Love So Life

Av KillerRain

93.2K 4.4K 1.1K

What if Kinn and Vegas actually got a long and Kim never left the main house and actually grew up with his br... Mer



1.4K 68 24
Av KillerRain

Porsche's P.O.V:

I followed Kinn to the canteen and stood in line for the food.

"Two chicken burgers and a pack of French fries and ketchup" I said as soon as I was done looking at the hung up menu.

"I'll take the egg fried rice and mushroom salad" Kinn said.

Then the guy at the counter gave us the food.

I took my tray as Kinn took the other then I went to find a table.

After a minute or so of looking around I finally found an empty table so I sat down.

But frowned in confusion when Kinn sat down in front of me.

"Ummm...What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sitting?" He asked.

"No...I mean what are you doing for real? Should you be sitting with me?" I asked.

"I can sit wherever I want...Besides you're my secretary so it's not that big of an issue for us to sit together" He said shrugging.

Then started eating.

I started eating as well.

I opened the ketchup pack with my teeth and spilled it over the burger insides.

"Damn...Is that even healthy?" Kinn asked.

"Who gives a fuck about healthy? It's food so it should be delicious" I said.

Then took a bite from my sandwich.

Kinn looked at my sandwich though.

"Hey...If you want to try it then go buy yourself one ok? I don't share my food it's my precious" I said as I put a protective hand on my sandwich.

He smiled and shook his head.

But my eyes widened when he suddenly reached out and ruffled my hair.

He seemed to be surprised at himself too because he removed his hand quickly as if I was a piece of burning coal.

"Ummm...That's a good idea maybe I should buy myself one next time" He said.

"Yeah...Ummm...Totally" I said chuckling awkwardly.

Then looked at the table as I hid my face behind my hand.

What the fuck? What was that just now?

Ok...There's two theories here...It's either that he likes to ruffle people's hair randomly or he sees me as a puppy.

Hey...That's so degrading...

What the hell?

I mentally slapped myself.

The puppy theory isn't an option for sure.

Come to think of it he has a boyfriend and there was this once when he said I looked good in a suit.

So the third explanation is...

Wait...That can't be it right?

"Ummm...I finished eating...Bye" I said.

Then stood up and left hurriedly.

Kinn's P.O.V:

I pursed my lips into a thin line and looked around awkwardly as I tapped my fingertips on the table.

My phone started ringing so I took it out immediately and picked up the call without even checking the caller's ID.

"Hey Kinn...I ran out of popcorn and potato chips can you pick some on your way back home? Kim blacklisted me when I asked him a while ago so smack his head for me while you're at it" Tankul said.

Well...It wasn't exactly what I was looking for right now but it was a good enough distraction.

"Right sure...I'll bring them for you lots and lots of them...Do you want biscuits too? Or candy?" I asked in an overly happy voice.

There was a long pause on the other end so I looked at the phone to check if he didn't hang up on me.

He didn't so I put it back on my ear.

"Hey are you still there?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" Tankul asked.

"Huh? Of course I am what kind of question is that?" I asked frowning.

"So you're not being blackmailed or threatened to bring me snacks right? Wait...Are you held at a gun point right now?" He asked.

"Why would I buy you snacks if I'm being held at gun point?" I asked frowning.

"I don't know...Maybe it's a case scenario like in the movies and your last wish in life is to buy me snacks before you die or something" He said.

I rolled my eyes and facepalmed.

"Tankul...I assure you...If I ever get into a similar situation the least of my worries will be the snacks" I said.

"Fine then...If you're not kidnapped then I want some mini chocolate poptarts too you know they're my favourite" He said.

"Sure" I said smiling.

"I'm also mad at you because you didn't find me a date yet but I suppose you're busy so you're forgiven but not too forgiven so don't get way too ahead of yourself" He said.

"Ok" I said.

"But you know that I still want to find a date so you'd better find me one" He said.

"Sure" I said as I looked around the room.

But then I saw Tem walking over to the coffee counter to make some coffee.

That wasn't what caught my attention though...I noticed that he had a hell lot of chocolate chips in his cup so...

"Hey Tankul...I'm still working on it but...I think I found you the perfect date" I said as I followed Tem with my eyes.

"Oh my god...Are you for real? Wow...Thank you thank you thank you" He said excitedly.

Then hung up.

