Genshin Impact: The Undefeata...

By HarshaJirou

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Awoken 2months earlier than expected, confused at his situation and frustrated due to the feeling of weakness... More

Chapter 1: Awoken from a long sleep.
Chapter 2: Monstadt and new plan
Chapter 4:The day arrives!
Chapter 5: Start of Jean's vacation.
Chapter 6: Disaster strikes.
Chapter 7: The gathering of Knights.
Chapter 8:Fate of Monstadt Part 1:
Chapter 9: fate of Monstadt part 2

Chapter 3: Start of a adventurer Life.

1K 23 7
By HarshaJirou

{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

(its that way!)=thoughts

"could you help me put up some missing posters?"= speech

" I will have order"= speaking with authority or anger or seriousness


Narrator POV:

It couldn't be farfetched to say that no one in Monstadt except for the people directly linked to the grandmasters know Aether. Living the past month at the headquarters and sneaking out of the high-walls to train, it is safe to say that the general populace and the Fatui forces remain unknown of Aether. 

The main reason for the fatui to go as far as to commit to human trafficking is that they are unable to land spies inside the knights of Favonius, the recruitment only extends to people born in Monstadt and with all of their history in documentation, with unable to plant a spy or influence a high-status knight. The fatui didn't have another choice but to collaborate with certain hated nobles and resort to human trafficking to build forces. 

Aether walks towards the adventurers guild, the adventurer's guild formed by the union of the 7 nations hundred of years ago. Which is the reason why no country can force their wills onto the guild or else, as the contract states, The other nations can move towards the said nations with the intention of conquest. This essential critical contract is needed since adventurer's guild is that important after all. The only archon allowed to tamper with the adventurer's guild was the dendro archon.

Since it was known by the gods that the dendro archon is known to be the purest of the archons incapable of bearing ill intentions. Arriving at the guild, a woman in a type of a maid outfit who is quite tall turns to him as she addresses, " Ad astra abyssosque, Welcome to the adventurer's guild, How may I help you??". Aether answers "I would like to register as an adventurer, How should I go about it?". The woman at the register replies "You are required to fill a registration form and a few safety documents of the guild not being liable in any form in case an adventurer is seriously injured or dead.".

Aether nods as the lady passes over a form which he fills up as well as signing a few documents. The lady then explains, "At the starting, the guild provides small commissions to ease the person into the adventurer life and after checking over the progress, the person will be free to choose their own quests. Would you like to look at the list of commissions available?". 

Aether nods as he asks "By the way, what is your name?", The lady replies "You may refer to me as Katheryne, the receptionist of the Adventurers' Guild. My job is to provide the adventurers with quests and intelligence support.". Aether gives a smile as he says "Alright Katheryne, I am Aether, I look forward to working with you.".

Katheryne smiles as she shows a few commissions for Aether, Aether picks out 3 as he says "Alright then, I will do these 3.", Katheryne gives a puzzled look as she asks "Are you sure Adventurer Aether, normally people only take 1.", Aether just shrugs his shoulders as he turns as leaves to do the commissions.

Aether's POV:

My first destination is the statue of the seven at Windrise. I learn about the strange monuments and the statues and how people with visions can use them to teleport themselves. But is only limited within a region. If you want to teleport to Liyue city, First you must enter into the Liyue region before being able to teleport. Of course, the basic step is to first mark all the points with your elemental energy. 

Which is something I have already done around the Monstadt region. Teleporting myself there, I wonder why this person specifically requested someone with visions only. Feeling the shift in space, I open my eyes as I sees the giant tree. Looking around, I spot a woman and  looking at the description from the commission. Confirming the similarities, I approach her as I say "Hello Ms. Edith, I am Aether. I was told you require a vision holder for a commission.".

Looking quite excited she answers, "Oh my! Yes, I do require a adventurer with a vision so they can bring me a few leaves with elemental energy absorbed by it. I heard only vision holders can sense it.". I nod as I ask " How many leaves do you require ms?", "I require 3 please.". I nod as I approach the tree climbing the side of it. My elemental senses are much different then others after. Vision holder can feel the elemental energy but I can see it if I close my eyes and spread out my senses. It like a black and white world with only the elementals being colored.

Jumping onto a thick branch I spread my senses and collect 3 leaves as I jump down walking over to Ms. Edith. She was looking quite shocked for some reason, she says "My! You completed it very fast, normally it takes other quite a few hours.". (...) I guess their range of feeling the elemental energy is very limited. 

I just shrug as I hand over the leaves and show her the commission, She signs it as she pulls out a bag of coins handing it over. I see a few thousand mora in there. This is normally enough for someone to live for a month. I look at her as I ask, "Isn't this quite a huge amount?", She giggles a bit as she says " It takes more money to pay for commissions with requirements like experienced fighters or vision holders. And these are funds provided for us anyways so don't worry about it.". 

I nod as I then imagine the teleport point in Springvale village. I walk into the entrance as I look around asking for someone named Draff. Finding him, I go over as I say "Hello Draff, I am Aether, I took your commission. What would you need help with.", Draff looks me not a bit confused, I guess he expected someone he knows.

