Big Mamas Assistant

By XxA1ien_Qu33nxX

1.5K 49 1

(Y/n) is a 14-year-old cat yokai who works for big mama in her battle nexus, after being abandoned at a young... More

Info sheet
chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 2

213 6 0
By XxA1ien_Qu33nxX

??? pov

I smiled as we saw four turtles in the hallway, I looked at my brother who was fiddling with his fingers nervously "They look fun. Let's play around with them" I said as my brother looked nervous "are you sure? Big mama might get mad we're messing around with her guest" he said as I rolled my eyes "they don't look like guests beside they look fun to mess around with" I turned to look at him

"Are you sure? They seem a bit scary..." He looked at them through the small gap in the door "especially the one in red..." I rolled my eyes at him again "no he doesn't, and if he or any of them does you know I'll be there to kick their butt. We gotta stick together now remember?" I told him as he nodded, we smiled but stopped as my ears flickered to the other side "what's wrong" my brother asked as I looked at him

"I hear something coming over here and it's moving fast" his ears also flickered "it might be Gus" I groaned in annoyance "if he comes here he's gonna ruin all the fun... oh! Let's distract him!" I smiled at him as I pulled him close "oh ok so here's our plan" ...

3rd person pov

"you're welcome for saving you," Leo said as he cut the cuffs off them. Raph rolled his eyes at him "if you hadn't left us we all could have saved ourselves together" he said as he crossed his arms, leo frowned at him "what?-" They heard a howl and looked at the other end of the hallway to see the dog yokai. The turtles screamed as Gus opened his jaw ready to bite but stopped when a smaller yokai got in front of them with a ball

"Hey boy, what's this?" He said as he held up the ball, gus stopped and stared at the ball "woah, what is that?" He said as he kept looking at the ball "Oh oh oh man. I gotta get that thing and bring it back!" He said as the small yokai threw the ball far as it went to a different hallway with gus shoving the turtles to the side and running after the ball. Leo looked at Gus who already left then at the small yokai

"I'm sorry who was that? And who are you?" Before anyone can answer the lights flicker they looked up confused before yelping in pain as something shocked them, they heard giggling behind them. Turning around they saw electricity leave the light nearby and on the floor, a little white bunny stood there giggling "that was gus" she said as she kept giggling. Leo looked more confused at this "who is gus!?" Donnie rolled his eyes at him "Gus was sent to eat you" Leo walked to the nearby elevator "Well in that case, maybe it's time to blow this balloon factory"

"what? No! We were about to have fun!" Said the bunny yokai as she blocked the elevator door. Leo looked down at her "move it squirt we got places to go- ah!" He yelped in pain as she shocked him again "did you just shock me?" He said as she looked away smiling "no" "yes you did! You just-" she shocked him again as his brothers laughed and the smaller yokai watched "that's it" Leo groaned in pain as he picked up the small bunny

"Hey put me down frog man!" Leo looked at her offended as Donnie laughed loudly "F-Frog?! I'm a turtle!" She kept kicking him "you don't look like it frog man" Leo was about to say something when someone kept hitting his leg he looked down seeing the other yokai hitting his leg "put her down frog man!" He said as he kept hitting him "uh a little help guys?" He looked at his brothers as Raph rolled his eyes and picked up the small bat yokai "come here little man" as he picked him up the bat yokai looked at him then started crying "oh great! Look at what you did!" Said the bunny as they started arguing the elevator door opened

(Y/n) pov

I looked through my phone as the elevator door opened. Thinking my siblings were already in the hallway messing around "Hey Vixen, Zero, big mama told me came by to check up on you-" I looked up to see Leo holding Vixen who was kicking him, and Raph holding zero who was crying. Zero looked over still crying as I slowly put my phone in my pockets "(y/n/n)!" My pupils dilated as I pulled out my brass knuckles and my other pair of arms.

I quickly went for Raph punching his stomach and getting Zero who was crying in my arms, raph grunted in pain as he hit the wall then the floor after that I kicked Leo's shell, making him fall inside the elevator and getting Vixen "Go! Go! Go!" Said Mikey as the rest of them scattered to the elevator "we're sorry!" Yelled Mikey before leaving. I set them both down and looked for any injuries on them "are you guys ok?" I said as I wiped Zeros tears away "yeah we're fine" Vixen said as she crossed her arms "next time I'll electrocute all of them, full blast"

I laughed "you know you can't handle that much electricity Vixen" she was about to say something but I cut her off "go hide in the rooms. It's not safe with them running around here lose" they nodded and walked them went Into the closest room after making sure they were safe I walked around the hallways trying to find them, as I was about to check the next floor big mama called me to her office. I hurried into the elevator and as I made it to her office I saw those turtles breaking into her safe, I was about to say something till big mamas chair turned to show a pissed off spider yokai

"If there's one rule Big Mama has-" she was cut off by Leo "is it forgive and forgive" "is it doesn't chew on the guest slippers?" Raph said, "Is it no using Raphs toothbrush?" Mikey asked with a toothbrush in his mouth? "Is it Ohm's law?" Donnie jumped down to ask. "No!" Big mama yelled as I jumped at her loud voice. She trapped the turtles in her webs as I walked further into her office and then stood next to her while crossing my arms "My rule is, no stealing from Big Mama" she growled as I nodded in agreement just then the window broke sending glass and dust everywhere

"And my rule is, no stealing from me!" Said someone else, we all looked over to see Draxum coming in, I got in front of Big mama glaring at Draxum as I hissed at him showing my fangs Mikey smiled at him "Mr.sheep to the rescue!" Donnie glared at him "And that's a good thing? He tried to destroy us last time we saw him" "scramdulent to see you again, Baron Draxum but you must learn to use the dimbally door," Big mama said as she pointed at the door then Draxum pointed at her

"you must learn to use real words" I hissed louder at him warning him not to get closer, he rolled his eyes "those are my property" he said pointing at the oozesquitoes "fetch them my pets" he orders as two little bat like yokais flew to get the jar. I quickly punched one of them into the elevator while the other tried to fly away I kicked into the elevator as well, I watched it close then turned and glared at Draxum.

