"Welcome to South Park!" Sout...

By Albahacabs

1.8K 41 33

ONHOLD UNTIL I FINISH MY OMORI BOOK Y/n, an eight year old kid moves to an... interesting town due to her mot... More

Carman gets an anal probe (Part 2)
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride (Part 1)
Really important A/N
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride (Part 2)

Cartman gets an anal probe (Part 1)

514 11 18
By Albahacabs

-Y/n's pov-

—Hey guys!— I waved at my friends
—Hey y/n! How's it going?— One of my friends asked
—Pretty good, excpet my parents decided to prank me telling me that we had to move out— I answered
—That isn't funny! It would be horrible if you had to move out!— another one of my friends said
—I know right? That would suck!— I said before laughing a bit

I suddenly started hearing a noise


—Can you guys hear that?— I asked
—Hear what?— One of my friends asked
—That annoying noise, and it's getting even louder!— I said covering my ears
—Dude are you alright?— Another one of my friends asked

I was about to answer when I heard something else

Y/n wake up! You're gonna be late for school

I quickly woke up, realizing that all of that was just a dream
I stayed there, in my bed while sitting down without moving processing the trauma of waking up

—Y/n! Wake up for once!—  I heard my mother say even louder
I quickly shook my face and hit myself to fully wake me up
—Im awake!— I said, put the alarm off and got out of bed, still tired

I put on some socks, I would normally go around my house without them, but this new town was really cold
Oh right! I've moved out, I almost forgot. What was this town's name again?

I walked to the kitchen where my mother was waiting for me with her hands on her weist
—What took you so long?— She asked
—I was asleep, sorry— I said taking the box of cereal

-Narrator's pov-

Your mother quickly took the box of cereal away from you and you looked at her with a confused look
—What do you think you're doing? It's only 10 minutes until school starts and you have to walk to the bus stop— She said putting the box on the table again
—OH SHIT— You said and ran to your room to get dressed up

You were getting dressed so fast It looked like you were doing a getting ready for school speed run
You finally got dressed, grabbed your backpack, said goodbye to your mom and exited the house

You put on your backpack and looked at the clock on your wrist, not without stopping running
—Only 8 minutes left...— You said and started running even faster

2 minutes later you arrived at a place from which you could see the bus stop
—Phew...— You said to yourself, relieved that you arrived in time —Now I only have to wait for the bus to arrive—

You started walking to the bus stop with your eyes closed, breathing fastly since you were really exhausted from running when you heard something

School days, school days, teacher's golden ru-

It was four kids, all of them singing
One of them had an orange parka on, another one had a green hat that looked like an ushanka, another one of them had a blue hat and the last one was fat and had a light blue hat

You put your hood on, you weren't good at socializing and didn't want them to pay much attention to you, perhaps putting your hood one would help...

They suddenly stopped singing when the one with a green hat started talking

—Ah, damn it! My little borther's trying to follow me to school again!— He said angrily
—Eat Banana— A little kid you didn't notice was there before, who's head looked like a trash can, said for some reason

—Ike, you can't come to school with me— The boy with a green hat said
—Yeah, go home you little dildo!— The fat boy said
—Dude, don't call my brother a dildo!— The boy with a green hat, who you supposed was the little boy's brother said

—What's a dildo?— The boy with a blue hat said
—Well I don't know, and I bet Cartman doesn't know either!— The boy with a green hat said
—I know what it means!— The fat boy answered
—Well, what?— The boy with a green hat asked

—Im not telling you— The fat boy answered
—What's a dildo Kenny?— The boy with a blue hat asked 
—It's a plastic dick that goes in a vagina— You heard the boy in an orange parka say between muffles, which made the rest of the boys laugh

—He-yeah, that's what Kyle's little brother is all right!— The fat boy said, and the boy with the green hat grabbed the little boy and kicked the fat boy with him —Ow!—
—Dude, that kicks ass!— The boy with a blue hat said
—Yeah, check this one out! Ready Ike? Kick the baby!— Said the boy with a green hat
—Don't kick the baby— The little boy said
—Kick the baby— The boy with a green hat said kicking his little brother and making him knock down four mailboxes

The fat boy yawned and the others looked at him

—Whoa Cartman, looks like you didn't get much sleep last night— The boy in a blue hat said
—That's because I was having this bogus nightmares— He answered
—Really? What about?— The boy who just kicked his little brother asked

