My One and Only

By xxThistleThornxx

2.1K 58 122

Sweeney Todd and Nellie Lovett are living happily now that they are together but the judge is still alive and... More

Times have changed
A rainy day
Control your bloodlust
Dinner with the Williams
Decisions and sacrifices
Unfortunate events
A hopeless trial
Aspirational escape

Tensions rising

131 5 22
By xxThistleThornxx

"Here we are, enjoy!" Mrs. Lovett said cheerfully as she gave a young couple their pies. "Thank you, ma'am" they replied and chowed down on their meals. Nellie gave a small smile and walked away from them, oh to be young and in love, she thought as she glanced at the young couple who were exchanging sweet words to each other.

Nellie has always wondered what that was like, to feel so much love for the person you're courting and your life is like a fairytale where you will get your happy ending, but of course that was ruined when her parents made an arranged for her to be with the grumpy fat Albert she had to force herself to love. She remembers the times Albert would drink late at night making her very anxious and sometimes having to lock herself in her bedroom while her husband is in a drunken rage trying to pry open the door and do God knows what to her, it was terrifying. For a man that was as big as an elephant and had a hard time running, he was quite strong. But she is happy now with Sweeney, she just wish they were together since fifteen years ago. She remembers the times back when she was young and love struck by the former Benjamin Barker and will always fantasized that she'll be bold enough to tell Albert she's leaving him for the young barber upstairs and he will do the same with his family, but she knew this would never happen and she also knows that Sweeney will always stay loyal to his wife.

And yet here she was, no longer in her twenties but in her forties as a widow but with the man she has loved for such a long time and with a child she can call her own, her dream has finally come true.

Speaking of the barber, she heard the back door burst open and in came Sweeney with blood on his face and vest. Before she could say anything, Sweeney lifted her up and kissed her deeply. Nellie gasped by the sudden move but soon melted into the kiss as she felt Sweeney pull on her waist tightly in case she falls or pushes away from him.

After a few seconds, he drops her and they both pant for air. "Good mood today are ya?" Nellie asked between breaths and giggles a little while she places her hands on her chest.

"It's over. The vulture is dead" Sweeney muttered, his tone sounded happy and relieved, as if a weight on his shoulders has finally been lifted off him after so many years of holding it.

Nellie placed her hands on her mouth, Turpin was finally gone. She smiled at Sweeney but it didn't last long when she finally took notice of the blood stained vest the barber was wearing and his face was also painted red. "Go inside the parlor, someone might see you!" She glances to the main entrance of her shop, thankfully her shop was empty but the windows were open and anyone could have seen Sweeney covered in blood and call the police on him.

He obeys and walks into the parlor and Nellie goes into a cupboard and pulls out a bucket and pours some water in it and grabs a rag and walks into the parlor where Sweeney already took off his vest.

"How do you feel?" She asks him while she dabs the rag in the bucket of water. "Like... all the problems I had have gone away.." he says, almost in disbelief and Nellie places the soaked cloth on his face. She was glad the barber has finally found closure, perhaps this also means he'll take it a step further of making their relationship official.

"But the beadle is still alive" she heard him say which she couldn't help but scrunch her nose at. "He's not my problem, for now" Sweeney added making Nellie at ease.

"Shall we celebrate tonight?" She chimed and Sweeney smirked, "I like that".

Nellie couldn't help but blush at his words, perhaps during their celebration they'll do some shagging as an award for Sweeney's victory, she couldn't wait.

"I'll make a feast, for the two of us" she pecked his cheek, despite some blood still smeared on his face.

"Can't wait" he told her.

"By the way, I stopped by the market not too long ago and I bumped into Emily." Sweeney lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"Alexander's wife," Nellie reminded him and he only nodded his head now remembering the lawyer's wife.

"What about her?" He asked.

"She seems to look glum as well, in fact she thinks her husband is having an affair with some whore." She inhaled some oxygen as she got ready to say the next words out of her mouth.

