I landed in the world of Blac...

By Lilystone3

675K 17K 6.3K

Selene was walking home from an anime convention when she somehow ends up in the world of black butler. how w... More

I landed in the world of Black Butler (Black Butler fanfiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Note 2
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus chapter 2

Chapter 12

20.4K 521 163
By Lilystone3

Selene's pov.

     it was snowing when i get up. the last few days Sebastian and i have had some time alone which we used to talk and get to know each other a little better. i didn't have any warm cloths to weir today so Sebastian had given me some of his cloths which Ciel and the others thought it was funny because Sebastian was known to mostly keep his things away from everyone. i was walking to the library when Bard runs into me and seeing as how i am dressed like Sebastian and look a little like him Bard starts to freak out. "sorry about that Sebastian." Bard says as he pulls me up and starts to dust me off. "its fine Bard." i say which causes him to jump away from me  with the fearful expression on his face it causes me to laugh at him. once i was done laughing at him he seems to feel more conferable around me and walks closer to me. "Selene are you really alright? Sebastian and the young master might kill me if you aren't." Bard says. i nod my head before giving him a big smile. "I should have watched where i was going better. sorry about scaring you." i say.  Bard shakes his head a little.

     "You look a lot like Sebastian when your dressed like that. did you know that?" Bars ask as he walks with me to the library where i had been going. "I know, Finny told me but then again he thought i was Sebastian as well when he first saw me." i say before giving a light laugh. i had my hand on the door handle  but stop when Bard grabs my arm. "Selene i really am sorry i knocked you over. i was actually looking for you to ask if you knew a good recipe for cake?" Bard asks. i nod my head and he lets me go. "I'll teach you it later tonight is that ok?" i ask. Bard gives me a big smile with a nod before running away. i sigh then go into the library before finding a book to read. i sit and start to read the book which i get really involved in. i hadn't really thought about the time until the book was taken from me and i look up to see who had taken it from me. Sebastian was standing there with a sly smile. "Lunch is ready and the young master wishes to talk with you." he says before leaning down to where his face was only a few inches from mine. i close that distance before placing a kiss on his lips. he smiles into the kiss before pulling away slowly like he didn't want to. i blush a little before standing and following him to where Ciel was waiting for me.

       "Selene i was going to have Sebastian get you some warmer cloths so you can go out. there is a festival being healed soon and i  wanted to take you to it." Ciel says. i give him a smile then look around. "thank you Ciel. i look forward to going to it with you." i say before looking down at the food sitting there in front of me.  i was really hungry but at the same time i really didn't feel like eating. i must have been looking at my food to hard because i feel hands on my shoulders and look up at Sebastian. "is something wrong with the food?" Sebastian asks with a small frown.  i give a small giggle before looking back at my food. "There is nothing wrong with it Sebastian. i just miss some of the things i like to eat is all." i say before i start to eat. once i was done i stand and walk up to my room. i could hear footsteps behind me so i leave my bedroom door open as i walk over to the bed and throwing myself onto it. there was soon small warm hands on my arm and i look up at Ciel who had a worried look on his face. "If you miss things you normally eat then teach Sebastian how to make them for you. i would love to eat what you do just to see what you like from where you come from." Ciel says before giving me a closed eyed smile. "Thanks Ciel it's real nice of you to say that. i might make something tonight but i don't know." i say before laying my head back on the bed.

       I feel him get off my bed and hear him leave the room before the door closes. once i was alone i change out of Sebastian's cloths into my pj's and laying down in bed. it's not that i was sick it was more of the it was cold and i didn't really want to sit around in Sebastian's cloths well the others run around and might mistake me for Sebastian again. i don't know how long i had laid there but i was soon really sleepy so i fall asleep in my nice warm bed.

Sebastin's pov.

