MiraculouslyGory's Rewrite Re...

By MiraculouslyGory

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It's been one year since I posted a MLB rewrite. But not just any ordinary rewrite my friends. This is the... More

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Cat Blanc Part 1(rewrite)
Cat Blanc Part 2(rewrite)


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By MiraculouslyGory

(Now onto the two Season 4 rewrites.  Truth and Lies.  Back then, I said Season 4 was better than 3 for various reasons, but I also had a very huge vendetta against the CN being left out arc(Kuro Neko especially).  Back then, I said it was character assassination, but that's not true anymore to me.  Nowadays, this arc is possible one of their most genius ideas, but it went ultimately wasted when they decided to make Cat's reasons to feel upset not because he was left out.  But because LB doesn't love him back.  But then again, I can't blame the writers.  Since Mari is the MC, she can't face consequences or be called out am I right?  Ok, but that's not what this story is about.  Now, in my opinion, I would say Season 4 is actually WORSE than 3.  Like Season 3, this season didn't actually go anywhere.  Not one bit, except for new heroes.  And although the Cat Noir arc looked like it was going somewhere, the end result went to nothing.  He just stays with LB after all of that, and nothing changed story wise.  I mean, you could legit watch the finale, and the episodes where we get new heroes, Penalteam included(not important to the finale as Astruc said, but you get it), and everything else doesn't matter!  Speaking of Astruc, I want to defend this man child for a minute ok? I agree that ever episode in Season 4 is as good/impactful as Cat Blanc as he said online. Because most if not all of them are pointless, and may look emotional, but led to no aware at all. So yeah, congrats bro. You achieved your goal. Not to mention, this season basically destroyed the show fully.  It ruined Marinette.  Adrien.  Chloe.  Almost all the love square ships.  And much more.  However, one of the many things people argue about this season is of course: Lukanette and Adrigami.  These two ships were absolutely wasted.  Did they have potential?  Absolutely.  But what's even the point now?  They became canon, or were starting to develop in Miracle Queen, but then they broke up immediately at the start of this season.  Why?  I have no idea other than, screw these ships!  All we need is the love square.  That's where all the romance is.  Toxic, abusive, creepy, and horrible(If you can't tell, I don't like any of the love square ships.  They all are just plain boring, and disgusting to me.  Especially Adrienette in Season 5).  And honestly, I don't care about any of the ships in this show at all.  Except if they were made by me, because I know how to make a ship healthy, and cute.  Anyway, despite the fact I don't care about Lukanette and Adrigami, plus the fact I am going to break the up here as well, I'm still here to at least bring them justice.  So with all that explained, let's begin).

