Vampire Ninja -Rory Keaner x...

By yuhgettintooit

16.5K 326 217

A RORY KEANER X READER STORY Moving In with your Cousin Ethan and Experiencing a crazy first day between a we... More

Info/ Intro


1.3K 33 8
By yuhgettintooit

Walking into school I hear the cheerleading squad cheering. I immediately groan. Those girls are so annoying. They aren't even nice!!

"Go Devils!!!" The blonde head cheerleader said. I internally gag.

"You're not doing what I think you are doing right?" I overhear Sarah ask Erica.

I turn around and see Erica rolling her eyes at Sarah's question.

"Whattt? It's Just cheerleading." Erica says, She continues "I thought you said you wanted us to be normal."

"She's kinda right Sarah, You did tell us to be normal." I say, Including myself into the conversation.

While the three of us are standing in the hallway we watch the head cheerleader roll her PomPoms and knock books out of a poor freshmans hands. The scene caused all the cheerleaders to roar with laughter.

"Cheerleaders are not normal, They are more evil than us and are Vampires' ' Sarah whispers. I nod in agreement. Cheerleaders can go either way, either the sweetest person ever or the worst person you'll ever meet.

It's fine, Besides those girls have been telling me to Bite them since forever ago." Erica states, "Baring her fangs. 

"Yeah I dont think thats what they had in mind. But.." I trailed off, Not really knowing what else to say.

"Y/n i'm really hot now, and I always wanted to be one and now I am hot enough to be a cheerleader" Erica states. I don't really know what she's talking about because I thought she was gorgeous before she turned.

"Besides, who's gonna miss them? Just one?" Erica says while walking away.

I look at Sarah and we both laugh at our friend, out of nervousness and because we didn't know what to say.

"I will!" Benny says walking up to the two of us, Ethan next to him.

Ethan Speaks up "Isn't that kinda letting Magneto join the X-men?"

I sigh, Sometimes Ethan's Geekiness is unbearable.

"I'll assume that's 'geek speak' for letting the fox in the hen house thing" Sarah says lightly, almost as if she was talking down to them. "If you have any ideas on how to stop her then, where are all ears? Sarah finishes, Motioning to me in the process.

Benny and Ethan just stare at us for a few seconds. Benny clears his throat looking past us. "You could join too?" Ethan says to us.

"No no no, There has to be another way" I immediately protested the idea. I would rather be caught dead! Well... You know what I mean. There was no way in hell I would be wearing that stupid miniskirt and top!!


After Sarah and I applied for the cheer team, we immediately got accepted in and they handed us uniforms to try on. While Benny and Ethan were waiting outside the bathroom, Sarah started to speak.

"I feel so High-school cliche". I nod in agreement.

"I kinda like this on me" I say, doing a semi-twirl staring down. I would check myself out in the mirror but I can't do that. I look back down at my shoes. "I wonder why they gave us actual cheer shoes for stunting. I have not once seen this cheer team do stunts." I think outloud to myself.

Sarah turns to me," Oh my god! I know right. I was thinking the same thing but I didn't know if my facts were straight and stuff.". She starts to move to the door and we walk out laughing.

"Kowabunga," Benny says. Ethan laughs.

Sarah rolls her eyes, "Do not say anything"

Ethan and Benny continue to laugh. "You look.." Benny starts. "Peppy!?" Ethan Finishes Benny's statement.

I intervene "Look, Somebody needs to make sure Erica isn't doing any.. Sampling" Sarah nods. "Right, Y/n and I are the only ones who can actually squeeze into these things." Sarah says, Clearly pissed off.

"Let's see what you got girls." The head cheerleader says, Standing in the doorway of the gym.

I sigh and wave goodbye to my friends.

Immediately after the gym door shuts, all the new cheerleaders are being worked to see who can make it to the final cut. Doing stretches and Jumps.

Ethan and Benny tried to barge in but the head cheerleader, who I now know as Stephanie, Kicked Ethan and Benny out for just barging into the gym.

After about another half hour goes by, The gym is starting to empty after the girls Stephanie didn't seem to like or think fit the team got eliminated. Sarah and I high five each other for beating the others, while Erica just stared at Stephanie.

Stepahnie had cleared us for a break, So I stepped into the hallway to get some fresh air. When I get into the hallway I see my idiot cousin and Benny with hideous wigs on along with a cheer costume.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say storming up to them.

They immediately looked flustered. "See I told you this wouldn't work!" Ethan says, Pointing his finger at Benny. While questioning the two idiots Rory comes up to us.

"Well, Hello there foxy ladies!" Rory says to Ethan and Benny, Almost choking on his Juice.

"Hi! I'm Betty and this is..." Bennys says, Panicking. "Veronica?" Ethan says, Basically questioning his own words.