     I was working on a warmer dress for Selene and it was almost done. it would look beautiful on her and i couldn't wait for her to weir it out to the festival that the young master wishes to go to. it wouldn't take long to make a few more warmer dresses that Selene really needed. there was soon the sound of bells and i sigh as i put down my work to go see what the young master needed. once i was in his study he looks up at me. "Sebastian i want something chocolate with my tea today. ohhh i also want you to learn some things from Selene like food that she would eat at her home and such. i think it would help her get over some of her home sickness if it was to happen again." Ciel says. i bow and leave his study before heading to the kitchen to start on tea and a chocolate desert to go with it. once it  was all done i take the tea to my master then head up to Selene's room to give her some. i knock on the door and she doesn't answer i knock again and again i get no answer so i open the door. i walk into her room and looking around until i notice her in her bed. i walk over to her and when i see she is asleep i couldn't help but move some lose hairs out of her face before kissing her check.

     she didn't even move at my touch. seeing as there was nothing that needed my attention right this minute i pull the chair over to by her bed and sit there watching her sleep. i soon hear a crash and sigh before i get up and leave Selene be to go deal with whatever thing had just been ruined. the time up until dinner was filled with cleaning, cooking and working on those dresses for Selene. once dinner was done i get the young master before heading up to Selene's room to get her. she was still asleep in her bed so i gently shake her which makes her eyes snap open. "Sebastian is something wrong?" Selene asks as she rubs her eyes to get rid of all the sleep. "it's time for dinner my lady." i say as i give her a small bow. she smiles at me before giggling a little. "i'll be down soon, go on start without me." she says as she waves her hand at me as it trying to get rid of a bug. i sigh before shaking my head and leaving her room.

Selene's pov.

    once Sebastian was out of my room i get out of bed and pull on my normal cloths which i had washed. it wasn't to cold and i did have a sweatshirt in my bag that i pull on before heading down to where Ciel was waiting for me. i was even weiring my converse and was thinking about going out for a short walk in the garden. i sit by Ciel and he looks me over before shaking his head and he keeps eating. food was placed in front of me and i eat it quietly. "Selene what kind of food do you normally eat?" Ciel ask after we had been eating for a few minutes. i look at him then over at Sebastian who was listening to what i have to say. "all kinds of things. look i don't want you to worry about it because it's not something to worry about." i say before going back to eating.

      as soon as i was done eating i sit there watching Ciel finish eating. even throw i had started after him i finished first. once he was done i sit there watching Sebastian clean up the dishes. i follow him into the kitchen and look around. "Sebastian i'm going to go make something in the other kitchen is that ok with you?" i ask as he washes the dishes. he stops to look at me before nodding his head. i smile brightly at him then head to the kitchen where i start to set things up for later. Bard shows up once i had all the things out we would need. i tell him what he needed and how much of each thing. i watched him carefully and the cake was soon cooking. i then have him start on the frosting so it was done for when the cake was. soon the cake was done, cooled and frosted. "Thanks for teaching me Selene." Bard says as he takes the cake to Sebastian for Ciel to have with his tea tonight. i slip out of the manor outside and walk slowly to the roses.

    it wasn't to cold out but the snow was soon really deep around me and i couldn't help but smile at it. where i lived i was lucky that it snowed every year in the whinter unless it was a weird year. i bend over a little picking up the snow before starting to form it into a ball. i was so into making my snowman that i didn't really think about how cold it was or if the others would be looking for me. i was just about to put the head on when i feel hands on my sides picking me up and i almost drop the head. "Wait before you take me in let me put on it's head." i yell and whoever had me stops. "as you whish my lady." Sebastian says and he walks me over to it and i drop the head on it. "ok we can go in now." i say as i look up a little trying to see what Sebastian's face looks like. he picks me up bridal style and i felt my shoe fall off. "Sebastian my shoe." i say as he starts to walk away. he sighs before stopping and looking around before he spots my shoe.