We start off in Marinette's bedroom.  Inside, she is doing some research, and looking at old notes Master Fu left her.  "So, your telling me they all live in there?  Like, they all just relax inside?"  Marinette asked.  "Yep.  Well, except for Nooroo, Duusu, and Plagg."  Tikki replied.  "And they are, ok with that?"  Marinette asked.  "You may think it's small, but we have a whole world of wonders inside there.  Lots of wonders."  Tikki replied.  "Right.  So, how do I even get them open?"  Marinette asked.  She gets that answer when she presses a button on the top of the box.  It starts to spin around, when all of the sudden, the doors open.  "Well, crap."  Marinette said.  Just like that, all the kwamis fly outside the box, and are filled with joy.  They move around Marinette's room, touch her stuff, and even make Marinette fall out her chair.  "Well, there's your answer."  Tikki said.  "Appreciate it, translator."  Marinette replied. The kwamis keep on flying, and start making a mess. Throwing stuff around, and making Marinette fall onto her floor. "Ooh, where does this go?" Kaalki asked, as she is about to go outside. Marinette freaks out, runs, and grabs Kaalki right before she gets far enough. And enough for a woman and her kid to see this. "Oh yeah. Ummm, this is my new squishy. Not for sale, for the time being. And yes, it can fly. How so? Don't ask." Marinette said, as she closes her window door. The kwamis keep on partying, so Marinette needs to act fast. One by one, she grabs the kwamis into her hand, until she was able to get them all. "Ok, I can see you all are pumped to be here, but I'm going to kindly ask you to stop please." Marinette said. "Stop? Stop? Why stop when we have a new world to explore?" Xuppu asked. "This is Earth still." Trixx replied. "But it's a new room at the same time." Xuppu said. "Oh, in that case." Trixx replied, who then starts licking Marinette's hand. "EWW!!! WHAT THE HECK?!" Marinette screamed, as the kwamis are set free. They continue to fly around causing havoc, which leds two of them, Mullo and Daizzi onto her computer. Marinette goes to get them, but then she falls at the wrong time. Since Mullo answers a video call from Alya. "Hey, Marinette. What's up?" Alya asked. Marinette then craps herself, as she gets up with the other kwamis looking at the screen. "Uhh, hey girls. Ok, look. I know what this seems, but I can explain. These are some of my new squishes that I'm working on, and..." Marinette replied, before she gets interrupted. "Pause, question. What squishes?" Alya asked. On her screen, she doesn't see anything. "Marinette, remember. Us kwamis can't be recorded, or seen on cameras." Tikki said. "Oh yeah. So now I'm looking like a moron in front of my friends." Marinette replied. "But did you say squishes? Can we see them?" Rose asked. "Uhh, they are a work in progress. Look, I love to chat, but I need to go. Now." Marinette replied. "That orange haired one is cute. I want her to be my holder." Daizzi said. "Sorry Daizzi. She's mine." Trixx replied. "Hold on? So Trixx can have a holder, but not us?" Mullo asked. This then leds to the kwamis who don't have holders asking questions. Well, except Ziggy. She is holding Marinette's phone, which is getting a phone call from Luka. Marinette freaks out. "Ok, sorry. I really need to go. See you girls later." Marinette said, as she hangs up. She then grabs her phone. "[answers, and clears throat]. Hello, Luka." Marinette said. "Hey, Marinette. Finally you called. I've been trying to call you three times now." Luka replied. "Yeah, sorry. I was a bit busy right about now." Marinette said. "Busy? Ok then. Did you at least remember today?" Luka asked. "Uhhh, what exactly?" Marinette asked back. "Our date at the movies. I'm here now. At your place." Luka replied. Marinette's Dad knocks on her door, so Marinette freaks out again. "Of course I didn't forget. Just give me twenty seconds, and I'll be down." Marinette said. "Whatever you say." Luka replied, as he hangs up. Marinette then grabs the box, and the kwamis, and put them all inside a drawer. "Now I'm begging you guys. Don't, cause, any, trouble! Ok? That's an order." Marinette said. They all nod their heads. "Thank you." Marinette said. With that, she and Tikki leave to go on Mari's date.

    Unknown to her, Gabriel is off doing kwami stuff as well. In his lair, he is using come potions, and other material to create something. Using the notes from Master Fu, Gabriel mixes ashes, a peacock feather, and other stuff to create a pot of some liquid. "Ok, this should be it. [pulls out syringe]. One way to find out." Gabriel said. He takes some of the liquid, and places it on the Peacock miraculous. "Now, miraculous. Repair yourself." Gabriel said. Soon, the Peacock miraculous flies into the air, and after a quick bang, it falls into Gabriel's hand. "At last. It's finally fixed. Now, let's see how much havoc we can cause now." Gabriel said, as he puts it on. Then Duusu flies out right next to Nooroo. "LET'S GO!!! I'M FIXED!!! FIXED!!! THIS IS THE BEST I'VE FELT IN SO LONG!!! I FEEL SO, AWESOME!!! [clears throat]. So, what's up. [sees, and hugs Nooroo]. Nooroo!!! I'm so happy I'm fixed. Everyday felt like a nightmare. A nightmare I wanted to stab since it reminds me of someone I hate." Duusu said. "I'm glad your safe my fellow friend, but the nightmare we are in is not over yet." Nooroo replied. "No it's not. Now with Duusu fixed, I'll be able to make more powerful; sentis than before. The damage was brutal, but that's no longer a worry. What matters now is that I use you both to achieve what I desire. The miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Because for now on, I'm no longer Hawkmoth. From this day forward, and going onward, call me, Shadowmoth. Nooroo, Duusu, duel metamorphosis." Gabriel said, as he transforms into Shadowmoth. Now in position, he opens his lair. "Now, which lucky negative nelly wants to go first?" Shadowmoth asked.

