy session. We make eye contact and that's when she stands up.

I make my way towards the cafe door and rip it open. I step inside just as one of the pilgrims lands in the ground in front of me. What the fuck?

I look up to see Wednesday standing there in the middle of three groaning boys. She did this on her own? In a matter of seconds? Well I'll be damned.

The sheriff shows up and that's when I took that as my signal to step in and get Wednesday out of there.

"Oh boy, you got yourself in a pickle huh?" I mumble.

"Hardly." She sneers.

Sheriff and his son, Tyler, look at me as I smile towards Wednesday. "Ms. Addams is with me, sir. I asked her to grab me a coffee, we were just on our way back to campus."

She walks away from Tyler and up to me.

"Wait a minute. You're an Addams?"

Wednesday spins around.

"Gomez Addams, your father?"

I watch Wednesday's head nod in just the slightest of ways.

"That man belongs behind bars for murder. I'm guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

The sheriff looks up at me then back to Wednesday. Only to point at her. "I'm gonna keep my eye on you."

"Why, because she defended herself against three boys?" It sort of irked me that he was suddenly after Wednesday because of something her father did in the past. If anything, that man should be taking those three idiots to their homes or jail for trying to attack a girl.

Whether she could defend herself or not, it wasn't fair.

"Just get her out of here." Sheriff Galpin demanded with a huff.

I just shake my head at him and slide my left hand on Wednesday's shoulder before turning her away from the two. "Let's go."


"You know Ms. Weems isn't gonna be happy about this."

"I'm coming back in one piece, aren't I?"

I look to Wednesday as we drive down the road. "Yeah."

It grew silent between the both of us after I had said that, my attention back onto the road before me.

"What do you think he meant about my father?"

To be honest, I don't know much about her family aside from the occasional story my friends would tell me.

"If I knew then I would gladly tell you Wednesday." I say, my voice sincere as I keep driving.

That's when a wreck comes into view. I feel my heart drop. "Oh my....I hope no one's hurt.."

As we slowly drive by, Wednesday looks on, unphased. "He's dead. Broke his neck."


I look at her, confused, only to spot the man's head tilted in an abnormal way. I've seen a lot of shit in my life but this has to top it. We drive back in silence, not a single word being said to one another. I don't notice it but Wednesday grabs something from her vest and clings to it.


The rest of the night was a blur. I brought Wednesday back and she got a scolding from Ms. Weems. I thought to stay but what use would I be. Instead I head to my room and slip out of my uniform and into some warmer and more comfortable clothes. I crawl under my covers before turning my lamp light off and burrowing into my pillows. It took a while for my body to adjust to the temperature in the room. But once I was warm enough, I started to doze off. The last thing I hear is the sound of a cello playing.

"Paint it Black." I mumble, smiling into the pillow under my cheek. "I kind of like this version better."


"Please tell me you're going to the carnival."

"Why would I miss it? You know I can't resist a good corny dog."

I see Enid's face brighten up as she hugs me from the side. I just pat her head and turn to see Wednesday staring at us.

"What about you ghoul, you going?"

Wednesday's eyebrow flicked up at the nickname but she said nothing about disliking it.


"She's meeting a normie there." Enid teased which earned her a steely glare. I raise my brows in surprise and grin at the Addams girl.

"Oh. So Wednesday does have a type."

"It's not like that." She was quick to defend and looked away from the both of us.

"Meeting Tyler, I presume?"

She meets my eyes and nods her head at me.

Something deep in the pit of my chest sparked to life as the idea didn't set well with me. Whatever. I pushed it away and turned back around to talk with Enid while she got ready.


I parted ways with Wednesday and Enid once we got there. I wanted a corn dog and a funnel cake, and by god, I was gonna get them.

"So what do you think about Wednesday?" Xavier was the one to find me first, sitting at a wooden picnic table with my food in front of me. He sat in front of me, waiting for an answer.

"What about her?"

"Do you like her?"

I shrug my shoulders and pick up a piece of funnel cake. "She's fascinating,"

"But...do you like her?"

"I don't know." I say with an annoyed huff. What was his deal with asking so much? "I've only known her for a few days. She seems cool, pretty even. I guess."

"So you don't think she's a freak?"

I scoff into my hand. "I think she's weird, never a freak. It's okay to be a little weird, you draw visions and I get sleepy after healing someone. We're not exactly normie material. And neither is Wednesday, which makes her weird. Not a freak."

"Uh huh..." Xavier hums. I could feel his eyes bore into me as I continued to eat my food.

"Look, if you want to go talk to her so bad, she's over by the dart game."

He looked over his shoulder at the spot I was pointing at. She looked to be looking for someone while tossing the darts effortlessly. Each toss ended with a loud pop of a balloon. It was impressive. I watch Xavier get up and make his way over to her. While he was occupied I watched from afar.

"Seems like she got herself into a love triangle."

I glance over and spot Enid sitting next to me. A stick of cotton candy in her hand. I shovel another bite of the sweet cake into my mouth while nodding my head.


