Shattered minds (My hero acad...

By kira18091

35.3K 1.4K 264

Declared quirkless at the age of 4, Izuku still strives to be a hero. However, the support of his mother and... More

Lasting memories
Entrance exam
Quirkless, Indeed
Number one
Ingrained reactions
Monsters aren't born, They're created
Russian Roulette
A helping hand
Just breathe
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Skies of grey
Long nights and sinking stars
weaving into your web
Target hit


1.3K 56 8
By kira18091

Four years ago

"You're getting better." His drill sergeant muttered. The man had a strong build. Taller than Axel and slightly larger. His hair was buzzed close to his scalp, making his features look sharp. Dark sunken eyes bore into Izuku's own as they regarded him. Deep tiredness seemed to radiate from the man, despite the firm, strong aura that emanated from his every move. Always vigilante, always calculative. "Good." He spoke lowly, his deep, rough voice making Izuku want to stand straighter. "I'd say your AIT is as good as over. But you never know with the higher-ups." Lighting up a cigarette and exhaling as the first puffs of smoke reached the air between them, he continues. "Scram kid, I know Axel's a little high and off the right, but I doubt he'll smoke you for taking a break." His words made him want to shift uncertainly. Already knowing where this was going. "This ain't a suggestion green."

He didn't have to be told twice, already recognizing the tone and words for what they were. An order. A dismissal.

Despite his misgivings and the dread he could feel bubbling in his guts he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. When was the last time someone had given him time off? Outside too! Was he imagining things? Was this a trick? He shook his head, Sergeant Silva wasn't the type to say things he didn't mean. He'd learned a long time ago that the man was as straightforward and blunt as they come.

His feet carried him off and towards a field he'd rarely ever gone to unsupervised. In fact, this was the first time he was outside without some form of guard or superior.

The field in question was a cadet track field. One meant for regular running drills and physical training evaluations.

Rounding the corner, he found what he was looking for, or to be precise, who he was looking for.

Gulping down collected saliva from his mouth, he quelled his nerves long enough to take a breath.

He'd seen them before, the cadets of this year's core, their training having sometimes overlapped. Even if he was always on his own compared to their team drills and exercises. Axel and the general never did like it when he tried to join in on their runs. Axel in particular always went out of his way to isolate him. Not that he ever tried very hard to protest.

Looking at this particular group of cadets, he wonders if this was a bad idea after all. Five boys were gathered, perched on a ledge off to the left of the field. Clearly having just finished individual training, if their rainbow gear was of any indication. They were lucky they could choose to forgo the official uniforms. Izuku, for his part, didn't have that particular luxury. His clothes always needed to be regulatory, not a thread out of place else he faced the wrath of the lieutenant.

The red band that stretched around his right hip was the only exception. Serving to differentiate him from the rest. Inform the onlookers that he was in fact, not normal. An outsider. Most likely so that the guard could know who they were supposed to keep an eye on.

Losing what little courage he'd garnered, he twisted around and decided that maybe he'd be better off back in his cell. His free time could be used to clean out his room for the next inspection. Maybe try and get in his guard's good graces by going back earlier.

Making up his mind, he walked back out of the field.

Just as he was about to step away, a hand snagged itself onto his arm, stopping his movements in their track.

"Hey, wait."

The grip was light but firm. One he was entirely unfamiliar with.

Hoping it wouldn't be one of his superior officers, he turned around. Confusion was clear on his features as he looked at one of the five boys he'd just seen back out in the field.

The soldier in front of him was taller than him, but not much older. A couple of years at best he would guess. Nothing stood out to him at first, until his eyes settled on the boy's gaze. Yellow, green-slitted eyes stared back at him. One mirroring his own confusion and apprehension, carrying none of the anger he'd expect from a cadet. The boy seemed strangely familiar to him, yet he couldn't quite put his finger as to why that was.

The kid's eyes flitted from his own towards the red band on his uniform then back.

"What are you doing out here?" The boy hissed, his fingers briefly tightening around his arm. Looking discreetly around them, he dragged them into one of the alcoves of the building's walls. The one Izuku was just about to round in order to get out of the field they were in.

"How did you manage to give your sergeants the slip? Are they looking for you?"

"W-who are you?"

"You..." That seemed to make him pause. "You don't recognize me?" He whispered in mild confusion before his eyes hardened. "Who am I kidding, of course you don't" He grumbled, one hand coming up to rest on the back of his neck as he looked away.

"S-sorry." He said, not knowing what else he was supposed to say in this kind of situation.