    At the movies, we see Marinette and Luka get this snack, and go inside. "And that's correct. Wow! You sure know your Jagged Stone info." Marinette said. "What can I say? Guess I am his biggest fan." Luka replied. "What even made you into the guy?" Marinette asked. "When I found my passion for rock and roll, I quickly found a desire to love Jagged Stone. Dude's a beast. Too bad I'll never see the guy ever." Luka replied. "Sure you will. Maybe at a concert, or at some interview like that." Marinette said. "Easy for you to say. What? You went from a normal high schooler, to designing his album cover. That's insane, Marinette." Luka replied. "Yeah, but it wasn't music related. Well, it sort of was, but you get my point." Marinette said. Soon, both of them sit down in the theater. "Nowadays, the man is acting in movies." Marinette said. "Yeah, but I hear he's really good in these roles. The ones where he acts like a fool. In fact, did you know he does his own stunts? Not a stunt double at all. Just all on his own." Luka asked. "Wow! If Jagged has kids, I'm sure he'll be lucky to be there Dad." Marinette said. "Yeah. Of course." Luka replied, now sad. "You ok?" Marinette asked. "I'm good. Well, remember what I told you before you left for NYC? About how I don't know who my Dad is? Yeah, I think you can connect the dots." Luka replied. "Oh yeah. So sorry. I must have forgotten." Marinette said. "It's cool. [sighs]. I only wish to know at least who he is. Just know who the guy who helped me get into this world is. Just at least know his name." Luka replied. "Hey. [holds his hand]. It's all about patience. You'll find out one of these days. I just know it." Marinette said. Luka then smiles at his GF. "Thanks. That's very nice of you." Luka said. Soon, the movie starts to play. As it does, Marinette beards some sort of bomb go off. This gets her attention. "Sorry, I need to... use the bathroom. I'll be back." Marinette said. She runs away, leaving Luka all on his own. Although, he doesn't seem that upset about it. Marinette goes outside, where she sees Mr. Pigeon flying around, and using pigeons as nukes. "Pigeon nukes? Not a bad idea for this guy." Marinette said. "That's very heroic, for you to say Marinette." Tikki replied. "Oh, sorry. Then let's go be heroic." Marinette said, as she runs away. She goes to a nearby alleyway to get ready. "Tikki, spots on." Marinette said, as she transforms into Ladybug.

    Now in costume, she at the top of the news building, where she sees Mr. Pigeon in action. she then uses her yo-yo to call Cat Noir. When she calls him, she only is told to leave a message. However, Cat Noir is here. He is walking behind Ladybug. "Hey, My Lady. Sorry I didn't answer in time." Cat Noir said. This still spooks LB for a second. "Oh shoot? I really scared you? Sorry then." Cat Noir said. "It's cool. I know you didn't mean it." Ladybug replied. Then she looks at Cat Noir, and gets a flash of Cat Blanc. She screams, before she grabs Cat by the hand, and chucks him off the roof. He screams, and as Ladybug sees it's Cat Noir, she immediately uses her yo-yo to catch him. Cat's leg gets caught in the yo-yo, but his back gets smashes against the glass on the building. Ladybug pulls him up fast, until he is back on top. "I'm so, so, so sorry Cat Noir. I thought I saw something for a minute. Are you hurt anywhere?" Ladybug asked, as she examines his body. "I'm fine. Just, don't do it again ok?" Cat Noir asked back. "Ok." Ladybug replied. "So, how does it feel being the new guardian of The Mother Box? Pretty cool right?" Cat Noir asked. "Well, the kwamis are cute, and now that I'm in charge, I can call upon the heroes if I want. However, taking care of them all is... a bit messy if you ask me." Ladybug replied. "So, it's stressful?" Cat Noir asked. "Yes." Ladybug replied. "Ok then. Well, if you feel like you need some help, you have me to lend a helping paw." Cat Noir said. "Thanks. But now, it's time we do what we do best. Fight crime, as you say dumb cat puns." Ladybug replied. "Ok, most of my puns are funny. You know that." Cat Noir said. "True, but some still aren't the best." Ladybug replied, as she jumps into battle. "Umm, she's right. But I'm not a bad comedian, and she knows that." Cat Noir said, as he too jumps in.