I was looking around the room when I noticed that Tawan was looking at me from the window of his office with some binoculars.

Seriously? What the fuck? I must have been out of my mind.

I stood up and dumbed the rest of my food in the trashcan before going to see Kim.

He was eating some dumplings when I walked in.

"Hey" I said.

He nodded in acknowledgement before swallowing his food.

"You know you should knock first right?" He asked.

"Yeah sure whatever" I said.

He put the food aside.

"So what is it?" He asked.

"Ok...First of all...Ummm...What happened to the poor reception guy?" I asked.

"He rejected Tankul and called him crazy then tried to lure me with a lame logic so he got what he deserved" Kim said shrugging.

"So...Did you kill him or something? Because that would be just creepy" I said.

"Killing is such a negative term to explain things Kinn...I prefer to say that he got a few major injuries that will most likely leave him in the hospital for a really long long time" He said.

"Uh huh...Ummm...Ok whatever" I said.

"And? What's your second?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded to myself.

"Alright...Like two months ago now me and Tankul went to see a fortune teller...It was his idea but...Ummm..." I started.

I didn't quite believe in fortune reading but I was curious about what the fortune teller said now because I think I have a theory in mind.

"You know that fortune telling is mostly a scam right?" Kim asked.

"Yeah I know that but...He said that I'll meet someone who will change my life but might also be my downfall if I'm not careful so I think I have an idea about who that person might be" I said.

Kim's P.O.V:

I leaned forward in my seat and rested my head to my palms in interest.

"So you think that person showed up already? Who is it?" I asked.

"I think it's Porsche" Kinn said.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion and tilted my head to the side.

"Wait...You mean that guy who gave you the weed?" I asked.

"Stop talking about this ok? It was just a one time thing I never did it again and he also reprimanded me when I asked him if he had more" Kinn said.

I nodded.

"So...Why exactly do you think he changed your life? Because from what I see he's clearly a bad influence" I said.

I mean if he gave him weed then he's changing his life for the worst right? So how come he's so happy about it?

I picked up my coffee cup and took a sip as I waited for him to start talking again.

"Well...It's because I think...I have a crush on him" He said.

I choked on my coffee and started coughing.

"W...What?" I asked as soon as I calmed down.

"It's really strange because I never felt like that about Tawan even when we started dating from the beginning" Kinn said.

"Wait wait...That's just too much to take in ok? So...You have a crush on someone who gave you weed and you're currently dating a cheater?" I asked.

He pursed his lips into a thin line and looked away before nodding.

"Damn...Your taste in people is just too...Horrible" I said facepalming.

"Hey" He retorted.

"That aside...On a scale of one to ten...How big do you think is that crush? Like...Do you want to buy him dinner and help him with work? Or just drop the formalities and shag him?" I asked.

"Ummm...Are we even supposed to be talking about that?" He asked frowning.

"Of course we do...The shagging is the monster level you know...Because there's literally nothing after that" I said.

"That's creepy...And no...I don't want to shag him or buy him food or even help him with work...I just want to get to know him better because he seems like an interesting person" Kinn said.

I looked at him blankly then stood up and smacked his head.

"Hey what was that for?" He retorted.

"Because you're acting like a guy in a closet and that's an unacceptable attitude especially in a situation like yours now just answer my stupid question" I said feeling irritated.

He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes.

"Fine then...I think...I want to help him with work...I've come to enjoy his presence...And I also like to see him laugh" Kinn said smiling.

"Well...I'm not much of a love guru but I think you like him...You don't love him yet but you do like him" I said.

"Ummm...Is there a difference?" He asked frowning.

"Kinn...Seriously...If you ask me that question again I'll fucking kill you" I said.

He nodded and zipped his mouth.

"You can talk to your friends about the sappy details because this conversation is giving me the creeps" I said.

He nodded and left the room.


Pete's P.O.V:

I was in the Theerapanyakul library looking for books as Arm went to get snacks.

The door opened and that guy walked in again so I quickly hid behind a shelf.

He sat down on the floor by the shelf I was hiding behind and hugged his knees.

I stayed silent as I heard his low sobs.

But suddenly my phone dinged and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

The guy looked up immediately then looked around and saw me.

He stood up hurriedly and wiped away his tears.

I opened my mouth to say something but he left the room slamming the door shut behind him.

Strange...What's wrong with him?

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