After Dark - Aki Hayakawa x R...

By somebvnny

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aki x f reader falling head over heels for a mysterious devil hunter. what could go wrong? slow burn! modern... More

six *


555 20 15
By somebvnny

The sound of the front door slamming shut followed by some giggling woke you up the next morning as your eyes squinted open. Your entire body ached as you rolled over, expecting Aki to be asleep next to you but frowning when you were met with cold empty sheets instead. You rubbed your eyes as you slowly sat up, a small cough echoing from your sore chest as your muscles screamed in protest. There was a little note next to your phone and a glass of water.

"Sorry I had to go, work stuff.

Text me when you wake up."

A small smile crept onto your lips as you read the note over a few times, glad he actually had to leave because of work and he didn't just dip out on you. Kobeni's voice was hushed in the other room, along with someone else's that you didn't recognize. After sipping some of the water then crawling out of bed and pulling on a big sweatshirt, you shuffled your way out of your room and into the kitchen. You noticed the sweats and t-shirt you lent Aki were neatly folded on the desk in your room as you were walking out.

"Hey, good morning! Hope I didn't wake you up." Kobeni greeted you excitedly. Arai was sitting next to her at the table as they both ate their breakfast sandwiches.

"Oh no, it's okay. I was already awake." You lied, clearing your throat a little as you made your way to the coffee pot.

"Arai, this is my roommate and best friend, y/n!" Kobeni introduced you and you waved, offering them a small smile.

"Nice to meet you." You said.

"Great to meet you too! I've heard a lot about you. Good things, of course!" He replied kindly.

You smiled at them and poured yourself a cup of coffee, adding a decent amount of milk and sugar to make it taste better and began looking through the fridge.

"Oh, I got you a breakfast sandwich! Its in the microwave." Kobeni added and you were so happy your whole face lit up.

"Ugh, I love you." You confessed to her as you grabbed it and sat down to eat.

"I know. Sooo, did Aki stay over last night?" She asked you, looking towards your room.

You nodded, swallowing your food. "Yeah, he had to leave early this morning. Said he had a work thing." You said with a wave of your hand before taking another bite.

You noticed Arai's eyebrows raise slightly as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it, putting it back down when he saw there was nothing on the screen.

"Do you guys work together?" You asked him and he looked a little nervous. Definitely Kobeni's perfect match.

"Oh, yeah. We're in the same division." Arai answered quickly before inhaling more of his food. Your brain started to reel and question why Aki would've been called in but not him. Maybe he just didn't like you that much and wanted to get out of your apartment without it being awkward. You tried not to spiral too much. You barely knew him, so it shouldn't matter whether it was really work related or not.

"He's pretty much the head of our squad, so Makima has him do a ton of side jobs. Like  babysitting Power and Denji." Arai added confidently.

"Yeah, I've heard they're quite the handful." You said, a small smirk on your face thinking of all the stories you've heard about them. With that thought, you decided to text him like his note said to. You just sent him a simple 'good morning' and put your phone face down.

"Y/n, did you sleep okay? Your dark circles are like, way worse than usual.." Kobeni said, half joking. You definitely looked like a train hit you.

"I kinda almost drowned in the pond yesterday." You said casually while both Kobeni and Arai's jaws dropped. You explained the whole story to them, saving the details of your hot shower with Aki for telling Kobeni later.

"That is insane, y/n. I'm glad you're okay." Arai said as he took everyones plates and brought them to the sink.

"Seriously! You should rest a lot today." Kobeni added.

You nodded, playing with the ends of your hair. "I will. I just have to pick up my car from the shop, they texted me that it was done this morning."

Kobeni nodded in understanding and then awkwardly fidgeted with her hands. "Do you care if Arai and I hang out here for a bit? We can stay in my roo-".

"Not at all! I don't want to intrude. I'll get dressed and head out." You said quickly, getting up and putting the dishes in the dishwasher before heading into your room.