"I think she thinks I'm the one sleepin' around with Alex, but that ain't true. He don't seem the type to go behind his wife's back, and he has children! I don't know what's wrong with that woman but the only reason he comes home late looking like he got into a tiger's cage is because he's working on our crimes!" Nellie started to panic a little and Sweeney was quick to get up on his feet and place a hand on the baker's shoulder.

"Easy pet" he muttered, "you women are dramatic about everything" that last part sounded like a joke and Nellie seemed to ease down and let out a small chuckle at Sweeney's comment.

"I guess you're right. That woman needs to learn and appreciate her husband, just like I appreciate you" she said that last part proudly and gave Sweeney a light kiss on the lips.

"I'll go prepare lunch, see you in a couple of hours darling" she smiled at him to which he returned until he retreated back to his shop and Nellie went back into her pie shop to the kitchen and prepared lunch.


That night once Toby went to bed, Nellie promised a grand feast with her barber in honor to celebrate the success of killing the infamous Judge Turpin. The two sat across from each other and various foods surrounded them, from roast chicken to some fruit on a bowl and a small basket of bread and a tray of different soups and salads with vegetables on them and a couple of sweets around the table as well.

Sweeney was appalled by the sight, "you didn't had to make all of this, Pet. It's just the two of us" he told her and he was right because there were big portions of food that he knew neither he nor the baker will finish eating.

"I couldn't help myself, love" she smiled at him and placed her fork on a piece of the roast chicken she got. "We'll give the left overs to the boy if we don't finish everything" she added and bit into her chicken. Sweeney did the same as he slurped on the vegetable soup Nellie made.

Once most of their food was gone, they went in for the gin and what happened next was a blur because the next morning, Nellie woke up from the sound of knocking coming from the front door which gave her a massive migraine and she rubbed her eyes and realized her dress was destroyed. She turned around and saw Sweeney sleeping besides her on the floor with only his shirt and drawers.

She was blushing madly, and blushing more when the knocking of her front door continued only louder as the minutes went by. So she quickly got off the floor and ran to her room and put on a simple dress but didn't bother to brush her hair knowing that someone was waiting impatiently outside.

Once she got a dress on, she rushed back down to Sweeney and nudged on his arm to wake him up. "Sweeney wake up, someone's at the door" she whispered to him and after a few seconds he awoke and instantly placed his hand on his forehead and complained about his head hurting, though Nellie told him to stop whining and put his clothes on for they apparently have an early customer.

"Who in bloody hell is knocking at this hour?" Nellie grumbled to herself as she headed to the door once Sweeney was dressed and sat on a booth. To her surprise, when she opened the door, she was greeted by Alex who looked as pale as a ghost.


"Judge Turpin has gone missing!" The lawyer said in panic before he even allowed Nellie to say anything. Both Sweeney and Nellie pretended to look surprised and horrified at the news. "The honorable Judge Turpin? Oh what horrible news!" Nellie put her acting skills on, pretending to sound like a damsel filled with sorrow after learning that her shining armor has died while trying to save her.

Alex took off his top hat and placed it in his chest as his eyes look to the floor sadly, "yes, it was yesterday around the afternoon he left to go do some errands but after hours he never returned and it's possible that someone has kidnapped him or killed him and dumped his body somewhere, we're not sure, yet," Alex explained and the demon couple couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety that the law will soon trace back that the judge did enter here.

"I talked to a few locals who have last saw him and one of them told me he was last seen around your street" they both heard him say and now they were in extreme panic, but Nellie was quick to step in.

"Yes, it's true that he did come here for a pie and perhaps a shave and that was the last we saw of him" of course half lies always seemed like a life saver to her, but she couldn't help but feel that there was something—or rather someone, about to lose his temper on what she just said.

"Do you know where he might have gone to?" The man asked and Nellie shook her head, "sorry, love, but I don't know where he went off to".

