RE: Incarnating as a Yandere...

By Okipullyurireal

13.1K 401 526

The story of how a young girl who was born heartless and cold, experiences love for the first time in the mos... More

Prologue: Hollow Heart
Chapter 1: Rejoicing for Reincarnation
Chapter 2: This isn't Lugnica?
Chapter 4: Heaven's Spear, Raysha
Chapter 5: Sword Saint, Adelheid
Chapter 6: Tag Along

Chapter 3: Vollachian what?

1.3K 49 44
By Okipullyurireal

Tsume P.O.V

I'm currently in front of my next opponent, who appears to be yet another demi human. This time however it seems to be a cat type and using some form of daggers. I did choose to use racism as a means to get them to fight me seriously, but I think this place might actually be the racists.

I mean, both fighters so far have just been demi humans, but I can't be too sure yet. It might just be because they are more fit to fight considering they have traits which can give them an advantage. That would probably be it, considering an average person is typically weaker I assume. Anyways, I should get on with the fight.

Cat Guy: Well lookie here, it seems I've been graced with the presence of the supposed dark horse of this tournament. Why don't we start with an introductio- is what you thought I'd say! Take this!

He throws one of the daggers at me, and it's aiming straight for my forehead. It lands on it's intended mark, but it just bounces off like all the weapons or attacks so far with a small clink noise.

Tsume: Really?

Cat Guy: U-uh... maybe introductions are fine?

Tsume: Alright then, hello soon to be dead corpse, I'm your very close future murderer. Die.

Cat Guy: Wha-

I try out my new move on him, I thought up of this one on the plains when I accidentally ran too fast and ended up tumbling like a projectile. I put power into my legs and jump forwards, spinning like a bullet while holding my hands forward. My fists connect first and blast a hole through him. 

Cat Guy: Gahhh!

I manage to actually land on my feet this time. It seems it went pretty well for something I thought of just for fun, and the spinning managed to shake off any blood, so I'm still clean. Oh, it seems the demi human cat is still alive somehow, well the upper half of him anyway. He turns to look at me and opens his mouth with a lot of struggle.

Cat Guy: W-what was that?

Tsume: It's the spinning child projectile move™

Cat Guy: What... even... is... that...

I see the light fade from his eyes and his head fall to the floor. Oh yeah, never did get his name, not that it matters all too much. I kick him a bit to check, and yup, he is indeed dead. He didn't put up much of a fight so it was a bit boring, but that stunt I pulled did make it a bit more enjoyable for me. Anyways, next fight I guess.


Rorka: I am Rorka of the Steel Folk tribe! My durability is unmatch- Gahh!

I punch the giant tin can man into the floor, and keep on hitting him over and over again. I don't remember a race like this in Re:Zero but I never did read the novels, so I guess I missed some stuff. 

Rorka: P-please stop!

At this desperate plea I respond with my usual response, a sadistic smile of glee.

Tsume: Why would I do that? You said your durability was unmatched, right? I'm just testing it! Hahaha! Come on! Let's see how much steel holds up against my fists!

I keep on hitting the thing until the body of the supposed steel folk now appears as if it was just a big ball of crumpled tinfoil. I get off of it and look up the crowd, which has gone silent again. Come on, are you people not entertained? Isn't the whole point of this tournament to be as brutal as possible? That's no good...


Oh, its seems they finally got brought out of their stunned states, maybe it was just because it was a complete one sided beatdown. I mean, the steel folk was nearly ten times my height, so the sight must have been odd. However with this fight done, I go and return to the waiting area to wait for the next one.

The gate opens and I walk down the stairs, and finally I make it back to the dingy room full of cages and rats that I originally woke up in. It also seems the crew has left a flask of water for me to drink, but after that incident, I'm not quite sure if I want to drink it. I just don't particularly want to ingest anymore strange products.

So I just push it aside and sit down on a bench, swinging my legs back and forth since I have nothing better to do- wait, I actually do. Since I've been fighting back to back fights, I didn't really stop to think about these odd attachments? Weapons? Well whatever they are on my arm that shoot out blue light when I hit things.

I punch my arm forward similar to when I fight, and the blue light comes out again. I assume it's magic of some kind, and it does seem pretty destructive. I try focusing a bit and it comes out even without the punching motion, but it quickly disperses into blue particles after a second or two.