You changed into a pair of jeans with a long sleeve shirt and grabbed a scarf and knit hat from the hall closet, taking your winter coat out of the dryer when you found Aki's sweatshirt. He must've forgotten it when he was leaving this morning. You folded it and went to put it in your room, but it was so soft and still had a faint smell of his cologne. You decided to put it on and smiled a bit to yourself as you felt the soft fabric hug you and his scent fill your nose.

You checked your phone for the first time since texting him and were surprised to see a few messages from him.

Aki -

Hey you
How are you feeling?
Sorry I had to run out this morning

Y/N -

I feel okay just kinda tired
It's fineee don't worry about it

Aki -

I'll make it up to you

Butterflies swirled in your stomach when you read his last text, biting your lip to suppress a smile as you zipped up your coat.

"I'll be back in a little bit, see you guys later!" You called out to Kobeni as you left. The car shop was only five blocks away thankfully, it was a small local garage that Kobeni's dad always used and trusted. As you stood in the elevator you put your AirPods in and put spotify on shuffle, 'Emergency Contact' by PTV  playing as you texted Aki back.

Y/N -

So how's work?

Aki -

It was a stupid problem I had to dispose of
I'm on my way home
What're you doing rn?


Walking to the garage to get my car 🥲
It's not that far tbh just a few blocks

Aki -

Y/n. It's freezing out.

Is it the garage on the corner of Canal St?

Y/N -

It's not thatttt bad (it is)


You waited a moment for him to respond but when he didn't, you shrugged and tucked your phone into your pocket. You were outside of your building and standing at a crosswalk waiting for the walking symbol and watching the cars as they drove past. The city workers did a good job of clearing the sidewalks of snow overnight and you sunk into your winter coat as the cold air whipped at your face, the salt on the sidewalk crunching under your boots as you walked.

As you came up to the second block from your apartment you saw a familiar black car speed past you across the street, but it was moving too fast to see who was in it. You kept walking and as you came to the second crosswalk and pulled out your phone to change the song playing, you saw the same black car pull up beside you from the corner of your eye. You slowly turned your head to look at it, just to be met with Aki's ice blue eyes looking back at you. He rolled the window down as you narrowed your eyes at him and walked up to his passenger window, "LoveSickness" by Don Toliver was blasting over his speakers.

"Are you stalking me?" You said with an edge, fighting the urge to smile at him as he looked at you and unlocked the doors before turning the music down.

"Yeah, actually. Get in." He demanded. It was as if you had no control over your own body as you immediately obeyed, opening his car door and sitting in the passenger seat.

"That's super creepy." You scoffed at him as you sat down. You glanced over at his hand as he reached over to you, tucking a flyaway strand of hair under the edge of your hat and out of your eyes.

"Sorry." He said, a ghost of a smirk on the corner of his lips. "Are you hungry?" He asked you.

You shook your head, looking up at him. "I actually just ate, Kobeni and Arai got me breakfast."

Aki just nodded, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he thought. You noticed that your seat was warm and looked down to see that he had turned on the seat warmer for you.

"I could totally go for some tea though." You proposed, sinking into the seat a bit. "My chest is killing me, the warmth will make it feel nice."

Aki looked at you again, nodding as he quickly pulled back into the street and drove towards a cafe. Once he pulled into a spot you undid your seatbelt and got out, pulling your hat and scarf off and tossing them onto the car seat before following him into the cafe. He held the door open for you and you smiled at him before getting in line. You pointed to the menu hung on the wall, Aki listening intently as you recommended two of your favorite drinks for him to try. He got a blueberry muffin with his drink and you just got your usual order of tea. He walked over to a small table next to a window and put his stuff down as you took a seat across from him. 

"Is that blood on your collar?" You asked him, eyebrows slightly raised as he tried to look down at his shirt.

"Hm. It might be." Aki said casually as he loosened his tie a bit and pulled the edge of his black work coat over the stain.

You just glanced at him for a moment before sipping more of your drink and he cut his muffin in half, offering half of it to you. You took the half and started eating it, glancing out the window before starting conversation up again.

"What time did you leave this morning? I must've been out cold." You said as you took another sip of your tea. 

"I think Makima called me in around 4:30." Aki said as he looked out the window too, his eyes heavy with sleepiness. "I was worried I would wake you up."