"What? No! Don't apologize!" He squawked, seemingly a little panicked as both of his hands came up to hold onto Izuku's shoulders. He cursed himself as instinct took over and he flinched away. Unused to any form of contact that wasn't meant to be harmful. "Ah, sorry." He amended softly, taking a step away to give him some space. This was all so very different from what he was used to. "What I meant was that you never actually saw me before, so of course you don't recognize me. I was just being an idiot." His gaze turned towards the ground, then, kicking a rock that had been lying near his foot, scuffing some dirt into the air in the process. "Well, we did see each other that one time, but you were pretty out of it so I doubt you remember." Following the movement of the boy's fidgeting hands, he noticed a couple of reptilian scales peeking from under the cadet's uniform.

Reptilian quirk...

He remembered it then. A dark, cold night. So much rain, he could drown in it, and- and two guards. But more importantly. He remembered warmth, just as the darkness welcomed him into its frigid arms.

"I was on guard duty back then." The boy muttered, confirming his suspicions.

"Y-you're the one who's been sneaking me food, aren't you?" He doesn't know what made him ask so bluntly. However, he knew that a part of him was desperate to find out if the boy before him was the one who's been helping him all this time.

"A- ah, I don't know what you're talking about." The reptilian quirked boy mumbled, his arms crossing themselves over his chest as he looked around once more, as if afraid of being overheard. "That would be against the rules and I'm a perfect, law-abiding cadet, for your information."

"Of course," He found a small, tentative curve of his lips forming. It wasn't a smile. He doubted his facial muscles could even begin to form one after all this time, but... It was a pretty darn close thing. "My bad." Hoping that despite the lightness he could feel in the atmosphere between them, he hadn't actually offended the boy.

"You'll have to make it up to me somehow, you know? How about you tell me how the hell you are out here alone?"

"Sergeant Silva gave me some time off."

"WHAT!" Cupping his own hand to stop his exclamation, looking around once more in case anyone heard, he asked again. Calmer this time. "What? How did you get that old stick in the mud to do that?!"

"He ordered me to..."

The boy's eyes seemed to go even wider, mouth closing and opening several times in silent succession. "Well, it's settled then, you're definitely a freak."

When Izuku's shoulder seemed to hunch in on themselves, the boy was fast to backtrack. "No, wait- fuck- I didn't mean it in a bad way! It's just we see you out there man. We can't do half the things they make you do. Especially with how badly they treat you. The drills you go through are unreal. Half of my squad thinks you have some kind of super-powered quirk." He rambled, oblivious to Izuku's dumbfounded stare. "And, and you know, it's so fucked up, all the shit they put you through all the time. It's wrong on so many levels it's not even funny." Anger seeped into his words, only serving to confuse the greenette more.

"Why do..." Izuku started hesitantly, interrupting the spew of words the boy was chattering off. "Why do you care?" Why would he go through the trouble of helping Izuku, of sneaking him food when he was starving? Of giving him a jacket when he was stuck in the rain. Of saying out loud, what he'd wished anyone around him would admit, even once. That, that all this. All that was happening to him wasn't right. That it was wrong and unfair. Tears prickled in his eyes, never falling despite his urge to bawl right then and there.

Silence met his question, it stretched long enough for him to think he wouldn't get an answer. That is until the boy finally whispered a couple of words. "I just do, okay?" He grumbled slowly. "Does there have to be a reason for everything? You just looked like you needed help."

The cadet's drills sergeant shouted something off into the distance. The voice coming from the field they'd just vacated. "I gotta go, man. Be careful going back."

"W-wait." His hand sprang up to catch the boy's sleeve before he could stop himself. Trembling fingers latching onto the fabric almost desperately. "Wh-what's your name?"

"Haruki Shoka, but you can call me Haru for short if you want." The boy- Haru, answered softly, a grin stretching across his face as he regarded Izuku seriously. "You're not alone here, okay?"

"Th-thank you, Haru." And after a moment, "You can call me Izuku."


The air felt stifling as if all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Or at least, that's what it felt like as Shinsou's chest tried to expand fruitlessly in an effort to draw breath. He heaved, lungs screaming in protest at the abuse he was putting them through. Sweat soaked his clothes, making him as dirty as he was tired. His cheeks and neck felt hot to the touch, radiating an uncomfortable warmth that gave him the urge to rip his shirt off and cool down.

To his anger and increasing frustration, his exercise partner seemed to have none of these problems. In fact, Akatani looked infuriatingly composed, not a hair out of place on his pretty little head. The boy's back was straight, breath even and controlled as he stretched next to him. As if the marathon of harrowing exercises Aizawa had put them through was a walk in the park.

Shifting between the sudden urge to punch his comrade or ask him for his secrets, he flopped onto the padded gym floor. Wisely choosing to put his efforts into staying conscious, instead.

A nap was so very appealing right about now.

