
By eni1orac

124 0 16

This story follows the plot of Hogwarts legacy, (mostly). Della James is a new fifth year student at Hogwart... More

Authors note
1 Hogwarts
2 First meeting
3 Crossed wands and willowags
4 The road to Hogsmeade
5 The road to Hogsmeade, again
6 Shopping with trolls
7 Three Broomsticks
8 To ignore, or not to ignore
9 Potions lock
10 Crossed wands for fire
11 Duel of the friends to enemies
12 Restricted rendezvous
13 I came alone
15 I should've gone

14 Herbology and ashwinders

3 0 1
By eni1orac


I got up, skipped breakfast, and went straight to Professor Fig with what id found under the restricted section. We talked over the memories, and how the book had a few missing pages - someone had gotten to it before us. Professor Fig told me he'd be taking it to the ministry, and for now I should continue with my studies. I nodded and left, going over it all in my head. Poppy found me walking towards the great hall, and handed me some toast shed gathered from it. "You missed breakfast. But i got these for you, also you got some post!" She handed me the letter; It was from Natty, to meet me in Lower Hogsfield. She apparently had some news.

"Are you okay Della? You seem distracted of late." Poppy placed her hand gently on my arm and I nodded. "Dont worry about me, Poppy, I'm okay. Just got some things I need to take care of." She smiled gently, and offered to help wherever she could, whenever I needed. I appreciated it. But I didn't want Poppy in trouble. Ever. If anyone deserved only good things, it was her.

I munched on the toast as I head to my first class of the day - Herbology. We walked together down the steps and into Greenhouse 2, where some of the other students were already milling about. "Where's Lenora?"

"Oh she's not feeling so good, went from breakfast to the hospital wing. Her face started sprouting feathers! Don't know what it could be, she was fine last night." She shrugged. I didn't reply. I saw Sebastian and thought of last night, and how he'd taken the fall for me. I thought about our friendly conversation and how he'd told me about Anne. The conflicting thoughts of wanting to avoid him so he didn't put himself in danger, and wanting to rekindle our friendship fought each other in my mind, and I struggled to listen to what Poppy was now saying. " so good for the kneazles diet you know, I'm so happy Professor Garlick lets me take them as I please."

"Huh? Oh yea, that is really good of her." I made my way to my pot - which was opposite Sebastian's, and tried not to look at him. Professor Garlick called to the class and went through our classes focus - repotting mandrakes. I focused on her and the instructions, when against my own will, I glanced at him. He was looking in my direction, leaning on one leg, hands together, with his head tilted. He looked deep in thought. I wondered what the hell he was staring at. I glanced away as quickly as i'd looked and tried to convey perfect concentration on herbology.

We got through the lesson without too much stress - other than my mandrake being a bit mature and screaming way louder than the others. It felt like I'd gone completely deaf. Desperately potting it as quick as I could, I held my ears as they were searing in pain. I had bent over and was facing the ground. I saw Professor Garlicks robes coming quickly towards me, then felt her hand on my back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the lining of green robes on my other side. This new person took my by the shoulders and led me out of the Greenhouse, and walked me in the direction of the hospital wing. When the throbbing had subsided and I could open my eyes properly, I took in the surroundings. We were at the top of steps by the viaduct entrance, and I turned to look at the person aiding me.

Ominis. "You alright? That was a heck of a mandrake scream." I nodded, then almost slapped myself. He can't see you, dummy. "Yes, Ominis, I'm okay, it's just my ears - "

"Yes, no worries, we're almost at the Hospital wing." We'd taken the direction towards the entrance hall and were now in the grand staircase, walking up the endless stairs, to the faculty tower. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you taking me?"

"I suppose it's what a good classmate is supposed to do. But also I need to go there myself." He gave me a small smile. "After your mandrake went berserk, i stepped back, unknowingly into a venomous tentacula mouth." He lifted his arm. His robes were ripped, and there were a few streaks of blood. "Ah. Just our luck huh?" He chuckled softly. "Yes. Some luck." We entered the hospital wing, and the matron took us to a bed, where she checked us and gave us each a related potion. I saw Lenora sleeping on one of the beds on the far side of the room, and decided to check in on her later. A quick sip, and I was already feeling much better. Ominis' arm stopped bleeding, and he waited patiently while the matron wrapped his arm with cloth. She dismissed us, and we started back the way we'd come. "Back to class?" Ominis asked.

"Anywhere else you'd rather go?"