"Jeez, you must be exhausted." You added, frowning a little. "You should go home and nap."

He nodded, taking another bite of his food before looking at you again. "Wanna come with me?" He asked, his voice soft.

Biting back a small smile you began playing with the lid on your cup. "I really should go pick up my car.." You tried to make up an excuse. Being clingy or seeming like you were too eager to be with him was something you were trying to avoid. Gotta play hard to get. 

"I'll bring you back to pick it up later." He offered, finishing his muffin and leaning back in his seat as he studied your face. 

"Fine." You said with a roll of your eyes, leaning over the table a little bit. "Can't get enough of me, huh?" You said quietly with a grin. 

"Something like that." He said with a smirk, getting up and throwing out both of your trash before walking you back to his car. Once you guys were driving and pulling up to his apartment building you glanced up at all of the balconies. The building was huge and there were so many units. It looked so fancy.

"Are Denji and Power home?" You asked him, a little excited to finally get to hang out with them. They seemed like a lot of fun.

"No, thank god." Aki said dryly, relief in his face when he realized they'd be gone for a few days for a work trip with their new teacher. 

You smiled at how relieved he looked and followed him out of the parking deck and into the building. He lived on a pretty high floor, chewing your lip a bit as you looked around in the elevator and leaned into him a bit. 

Once at his front door you followed him inside and your eyes widened a bit at how immaculate the space was. The bright morning sun was drenching the room in a comforting glow, plants thriving on a bookshelf next to the sliding doors to the balcony. The entire place was spotless.

"Are you sure you have roommates?" You said sarcastically, glancing over at the neat kitchen.

"I'm kind of a clean freak. It's easier to keep up when they're not here. I can't speak for what their rooms look like though." He said with a sigh. "I don't go in there." He said as he pointed to a door that had a sign on it with a poorly drawn picture of Aki and a big red X painted over his face.

You smiled, taking your shoes off and placing them by his. You pulled your winter coat off and combed your fingers through your hair as you took a seat on the couch.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower. Make yourself at-" He paused for a moment, pointing at your sweatshirt. "Is that mine?"

You looked down and felt your cheeks heating with blush as you remembered you were, in fact, wearing his sweatshirt.

"Uh, yeah." You said quietly, sinking into the couch as you smiled nervously. "You left it in my dryer so, finders keepers?" 

"Yet I'm the one that's a creep?" He said sarcastically as he took off his long winter coat, opening the closet beside him and throwing it in the the washing machine. 

He continued to strip out of his work clothes, your eyes widening when you saw the large blood splatter on his white button down shirt as he was loosening his tie before slipping it off of his neck. He walked into the bathroom next to him and you heard him turn on the shower before coming back. 

"Is that your blood?" You asked, concern furrowing your brow as your eyes scanned his body for injuries.

"No, there was a devil causing problems in an alleyway across the city." He answered plainly, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing that into the wash as well before undoing his belt. You tried to pretend to look at your phone as you snuck glances at his chiseled body. The blood soaked through his shirt and stained his skin beneath it, dark red plastered to his muscles. "Took care of it, but it got messy." He added before he finished throwing his clothes into the machine and was left in just his briefs. 

"Sounds like fun." You said with a small smile as you glanced up at him from your phone, surprised to see him with his hair down as he ran a hand through it.

"Help yourself to anything, I'll be quick." He said softly, a small smile on his lips as he admired you sitting on his couch in his sweatshirt before he went into the bathroom and closed the door. 

You wanted so badly to sneak into the bathroom and get in the shower with him just like he did to you, but you knew he was tired from work and all that blood on him kinda freaked you out. There was a soft throw blanket folded next to you so you decided to pull your legs up onto the couch and pulled the blanket over them, scrolling though TikTok and watching all of the ones Kobeni sent you. 

It was a little less than fifteen minutes when you heard the shower turn off and heard the bathroom door open. Steam poured out of the room as Aki stepped out with just a towel wrapped lowly around his waist, another smaller towel in his hands as he roughly dried his hair with it as he walked into his bedroom. You were thankful that he didn't look over and catch you staring. 