"Sweet, so much easier than remembering Angel one and Angel two" Rory says, Stroking the 'Girls' chins. "I'll see you gals around"

"See you!" Ethan says.

"Can you believe that?" Benny exclaims. "I know right, Rory totally blew me off." I say, upset and confused. "No... Rory totally bought us as chicks." Ethan exclaimed.

Ethan and Benny fist bump and talk about "Saving the cheerleaders" Before following me back into the gym.

Stephanie had made us go right back into jumps and kicks. Ethan and Benny stood to the side talking amongst themselves. Stephanie noticed them off to the side. "Uh, Betty! Veronica! Care to join us?"

"Oh! We care!" Benny/Betty says. I face palmed. Ethan and Benny giggle while skipping over to us, acting overly girly. Sarah just sideyes me.

Stephanie has us group up and cheer.

"Now I wanna hear you shout" She starts off. We all join in on the cheer," We're devil girls and we'll knock you out," We all laugh excited about the start of the season and we are having the cheer.

"Okay now hit the shower rookies, Some of you new recruits are Rank." Stephanie says, Glaring and motioning to Benny and Ethan.

"Ouch I thought the Borg queen was crusty." One of the boys said.

I make my way to the locker room with Sarah. "Hold on just a second," She says, turning around. I turn to see what she's doing and she is kicking out Ethan and Benny. Of course.


I walked into lunch with Ethan and Benny, I told them that I would sit with them today. "I never knew cheer routines could be so tricky! Am I rotating my hips too late? When should I pop and lock?" Benny says to Ethan. Ethan perks up, "You know I didn't want to say anything but I think it's more in your hips' ' Benny looks back at Ethan in surprise.

If I hadn't said it before they are the Geekiest Idiots i've ever met.

Rory starts to approach us. "Heyy, What's up with my main men?" Rory questioned Ethan and Benny. Rory was wearing a school mascot costume.

"Rory... You're the mascot?" Ethan asked, Looking Rory up and down. "Of course! Best way to hang out with all the hot cheerleader chicks!" Rory Replied. I deadpanned my face. Why should I care this much about who he likes? We only kissed once. Not even. "And! There's this one blondie Hottie Mclovely. Names Betty, She's so into me." I snort. I just fucking lose it. This idiot doesn't like me because he's too busy crushing on the female version of his best friend."What about Veronica?" Ethan Questions. "Meh, Well she's okay" Rory replied. At that point I was gone. That whole situation was a mess up.

I walk away laughing, I feel like I'm losing my mind. I just decided to leave school. I don't really feel like doing anything. I'm all caught up anyway.

When I arrived home, Nobody was there. Which I guess was to be expected. I make my way upstairs.

After 3 more hours pass of me sitting on my bed just waiting for ANYTHING to happen, I hear the front door shut and footsteps downstairs. Ethan is probably home. When I came downstairs I saw Ethan and Benny talking amongst themselves. Benny grabs a book from his backpack and the boys both run upstairs to Ethan's room. I follow them.

When I get upstairs they are already sitting down and talking.

"Benny. Are you sure it's the cheer that's making you tingle? Maybe it was gas?" I hear Ethan question.

"My tingles are never wrong" Benny Argues back. Benny shifts in his chair and pulls the book closer to the two of them. "Look, Forces of Nature: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. That's what makes a star...." Benny trails off.

"Oh man. Guys, This isn't just a cheer! It's an incantation." I say. Benny glares at me.

"Forces of nature. That's what makes a star. We may look like girls, But that's not all that we are." Ethan says, The words finally sink in for him.

"So Stephanie doesn't just act like a witch... She is one!" I say, not really believing myself fully.

"So that vision I had in the gym wasn't Ericas.." Ethan says. "It was Stephanie's" Ethan and Benny say simultaneously. "Tomorrow's rally has nothing to do with team spirit." Ethan states.

"She's after the human spirits of the whole school. Erica's in for a nasty shock." Benny says, stunned.

"And so is Sarah.." Ethan and I say, looking at each other.
All of our phones ring. "Sarah is bringing Stephanie's whole squad over to see Betty and Veronica" Ethan says.

The boys nervously chuckle.

I told Jane about the situation and she immediately went to Ethan for payment. I always think it's funny because Jane has never once asked for money from me after a favor. Ethan is just a pushover.

While Ethan and Benny are getting ready, I let the whole squad into the house when they arrived.

For about twenty minutes the girls and I just laughed about topics from school and silly moments from practice. Stephanie stops laughing when she sees Ethan and Benny walk into the room.

"Don't be shy girls, Join the fun! The spirit squad is now in session!!" Stephanie exclaimed.