Alexander bend his head down and placed his hand on the bridge of his nose, "what a time this has become. So many people are gone and one of those had to be a judge..." he muttered. Nellie couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend as he hasn't been doing great lately, first struggling to find the murderer of the missing men around her street, which she is honestly grateful for now, and then the problems he's having with his wife who thinks he's cheating on her, possibly with the baker which is false, and now he seems to be very distraught and stressed out with the disappearance of a very important but not so gentle man.

"I'm so sorry Alex, I wish I could help ya, but I have a job of me own to do" she answered truthfully and Alex looked at her with an odd look, "please call me Mr. Williams as this is serious business and I appreciate you want to help me, but this is a man's job that no lady should take part of" he said rather dryly, slightly offending Nellie.

The lawyer placed his top hat back on his head, "I must be going, perhaps we'll meet again soon, Mrs. Lovett. And to you as well, Mr. Todd" he looked over Nellie's shoulder to see Sweeney slummed in one of the booths glaring at the man of the law slightly, though it didn't seem Alex noticed, or he just didn't care and has learned about Sweeney's behavior.

"Farewell to the both of you and please stay safe" and he was gone.

Immediately, Sweeney stood up from the booth he was sat in, "what the Hell was that Eleanor?! Why would you tell him the judge was here? That's a higher chance of them finding out about our crimes and it will be your fault!" He roared at her, and though his words were harsh, they didn't effect her much.

"I know love, twas stupid of me. But what did ya want me to say?"

"That the judge was never here you daft woman! Why can't you use your head correctly, God you're so stupid sometimes!"

Suddenly, Sweeney felt a hard burning sensation on his right cheek and it took him awhile to realize that the baker struck him, and it surprised him because his lover had never been physical to him and it was only he a few times before they were courting has he ever hurt her physically, so this was a surprise to him. "Don't you ever talk to me like that Mr. Todd, I had my reasons and I've told ya in the past to never use those words on me, you promised me!" She defended herself  but Todd was quick to fight back.

"Why are you defending him? You don't want us to hang do you? What about me? Don't I mean anything to you? You don't like that pathetic lawyer do you?" His voice sounded like a growl which began to make Nellie nervous, but she wasn't going to allow her lover to win this fight. "I'm not defending him, he's just my friend! And of course I care about ya, I love ya so much Sweeney and I feel nothing for Alex, only you" she told him almost desperately.

"Then why is he always coming here? Of course because it's Fleet Street and the crimes we made, but why specifically here in your pie shop? Maybe his wife is right about you sleeping with him." At this point, Nellie was filled with rage, "how dare you! How dare you assume I'm a whore and going behind your back!" She attempted to slap some sense into him but quickly realized it won't be worth it knowing that he might attack her if she fought him again, so instead she walked out of the room angrily to get herself ready for work. Leaving Sweeney with also a frustrated expression until he also left to his shop and brood.


Nellie had never felt so angry in her life. What was his problem? Was he jealous? Because she has told him many times before that he is the only one for her. Sure when she was younger, and this was way before she met Sweeney, she had a small crush on Alex, but times are different now and she is in love with the barber upstairs who is so easy to get jealous of any man that comes her way.

It was adorable at first, but now he's taken it too far by accusing her of actually sleeping with someone. The gall of him to accuse her of such things!

She stirred the pie filling rather aggressively, nearly breaking the wooden spoon. He's sleepin' in his shop tonight, she made a mental note to herself, even if he did apologize it won't change anything for what he said to her.

"Is everythin' alright, mum? You look upset," Toby popped his head out of the kitchen and noticed his mother looked slightly agitated, not to notice her stirring the pie mixture quite roughly to the point the spoon will eventually break.

Nellie let out a puff of annoyance but pulled a smile at the boy, "I'm alright love, just had a small argument with Mr. Todd earlier" she told him honestly.