    At the movies, Luka walks out after it's over. That's when Marinette runs to him. "Sorry I was so late. I got a massive number two in there, and... you get what I mean." Marinette said. "That explains why you were gone for more than a hour." Luka replied. "More than a hour?! Was he that long to beat, I mean, my apologies. I'll try better to be here next time." Marinette said. "That's nice. But also know if you need to tell me anything, I'm all ears, Marinette." Luka replied. "I know. I know." Marinette said, knowing that's not true. Now, it's montage time. This montage has some good Lukanette moments, but all of them have the same ending. We start off at Andre's ice cream. The two get their treat, but before they can even take a bit, Marinette sees the Lollipop senti attacking Paris. Cat Noir is already there, so she needs to go as well. She leaves Luka the ice cream, gives him some reason to go, and leaves. As she runs away, Luka looks down, and frowns. Next time they hang out, they are biking riding in the park. It's all going well. Luka and Marinette are having a good time. But then, Marinette sees another villain in action. She acts fast, and bikes away. Leaving Luka all alone yet again. As well as sad. Finally, they both are at the Eiffel Tower. It's nighttime, and they are about to go up, and see the very top of this building. Before they can, Marinette of course sees crime go on. She squeals, and tells Luka she needs to go. She leaves, and Luka stands there miserable, all while the elevator doors close, as he goes up.

    Some time later, it's the evening, and Luka is lying in his bed all upset. Juleka then walks in, and sees her bro's sadness. "Why the long face?" Juleka asked. "Well, ok look. You know I've been dating Mari right?" Luka asked back. "Of course. Congrats." Juleka said. "Thanks, but this relationship isn't going as I wanted it to go. Every time we hang out, it's always the same. We meet up, we are about to do something fun, then poof. Marinette makes some reason to leave, and I do the whole thing by myself. I... I just don't get it. Worst of all, she is keeping secrets from me. And... you know how I feel about secrets." Luka replied. "I get it. Maybe she has something important to do. That does sound off, but who knows?" Juleka asked. "Ever since the movie, which may I remind you was two weeks ago, this has been going on. It's absolutely insane." Luka replied. Juleka being a supportive sister puts her hand on Luka's shoulder. "Perhaps talking to her will help." Juleka recommended. "I can try. But only after we perform." Luka replied. "Oh yeah. It's time." Juelka said. So the twins go upstairs, where most of their friends are there. Alya, Nino, Adrien, Kagami, Alix, Mylene, Ivan, Rose, Chloe, Sabrina, and Jack. When Luka gets into position, he sees that Marinette isn't there. He frowns, but after a pat on the back from his sister, he gets back into character. With that, the band begins playing. As they play on, Lula keeps looking into the crowd over, and over as the concert goes on. And not once has Marinette arrived. This slowly, but surely makes his emotions go negative. Even when the concert is over with, Marinette isn't here. It's not until Luka sits down, where Marinette arrives. "Luka! I'm so sorry I'm late. I had... uhh, some homework to do." Marinette said. "Right. I get it." Luka replied basically miserable. "Hey, you ok?" Marinette asked. Luka then looks at Juleka, who gives her facial expression to do it. "[sighs]. Come with me." Luka said. Luka takes Marinette away from the boat, and the two of them are under a bridge. "Uhh, what is this?" Marinette asked. "Sssh. If you can listen closely to the water, it plays a melody at this specific time. Just keep quiet, and listen." Luka replied. The melody starts to play, and it's honesty gorgeous. It even amazes Marinette. "[melody ends]. Ok, Marinette. I know your my GF, and there will be certain things you don't want to tell me, but this whole leaving me over and over is starting to bug me. [Marinette gasp]. I don't know what you do that makes you do this, but it for real is starting to ruin our relationship. Not break it, just slowly ruin it." Luka said. "Oh. I'm sorry. It's just... it's just." Marinette replied. "Look, all I want to know is why you do this. That's all I ever want. If you don't want to share it with me, ok then. But if you can at least try harder next time to be with me, I would really appreciate that." Luka said. Marinette looks at Luka, who really just wants the truth. "[deep breath]. I'm sorry Luka. But... I can't tell you the truth no matter what." Marinette said. Luka then gasp in absolute heartbreak at this revelation.