" We normally use pigeons to deliver letters to far away places, we even have a company for it since it saves money from hiring someone with vision. But the pigeons suddenly flew into the woods beside the village entrance, Would you mind chasing them so they will go do their deliveries.". I nod, well I guess these chores are for beginners huh? I jog towards the entrance.

Walking into the woods, I close my eyes as I see small white pigeon sized images moving behind the bushes, this is a good advantage I have, No one can easily sneak up on me with this. I run as I shoo them off into the sky. I then look around realizing that there ae more than 100 pigeons lazing around. I grow a tic on my forehead as now I see why other do only 1 commission per day

I sigh as I then concentrate wind energy flowing around my arms as I spread my arms releasing a small gale around me. I see many pigeons panic as they fly away. I repeat this a few times in other places as I finally sense none around. I go back to Draff as I say " I shoo'd off at least more than 100 pigeons, there are none there.", He looks dumbfounded as he says " That was really quick, normally people just shoo off a few and come back saying they made 6 or 10 fly away before I tell them the number.".

I guess my elemental vision comes useful here. I then hand over the commission paper as Draff signs it as he hands over 500 mora. I nod as I look at my last chosen commission for the day, realizing that this one is in the city, I teleport to the city corner side teleport point. Jogging up the stairs, I come upon the church. I see a sister waiting outside as I see that her details match as I approach her and say "Hello ms. Victoria, I am Aether, I took your commission, may I know what it is.".

Looking at me, she answers "There has been someone constantly looking through a different window of the church each day, We are unable to catch him as he runs away, May you please catch him so we can question him?". I nod as I jog a bit to the side and seeing no one around, I wrap some Anemo around my feet as I make a jump, easily jumping over 40 feet onto the roof. I move towards the corners as I see a guy watching through the windows. I jump down landing with a thud using Anemo to soften the landing, I pull out my sword putting it around his neck as I say "Move and you will suffer consequences, I am appointed to hand you over to the church.". 

The guy panic as he tries to speak, I just shut his mouth as I drag him towards the front. I spot Victoria as I call out to her while dragging this struggling peeping tom. She pulls out cuffs as she binds his hands. Looking at me with a smile, she says "Thanks Aether-san, no one managed to catch him so far. Here is the pay!" She signs he commission handing me 2000 more as she drags the guy into the church.

Seeing as it was afternoon time and I didn't have lunch, I will hand these over to Katheryne and go eat. Teleporting to the central teleport point in city, I walk over to the guild, looking at Katheryne outside standing still, I approach her as I say " I am done with the commissions, Katheryne. Here are the papers.".

She looked shocked but accepted the papers and checked them, she then nods as she said " Wow, adventurer Aether, you have completed these commissions in record time. The reviews about you are wonderful in the paper as well. will-" Suddenly an alarm rang as Katheryne opens a speaker as a scared voice is heard "P-Please send help! t-these hillichurls are t-too many to count!". the voice was cut off as Aether quickly says " Give me the location Katheryne, I will go over.". Katheryne objects "You are still a beginner Aether-san", "I have a vision, I know I am capable of fighting, plus no is here right now.".

Katheryne bites her lip a bit (Its true, there is no one here! I have no choice but to trust Aether-san) "Please help them Aether-san, There are in the western corner of the Dragonspine waters. Its very close to the teleport point, I will make this a commission by the time you save them". I nod as I quickly imagine the place and link to my elemental power in the teleport point and feel the shift. 

I quickly run over to a screaming noise as I look to see a man with many injuries tying his best to fend off the horde of hillichurls. Applying Anemo to my feet I dash quickly and jump. Surrounding my fist with Anemo, I quickly slam in the middle of the hoard sending many hillichurls flying around. Summoning my blade and applying Anemo over my body and sword, I dash towards the injured person cutting anything on my way.

Taking out a healing potion Katheryne gave me, I see the man falling over with a look of relief on his face. I stop his head from hitting the ground as I spray the potions over his body. Keeping him behind me, I face the group of 30 hillichurls without counting the 20 I cut down, forcing Anemo into my blade, I swing it wide "WIND BLADE!", A wide arc of Anemo speeds over to the hillichurls with no one able to escape as all the hillichurls were cut down. I let out a beath of exhaustion. 

That move took way too much out of me, even if it is a finishing move. I have to build my reserves more. I look back seeing the man was still unconscious, at least his injuries were closing in. I quickly lift him up over my shoulder as I sense the city center teleport point and teleport to it. Avoiding the looks of shocks and concerns of others, I run over to the guild. 

I quickly hand him over to a group of nurses waiting outside the guild with a stretcher. I sigh a bit as I look at Katheryne, she gave me a smile as she tells me "Thanks for handling the emergency commission quickly, adventurer Aether. The guild will give your 10,000 mora as reward and with this you have completed 4 quests in total today, earning 5000 mora as bonus.".

I look at her confused "Bonus?", Katheryne nods as she explains "Yes, Every time a group of adventurers or 1 adventurer completes 4 quests within a day, they are given a 5000 mora bonus.". I  nod as I take the mora, keeping it in my storage belt as I wave bye to Katheryne to go have lunch.



Well then! I hope the chapter was enjoyable. 

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