Once Enid and I watch Xavier's attempt at swaying Wednesday away from Tyler, we just snicker when she leaves with the normie anyways.

"Better luck next time bud!" I holler out. Xavier shoots me the finger and I very quickly catch Wednesday looking at me over her shoulder. I couldn't quite decipher the look because she was suddenly gone from my sight.

"Come on! Let's go for a ride together." Enid tugs on my arm and pulls me from my seat as I grab my trash in her haste and toss it in a nearby bin.

As we wait in line for the ferris wheel, we spot Tyler and Wednesday rushing through the crowd. The three hoodlums from the cafe hot on their trails. I turned to look at Enid who looked equally confused.

"I hope she's okay." Enid says next to me.

"That normie better protect her."

We walk in line, getting closer to the front. I watch as a couple step out and the people in front of us climb the steel steps to get into a cart. We step up and that's when I see Wednesday running after someone. They both flew by and I noticed that Tyler was nowhere to be seen.

"Enid .... Where'd Tyler go?"


Something felt off about the way Wednesday was chasing the individual. She was yelling for them to stop, saying their name just as the fireworks went off overhead. I couldn't hear it.

"I just saw Wednesday running after someone, but it wasn't Tyler "

Enid gives me a confused look. I let out a quick sigh and turned around to see Ajax standing behind us. "hey! Stoner, come here!"

"Y/n!" Enid hisses with wide eyes. I just shoot her a smile and then look at the gorgon.

"Ride with her, I gotta take care of something." Was the only explanation I could give before I started to push my way from the line and run after Wednesday. I soon realized that she ended up in the woods once the hustle and bustle of the fair grew quiet. Just a memory off in the distance.


I heard and quickly hid behind a tree and peered around to find....sure enough. Rowan stood there, he was spewing crap on Wednesday about a curse his mother saw and how he needed to kill Wednesday in order to stop it from happening. He had her pinned to the tree, keeping her hovering off the ground feets away from it.

My jaw tenses as my protective side rears its head. I push myself into action and quickly body slam him into the leaf covered ground. I tried to wrestle him down, cutting off his ability and giving Wednesday the chance to run but within the second I had him under me, I felt a hand grip my throat. That's when I realized he was using his ability on me as well and pushed me back to pin me to the ground. He still has Wednesday up against the tree just not hovering like she was.

He slowly drags me back, as I try to free myself of the invisible hand. I blink and find myself near Wednesday's boots. I look up and we make eye contact. Her fringe was messy and she looked fearful for a split second and then it was gone. She may be weird but she was still human. With the ability to feel fear, she definitely felt it in that moment with her eyes wide as she tried to suck in air that never came.

Suddenly the force was being lifted and a blood curdling scream filled the space. I sit up and watch as a monster tears into Rowan's torso. And I mean shredding him. Wednesday kneels next to me as I try to stand up to run away but her hand grabbing my wrist stops me. I looked at her but she was watching the scene unfold. I could feel her fingers tighten their hold as if to keep me from moving away; I had no intentions of doing so.

The monster stops its assault and turns to look at us, I swear I've never seen something so unordinary. It's big bulgy eyes flick between me and Wednesday then down to our hands before rushing away. Once it was gone, Wednesday released my wrist and rushed over to Rowan's body. A piece of paper rested on his chest. By the time she had it in her hand I was there standing behind her.

I see that there was a drawn picture on the paper. It was too dark for me to see what it was, though. I looked out into the woods, where the creature had run off to, and felt an eerie chill race down my spine.

"Come on, we gotta go." I whisper, my eyes glued to the darkened woods. I wait for the other girl to stand up before grabbing onto the back of her hoody and guiding her back to the festival. Neither of us said anything.


That was the end of that night. She, Enid and Myself went back to the academy. And went our separate ways. I've been to Nevermore for two years now, and with this new arrival, things were about to change. I could feel it.

There was a light knock at my door so I lifted my head up from my notebook of homework and stared at the wooden slab. "Come in."

It cracks open and a severed hand comes running in. I watch in awe how it hops up onto my desk and then hands me a note. I blink as I stare at the piece of paper nestled between its pointer and middle finger.

"Um...okay." The hand wiggles the paper at me so I take it slowly. I then unfold it while staring at the appendage only to glance down and see a sheet half filled with beautiful cursive writing. All in black ink. It was from Wednesday.

In her letter she explained that she wanted to talk to me about what we saw. And wanted to know if she could trust me. She then offered to meet up with me to answer any questions that I might have about everything. But in all, this confused me. Wasn't Wednesday a lone wolf? She doesn't need help, right?

I write out a response on a small post it note before peeling it from the pad and then sticking it to the Things palm. He salutes before jumping off my desk and letting himself out of my room. I then turn back to the letter and re-read it over and over again.

It seems I stand corrected in assuming that Wednesday wouldn't be in my life much. Whether I wanted her to be or not, that wasn't up to me anymore. Because now, after witnessing a brutal death together, our lives were intertwined. Would it be dangerous? Possibly. Did I care? A little bit. But what's the fun in living a boring, Normie life?


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