We Found Love

By jminjeongs

61.1K 2.4K 291

Winter Kim, one of the most successful and richest young women in Asia, will do anything to break free her pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 6

1.6K 83 9
By jminjeongs

Karina hears the soft ding from the elevator and walks out slowly, eyes still glued to her phone screen while her thumbs are busy typing another reply to her boss.

It's been a very long week and it feels as if she's been working there for a year instead of a month. Right from the start, her boss has pressured her to get up to speed with the company's operations and although she loves the challenge and distraction from her dramatic private life, there's only so much her brain and body can take. So after a month of practically non-stop working and one heck of an adjustment, she decides that she's going to switch her phone off tomorrow—since it's Saturday—and sleep in. Maybe she'll even go shopping.

Unexpectedly, throughout this whirlwind of a month, the one person that continues to support her and practically became her confidante is Winter.

She'd ask her for advice or input on work stuff and the brunette would gladly listen. Coincidentally, Winter has been coming home on time and staying in nearly every night so they were able to have plenty of conversations and naturally, they also got to know each other better.

After she sends her final long reply, she bids her boss goodnight and silences her phone.

She's about to put her bag in her room when she hears noises in the kitchen.

Thinking that it's Winter, she immediately heads towards the kitchen, eager to tell her about the latest development on the project they've been discussing.

The large fridge door is open and she can see short legs that end in a pair of pink fuzzy slippers.

"Hey, guess what," she says as she places her bag on the kitchen counter and sits down on the stool.

That's when she realizes that the woman rummaging in the fridge is not the owner of the penthouse.

The girl is just as petite as Winter but her hair color is lighter. And her body is definitely very different from Winter's, she notices when the girl turns around.

"Err... who are you?" she asks.

"You must be Karina," says the girl with a smile. She closes the fridge door and goes to take a spoon from the drawer to eat the ice cream in her hands. "Where's Win?"

"Who's Win?"

"Win. That's Winter's nickname but I guess you're not on nickname-level yet," says the girl. "Ice cream?" she offers the open pint after taking a bite.

"No, thanks. Who are you?" Repeats Karina.

"I'm Ningning." The girl places the spoon inside her mouth so that she can extend her hand towards Karina.

She shakes the hand hesitantly.

"I'm Winter's friend."

"Oh. How did you... get inside?"

"My fingerprint and retina scan have been in her system for years," says Ningning who takes a seat across from Karina. "Nice to finally meet you. I guess she hasn't mentioned me yet, huh?"

"Not yet. We don't really talk much anyway."

Ningning nods contemplatively while nibbling on her spoon. Her eyes never leave Karina and they make her feel awkward.

"I'm going to shower and change," she finally says, hopping off the stool.

Twenty minutes later, after she has showered and changed, she comes out of her room to hear voices in the kitchen, halting her steps.

"Seriously, you're so nosy, Ning Yizhuo!"

She hears Winter's voice and assumes that the woman's talking to her friend Ningning although she doesn't recognize the name 'Ning Yizhuo'.

"I'm not nosy. I care. This isn't like you although I don't mind it at all. It's nice to see you slow down for a change. Live a normal life," comes Ningning's reply.

"My life is normal."

"No it's not. So I'm going to ask you again... What happened? I mean, I'm happy you changed but I doubt that it's because of what I said. You almost never listen to me."

"What do you want for dinner?"

It's clear that Winter's trying to avoid answering the question by changing the subject.

But Ningning persists and asks, "Is it her? Is she the reason you barely showed up at the club lately? You've been spending time with her here instead?"

Karina inhales sharply when she hears that, knowing that Ningning was talking about her.

It's true that Winter has been home a lot lately and never brought any girl home anymore... but we only talked about work, business... general stuff. I didn't even know her nickname until her friend told me. So it's all because she pitied me and tried to make me feel better or something?

"Let's go out. I'm craving meat," Winter says, still refusing to answer her friend's questions.