"Yes, actually. Anywhere. I'm not rather fond of herbology." He brought his hand up to his chin in mock contemplation. "Something to do with not being able to see any of the plants as they try kill me." I laughed. "The herbology plants are bloodthirsty? You don't say!" It was his turn to laugh. We slowly made our way back making light conversation, and Professor Garlick met us at the stairs of the greenhouse. "Are you two okay? Matron fix you up alright?"

"Yes, Professor." Ominis answered. "We're feeling fine." I smiled at her. Ominis turned to me, when she'd gone to supervise another student handling a snarly looking weed. "It was nice to officially meet you and have a conversation, albeit under not so great conditions." He smiled at me. "Yes, it was nice to walk with you Ominis." He nodded and made his way back to his pot. I made towards my own, when I saw someone was already at it, looking at me.

"Sebastian. Anything you need?"

"Uh, no. Just good to see your ears are okay."

"Thanks. Yea they're fine." Why was this so awkward. "Uh, well I'm gonna go - " He made to leave when I acted impulsively, grabbing his robes. I let go quicker than a snitch escapes eyesight. I gestured him over to a quiet corner of the greenhouse. "I wanted to thank you for last night. How you - you took the fall for me. You didn't have to do that." His eyes softened. "Don't worry about it, I got off lightly." I sighed, grateful to hear it. I wanted to make it up to him, and my mouth acted quicker than my logic and reasoning. "Would you be up for a trip with me? To Lower Hogsfield, I'm meeting a friend there, and could well, uhm, use the company." My voice got quieter near the end, as I realised what I was doing. Asking him to hang out with me? Like a friend? I was supposed to be avoiding this. I was just about to go back on my question and tell him to forget about it, when he answered.

"I can't, Della. I uh, am busy."

"Oh. Oh, that's no problem. Don't worry then, it's not a big deal." I tried to give a convincing smile, completely denying the fact I felt slightly disappointed. He looked at me, almost sympathetically and went back to his table, where he started chatting with Ominis. I closed my eyes, and breathed out. This was good. I'd made a mistake in asking him, and it turned out how it was supposed to. I went back to my desk and avoided looking in his direction for the rest of class.


After my last class of the day, I made my way towards lower Hogsfield. A short walk from the gamekeepers hut, I found Natty by the floo station. "Della! I have some information you might be interested in. I saw you at the three broomsticks with Rookwood, it's to do with that." My eyes widened hearing what she was saying. "Are you crazy Natty! They're dangerous!"

"Exactly, They're dangerous to everyone around here, and I want to do something about it. Especially Rookwood's right hand - Theophilus Harlow. He's got some big poaching operation I want to take down." I gaped at her. How could she say this all so nonchalantly? "Natty what-" She cut me off. "But I do want to know, why is Rookwood after you? If you feel comfortable telling me."

"I, I can't tell you much, but Rookwood is working with Ranrok, the goblin rebellion leader, and they want me because I have special magic - magic which will somehow help their cause. Don't ask, I don't know how yet either." She looked contemplative for a moment, then spoke again. "Well, my support is here when you need it." I smiled at her. "But I really want to take down Harlow, I've heard of so many people he's hurt just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time with his poachers! It's despicable. I'll tell you more when I know it, there's nothing wrong with having a friend for backup huh?" She grinned. "No, there isn't." I grinned back at her, and looked forward to more news, and taking down Harlow with her. She walked off, when I heard a commotion just round the corner. I went to investigate.

A lady was being harassed by some guys - ashwinders. Asshats who worked for Rookwood. I ran up to her, ready to help, when one of the guys recognised me. "Look at our luck, you're coming with us."

"I dont think so." I pulled out my wand, and stood by the lady. A whole ass real duel was not what I'd bargained for today. They used spells I'd never heard of before, and I dodged and deflected as much as I could. I used my own duelling skills, and the lady and I managed to beat them, when more arrived. This lot were tougher. I dodged and went at them with all my might. There was one left, when the ground just next to me exploded and I was launched into the air. I hit a stone pillar hard, and crumpled to the ground. I looked up just in time to see the lady defeat the duelist, and run over to me. "Are you alright dearie?"