Maybe if he just closed his eyes, just for a little while-

"Shinsou." Aizawa, who had been comfortably seated on the bleachers this entire time admonished. Voice rough despite the thinly veiled amusement Shinsow swore he could detect in the man's low tone. "Get up, we're doing some sparring before moving on to quirk training."

"" Shinsou articulates a little helplessly, breath still a little uneven, eyes shifting uncertainly towards Akatani before locking with Aizawa's again. Willing his teacher to understand without him having to voice his questions out loud. When both parties bear no reaction he sighs and continues his train of thought. "But he's..." He gestures widely with his hands "He's quirkless" His stomach feels funny as he says this, hoping that despite their problems, Akatani didn't think that Shinsou was discriminating or quirkist in any way.

"Yes, Shinsou, I am aware," Aizawa says plainly, waiting a moment as if expecting Shinsou to move on before sighing heavily. "We're going to do quirkless sparring then move on to training your quirk. You especially could benefit from quirkless training seeing as you rely too heavily on your quirk."

Shinsou gulps, looking away, knowing that the man was right. The sports festival was proof enough. He'd made it pretty far, but in the end, when it came down to it, he was powerless when his quirk was out of commission.

They settle in front of each other, each taking on a battle stance. Shinsou has to be corrected slightly on his posture by the hero before they could begin. With a clap of the teacher's hands, Shinsou charges toward his opponent.

The world twists and he finds himself staring at the ceiling before his mind even registers Akatani moving. His back hit the mat harshly enough to knock the breath out of him but not hard enough to hurt. Making it obvious that the teen was holding back.

Anger and embarrassment spike in his guts, but he presses down the urge to insult the teen and simply struggles back to his feet. Groaning with the effort as his limbs scream in protest. He was already tired as it stood.

"Akatani, what did Shinsou do wrong here?" Aizawa asks, voice soft but firm.

"He rushed in without proper planning, telegraphing his movements too much. His balance was also off, which made it easy for me to use his momentum to my advantage." Shinsou's hands clench at his sides at the words said in an almost bored voice. Wondering just how pathetic the other teen thought he was.

"Good. Now Shinsou, I want you to try again, this time take what you just heard into account."


With another resounding clap, the second round began. This time Shinsou stood his ground and waited. Maybe if he let the other boy move first, he could counter and- Akatani was suddenly too close, a fist closing in on his field of vision. Startled and slightly panicked Shinsou barely had time to raise an arm to guard against the hit, not noticing the leg that had been stuck behind him in order to trip him up in his haste to get away.

Closing his eyes in anticipation, he waited for the pain to come, but was stumped when nothing happened. Opening his eyes, he noticed that the teen's fist had stopped just inches from his face. His other hand clutches Shinsou's shirt, preventing him from falling backward when he'd tripped himself up.

His face heated up once again, this time having nothing to do with exertion and more to do with the burning hot humiliation he could feel bubbling in his guts.

Raising his own hand up, he wrenched himself free of the other boy's hold. Stumbling back when gravity catches up to him. It was surely petty, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Scoffing under his breath as he looked away from the disappointed stare he could feel directed at him from his teacher.

"Akatani." Aizawa called out, eyes still boring into the side of Shinsou's head.


Sighing at the address, Aizawa continued. "Take a break, I need a moment with Shinsou."

"Yes sir" With that, the dark-haired boy walks away. Adjusting the eyepatch around his eye as he went.

When he was a considerable distance away. Aizawa spoke. Crouching slightly as to face Shinsou properly. The tension in the latter's shoulders was clear, as if the teen was expecting to be heavily scolded.

"Do you expect to get stronger straightaway?" The man asked calmly. No judgment in his tone.

"No! Of course not!" He was startled by the harshness of his own voice and lowered it considerably as he continued. Not wanting to disrespect the teacher. "It's just, he- he makes it look so-"

"Easy?" Aizawa interrupted, a knowing look on his face. "Do you think it was easy for Akatani to get to his level of skill? You said it yourself. He's quirkless, that alone comes with its own set of hardships as you, of all people, can likely imagine."

"Don't you think I know that? It's still really frustrating, you know?" He really was pathetic.

"Hmm." The man hummed. Looking back to his other charge who was taking a few sips of his water from his school bag. "Maybe we could get you some one-on-one lessons before jumping straight to sparring. It might level the playing field."

Gesturing for the other boy to join them, Aizawa stood back up. "For now rest up a few minutes while I spare with Akatani. We'll move on to quirk training afterward."

Sitting there, watching as his teacher fell into a lively spar with his classmate, he couldn't help but feel his anger spike back up.