Sarah got up from next to me to talk to Benny and Ethan. By the look on their faces they could tell she was acting weirder than usual also.

"Let's have a pillow fight!" Sarah exclaimed, while hurling a pillow right at my face. Obviously I joined in. Even though I'm considered too old for these things, I'll take advantage and have as much fun as possible.

The next morning when I wake up, I don't remember almost anything from last night. I reach over to grab my phone and it's dead. I plug it back in and get ready for school today. Walking to the bathroom I see Benny and Ethan violently scratching at their faces and nails. Attempting to remove all traces of last night's sleepover.

"It looks like you dorks had more fun than I did." I say. The boys just look at me with scowls on their faces until Ethan stomps over and slams the door.

Benny's grandma had stopped by to give Jane a strength potion and to give me more blood supplements. She had mentioned something about the pep rally and to be prepared, but she already knew I could handle whatever it was that was going to happen. Benny's Grandma also informed me that she had given Benny a set of pom pom's that would be useful for tonight's pep rally.


The pep rally had finally come. The crowd was going crazy. I see most of my classmates in the audience along with many of the teachers. After doing a little bit of tumbling on the floor with the other girls. We all got into formation for the big cheer, Our main floor routine.

"The moment has come, this is it. Our finest hour. No stopping us now. You can't resist our power." We all cheer moving backwards into our circle position. "Forces of nature. That's what makes a star. We may look like girls, but that's not all we are."

The crowd starts to get even louder as we continue to cheer.

"Garna, Virto, Immortalis." We start to repeat it over and over again.  "Give up now, cause you're gonna be beat. We are out for power and you're in for defeat.".

"Now-Benny-Now!!" I hear my cousin yell.

While we are all still cheering, another set of cheers start to be heard. "Subsistoris o lemi mark now, Subsistoris o lemi mark now" The boys start to chant even louder.

"Back off geeks! I've been waiting 50 years to bring this school down, and NOONE is going to stop me!" Stephanie snaps back at the boys.

Stephanie starts to cheer again, this time even louder. Her eye's start to glow, all the doors to the gym have now slammed shut. Along with the lights being cut, causing slight panic of the people in the crowd.

As I look closer to the crowd I see people starting to pass out and fall over on the bleachers. I look to the boys for reassurance but they look just as lost.

Surrounding our formation is now the souls of the crowd, fueling the star and the chant. When the boys try to move out of formation, they are stuck in place. Going out on a limb they touch Sarah with a pom pom and she snaps out of her girly state.

"Y/n, What's going on?" Sarah asks, confused.

"Stephanie's a witch! She's sucking the souls out of the whole student body." I explained to her.

"GET BACK IN FORMATION" Stephanie screams at the four of us. "THE CHEER MUST BE COMPLETED"

Sarah claps back at Stephanie, "Here's a new cheer for you! GIVE ME AN 'O'" and she jumps out of the formation.

When Sarah jumps out all of us are scattered across the floor because of the spell breaking. The lights turn on and everyone in the bleacher's wakes up and starts to leave the gym as if nothing happened.

"Sweet, It's like an all you can eat buffet" Erica says to us, looking at Stephanie on the floor.

When Stephanie leans back up she looks at least 40 years older.

"What the fu-" I say, before I'm cut off.

"YOU! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING" Stephanie screams at us. Benny's grandma must have appeared at sometime.

"Poor Stephanie, I remember how mean folks were to you back then." Benny's grandma says.

While Benny's grandma was turning back to face us, Stephanie pulled out a knife but was quickly stopped by Benny's grandma.

"What I forgot was how much you deserved it." She finishes her statement.

"Three cheers for grandma" I say.

"WHOOO" Benny screams.

" I am so done with cheerleading" Ethan says, throwing down his pom poms.

"Agreed" Me, Benny, and Sarah say.

"Smart kids. All that jumping around is fun, but all you're left with is saggy pom-poms" Benny's grandma says.

We all groan in disgust.

The next day in the cafeteria was interesting to say the least. Stephanie is now a lunch lady.

I sit with Sarah and overhear Rory tell Ethan and Benny how sad he is that 'Betty' Moved away. I sigh. Sarah notices my frustration and tells me that Rory is just an idiot.

That I agree with.

Benny had handed Rory a pre-written letter from Betty, and I guess whatever was in it made Rory sooo happy that he started to float. I push myself away from the table and leave the lunchroom. I see Rory look back at me, he immediately stops floating.

Word count: 2764


I am soooo sorry that this chapter took so long to write. Im not gonna list excuses but i am sorry for those who have been waiting.

I love this book and i love the people who decide to read it. You all mean so much to me. I hope you guys liked this chapter!!!

Please lmk about any spelling errors or mistakes.

Thank you for reading,


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