The fat boy started telling how he had a nightamre where some aliens operated him, he kept saying that it was just a nightmare but his, what you supposed were "friends", kept telling him it was real

Some seconds later a car arrived at the bus stop and stopped, you were sure it wasn't the bus because it was way too small
A man that looked like a chef walked out of the car and started talking to the boys, as if they were best friends. He also said that an alien space ship was seen last night and convinced the fat boy that it wasn't just a nightmare after he told him the nightmare he had, he also told him that the aliens put something in his butt

He then said goodbye to the boys and went back to the car, heading to the school

—We told you they were real Cartman, sorry to hear about your ass— The boy with a green hat said
—God damn it, they didn't do anything to my ass! It was just a dream!— He said annoyed

You looked at your clock, realizing only three minutes were left until school started

—Looks like im gonna be late, "great"— you said kicking a rock that was on the ground
You then realized the boys were looking at you
—Oh shit, I said that outloud, didn't I?" You said and the boys didn't answer

—Oh my god, look Kenny! It's your lost twin!— The boy with a green hat said
You were confused on why he was saying that, and guessed it was because you had your hood on, just like him
—I have a lost twin?— The boy who's name seemed to be Kenny asked muffling
—I don't know, do you?— The boy with a green hat asked

— I guess I do!— The boy with an orange parka said —WOOOHOOO!!—
You took off your hood since it wasn't gonna help you anymore
—Oh, nevermind Kenny— The boy with a green hat said

—Wait, I don't think I've seen you before— The boy with a blue hat said approaching you
—That's because im new in town— You answered stepping back
—Oh, welcome to South Park then!— He said with his arms opened

Before you could say anything the bus arrived and you had to get in

—Why you walkin' so funny Cartman?— The boy with a green hat asked  trying to annoy the fat boy
—Shut up!—He answered even more annoyed
—Oh foonuh bebe— The small kid said trying to get in the bus
—No Ike, go home— The boy with a green hat said
—Eeeeeee!— The little boy said
—This is it. This one's for the game— The boy with a green hat said —Kick the baby!— He shouted and kicked his brother again

After being yelled at by the driver, the boys sat down by the back of the bus
—Hey, come sit with us!— The boy with a blue hat said waving at you

You weren't sure if you should, but you'd take any opportunity to make friends so you decided to go sit with them

—Why do you have to invite a girl to sit with us?— The fat boy asked
—Well, since she's new here im guessing she doesn't have any friends— He answered
—So you're gonna befriend a girl?!" The fat boy asked shouting
—You're such a simp Stan— The boy with a green hat said before "Stan" could say anything

—What?! Of course not! Plus I like Wendy!— The boy with a blue hat said before covering his mouth with his hands —No wait that isn't what I meant-— 
—So you do like Wendy!— The fat boy said
—I knew it!— The boy with a green hat said

—SHUT UP BACK THERE!— The driver shouted angrily
—Yeah, whatever ya fat bitch— The boy with a blue hat said
—WHAT DID YOU SAY?!— The driver said even more angry
—I said I have a bad itch— The boy with a blue hat answered
—Oh, okay—The lady said

The bus finally started moving and there were only 2 minutes left till school started

—I don't think we got your name— The boy in a blue hat said
—My name's y/n— You answered
—Well, Im Stan— He said
—And Im Kyle— He added
—Im Cartman, and I don't wanna be your friend you bitch!— He said while pointing at you
—Oh okay chill dude, I never said I wanted to be your friend either— You answered putting his finger away from your face —What about you?— You asked looking at the boy with an orange parka

—My name is Kenny— He said between muffles
—Lenny?— You asked since you didn't hear him well
—No, Kenny— He repeated
—Johnny?— You asked still not sure
—KENNY!— He said 

—Ohhh... okay sorry— You apologized
—Don't worry it's okay— He said

—Guys look!— Kyle said —Oh my god they got Ike!— 
Kyle was looking through the window. You turned around to see too and you noticed the aliens Cartman talked about were there, surrounding Kyle's brother
—Visitors!— Stan said
—Oh nooo!— Kenny said

Kyle ran to the front of the bus and asked the driver to stop the bus, the only thing he got was to be yelled at
He then ran to the back again

—Cartman, are those the same visitors you saw?— Stan asked
—Shut up guys, it's not working— Cartman answered
—We have to do something!— Kyle said worried