He knew it wasn't entirely rational. Knew it was probably childish and unfair for him to feel so vindictive. But sitting there, still slightly heaving from exhaustion and residual anger, he couldn't help but let his anger fester. Fist clenching at his sides as he looked at his own weakness. He'd thought that the sport's festival would be the last hurdle in his way, but here he was, even now, facing the consequences of his own arrogance.

He should've known that relying on his quirk for so long would be bad for him in the long run.

It seemed he still had a long way to go before he could consider himself to be strong. Watching the fight unfold before him, the boy's quick reflexes and practiced movements, he swore to himself he'd train harder.


"For quirk training I want you to be a subject to Shinsou's quirk. His power is activated through verbal response. He'll give you a series of commands that I'll issue so we can determine the full scope of his control. Would you both be comfortable with that?"

At their mirrored nods, Shinsou's a little less sure, they proceeded with the new exercise.

Shinsou cleared his throat before addressing his classmate directly for the first time during the last few hours. "Hey, Akatani?"

Akatani, to his credit, seemed to bear no hesitation as he answered. A simple "Yes" was softly uttered in response.

Immediately Shinsou could visualize the metaphorical net closing in on his target. However, like the last time he'd tried brainwashing the teen, he felt something obstructing his way. A mental block so strong it made his head hurt just trying to fight against it.

Anger seared in his veins for the umpteenth time in the last few hours. He'd thought that he'd at least have the advantage when it came to quirk training but here they were again. He cursed himself for forgetting the first time he'd tried using his quirk on the boy.

Looking closer at the mental block, it felt as if something was already there, but the more he looked the stronger his headache got.

Fist clenching and unclenching at his sides, he nudged at his own connection harder. Oblivious to Aizawa's increasing apprehension the more time it took for him to activate his quirk.

Frustrated more than ever, he tugged harder, forcefully pushing his way into the other's mind. A small, unheeded part of him already knew that this was a bad idea.

Growling low in his throat, he pushed his way through. Feeling something shift slightly just before a searing headache made his entire body recoil. Instantly dropping his control over his opponent. Not that the connection ever fully formed. Clutching his head painfully he heard Aizawa hiss under his breath. Not paying the sound any mind until a shout of Akatani's name echoed through the gym.

Looking ahead of him, he could feel his body falter. His blood ran cold as his stomach dropped. Heavy as lead as he looked on ahead. Akatani wasn't standing in front of him anymore. His body was slightly hidden by Aizawa's as the teacher knelt in front of him.

Shinsou was moving on autopilot as he approach the two. A scene of his own making that would haunt his dreams for times to come.

Akatani body seized and withered on the ground. His only observable eye was rolled back, only the white visible as he convulsed as if being electrocuted by an undetectable force.

"-nsou! Shinsou!" Aizawa's voice was harsh, almost frantic as he called out to him, snapping him back to the present as if dragging him back up from down under. "Go warn Recovery girl! Tell her we're on our way." When Shinsou's body failed to move instantly, his teacher raised his voice even further. "NOW HITOSHI!"

He moved faster than he remembered moving in his life. His previous exhaustion was all but forgotten as he dashed through the hall of the school uncaring of a group of students he'd jarred in his haste to get to his destination.

What had he done?


Aizawa should have known the moment Shinsou's command took more time than it should have. Something was wrong and he should have noticed it right away.

Now, after what felt like an eternity, but wasn't more than two minutes- he'd counted- the kid's body finally stopped seizing. Not wasting any time, he gathered the smaller boy into his arms and lifted him up to his chest. Heart threatening to beat right out of his ribcage. His years of experience in similar situations were the only reason his body was functioning at all.

Because no matter how many times he lived through this with victims and strangers, it was nothing compared to seeing one of his own students in this state.

He'd seen the moment Akatani's body seemed to crumble in on itself. A doll whose string has been severed and cut down. Falling to the ground lifelessly for one second, only to start seizing the next.

Clutching the strangely light student tighter, he hurried towards the infirmary.


Pain flared in his mind, something hot and burning roared to life behind his eyelids.

A muffled voice could be heard in the distance. It felt as though he could grasp it with his fingertips even as it floated farther and farther out of his reach. Distorted and twisted as if he was hearing it underwater. His consciousness sunk deeper as the world became more subdued and muted, and the voice grew fainter.

Images flashed in front of his eyes. Like splotches of paint being thrown at a blank canvas, they seemed to ooze and drip into his mind. Incomplete and hazy in there consistency. A flash of red, so much red crusted into a white, snowy surface. Mixing with the cold, icy texture of the ground at his feet.

"P-Please Izuku." The voice whimpered in his head. "PLEASE!" It roared.

More red. So much it seemed to coat his entire vision right before a light exploded all around him.

Chapter 13 already up on my patreon if anyone wants to check it out early!

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