Big mama laughed, as they argued I pulled out my brass knuckles, already getting them ready for a fight. I looked over to see Draxum ready to attack, I got my other arms out and quickly got between him and big mama, I used my big arms to block his attack as I pushed him back "you're gonna have to go through me to get to her sheep man" I hissed as he came back to attack I threw him to a wall, his feet hit the wall as he threw himself to me, as he tried to cut me I quickly ducked then punched his stomach and chest then kicking him on to a table.

He landed then threw his vines at me, I tried to dodge most of them but one got my leg, he slammed me to the floor then started to throw me around the room. I hissed in pain as I quickly cut the vine off my leg. I fell on big mamas table, big mama looked at me and then at Draxum as she shot her webs at him, he quickly caught it pulling her close then punching her in the face, my eyes widen and I got up quickly then went in, punching him in the face as well "Don't you lay a fucking finger on her!" I yelled as I clawed, kicked and punched him "you're gonna fucking regret that!"

I yelled as big mama got up clenching her jaw. Draxum threw me off as he took the jar escaping to the roof "don't let him escape!" Big mama yelled as I quickly went after him. As I made it to the roof I saw Draxum getting ready to leave, I quickly jumped on him attacking him. Draxum yelled as he dropped the jar of oozesquitoes, just then Leo and Raph came in getting the jar ready to escape. I was quickly pulled off of Draxum by his vines as he held me over the edge of the building, I look to the side to see Leo being held by his mask.

I zoned out thinking of a plan but stopped as Draxum let both Leo and I go. I couldn't see what happened to Draxum and Raph but I quickly flicked off Draxum "Fuck you sheep shit!" I yelled as Leo also yelled, "with my last breath I told you so Raph!" I closed my eyes ready for the hard impact but nothing happened, I open them to see a big red raph holding me and Leo I looked over to the side to see Raph as well assuming he fell with us too.

The big red raph disappeared as they fell on top of a car, crushing it while I landed on my feet nearby. "Thanks, buddy" Leo said while patting raph "I have no idea what I just did but anytime" they got off the car and looked at me before getting in a fighting stance "I'm not fighting you guys, you saved me so I owe it to you," I said while looking at Raph just then we heard Draxum, we all looked to see him on the building next to us

"Go and mutate the humans!" With that the oozesquitoes were out again "I fucking hate that guy" I said while hissing at him as he disappeared we sat down on a nearby bench to catch our breath as we slowly started chatting, just a few minutes later Mikey and Donnie came and looked at us "Everyone okay?" Donnie asked I kept quiet as raph spoke "we're fine, but the squitoes got away. Another failed mission" he said while crossing his arms "not a total failure, we got this to go get them now" Donnie said as he patted his ride then frowned "oh, I am however out of webs" they all looked at me as I crossed my arms and kept looking forward

"Don't bother she won't give me any" "Okay so, uh partial failure? Yay" Donnie said as Leo pointed at raph "Raph, what was that crazy power-up? You saved my life" Leo yelled then looked at me "and (y/n)" "I don't know. I just knew if I didn't save your life, I'd never hear the end of it from you" raph told us as he looked down "so you basically got your mystic power that's what I'm hearing" I told them as I went through my phone "mystic what?" Said Mikey as he got off Donnies ride "mystic powers? It's something you unlock as a yokai"

I said while looking at them "the power can be anything from glowing in the dark to shape-shifting, it can come in any way, shape or form." I got up "I should get going can't leave Big mama waiting" as I was about to leave raph spoke "you're a good fighter (y/n)" I turned red from his compliment "oh uh thank you I guess" "Yeah and strong! You should train with us one day. I want to see how strong you are against me!" Mikey laughed and smiled at me "thank but I don't know, I was like that cause I was filled with anger" I said as I gently gripped my tail "I mostly fight to let out my anger" I looked to the side as I heard yelling "I got to go but hope to see you guys soon" I said as I quickly left

3rd person pov

As (y/n) left Leo got up "on the side note Draxum created us, he told me right before he threw me and (y/n) off the roof. So I don't think he's very attached. what do you think Donnie?" Leo asked his twin as he saw Donnie look in the direction (y/n) left. His other brothers noticed as Leo smirked "ohhh~ Donald's in love~" Leo laughed as Donnie quickly looked at him "Ha ha ha very funny Nardo" he said blushing slightly while rolling his eyes, Leo leaned over to him and put his arm over Donnies shoulder "you like them strong don't you?"

Donnie turned red as Leo and Mikey laughed "shut up already!" He yelled as he left "I mean you can't blame him, some of us here like strong partners" Raph said as he got up "oh you like them too?!" Mikey gasped "they seems nice but their not my type" with at raph left as well leaving Mikey and Leo "love at first fight huh?" Mikey said as he and Leo were walking behind raph "teasing Donnie is gonna be so much fun" Leo laughed


*Leo and Donnie fighting over Leo's ōdachi*

Leo: Give me back my ōdachi! 😠 *gets thrown on the floor* why do you want to go to the hidden city? 🤨

Donnie: I just love yokai Latinx, Leo 🥴

Leo: what? 😟

Donnie: adiós amigo 😈 *opens portal*

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