—Well, we can't do anything for now. That fat bitch won't let us— Stan said
—WHAT DID YOU SAY?!— The driver asked
—Uh, I said that rabbits eat lettuce—
—Oh. Well yes, they certainly do— She said

—What am I going to do? My little brother's been abducted by aliens— Kyle said and Stan farted —You farted— He said and they all laughed
—Heh, somebody's baking brownies— Cartman said


-Y/n's pov-

It's lunchtime now, im at the cafeteria and one of my... "new friends" is farting fire, I guess I just used to live in a pretty normal town/city before and this is normal here

Im standing in line waiting for my turn to get food. I hope this school's food is better than my last school's food

—Oh! Whoa, I sure am hungry— Cartman said after farting fire, again
—How can you eat when you're farting fire?— Stan asked
—Shut up dude, you're being totally immature— Cartman answered

—Hey, look, there's Wendy TestaBurger— Kyle said
—Where?— Stan said before gasping

Stan and Wendy looked at each other for a few seconds, and Stan gave an ear to ear smile

—Stan wants to kiss Wendy Testaburger!— Cartman sang
—Shut up, fat ass! I don't even like her!—Stan said angry
—Im not fat, and you obviously like her because you throw up every time she talks to you!—
—Dude, I just met you guys and it's pretty obvious you like her— You said with a smirk trying to annoy him
—I do not!— Stan answered

—Hi guys— The girl said
—Hi Wendy— Kyle and Cartman answered
—Here Stan, this is for you— Wendy said handing Stan a note

Stan threw up just after she talked to him
—Eww!— She said and leaved
—Bye Wendy— Kyle and Cartman said

—Dude what does the note say?— Kyle asked
—Holy crap! She says she wants to meet at Sout Park's pond after school!— Stan answered looking at the note

—Whoa! Maybe you can kiss her!— Kyle said
—Or slip her the tongue— Cartman added
—Or look at the cat on her feet, then touch her— Kenny suggested
—What? How do you know she has a cat?— Stan asked

-Timeskip again-

You were out of school now, the boys managed to let the chef to let them out of school to save Kyle's little brother, Ike
The four boys were pretty weird, no, actually everyone you had met by now was weird. The teacher had a puppet named "Mr Hat", the chef sang songs about making "sweet love" and someone was farting fire

The boys were singing, but you decided to interrupt the song

—Sooo... Is this normal here?— You asked
—What do you mean?— Kyle asked confused
—Im asking if everything that is happening today is normal here— You asked
—Not sure— Kenny answered

—Wait a minute... Why are you even coming with us?— Cartman asked and stopped walking
—Because she can be helpful?— Stan said
—Oh, so we're friends with a girl we just met less than 3 hours ago?— Cartman asked with an angry look

—I didn't say that, but I mean, why not?— Stan said
—So you're telling me that in the friend group we are a dude that is hard to understand, a stupid jew, an emo boy and a whore now?!— Cartman asked even more angry
—Don't forget the fat ass— Stan said

—Im not fat, im big boned!— Cartman said annoyed
—Yeah sure— You said —But how am I helpful?—
—I don't know, are you good at anything?— Kyle asked

—Not sure— You said —Let's just look for your brother— You said
—Yeah right— Kyle said

You four kept walking without saying anything until Cartman broke the silence by farting fire... again

—Oh! You guys, my ass seriously...!— Cartman said looking like he was in pain
—Okay Cartman, you can stop farting fire now— Stan said
—I would if I could, you son of a bitch!— Cartman said annoyed

—Okay soo... how do we get my little brother back?— Kyle asked
—Uh- Would you stop going on about your little brother? I know it was just a dream, I know I didn't have an anal probe, I know im not under alien control!— Cartman said

Suddenly, Cartman was hit by a radio wave and started singing "I love to Sing-A"

—What the hell was that?— You asked
—He is under alien control, that thing in his butt is linked to the alien visitors!— Kyle said
—Ah, son of a bitch! You guys, shut up, Im not under alien control!— Cartman said

Kyle moved to be next to Cartman and started yelling in his ear

—Hey! If you visitors can hear me, bring me back my little brother, God damnit!— He shouted
—Ow! That hurts you butt licker!— Cartman said

Suddenly, a spaceship started moving in the air

—Kyle look, it's them!— Stan shouted pointing at the spaceship

So uhhh... this is the first part of the first chapter. There's probably a lot of things to improve so if you have any suggestions, I would love to read them! Thanks for reading so far!

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