"What did he say to you?" The lad queried and Nellie couldn't help but feel her heart strings being pulled that his tone was quite protective, how sweet of him. She really didn't deserve him. "Just accusing me of something I'd never do to him, stupid bastard" she muttered that last part to herself.

"Why don't ya go outside and clean the tables" she suddenly changed the subject and handed Toby a rag and took him outside where the tables were. Honestly, Nellie just wants to be alone right now, she didn't feel like talking to anyone and just wants to get everything done so she can mope about in her room or sit in the parlor and read one of her romance novels.

It was certainly not her day today, and just when she was having such a good time with Sweeney it had to be ruined.

Nellie sighed in annoyance and continued stirring the pie filling, wondering if Sweeney will come back to her and apologize and tell him he will not share her bed tonight, the look on his face will satisfy her as he faces his punishment, it put a smile on her face.


Sweeney chugged on the bottle of gin as if he hadn't drank anything in his life. He didn't mean to say those things to Nellie but he couldn't stop himself, plus he was furious when she told the bloody lawyer that the judge was in their shop! That gives him an excuse to snoop around their place and probably want to investigate the bakehouse, their reputation and their lives will be ruined...

Anxiety formed in his stomach and he continued to chug on the bottle of gin, not caring if he'll pass out from it, or if he was lucky, it'll poison him and he'll drop dead. His mind suddenly drift off to the baker knowing that if he died, Nellie would be alone and he didn't know what that crazy baker would do if she one day found him lying on the floor lifeless. She'd probably kill herself too to be with him.

His anger soon turned to love knowing that there was at least one person in his life that cares about him... loves him. He dropped the bottle of gin and threw himself on his chair and let out a sigh. That woman was something else, and though there are times he feels like he wants to hurt her, torture her and teach her a lesson to not anger him, sometimes kill her, it was something he would never actually do especially now that she is his lover. Though he has not confessed to her, he will come up with the courage someday to tell her everyday how much he loves her. It may sound corny but it was true. That bloody woman may drive him crazy, and sometimes in a fit of rage to kill someone, but she was also his bloody wonder, practically the woman that saved his life since he has returned to London after fifteen years of hard labor and torture in the Hell Hole known as Botany Bay.

It honestly surprised him that even after Nellie realized he was a killer, she still wanted to help him. That was how he knew that she was as mentally insane and he was, and that was why they are a perfect match for each other. Though her madness was slightly different from his, they were still a match made in Hell.

He felt his eyes becoming heavy and he ended up passed out on his chair, his left hand dangling almost touching the floor, but was careful to not touch the petal that will send him to his unexpected demise.


Dusk was arriving quickly, Nellie had thought for a long time that she should check in Sweeney if he was alright since he hasn't come down after their little argument, but reminding herself of what he called her, she decided against it and was going to lock her bedroom door tonight incase he does try to come inside.

Toby was already getting read for bed and Nellie was finishing cleaning the counter with a rag and at that moment, the front door barged open, startling Nellie and the rag she was holding fell on the floor.

At first she thought it was Sweeney and got herself ready to tell him off and he'll be spending the night in his shop, but she was shocked to see that it was not the barber but her lawyer friend Alex who looked beaten up and messy. His hair was tousled in many directions and his body movements were kind of odd as if he were drunk.

"Alex? What ya doing here? I'm closed if ya lookin' for a pie" she told him but Alex answered with a hiccup and the way he faced her made Nellie uneasy.

"Eleanor... I'm so tired and my head hurts..." he complained. His eyes didn't look normal, they looked as if he were in a daze and when he spoke, a foul smell came out of his breath. He was indeed drunk.

"Alex darling, I think you should go home. Ya wife's probably worried sick and your children must miss you" she told him in a soft voice though her uneasy tone was clear.

Alex hiccuped again and approached the baker, making her very nervous so she backed away a little.

"My wife's a dirty bitch... and my children want nothin' to do with me! Emily has poison their brains with lies...!" He ranted, "you're the only one that cares about me... my job is hell and the other employees hate me... I'm all alone..."