My head spun. My ears hurt again, the throbbing had returned. I felt my side, and it was wet. I realised the skin by my ribs was bleeding. Bleeding a little too much for my liking. The lady ushered me to the floo station, shoved me in and said "Hogwarts hospital wing." I erupted in green flame, and opened my eyes to find a second year student staring at me having just walked out of the wing. They then panicked and screamed for help, from which the matron ran out, levitated me off the ground and moved me to an empty bed. Two sixth year girls were standing close, next to their friend on a nearby bed. Out of the corner of my eye, i saw them staring at me, mumbling to each other, though as matron checked my wounds, the pain overtook any thoughts of anything else. "Oh this is not good. What on earth happened to you?" Matron asked, concern lining her voice. That's not good. "Right, visiting time is over, please make your way out." The sixth years gave their goodbyes to their friend, glanced at me, then left. I was about to answer the Matrons question when I slid out of consciousness.


I woke to find Poppy's tear-streaked face over me. I rose from lying down to sitting up against my pillow, and Poppy moved back out of my way. To my right, I heard Lenora's sigh of relief, and I was very surprised to find both Sebastian and Ominis to my left. "Oh Della, we thought you were gonna be out forever, and then we'd never get to sneak food out of kitchens ever again!" I snorted and it was extremely painful. "Good to know what your priorities are Len." She smiled and nodded at me. Poppy was desperately trying to stop herself from crying, and I saw Ominis' head tilted towards her, a sympathetic expression on his face. I looked at Sebastian. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you were not in, uh, good shape, and, " His voice turned defensive, "Is it illegal to make sure a fellow student is okay after a big ordeal?"

"No. It's not. Um, thanks for coming." Wanting to move on from our awkward exchange I looked to Ominis. "I didn't realise our friendship today progressed so quickly." He chuckled grimly, "I'm mostly here for Se- to make sure our friendship progresses even further. What better way than to check on you after a near-death encounter?"

I squinted my eyes, not quite believing all of what he said, but responded. "I suppose that's a pretty effective way to make a friend. I'm grateful anyway." He smiled softly. "Well i'm fine guys, seriously."

"I don't believe you. Tell us what happened, now. " Trust Lenora to be stubborn. "I went to meet Natty in Lower Hogsfield to talk, when I heard this lady being harassed by some guys. When I went to help, turns out they were looking for me, and attacked." Poppy gasped and sat at the foot of my bed, clutching a pillow to her chest. Sebastian muttered under his breath. "Rookwood." I looked at him and nodded. His eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his fist.

"I should've gone with you."


"In herbology, you asked me to go with you, I should've gone."

"You said you were busy, it couldn't be helped." He made eye contact with me and sighed. "I lied." I glanced at Lenora, who mirrored my confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't busy, Del. I've been banned from leaving the grounds until christmas. That's why I couldn't go with you. Though I should've gone anyway. I didn't and now you're hurt."

I took a minute to take in his words. He'd been confined to Hogwarts until christmas? That was a huge punishment. Guilt erupted within me. "You said you got off lightly." I spluttered. He looked at the ground and just shook his head. I felt myself getting angry. At him for lying, at me for getting him into that mess, and letting him take the blame. I cursed myself - i should be the one in trouble, not him. Unfortunately, in my current state, my anger manifested itself at him, instead of for him.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've told them the truth!" My voice was getting louder. He looked at me incredulous. "Because I didn't want you in trouble, It'd be your first time - i've dealt with this for years. Are you- are you getting mad at me?"

"It's not fair on you, this whole bloody thing. I made you get me into the restricted section. I should be the one banned! You shouldn't have lied." He started to get mad too. "I shouldn't have lied? I lied for you! The least you could be is thankful!" My voice volume really started to rise at this point. "Thankful?! For me ruining your year up until christmas, and you letting me off the hook like its a favour! And now you're feeling bad for not being in danger alongside me! You're too quick to make stupid decisions to protect me. Well I don't want or need your protection. This is exactly why I ignored you after hogsmeade!"

Everyone was silent. Sebastian and I glared at each other for a few moments after I'd finished my little rant. Poppy had stopped crying, and looked on in mild horror. Ominis and Lenora just had blank looks on their faces, having no idea what to do. I noticed Sebastian's deep breathing, and then realised my own. My heartbeat had also risen a few notches. A many few notches.

"Fine. You don't want my help, I'm happy to oblige." And he stormed off without another word. I looked down at the blanket that was covering me, too angry and ashamed to look at my friends. Ominis muttered a quick goodbye and went after Sebastian. Lenora placed a stray hair of mine behind my ear as I felt tears drip down my face. I looked at her, helpless, and she shook her head. "You don't have to say anything." I glanced to Poppy who nodded in agreement. Yet i felt the urge to speak anyway.

"Fuck this whole bloody thing. And fuck Sebastian."

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