    This is enough to attract Shadowmoth in his lair. "The fifth one today. Sure they all failed, but you know what they say. The best villains keep their trump hidden, until the end." Shadowmoth said. He says this since he creates an akuma and amok for this one. He sends them both out to infect the world, as he smiles to what he's about to do. The akuma and amok fly right to Luka, and go into his guitar pin necklace. "[mask forms]. Truth, I am Shadowmoth. Your being denied the truth by the one who loves you for no reason at all. Thanks to me, you will be about to get the answers out of her with an easy blast from your head." Shadowmoth said. No, Shadowmoth! I would never do that." Luka replied, trying to resist. "Wait. Shadow who now? [sees mask, and gasp]. Oh crap! Luka! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you that way!" Marinette panicked. "Why even bother giving her a chance, when all she has done was ignore you?" Shadowmoth asked. "She may have ignored me, but I know she trust me." Luka replied. "Oh really? Then, why hasn't she told you the reason why she is abandoning you? [Luka gasp]. Yeah. My powers can go much deeper than that based on a single emotion. I know your upset because your GF refuses to tell you have she is leaving you. So, Truth, shall we begin?" Shadowmoth asked. Soon, Luka can't resist any longer. "Marinetter, run!" Luka yelled, as he transforms into Truth. Mari runs, as Truth stands forth. "This time, you'll be assisted by Lighteye, [Lighteye forms] this sentimonster will be under your full control as long as you keep the guitar pin in hand. Now, let's go expose some liars." Shadowmoth ordered.

    At the houseboat, they are packing up, when Alya gets captured under Lighteye's light. There, Truth lands, and blast her in the head. Alya's lips turn pure white. "Ok, enough nonsense. Tell me the truth. What is Marinette's secret?" Truth asked. "Obviously. She loves Adrien." Alya replied. "That's not a secret. Everyone knows she loves that guy. Lighteye, go for Mylene. [Lighteye goes under Mylene, freezes her, and Truth shots her in the head. Her lips turn white]. Let's try again. What is Marinette's secret?" Truth asked. "She loves Adrien of course." Mylene replied. "Dang it! Is that all you guys know?" Truth asked. Ladybug, who is on the roof behind Truth, calls Cat Noir. "Cat, I need you by the Seine. Hawkmoth used the Peacock miraculous to be become Shadowmoth. Looks like Mayrua is gone for good. Just follow this address I sent to you via text, and you'll help me." Ladybug said. After she hangs up, Lighteye freezes her. "Nice try, but I can hear you a smile away." Truth said. As the others flee, Ladybug tries to move, but she is unable to.  "What's going on?  How come I can't move?"  Ladybug asked.  "The power of my new friend of course.  Just try to escape knowing you are unable to.  [shots Ladybug in the head.  Her lips turn white].  Now for your return Shadowmoth.  The question we all have been waiting for.  Who are you, Ladybug?"  Truth asked.  "Well done, Truth.  Soon Ladybug's identify with be mine."  Shadowmoth replied.  "I am..."  Ladybug said, before she gets interrupted.  "A super swimmer."  Cat Noir replied, as she grabs her, and both fall into the water.  Truth runs, and sees they are no where seen.  "[growls].  Stupid cat!  No matter.  I'll find them after I get Marinette's secret."  Truth said.  "And who are you?"  Anarka asked.  "Ahh, Mother.  That reminds me.  You have a secret I desperately wanted for some time."  Truth replied.  "Mother?  Wait, Luka?"  Anarka asked.  "Right on.  [blast her in the head.  Lips turn white].  Tell me this Mom, who is my Dad?"  Truth asked.  "Jagged Stone."  Anarka replied.  "Excuse me?"  Truth asked.  "Jagged Stone is your Dad.  I mean, you can kind of see it in the hair.  Same structure as yours, but color is different.  It makes sense."  Anarka replied.  No!  No way that's true!"  Truth yelled.  "I mean it.  He is your Dad.  You can go ask him if you can find him."  Anarka replied.  "In that case, we got a little side mission Lighteye."  Truth said.  "[mask forms].  Forget this family reunion.  You need to get me the miraculous first."  Shadowmoth ordered.  "No worries, Shadowmoth.  With Ladybug hit, I'm sure she'll mess up on the way.  Just trust me on this, and you'll get our jewels.  And I should know.  I am Truth after all."  Truth said.  "[sighs].  Fine.  I trust you."  Shadowmoth replied.  Soon, Truth and Lighteye leave to go find Jagged.