Nellie felt pity for her friend, but what could she do? She hasn't seen a man breakdown before, besides Sweeney but it was more of rage rather than sadness and to him nearly hurting her.

"I love you Nellie..." the baker froze in her place and she failed to feel the lawyer's arms wrap around her body and hold her tightly in his embrace, and it wasn't until she felt his lips on her neck that she snapped out of her trance and she shoved him off.

The lawyer's expression was puzzled and perhaps heart broken. "I'm sorry Alex but you already know I am in love with Mr. Todd and you have a wife and children" she tried telling him in a calm and reasonable manner but the man only frowned.

"But I love you! You're the only one for me Nellie, Emily stopped respecting me when you bumped into my life" he hiccuped, "it was then that I knew... that you are my destiny and I want you to be my wife and have my children".

Nellie was visibly uncomfortable now. Sure she had a small crush on him when they were children but things are different now, she is madly in love with that stupid bastard of a barber and no other man can steal her heart, not even the friend she grew up with.

"I'm sorry but you need to leave. You're not welcome here anymore" she tried ushering him out but he wouldn't budge. He was a lot stronger compared to her and right now she wished Sweeney will come out of his dark gloomy shop and help her get rid of the man who she thought she could trust.

"I know that barber killed Judge Turpin!"

Nellie suddenly released her grip on Alex and faced him with absolute horror. Her skin becoming more pale than usual, making her look more like a ghost while Alex grinned at her in a not so friendly way.

"How did you-"

"This morning after I left I heard you and Mr. Todd arguing" he interrupted her, "and I'm usually not the type to be nosy but I did not like the way he yelled at you and the fact he blandly admitted to killing the judge, and I'm honestly ashamed you did nothing about it" he said coldly and Nellie felt something sickening in her stomach.

This was it. Now the law knows of her and the barber's crimes and they will get the death penalty. She suddenly felt like crying knowing that her demise will possibly come soon but she tried her best to hold them in.

"I'll let you in on this Nellie, I'll let you and Mr. Todd live if you agree to become my mistress. If not then there will be consequences. And even if you do tell that man upstairs of my intentions with you, there will be back up if things get messy." Is he blackmailing her?! Now Nellie could feel a knot forming in her stomach to the point she might pass out.

"You're insane! Haven't I told ya already I have a lover!"

"But I can be so much better than him. I have money, I can give you whatever you desire," he walked slowly to her, "I can even take you to the beach since I do remember that's all you've ever dreamed of since we were children".

Nellie knew now that he wasn't just drunk but insane! As if she would choose a luxury life over the man she has cling on to for fifteen years and now that she has him it was almost impossible to throw that away.

"You have until three days to decide. Once you've made your decision, write to me. Until then, farewell. I enjoyed this little conversation we had," he smiled like his usual self and waved her a goodbye to which she didn't respond and instead listen for the lawyer's footsteps to reach the door and close it.

Once he was gone Nellie dropped herself to the floor and became a sobbing mess. What was she going to do? If she told Sweeney and kills him, the cops will immediately go after him, but if she became Alex's mistress they'll be safe even though Sweeney will not like that and he'll go crazy, possibly into another murderous rage. Oh what should she do? Her life just turned to Hell because her best friend was not receiving good attention by those who should care and love him, especially from his wife and children. She continued to cry silently until she decided to retrieve to her room and hugged her pillow tightly until she fell asleep, for all she knew her and Sweeney were in grave danger and she was terrified of what consequences they will face if Alex changes his mind about having her become his love and just arrest them both immediately. Tears started to spring out of her eyes again and she couldn't get them to stop.


Oooh things just got intense! Anyways what do you think of this chapter? I made it long as a make up for how long I take to post new chapters, this is also the first time I wrote a book with 4,000 words let's go!!! So I really hope you like this chapter and what you think Nellie will choose?

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