"Ignore me all you want, Win. I'll find out sooner or later. It's better if you tell me now so I won't have to nag you because nag you I will. Every day, Kim Winter. I will ask you about her every day."

There's a pause and Karina's trying to decide whether she should continue walking to the kitchen or go back to her room when she hears the sounds of glass clinking and water running, followed by a sigh and Ningning's voice.

"Fine. Have it your way. I'm going to assume that it's indeed because of her and I'm glad to see that she's already bringing some positive influences into your life. I hope she sticks around long enough for the change to be permanent."

"Why would she stick around? She's here because she didn't have a choice, because she was forced," replies Winter.

"But the fact that you've been talking and spending time together and stuff... that means she likes you, right?"

"We only talked business. She doesn't like me and will never like me, especially that way. She's straight, remember?"

Karina frowns a bit when she hears that. There's some truth to Winter's words but she has begun to see her as a friend so it's sad to know that Winter still thinks that she dislikes her or only talks to her when it's business related.

"Well, she can just be a friend who influences you in a good way. Like me," Ningning says.

Winter lets out the loudest "HA!" Karina has ever heard.

"Yeah right," says the brunette. "Your good influence pales in comparison to your terrible influence."

"Whatever, Kim Winter. I'm heading out. I'm meeting someone at the club tonight. Was just here to make sure that you're still alive," Ningning says. "I'll tell your girls that you're still breathing. See ya."

Realizing that Ningning will see her standing there eavesdropping, Karina quickly moves, pretending that she just comes out of her room and is on her way to the kitchen.

She turns the corner and nearly bumps into Ningning.

"Whoops!" Ningning stops and grins.

"Sorry," replies Karina. "I'm going to order something to eat. Do you want anything?" she asks.

"I gotta go so I'll pass. Thanks. See ya, Rina," says the girl who walks away after waving her hand at the surprised Karina.


Rina? We don't even know each other and she's already so informal and friendly towards me? This girl is definitely different from Winter. I wonder how they met and how they managed to get along?

She watches Ningning for a moment then turns around only to get another shock because she almost bumps into Winter this time.

"Gasp! S-sorry!"

They both exclaim simultaneously and freeze in their spots, staring at each other.

"You're home?" Karina finally manages to say after recovering from her surprise. They're standing face to face and she has never been this close to Winter before so she's very nervous right now.

"Yeah. Have you eaten?" Asks Winter after a quick pause.

Karina shakes her head and silently notes how fair and smooth the skin on Winter's face is because, again, she has never been this physically close to her before. No wonder you have girls falling for you left and right. Money and charm aside, you're truly a beautiful woman, Kim Winter. Smart, too. A complete package.

"Wanna go out for dinner? I'm craving grilled meat."

"Err... sure."

"You're free to stay here if you're tired though," Winter quickly adds.

"I'm hungry so yes to dinner," says Karina. "I'll go change."

She turns on her heels and rushes back inside her room, all the while trying to clear her mind from the image of Winter's face so up close.

It's funny that she only notices her beauty now because she's been living with her for two months and she's seen her with or without make-up.

She's almost done applying CC cream on her face when she realizes that this would be the first time she goes out with Winter. It's definitely not a date but she can't help but feel a bit excited.

Brushing that thought aside, she quickly finishes getting ready and walks out of her room to see Winter waiting for her near the elevator.

The brunette is leaning against the wall. She's biting her lower lip a bit and all her attention is focused on the phone in her hands, oblivious to the girl who can't help but admire her effortless charm.

Winter only notices her presence when she's a few steps away and turns her head to look at her, her bitten lip released as she opens her mouth and says, "Ready?"

Karina nods and watches Winter straighten up, pressing the lone button on the wall that opens the elevator.

She's expecting to see Hojun or one of the other bodyguards but there's only Chabum—the younger of Winter's two chauffeurs—waiting for them at the basement parking lot, standing next to a silver Mercedes.