I try making different shapes or trying to make it last longer, but all I manage is to make the light either bigger or slightly more focused. This is either the limit of these things or a lot more practice is needed to use them right. But for now they work as the magical equivalent to brass knuckles for me. I hear steps coming down from the stairs, so they've arrived.

Kurt: Hahahah! Well done, kid! You're already in the semi finals! This fight and the one after and you're all done with this tournament.

Tsume: Really? The tournament was this fast and easy?

It's a bit disappointing, but I can't expect anyone too great from warriors who are meant to typically be expendable.

Kurt: Well you see about that...

I see Sterl look at a few papers before looking at me and sighing, then he speaks up.

Sterl: Fast and easy you say... well that must be what it's like to ya I guess. The feline demi human you fought after Garleth was known for being extremely agile and had a knack for killing his enemies through blood loss with his special barbed daggers. He was undefeated.

Tsume: Ah, I killed him too fast to notice. What about the oversized utensil?

Sterl: You mean Rorka? That one was part of the Steel Folk tribe, same race as one of the Nine Vollachian Divine Generals... and ya beat him to a pulp in less than a minute. Course Rorka isn't as strong or else he wouldn't be here, but he was also... undefeated.

Tsume: Well at least they won't have anymore defeats besides me, they're dead.

Kurt: Haha! Well that is one way to put it!

But what is odd though is that they came down here. They haven't for the previous fights, so there has to be at least something going on that they need to tell me about. Besides that though, I noticed Eric is nervously fidgeting. From what I've seen so far, he only does that when he's scared to speak up about something.

Tsume: You, the coward. Speak up, I know you're hiding something.

Eric: Eek! Please don't hurt me!

I wasn't even going to hurt you... yet.

Tsume: I will if you don't speak up about what you're hiding. So come on, speak up. Unless you would prefer not to, in that case I'll make it so you can't ever speak up again, hmm?

Eric: F-forgive me! It's just that the next matchup is with a magician!

A magician? Surely that can't be all it is, I'm sure some more powerful magicians would be a problem, but I doubt anyone of that level would be here at risk of dying. I look up from my contemplation to see him still fidgeting, I see how it is...

Tsume: Your arm is coming off in 3, 2, 1-

Eric: T-the final matchup is against the ninth ranking Vollachian Divine General!

It seems Kurt and Sterl didn't know this, as I see their faces pale and mouths hang open. But seriously...

Tsume: What's a Vollachian Divine General?

Sterl: Ya don't know?!

Kurt: Give the kid a break, she has amnesia. Well basically... they're the strongest of the Vollachian Empire's army, the best of the best. Don't know what one of them is doing here of all things, but here we are. It's not too late to quit, kid. I won't blame you for it, you did good!

I feel my body go stiff and my pupils dilate, my breathing becomes heavier and faster. This is... this is...

Sterl: Uhh... she okay?

Tsume: Hehehe.... Hahahahaha! This is the best! You're telling me I get to kill such a big shot?! Like hell I would quit! Let me at them! Tell me! Tell me! What are they like?! 

Kurt: Hahaha! This was the reaction I expected, knew you wouldn't go down so easily, you brat! Well this is the ninth ranked, so... ah I remember now. It's some small girl, just like you, kid. She ain't exactly known for duels or close combat from what I know, it's actually... give me a minute-

Eric: She can talk to and control dragons as a dragonkin! She uhm... also has a special weapon that can shoot out air at high speeds that can cut through people like a sword. Oh and s-sorry, she isn't really the ninth rank, I just heard she is set to take the position from a source...

Oh, Eric is useful for once. It seems Kurt didn't like his thunder being stolen and hits him on the back of the head. But a dragonkin who can talk to and control dragons, huh? How interesting, I wonder if that ability would work on me since I am technically one. Oh well, I'll figure that out when I fight her. Bit disappointing on not actually being one, but close enough.


The sound of the arena's horns blaring reaches me, it seems it's time for the next match. I'll make this one quick. I'm not interested in some boring nobody when such big prey has presented itself in front of me. So off I go for more murder! I run up the stairs and through the gates, to be greeted with the arena and my next opponent.

Announcer: Next up is the fearsome user of magic, Althorn! Proficient in fire magic, allowing him to release a deadly combo of ice and flames to scorch and freeze his opponents! Facing him however... is the new crowd favorite! The unknown little girl who seems unfazed by everything and has annihilated all her competition so far! Who will win?! Let's find out!