    he picks it up then makes his was quickly into the warm house. i was cold and wet and Sebastian puts me down in front of a fire before he wraps a blanket around me. "Selene why did you go out there alone without being dressed warmly?" Sebastian ask as he kneels in front of me forcing me to look him in the eyes. "i'm sorry. it didn't feel that cold and..... this is how i always go out in the snow. it's normal for me." i say as i blush a little because i now felt like a little kid being scolded by my father for doing something bad. he chuckles a little. "what did you make in the kitchen before you went out in the snow?" Sebastian asks as he stands up and pushes my chair closer to the fire. "I taught Bard how to make a cake and before you say anything about you not wanting me alone with Bard or Finny stop because they are my friends and i don't mind teaching them some of the things i know." i say as i twist a little to look at him. he shakes his head and we stay silent as i sit there getting warm and dry. after about a half hour Sebastian leaves to get Ciel ready for bed. i sit there and close my eyes enjoying the sound of the fire and how warm it was.

Sebastian's pov.

      after getting the young master ready for bed i walk down to where i had left Selene. she had her eyes closed and a small smile on her face. i sigh before picking her up and she opens her eyes a little. "Sebastian will you stay with me tonight?" she asks in a sleepy tone. i chuckle a little before looking around. "if that is what you want my lady." i say as i walk to her room. "can we stay in your room?" she asks and i couldn't help the smile that was making it's way onto my face. once at my room i walk over to my bed and put her down she was already asleep so i slip off her shoes and pull the blankets around her to keep her warm. i work quickly to finish that dress for tomorrow before laying in the bed next to her and it was nice just to watch her sleep.

     the next morning Selene was still asleep when i had to get the young master up and start the meal so i pick her up and take her to her room before laying her on her bed. i then go and do the normal things that needed to be done. once the young master was up and dressed for the day we walk to Selene's room to get her up. i had grabbed her new dress and hung it up before Ciel trys to wake Selene. she sits up and looks around a little confused but gives a small smile when she sees Ciel and I in her room. "Morning." Selene says before she yawns. it was very un-lady like and the young master tells her so. Selene was soon out of bed and she walks over to where the dress was waiting for her. "Sebastian did you make this for me?" she asks as a blush spreads on her face. "I did, do you like it?" i say before giving her a small smile. "I love it. umm... you two can go as i change." she says and i give a small chuckle. the young master sighs from behind me. "Just go behind that screen and change." the young master says.

Selene's pov.

      I loved the dress that Sebastian had made me but i didn't want to change with Ciel and Sebastian in here with me. i sigh when i hear what Ciel says before shaking my head and walking over to the screen. i change into the warmer looking undress before Sebastian holds up the corset and i glare at it. "Do i really have to weir that death trap?" i ask which makes Ciel laugh and Sebastian give me a sly smile. "Yes now let Sebastian help you so we can eat then go out to the festival." Ciel says. i sigh before giving a small nod and letting Sebastian help me finish getting ready. i even got warmer heels to weir and i loved them. we walk down to eat then head off to the festival. it was just like it had been in the anime. i was only a few steps behind Ciel and Sebastian and i stopped to look at something so when i looked up they were gone. i wasn't one to panic and i knew where they would be headed so i walk over to where i see the Undertakers shop.

    i walk in and he pops out of a coffin at me. "you were with the Earl before weren't you?" Undertaker ask as i walk over to a coffin and look at it. "I was, you have a good memory Undertaker. i got separated from him here at the festival and thought this would be a good place to look for him. i guess i was wrong." i say as i turn slowly to look at him. he gives his evil little chuckle before motioning for me to come closer to him. "I have some customers i need to tend to but if you wish to stay here and get a little warm you may." Undertaker says as he leads me over to a coffin and pointing at it. i sit and watch him walk away and get to work. not long after i got here in walks Sebastian and Ciel. they both look surprised to see me here. "Earl i found your lost kitten." Undertaker says as he appears behind me. i smile a little when i hear him call me kitten. Sebastian scowls at him before he looks down at me. 'sorry; i mouth at him and he sighs before making a small motion for me to come over to them. i stand before walking slowly over and stop by Sebastian.