"Y/n, come here." You heard his voice from the bedroom a few moments later and you quickly obeyed, quietly walking into his room. He was standing at his dresser, just his lower body clothed in sweatpants as he pulled a fresh t-shirt over his upper body and turned around to face you. He grabbed the towel again as he dried his hair a bit more and then tossed it into a hamper in the corner.

"That couch is way too small to nap on." He said plainly as he tiredly rubbing his eyes and then sat on the edge of his massive bed, taking the tv remote out of his nightstand.

You just nodded and happily walked over to his bed, tossing your phone onto the duvet and pouting.

"The one time I'm not dressed like a bum, and you kidnap me to force me to take a nap with you and I'm wearing jeans." You complained, Aki smiling as you glared at him. "I can't nap in jeans."

"Take them off, then." He challenged you as he leaned back onto his headboard, resting his hands behind his head as his muscular biceps flexed beneath his shirt. 

"Make me." You challenged him back as you crossed your arms over your chest. 

He raised his eyebrows slightly at your words before he grinned and lurched forward, his long arms quickly wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer to the bed. His steady hands held your sides as he placed you onto your back and you couldn't stop giggling, writhing beneath his weight as he straddled himself over your thighs and began unbuttoning your jeans.

"You know, we could've made this easier for both of us if you weren't such a brat." He said sternly and you laughed again, smacking and punching his arms playfully. You knew there was no chance you would win this play fight, he was so much stronger and bigger than you. He got your jeans unbuttoned and unzipped them before he hooked his fingers into the waistband and tugged at them. You were so thankful that you decided to wear a cute pair of panties today and not some ugly ones as you lifted your hips to make it easier for him to slide your jeans off. Once he got them off he hooked a finger under the side of your lacey pink underwear, snapping them onto your skin and smirked.

"Cute." He said softly and you grabbed a pillow, hitting him in the face with it gently and pushing him off of you so he fell onto his back. 

You caught your breath, a small cough squeaking from your chest as you sighed and Aki quickly sat up to look at you.

"Are you okay?" He said worriedly, scanning your face for distress. 

"Yes, I'm fine." You said as you dismissed him with a wave of your hand and crawled up next to him, slipping yourself under the blankets. 

He just nodded and did the same, turning on a random tv show and lowering the volume before tossing the remote back into the drawer. He propped himself up on his elbow and reached over you as you looked up at him while he pulled the curtains shut over the window, darkening the room. You reached up and tucked a piece of his long hair behind his ear as he was closing the curtain and he looked down at you, your eyes meeting.

Your eyes traveled to his nose, then to his plush lips as they were just inches from yours. Aki's arm rested over your your hips, his hand traveling up your back and to the nape of your neck. You leaned up, pressing your lips to his as his hand gently tangled itself in your hair, softly gripping the back of your head as he kissed you deeper. You placed a hand on his chest, slowly snaking it up the side of his neck as your thumb traced over his cheekbone. 

Aki slowly turned onto his back, his strong hands guiding your waist as he pulled you on top of his and continued to kiss you passionately. His lips were so soft and his tongue searched for yours as the kiss grew more hungry. You rocked your hips slightly, grinding them into his growing length beneath you as he dug his fingertips into your fleshy thighs beneath the blanket, pushing your waist down harder onto his.

You smiled into the kiss and gently bit his lip before pulling away, leaning back on his hips as his thumbs traced circles into your thighs and his hungry eyes scanned your face. Raising your arms in a big stretch and pretending to yawn, you crawled off of him and turned away from him as you laid on your side, still smiling.

"You have to be the big spoon." You said confidently as you closed your eyes. You weren't going to give in that easily.

You heard a small frustrated sigh escape his lips as he turned to face you and slipped his arm underneath your ribcage, his other arm wrapping over your side as he pulled you tightly against his chest. 

Aki planted a few small kisses onto the side of your neck and then your ear before squeezing you against his chest and closing his eyes, falling asleep soon after with just the thoughts of what he wanted to do with you tormenting his mind. 

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