I look and see a middle aged man with a goatee in somewhat fancy long and flowing robes. He is also wielding a staff and a short sword. This must be the magician, and he does look more interesting than the last few people I've fought. I also would've usually savored this kill... but knowing how big the catch is next round... this guy is going to die fast! 

Althorn: I'm giving you this chance to surrender. You may think you can win here, but magic is entirely different from merely swinging chunks of iron or throwing your muscle around. Unfortunately from that smile of yours... I doubt this offer will be taken, am I correct?

I feel my grin widen, at least he understands his position. So without a second thought I leap forward ready to punch his head into bloody bits, but he holds his staff up and prepares some magic.

Althorn: Huma!

A barrier of water is formed, but I punch it and it holds for a split second before shattering into pieces. Odd how a fire magic user can use a spell that uses water, isn't it? This interesting thought is interrupted though as he launches multitudes of magical icicles at me, it seems the barrier gave him the split second he needed to do that.

Althorn: El Huma!

I punch and kick at the incoming ones, shattering them into pieces as they make contact with my gauntlets which shoot out their own attacks on impact. But I let one hit my arm to see if it does anything, to which I feel no damage besides a dull sensation of being hit. It seems that was his plan though as he launches more magic. This guy sure knows how to be annoying to kill...

Althorn: Goa!

I get surrounded and engulfed by fire. It...

Tsume: Feels a bit lukewarm, doesn't it? Is this really the hottest your fire goes?

I walk out of the inferno and show up in front of the shocked magician, not even a scratch on me. There was a bit of ash I had to flick off of my hair though, so it did something I guess.

Althorn: A-anyone should be dead from that combination! How?!

Tsume: It's a simple enough answer, your magic is weak. You are weak. Nothing more than another victim to add to the pile, so, how about joining my kill count?

It seems he is in a panic now and prepares to cast his last ditch spell, I guess I'll humor him.

Althorn: Take this! El Huma! Ul Goa!

He launches a combination of icicles and fireballs at me, but this time I don't do anything at all. I just continue walking forward as the icicles and fireballs disperse as if they were nothing more than a breeze brushing against my skin. Althorn looks to be in absolute despair at this, and drops to his knees while shaking like leaf.

Tsume: See? Yet another useless and weak victim of mine. So I think it's about time to die for the sake of my entertainment!

I swipe my arm in a slashing motion. I got better at controlling my weapons by a bit, so I used it sort of like a sword and beheaded him. His head rolls to the floor and the audience is once again silent before erupting into cheers. Finally, now with this sideshow gone, soon the big event will start! I can't wait! 

Announcer: With that yet another mighty warrior drops dead by the hands of this little girl- no! This monster in the guise of an innocent girl! But just you wait folks, while this was supposed to be the final match up of this tournament, some higher ups intervened and have arranged a very special match! A very special match with none other than the ninth ranked Vollachian Divine General! Oh wait... possible candidate, sorry folks. Still! A bigshot in the making!

I see the gate open and a... little girl walks out? Hey, isn't that my thing? Jokes aside, she has long black devil like horns protruding from her head with a bow attached to them, shoulder length light blue hair that end in braids that extend past them, and similar light blue clothes with lavender highlights. Oh, and she also has some odd... weapon? It looks like a toy...

Announcer: A candidate to be the ninth ranked Vollachian Divine General... Madelyn Eschart! The Flying Dragon Commander!

I see her walk up to talking distance of me and unfurl the toy-like weapon into a boomerang shaped blade which she wields with one hand, and without speaking a word she swipes it at me despite being a decent distance away.


I feel wind blow past me and I hear an impact, I turn to see a dust cloud raised from... what I assume was an invisible projectile? 

Madelyn: I didn't wanna be here in this dump, okay?! That annoying bastard forced me to be here! But just to let you know, I'm a dragonkin, but this can end much better and faster if you just surrender. Hehehe, scared aren't you? I am better than you and it's a fact you are below me, so I won't blame you too much.

Oh? A dragonkin? I guess that must be where those horns are from. I'm an actual dragon though, so I doubt being just a dragonkin makes her better than me. Though as expected from someone ranked up high for being strong, she has an attitude and air of confidence to her. Oh well, it just makes it all the better when I crush them completely! But... she makes my head feel slightly... off?

Madelyn: Wait a second... why am I making a connection with... her? My ability only works on dragons, so how? Is she hiding something? Is that the reason she has such absurd strength?

