A Spiders Redemption

נכתב על ידי XxLegacy214xX

22.4K 406 58

This is the story of Peter Parker, but instead of being raised by the great Aunt May and Uncle been...he was... עוד

A Spiders Redemption
Taste of Freedom
First Day
First Mission
Back at it
Love In The Air
Spiderman: The Beginning
Two Years Later...
Spiderman: Next Chapter
We Need You
Fighting Thy Father
Age of Ultron
The Question
Killer Robots

Saving Lives and Kicking Ass

613 16 3
נכתב על ידי XxLegacy214xX

After arriving at what seems to be a secret bunker Sam and Maria helped Natasha and I inside where doctors were waiting for us.

"They've both lost about a pint.." Maria stated to the doctors.

"Maybe two." Sam said as the doctors started to guide us away.

"Hold on, they'll want to see him first." Maria stated to which Natasha and I looked at each other confused before we followed Maria towards a cordoned off area , but once we arrived we saw someone that we thought was dead.

"About damn time." I heard Nick say, but all I could do was stand there shocked because I couldn't believe that the man who became my mentor the man who gave me a second chance wasn't in fact dead, but actually alive this whole time.

After getting over the shock of Fury being alive Nick listed off the many injuries with his doctor providing input before we all sat down to come up with a plan to which we decided to destroy shield due to it never in fact being shield in the first place, but Hydra.

After getting my wound stitched and bandaged I stood up from the table causing everyone to turn and look at me.

"I need some air." I said as I looked directly into Fury's one eye before I turned and walked away still reeling from my mentor still breathing.

Natasha POV:

After Pete walked off everyone went their separate ways to prepare while I stayed with fury who I saw was still looking in the direction of where Peter walked off before he looked down with a sigh.

"You know I understand why you did what you did." I stated as Fury nodded.

"Because you would have done the same thing, and so would Pete." Fury said as I agreed.

"Your right, but fury you need to understand you are more than just a boss to us, you are our mentor and when we thought you were dead..." I said before having to take breathe to keep myself from breaking down.

"I know Natasha and I'm sorry." Fury stated to which I softly smiled as I gave his hand a squeeze before walking off to find Peter.

Back To Peter:

After walking away from the group I took a breathe and calmed myself because I knew if I was in Fury's shoes I would have done the exact same thing because we are weapons and we don't trust easily so yeah I understand it, but it doesn't mean it didn't sting.

After taking my breathe I turned to walk back inside only to see Natasha standing there with a soft smile before she wrapped her arms around my neck with wrapping mine around her waist.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked as she looked into my eyes while I stared into her beautiful forest green eyes.

"Yeah, I just needed a minute." I stated as Natasha leaned up and pecked my lips before pulling away to which I leaned down to connected my lips with hers and as we stood on this balcony kissing I couldn't help but smile in happiness and being in Natasha embrace again.

"I love you." I said as we broke apart with lying my hand against her cheek.

"And I love you." Natasha said with a blush covering her cheeks.

"Cmon we got to get ready." Natasha said as she started pulling me back inside by our interlocked hands.

Gear Up Scene:

Steve left to a museum where he stole his old suit.

Sam suited up in his falcon uniform and cocked back his submachine guns.

Natasha was putting the finished touches on her business suit before she checked her high tech disguise which was that one of the world councilors.

Maria can be seen loading the chips onto her van where she started the engine.

And Peter, he left for one of his old hide outs where he took out an old wooden case and opened it showing a variety of weapons and a suit from his days before Spiderman.

After putting on the suit and sliding the swords into their places on his back Peter could be seen leaving the hideout to meet up with his team.


   After suiting up we all left towards Shield where the Triskeleon was being prepared for launch with Natasha taking a separate route to meet up with the other councilors on their way to meet Pierce while Maria, Steve, Sam, and I made our way towards the insight bay so we could gain control of the intercom system that runs through out Shield H.Q.

After making it to H.Q we snuck into the hangar bay where the launches would be taking and after taking care of the single guard we took over the intercom system where Steve spoke to the Agents of Shield.

" Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time to tell the truth. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The S.T.R.I.K.E. and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not." Steve stated into the intercom as Maria Sam and I all stood behind him impressed by the speech.

"Did you write that down first, or was that off the top of your head?" Sam asked as Steve and I chuckled before Maria handed each of us a chip to slot inside the three Helicarrier with me taking Charlie.

"We only got one shot, let's make it count." I stated to our group to which Steve smirked and Sam nodded before we all went our separate ways with Maria staying behind to monitor our progress.

As I swung through the air approaching my Helicarrier I suddenly had to pull up on my web and dodge a current of electricity that was aimed for me.

After dodging I landed in a roll on the Helicarrier and when I looked up I saw an old enemy, Electro floating in front of me.

"Hey Max, I missed you man." I said as I dodged another attack from electro.

"You ain't stopping me this Spiderman." Max Dillon aka Electro stated as his body glowed before a pillar of pure electricity came hurling at me to which web zipped into the air just as Steve came in over the comms.

"Hey Pete, how's it looking?" Steve asked as I dove in and punched Electro causing him to fly back into a wall.

"I'm kinda busy right now." I stated as I looked to my right and saw a water tank on the platform just as Electro came flying at me me to which I dodged out of the way and as Max came soaring past attached two webs to his back and flung towards the tank to which he groaned in pain as he stood up.

"You chose the wrong side." Electro said as sparks of electricity started to fly off him.

"No Max, you did." I stated as I took one of my swords and flung it at the water tank and as the sword flew swiftly through the air max ducked to avoid the sword not realizing the I wasn't aiming for him.

"You missed." Max stated with a smirk not seeing the web I have in my hand that is attached to the sword now edged into the tank.