Winter thanks the young man then gets inside the car while he jogs to the other side to help Karina, closing the door for her.

"No bodyguards?" She asks Winter as they start to drive out of the underground parking area.

"No need," replies Winter briefly.

Karina turns her head and looks straight ahead, wondering where they're going.

It only takes them ten minutes to reach their destination and after handing the keys to the valet, Winter leads Karina inside one of her favorite restaurants.

As usual, there will be someone who greets Winter politely and rushes to show her to a private room at the back of the restaurant.

Once they have taken a seat, Winter tells Karina to order whatever she wants and lists down the dishes she usually orders.

Minutes later, as they wait for the meat to cook, Karina can't curb her curiosity any longer and starts asking about Ningning.

"As you might have noticed, she's quite a bright kid. Outgoing," Winter says.

Karina nods and flips the meat on the grill while listening to Winter telling her how she met Ningning ten years ago at the opening of one of the restaurants her family owns. Ningning's uncle is one of Winter's family's many business partners.

"But he's not like my father," she says, lowering her voice. "Ningning's family owns and runs legit businesses. They're your normal businessmen and women."

"I see," mumbles Karina. She picks up the cooked pieces of meat and puts them on Winter's plate. It's not a deliberate gesture. It's more of a habit, her natural behavior when with other people. She always serves others first so it's second nature to her and she doesn't consider it a big deal, especially because she'd take some meat for herself straight afterwards.

But it surprises Winter so much that she can't stop staring at her plate. It's not something she expects from the woman who's fallen victim to her parents' cruel plan, someone that she thought still disliked her.

Karina notices the sudden silence when she's about to take a bite and raises her eyebrows at the immobile girl. "What's wrong? Is the meat burnt? I thought they were well cooked. Here. Take this one," she says as she takes a different piece of meat from the grill.

"No it's not burnt," Winter says, lifting her head to meet Karina's confused gaze. She stops there and doesn't explain further as she quickly eats one piece of meat from her plate.

Although she's not sure what that was about, Karina keeps her questions to herself and puts more meat on Winter's plate. She then resumes eating while Winter continues telling her about Ningning.

That night she not only finds out about Winter's best friend but she also gets to learn about her nickname. She even gets a glimpse of Winter's personal life through stories about her friendship with Ningning.

When her ex-fiancé suddenly texts her in the middle of dinner, she becomes surprisingly annoyed by the interruption and his clingy words so she frowns but doesn't reply to his message. Instead, she sets her phone aside and continues to listen to Winter.

Winter has noticed Karina's sudden change of expression after reading the message on her phone but chooses to say nothing about it.

To repay Winter for sharing a small part of her life, Karina also tells her about her best friend in the States. She honestly admits that she's sad about being separated from her best friend and Winter says that she can invite her to visit any time. She promises that she will let her stay in one of her hotels for free.

Time flies very fast because they both secretly enjoy each other's company and before they know it, it's time for the restaurant to close.

The owner apologizes profusely but Winter tells him to relax and tips generously, leaving a 50.000 Won bill in the tip jar on her way out that makes the waiter gawk at her.

When they arrive back at the penthouse, Karina decides to be honest about what she had overheard earlier because Winter has been nothing but kind to her.

"I have a confession to make," she says the moment they step out of the elevator. "I overheard you and Ningning in the kitchen earlier, by accident."

Winter stops walking and looks at her but says nothing, waiting for her to continue.

"Two things," begins Karina. "One, don't pity me. Stay home because you want to, because it's good for you, not because you feel sorry for me. Two, I'm disappointed. Although I don't like girls that way, you should know by now that I don't dislike you. I'd like to consider you my friend and I'm grateful for your kindness."

Winter raises her eyebrows, surprised by the statements.

"Thank you for dinner, Winter," Karina says with a smile. "Good night."

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