She seems to be lost in thought, really? Am I not being taken seriously again? She is a little girl from the looks of things as well, so she should know not to underestimate people based off of looks alone I would have hoped. Ah! Maybe she noticed something off because I was a dragon and she was a dragonkin? Could that be it?

Madelyn: Hey... are you a dragonkin?

I don't know exactly how to respond here... how would that change things? I sort through my options to see and determine which would be the most optimal, but it seems I froze up overthinking it and she made her own conclusions.

Madelyn: So you are! Sorry for calling you beneath me earlier, I thought you were just normal human trash that was super weak or something. But my offer still stands, and you do seem strong enough. Plus it would be nice to have another dragonkin around. What do you say?

I noticed something odd about her offer to surrender this time, she said that as if she was going to have me around the same place she works at. Are they... trying to hire me? Is that why there was a sudden change in the tournament? Hmm... they could be testing me, but I don't know and I don't care. I really can't hold myself back anymore... I wanna kill her so bad!

Tsume: Hey, that does sound fun. But you know what's even more fun than that?

Madelyn: Huh? What's more fun than that? Uhh...

She pauses and drops her guard, hehe, it seems she got too comfortable thinking she found another one like herself. I rush in and go to punch her, but to my surprise I hit a scaley surface? It get blown back and I then see what it was. It was a small flying dragon, I didn't even know they had those. It's dead now though, doesn't seem all too strong.

Madelyn: H-hey! What was that for!?

Tsume: Isn't it obvious? This is a tournament where we kill each other, so I'll do just that!

I go in again but more dragons block my way, but I notice yet another detail that's off. They seem to be shaking? They look like a prey animal shaking in fear, or when you kill someone and make their children watch, they just have that look to them. If she is commanding these dragons like I thought, I want to try something interesting...

Tsume: You all. Move.

They all move aside and give me a straight path to Madelyn, how convenient. They all still seem to be shaking however, so I guess it's less of an ability of mine and more of an instinctual fear they have. Hehehe, it really is so fun when you turn your victim's own things against them, the look of despair is the best!

Madelyn: H-hey all of you! Attack! Why aren't you moving!

It seems she is panicking now and she swings her weapon multiple times at me, launching blades of air. Some of them do hit, but once again, nothing but a light breeze. A few hit her own dragons and even behead or injure a few, is that how much she is panicking? She's hitting her own minions! This is hilarious!

Madelyn: I don't wanna bring shame to my tribe and lose to some opponent I was forced to fight! Come on, fear me! Me! Go and attack!

It seems that her anger and desperation got through the dragons and they hesitantly began attempting to attack me. Keyword, attempt. I just kept on punching and now slashing my way through the dragons, one after the other. Until the only thing that was left was their corpses, me, and Madelyn.

Tsume: Wow~, and here I was thinking that a so called Divine General or candidate whatever would be more interesting. But really, aren't you just too weak! Hahahaha! Is someone this weak seen as good enough to possibly be part of the so called strongest? Hmm? Ah... you're boring now. Die.

I rush at her and before she can react I go to punch her head in, which she has managed to avoid thus far with her dragons. But annoyingly, it seems this girl is protected by fate or something, as I'm interrupted yet again. I notice I'm in a shadow now, and look up to see a towering figure of bronze colored metal. Who is this?

Moguro: Moguro. Eight ranking Divine General. I advise you to stop.

Tsume: Hmm... how about... no? I mean shouldn't you stop? I already beat up one tin can man, what more is another- gah!

I feel a massive impact to my side and I'm sent flying. I crash into the wall of the arena and manage to peel myself off of the crater in the wall I found myself in. 

Tsume: Oh... now this... is starting to get interesting! 

I dash back again and go to kick at the giant steel man, who resembles a towering golem made of bronze with a disproportionately large torso and hands compared to his slender legs and arms. He also has a few green orbs which appear to serve as his joints. My kick lands and the giant is sent stumbling over with a massive dent. However, the dent reforms, I see how it is...

Tsume: So you can regenerate huh? I wonder if there is a limit? Wanna find out?

I keep up my onslaught of attacks to which he continually gets damaged from and heals from it almost immedietly after. Soon enough the bronze giant retaliates with another swing. I manage to meet his punch with my own and it results in me getting pushed back slightly, but I hold my ground.

Moguro: You are strong. Worthy of praise. Lacks finesse, but makes it up in raw power. 

Tsume: Oh? Thanks for the compliment then, and I could say the same about yourself!