"Did I?" I asked sarcastically before I tugged on the web causing water to start spraying electrocuting Max with his own powers making him fall unconscious on the now wet pavement.

After taking care of Electro I made it to the control node where I quickly switched out the chips.

"Charlie locked." I stated into my comms before I looked off and saw my father Winter making his way onto Steve's Helicarrier to which I quickly dove off my Helicarrier and swung off to help Steve.

As Peter swung off at the top of Shield H.Q. The councilors are still reeling from what they heard Steve say over the intercom and as one of Pierces men steps forward to shoot a female councilwoman suddenly the woman reaches out disarms the agent before knocking him unconscious and as The older woman aims the gun between pierces eyes she reaches up and pulls off the disguise only to show it was Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow.

"I'm sorry..."

"Did I step on your moment?"

As this happened Sam Wilson aka Falcon was engaging enemy fire as he tried to make his way to Bravo.

"Falcon Status?" Maria asked into the comms.

"Engaging." Falcon stated as he dodged gun fire from below before he brought two submachine guns and dropped down into the platform where he quickly disposed of two of Hydras agents before he had to quickly fly off due to a Quinn Jet being on his ass.

As Sam was dealing with this Steve was kicking ass before Maria came over the comms to remind Steve that he is on the clock.

"Steve I'm headed to you, you've got incoming." I said into the comms but I never got a reply back.

While we were all doing our part Natasha was above us hacking into Shields network prepared to do what she had to do.

"What are you doing?" One of the councilman asked.

"She's disabling all of shields protocols and dumping all of its secrets for the world to see." Pierce said as he was held at gunpoint by one of the councilman of Asian descent.

"Including Hydras." Natasha stated.

"And Shields if you do this none of your past is going to remain hidden, are you sure your ready for the world to see you as you really are is Peter ready?" Pierce asked and at the mention of her lovers name Natasha looked up at Pierce and smirked.

"Are you?" Natasha asked.

As Natasha worked on getting through the protocols Steve was in a fight for his life against Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes.

With a bullet in his side and a few broken bones Steve was to put in the Chip locking out Alpha.

"Alpha Locked." Steve grunted into the comms.

Back up top after seeing all the Helicarrier we're locked Natasha turned and smirked at Pierce.

"Still having doubts about our chances?" Natasha said as Pierce glared before he smirked seeing as Natasha still needed his eye scan and another high levels members, but his smirk disappeared when a helicopter hovered over the balcony and in came Nicholas Fury the man Pierce thought was dead.

After getting the scan from both Fury and Pierce Natasha dumped all of Shields and Hydras secret onto the web for the world to see and while fury and Nat were distracted Pierce pulled out a small remote and after he clicked the button the pins on the councils chest burned through their sternums killing them before they hit the floor causing Natasha and Fury to go on alert and point their guns at Pierce who smirked.

"I wouldn't do that, the pin was armed the moment you clipped it on your jacket." Pierce stated as Natasha looked down at the American flag pin that was clipped on right over her heart to which thinking quickly Natasha pulled out one of her Widow Bites and shocked herself over the heart causing the pin to fry giving Fury the opportunity to shoot Pierce dead and afterwards Fury kneeled down beside Natasha.

"Natasha are you with me?" Fury asked as he held Natasha.

"Ugh, those really do sting." Natasha said as Fury helped her up before the both hopped on the helicopter and moved away from the building.

With Steve:

As Steve held his waist in pain he heard a scream and turned to see a steel pillar on top of Winters arm to which Steve quickly rushed over to pull the pillar off and when he did Winter stood up and started laying into Steve mercilessly.

"You know me." Steve said.

"No I don't." Winter said.

"You've known me your whole life." Steve continued without fighting back letting Bucky continue to beat him.

"Your my mission." Winter stated as Steve dropped to his knees as Winter held him by his collar.

"Then finish it, because I'm with you till the end of the line." Steve stated which seemed to have jogged something loose inside of winters mind making him stop his attack, but then the floor gave way causing Steve to drop as Bucky watched on while hanging by his metal arm.

"STEVE!" I yelled as I watched him fall to which I dove down while dodging debris and as I got close I shot two webs into Steve's shoulder before I pulled causing me to go flying towards him I quickly grabbed him and shot a web and started to soar towards land.

"I gotchu Steve." I said as I swung.

"I knew you would Pete."

After making it to land I let go of the web letting us drop down to which I laid Steve down horizontally so not to put him anymore pain than he already is.

As Steve and I sat there a helicopter flew close to which I stood up to protect Steve when suddenly the side door opened showing Sam with a relieved look on his face.

"You guys need a ride?"

Forty-Eight Hours Later...

After leaving the hospital Steve, Sam, Natasha, Fury, and I all met up at his gravestone here in Washington Cemetery.

"If anyone comes looking for me tell them they can find me here." Fury said before he walked away leaving us four.

"Y'all aren't going with him?" Steve asked as he turned to Natasha and I in which Natasha smiled as she grabbed my arm and wrapped around her neck.

"We lost all of our covers, gotta go make some new ones." I stated as Natasha smiled at the word 'ours' before Steve stepped forward and shook my hand.

"Take care of yourself Pete, you as well Natasha." Steve stated as I smirked.

"You do the same because if your going after him your gonna need all the luck you can get." I stated as Steve nodded before Natasha and I walked away.

"So, where are we going?" Natasha asked as we stood at my car.

"I'm think Tahiti, what do you think?" I asked as Natasha moved closer letting me wrap my arms around her waist.

"Just me and you no distractions, I like it." Natasha said as I leaned down and kissed her with Nat wrapping her arms around my neck as she reciprocated the kiss.

"I love you Red."

"I love you too Spider."

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