As for our heroes, they are out of the water.  "So, tell me what's wrong?  And why are your lips white?"  Cat Noir asked.  "That's Truth's power.  Once hit, you are forced to tell the Truth in matter what.  And I bet you already have some ideas now, so I'm kindly going to ask you to please don't."  Ladybug replied.  "Don't worry.  I know my limit when stuff gets serious.  Hey, I got an idea.  [takes off belt].  Up this around mouth."  Cat Noir said.  "Really?"  Ladybug asked.  "Do you want to be easy to expose?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "[sighs].  Just know this is a one time thing ok."  Ladybug replied.  She takes Cat's belt, and wraps it around her mouth.  "Ok.  Now, let's go find, and expose the Truth.  Literally."  Cat Noir said.  They leave, as we then cut to Jagged Stone playing some music.  "Perfect.  This will go well for the Prince's Bday.  Better get going.  It's in about an hour or two."  Jagged said.  Soon, he gets frozen by Lighteye, and Truth arrives.  "Your not going anywhere buddy.  Or should I say, Dad."  Truth said.  "Dad?  What do you mean?  Also, nice costume.  And cool eye thing."  Jagged replied.  Truth then shots Jagged in the head, and his lips turn white.  "I was told by Anarka that you are my Dad.  Is that true?  Are you Luka Couffaine's Dad?"  Truth asked.  "Luka's Dad.  Hmm, yes.  I am."  Jagged replied.  Truth the gasp in absolute horror.  He backs up, before falling to the ground.  "What?!  Your... your my Dad?  But, but that means, that means, this whole time I was being a fan of my Father?"  Truth asked horrified.  "Hey!  Thanks for the support."  Jagged said.  Truth gets anger, and then straight up almost slaps his Dad.  However, his humanity wins, and stops him.  "Sorry.  Got to really control myself.  Ok then.  So if your my actually Dad, what made you think abandoning me was a good idea?"  Truth asked.  "Well, I thought being a Dad during my rock and roll ages would be cool, but turns out it wasn't.  There were also some minor things going on between your Mom and I.  So, I just left like I needed to leave.  I can see your mad, and I'm honestly sorry, Luka.  I hope you understand."  Jagged replied.  "Ohhhh, I understand.  I understand that, YOUR A SCUMBAG!!!"  Truth yelled.  "Hey!  Is that how you talk to your Mother?"  Cat Noir asked, as he and Ladybug arrive.  "Great, your here!  No matter, I got what I needed.  Lighteye, freeze them, now.  I have someone else I want to get a secret from."  Truth ordered.  Lighteye charges into Ladybug, as Truth leaves.  "You take care of the eye.  Leave Truth to me."  Cat Noir said. So Ladybug takes on Lighteye with a belt covering her mouth, as Truth runs to Mari's place. All while Cat Noir pursues behind him. Soon, Truth crashes through Mari's wall, where her parents are in the living room just chilling. "Ok, what's the beg idea mister?" Tom asked. Truth blast Tom, and his lips turn white. "Tell me the truth! What is Marinette's secret?!" Truth demanded. "Easy. She loves Adrien." Tom replied. "Ok, does everyone know she loves Adrien, but Adrien doesn't?" Truth asked. "Yes." Tom replied. "I don't need this. I just need to find it somewhere else." Truth said. He jumps, and bust a hole into Mari's floor. Now in her room, Truth looks around for clues. That's when Cat Noir comes in. "Where is Truth?" Cat Noir asked. "In Mari's room. I don't know what he wants, but he seems very aggressive." Sabine replied. "Gotchat. So, Mari's Dad. Quick question. Remember the time you beat me up because I "broke your daughter's heart?" Are you, still mad at me for that?" Cat Noir asked. "Not anymore. Sabine was right. I did overreact, and jumped to conclusions way too fast. And beating you up didn't make it any better. So yeah. I was a real jerk that day. Sorry for that." Tom replied. "Thank you, and I accept your apology. Though try not to do that again please." Cat Noir said. Upstairs, Truth is now by Mari's desk. He sees a drawers, where Mari put the box, and her kwamis. He goes to open it, but the Cat Noir hits him in the leg. "You know it's rude snooping through other people's stuff." Cat Noir said. "And you know it's rude to stop me from bringing justice." Truth replied. He charges at Cat, and the two fight. Truth punching at Cat Noir, as Cat blocks and doges his punches and kicks. Truth soon kicks Cat in the gut, and shots at him. It hits Cat Noir, and his lips turn white. "Now for the moment of truth. Who are you Cat Noir?" Truth asked. Before Cat can answer, Lighteye burst into Mari's room, with Ladybug riding it. She crashes into the wall, as Lighteye gets up. "My Lady. Take off my belt, and call your lucky charm. Don't worry about exposing yourself, I got his." Cat Noir said. Ladybug takes off the belt. "Lucky charm." Ladybug said, as she uses her powers. The lucky charm is some tin foil. As it falls into her hands, Cat Noir gets thrown into Lighteye. "Now Ladybug, please tell me wh..." Truth said, before he gets interrupted when Cat Noir kicks him to the ground. "What are the three attributes of Cat Noir you love the most?" Cat Noir asked. "Easy. It's his self confidence, his determination, but best of all, his humor." Ladybug replied. Truth then throws Mari's chair at the heroes, but they dodge it. "Hey! You do love my humor!" Cat Noir said. "Yes I do, and my job as LB wouldn't be better without it." Ladybug replied. As Cat Noir fights Truth, Ladybug looks around to see what she can do. She sees Lighteye, Cat's ring, the umbrella, and her lucky charm. "Got it. So, Cat Noir. Tell me. Do you think me as guardian will be a good change for us?" Ladybug asked, as she gets to work. "Of course. [punches Truth in the face]. As long as we make it work, and you need any help from me, I'm all in." Cat Noir replied. Lighteye soon freezes Ladybug, after he finished wrapping her umbrella in tin foil. "My Lady! [looks at Lighteye]. Well, there is only one way out of this. Cataclysm." Cat Noir said, as he uses his powers. He soon cataclysm Lighteye, who then malfunctions. "What the? [Lighteye narrowly hits him]. Lighteye! Stop! Why isn't this working?!" Truth demanded. "Because the truth is, we are always victorious." Ladybug replied. Lighteye beams onto the tin foil unbrella, which then reflects onto Truth. Freezing him in place. Cat Noir then moves in, grabs the guitar pin, and breaks it. Setting the akuma and amok free. Ladybug then opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures both akuma and amok, free them from evil, and say a nice goodbye to both as they fly away.