     i didn't really listen to what they talk about but as we walk i could feel someone watching me. i look around and i was suprised it wasn't Sebastian because he had lost me i thought he would keep a closer eye on me. i look at Undertaker who was looking right at me even thow he was talking to Ciel and the cop which makes me think he was the one watching me.  once Sebastian goes off to compete in the competition i stand there by Ciel watching the whole thing. it was amazing to see all the sculptors as they were presented and i was in aw of Sebastian's because it was more breathtaking in person then it ever was in the show.  i had almost forgotten about the boomers that where here and they soon made their presence known. everyone soon ran away but i stayed right there next to Ciel. "Selene please get away from here." Ciel says as he looks over at me. i sigh then look at them. "Be careful." i say before i was pulled away by a cop. once i was out of danger he lets me go and i watch Sebastian on the skates worried about him. i was standing my some of the cops when Lau appears by me and i just about jumped out of my skin. he was such a creepy guy sometimes. But he wasn't as creepy as that freak that was always hitting on Ciel. i give a little shiver.

   Once they got back onto land Ciel walks right over to me with Sebastian right behind him. they both look me over to see if i got hurt and i roll my eyes at them. we were soon on our way back to the carriage to head home. once there i head right up to my room because i was upset that i hadn't gotten to see more of the things at the stalls and i felt sick after worrying over Ciel and Sebastian even throw i knew how things would end.  i sit in the chair in my room looking out the window with a sad smile on my face watching the snow fall and i feel a few tears roll down my face.

Ciel's pov.

     once we got back to the manor Selene walked away from us and headed up to her room. i felt bad that we had lost her at the festival and i knew that Sebastian would have gone to look for her had i not needed him. it was a miracle that we had found her at the Undertakers shop. "Young master could we talk in your study?" Sebastian asks me. he had never done this before but i nod and lead the way once we were alone and i was sitting behind my desk i look up at Sebastian. "What is wrong Sebastian?" i ask as i watch him. he looks down at me then around the room. "I was hoping that you would let me take Selene back to the festival so she could look around." Sebastian says and i was a little shocked to hear this. "I don't see a problem with it. you would see what she would want as a gift as well and then you could buy it without her noticing it. here take some money and take her back." i say as i place a bag of money in front of him. Sebastian takes it after giving me a small bow then he leaves the room.

Sebastian's pov.

     i walk up to Selene's room to tell her the good news seeing as how it would be like a date. i knock on the door but she doesn't answer and i could hear crying on the other side of the door so i open it and walk over to Selene who was sitting by the window crying. i wrap my arms around her and she relaxes into my hug. "Sebastian i'm sorry. i didn't think you would leave me behind when i stopped to look at something. i should have said something." she cries harder. i sigh and let her go before walking around and picking her up from her seat. i sit where she was before placing her in my lap letting her cry. "Selene i asked the young master to let me take you back out so you can take your time looking at things. now please stop crying." i say as i lift up her chin. she sniffs a few times as the tears stop. i smile at her as i wipe the tears away and her red eyes make me a little upset to see. "Is it just going to be the two of us?" she asks.

     i nod my head and a smile soon appers on her face. i put her down and we walk down to the carrage and head back to the festival. it was nice to see her smile as she looks at things and when she wasn't looking i would get her things that she had said she liked. it would be christmas soon and i would need to give her a gift and so would the young master. we stop at a tea stand because her face was starting to get red from the cold. as we drank tea Selene looks around and she finally sees the bags i had. "Have you been buying all the things that  said i liked?" she ask. i look away from her feeling like i got caught but i look back at her when i hear her musical laugh. "it's cute to see you blush like that Sebastian. it makes me want to kiss you." Selene says before she leans back in her chair. how could she be so open about that?  we were soon walking around again and then heading home. once back at the manor Selene walks up to her room to change and i take the things i bought to the young master for him to look over. today was  good day and i head to the kitchen to start dinner for the young master and Selene.

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