I push his arm back and go for a follow up kick to his leg, this temporarily deforms it and allows me to send a full strength punch straight to his torso along with a massive blast of energy from my gauntlets. The punch sends him tumbling backwards and leaves the biggest dent yet, it even takes some time for him to recover. I was going to continue, but I feel a knock on my head.

Tsume: Really? You again?

I turn to look at the offender, Madelyn had shot yet another air blast at me. I was about to go for her, but it seems Moguro got up unscathed again, and he's more fun to fight. So she gets to live for now. But when I turned to look at the both of them I finally noticed, the audience was gone. They must have left when things got dangerous for them I guess.

Moguro: Do not interfere. I shall handle this.

???: Me too! This stinkin' little girl thinks she's the big stuff, huh? Well don't ya think you can just toss around my allies like that! Imma beat and cut you into pieces for it!

I see a little... rat? Cat? Leopard? I don't know what it is, but a small child sized figure resembling an odd combination of different demi human traits jumps down from where the audience would be, armed with even weirder looking weapons.

Groovy: Groovy Gumlet! Sixth rank! Here to beat your ass! I don't appreciate ya throwing Moguro around like some toy, so I'll let you have it! Whatcha say, Moguro?

Moguro: Agreed. Combat in this situation is necessary. Let it commence. Be warned. She is strong and fast.

Groovy: Pftt! How fast and strong can a little itty bitty princess who prolly gets their mom to read them bedtime stories be! Hahahaha! Isn't that right, little girl- gwaahhhh!!!

I sent the annoying pest flying like a ball with a kick, he manages to land on his feet without much issue though.

Groovy: Oh now I've had it, ya fuckin' baby blue colored shit! Take this!

He then rushes at me, using weapon after weapon in a storm of blades that look like they would decimate any other fighter, both separately or in combination with each other, all to no effect. I catch and break a few though, just to annoy him.

Groovy: Oi! That one was expensive, ya know?!

In his anger it seems he left himself a bit open, and I go for it. But Moguro stops me with a large sweeping attack intended to make distance. Ah, why is this taking so long... I just really, really, really, want to kill them already! I toss the pieces of broken weapons out of my hand and leap back, seeing three whole Divine Generals in front of me. Ah... I really want them to die!

???: Well don't you all seem to be having such a fun time without me! 

I turn to see a normal looking man, well the blue hair aside, he is normal in comparison to these people in front of me. He also has two red and blue swords, and is... wearing a Japanese yukata? What?

Cecilus: Oh, you're probably wondering who I am. I'm Cecilus Segmunt, and I'm the reason you're all here fighting each other, by the way. Now, you over there, little girl. If you can beat those three, I'll fight you myself.  I want to see if you're good enough to do so first, so how about it?

He doesn't look all that strong though? But those swords of his... they do give off a weird feeling.

Cecilus: Oh yeah, if you didn't know, I'm the first ranked. I could beat all of these guys with my eyes closed, so does that sweeten the deal?

I feel my grin widen and everything seems to become a blur. Really? The strongest here? I get to kill someone like that? What's the point of this trash then?

Tsume: Hehehe.... HAHAHAHA! DEAL! I CAN'T WAIT TO CUT YOU INTO PIECES! But first... all of you are boring now. Die.


I'm standing above the bodies of the three Divine Generals, after hearing I got to fight the strongest, I didn't hold back in the slightest. I just couldn't, not when such an interesting victim was in front of me! So as I'm about to finish them off, I hear a noise and turn to see Cecilus sheathing one his swords, the red one. What was that about?

Cecilus: So... you aren't invincible after all. Now that's interesting...

Not invincible? I mean even those three didn't have a single attack that could hurt me, but did they actually manage some damage I just didn't notice? 


I feel something wet running down my cheek, I rub it off with my hand. 


I see red, it's blood. Wait... my blood? I got hurt?




Tsume: A-ah... you... y-you...

Cecilus: What happened to all that bravado from before, little girl? 



Cecilus: Now that's more like it! Come on, let's dance!



A/N: I had a little bump in the road when writing this, but I'm back on my feet and ready to spam chapters out like a maniac. Anyways not much to say here besides that this chapter was mostly fighting, sorry if you're looking forward to the yuri and romance, it's soon. Anyways remember to comment vote or something, yeet-

Oh yeah, these are what the Divine Generals look like. Also for anime only, I did not make these people up, okay? 





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