    "Miraculous Ladybug." Ladybug said, as she uses her powers. The lucky charm fixes all the damage in Paris. And soon turns Luka back to normal. "Pound it." Ladybug and Cat Noir said together to celebrate. After the fight, Marinette and Luka are both on the bridge. It's now night time, which adds to what's about to happen. "I'm really sorry for not telling you the truth Luka. It's just, a lot is going on right now. Lots that I don't know how will end. And... I'm really scared to see what will happen if all goes wrong. At the same time, I'm scare of hurting you. And now that I see what I've done, I'm worried what else I'll do in the future." Marinette panicked. "Hey. [hugs Mari]. It's ok. I get it. There are some things that are hard to tell people, and as much as I don't like having stuff kept away, it will take time for some secrets to be told. Just know that no matter what happens now, I'll never forget being with you, Marinette." Luka replied. Marinette then hugs Luka, as their relationship is officially over. After that, Luka walks home completely heartbroken. As he does, he sees Jagged outside. "What do you want now, Dad?" Luka asked anger. "Look, I get your really mad at me for the whole... abandoning. I get it, son. I really do. But, after what happened, and some time to think, I realized I was a real jerk for what I did. So, I was thinking we could... try to get along. You know, Father Son bonding." Jagged replied. "I'll think about it. I'm not in the mood right now." Luka said, as he walks away. As for Mari, she lies in her bed, and snuggles next to her pillow. "Do you want to talk about it?" Tikki asked. "No. Just... can you give me some space? I need some time alone." Marinette replied. Tikki obeys, and she flies into the drawer where the box is. Once she does, Marinette breaks down crying, as she hugs her pillow harder. Expressing the pain she now feels from the breakup she has experienced.

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