Pokemon Sword And Shield X XY...

By Hankan27

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"Whenever a story ends, another will be born. And that's what happened to this unfortunate person named Victo... More

The Beginning of the Story
The pen to write down the first chapter!
Saber is in our hands! To rewrite this world!
Believe in her strength! Kamen rider Blades! The Swordswoman of Water!
Experience in the first gym!
The thunder rumble the earth! Buster and Espada! Swordsmen of Earth and Thunder!
Scary interaction
Collective Conspiracy
One always has their back's
An evolution of bonds!
Summer... filler?
The Swordsman of Sound bayonet! Kamen rider Slash dances in the summer!
Friend or enemy if opposite ideals?
Swordsman of wind! Kamen rider Kenzan! Stealth is it's specialty in missions!
The end of the conspiracy... Darkness always comes back!
The tree of belief!
The showcase challenge!
Oasis of determination!
The darkness twist the crime!
Home sweet belief
The darkness fades when there's light!
A friend or enemy from somewhere
The predictions and message from the future
The sorrow from the dream
The light that saves the day! Kamen rider Saikou!
The Ninja village under attack!
Flying! Smog! Sting! Steam! Swordswoman of Smoke! Kamen rider Sabela!
A strong bond and smile repells the sorrow!
True identity and past
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Part 1)
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Part 2)
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Last Part)
A thousand and one chances
Moonlight hearts sparkles
Two illumination of light together
Moonlight dances illuminate the night
The preparation for the Masterclass!
The sessions starts!
Cold thoughts
Frozen from the outside but warm from the inside
Infiltrating of the base!
Fear has now arrived...
Grieving past
Resurrected to end the fear
All Seiken's gathered to create the conclusion of the end
Trust! Follow the right path!
Friendship! Rewrite the story!
Oh my, the sword of in-between!
A challenge, to become champion!

A Swordsman fights with all the colours!

26 0 0
By Hankan27

"Bonne lecture! It seems we're facing a problem, what that problem is? The fact that Victor Sword is controlling the two girls into his bidding and calling himself king, so what will the remaining Swordsman will do? We'll see that later in the chapter. And please don't put what I said out of context, this isn't a harem, or... Other things..." Tassel said

Chapter 27: A Swordsman fights with all the colours!

"The what now?" Hop was confused

"It's Victor, he's thinking he is king for no reason," Ryan replied

"Actually there is a reason," Mayer said

"Wait what's the reason?" Ryan asked

"You see... It isn't actually far off from what he said," Mayer replied

"Tell me, why does he think he's the king?" Ryan asked

"Many years ago before the tragedy happened, Victor, along with other childrens, were found in the wonder world," he responded

"Wait why would anyone abandon childrens in the wonder world?" Ryan asked

"That's not what it sounds like, what it means was that the children weren't ordinary children here that was birth and born in this world. They're born in the wonder world as the people who can connect the earth to the wonder world and be the embodiments of it, they're called wonder children. So the king who is called King Henry the last king before the tragedy, adopted one of them and that child is Victor,"

"Are you a wonder child, Tonare?" Ryan asked

"Not me, I'm not a wonder child like them,"

"So wait, does that mean we're fighting a person who has remembered his past? I'm so confused," Ryan said

"I don't think so, that Victor you fought from what I heard and saw before he left. It was a different Victor than before, so it might be a possibility that it's a different person that's possessing his body," Hop responded

"Why his body specifically?" He asked

"Probably because his body is closely resembles the other Victor's body, so he can use his to continue what he lost in the past,"

"Can someone tell me what happened to him during the tragedy?" Ryan asked

"The tragedy from 3 years ago, he and other children was killed by the Megiddos rampaging the region. I don't know much from there however, I supported the idea of him possessing his body," Mayer responded

"Our conclusion is still there, it's still a mystery of how can he possesses him,"

Hop then thinks about the Ride Book Victor was using before he changed, "Wait... The book!"

"Did you found anything?"

"Tonare, remember the book he used before he changed? It's probably that what changed him," Hop replied

"How so?" Mayer asked

"I don't know if I can put my finger on it, but by the looks of it, the book he was using looks like a story about a soul of a dragon... That's what I could come up with," he replied

"We have so many clues, yet so little progress,"

"Why don't we take a break first before we continue?" Mayer suggested

"Right, we'll continue this tomorrow,"

"But how can we catch him?" Ryan asked

"There's a book that can detect and show where the location of a Megiddo or a specific Swordsman, we can use that,"

"Alright, guess we'll be able to get him tomorrow," Ryan said

At Victor

He's in a place where he recollected where he and his brother once played in their childhoods. It's a playground in a mansion that was once own by their family but now has been abandoned and rotting from the outside and inside

Victor is waiting for someone to show up themselves, "Where are you at! I know you're here! Don't try and be quirky by not showing up!" He shouted

Nothing is heard after that, no answer, no noise, he knew that person is playing around with him by not answering or responding

"This is exactly why father chose me as the heir to the throne. And another reason why he didn't choose you despite being his biological son," Victor said

Then, he heard the swing starts making a noise. Victor turned his head to see it was Storious in the swing

"There you are you f###head, you'd think you're special you asshole," he said to him but Storious stayed silent while looking at him, "Oh wow look at you, still doing that staring habits without saying anything, very disciplined of you, you f###### bastard,"

"Hmph... You're still yourself even after all those years..." Storious said

"The hell does that mean? That is your f###### fault for making this behaviour from myself because of you," he responded

"Wouldn't expect you to keep that sailor mouth of yours after being brought back," Storious replied

"Don't you think that's the reason why you didn't get choose to be the heir? Because I can see why," Victor said

"No, it was because of you that made my life much more difficult," he replied

"Oh now you're playing victim. Are you going to talk about how you were a prodigy?" He asked

"That's right, before you were adopted to my family, I used to be a prodigy learning every skill I can for when I become the next heir," Storious replied

"Oh please, don't try to sugar coat everything in your perspective by trying to be the victim. I knew for the fact that you cause the tragedy from 3 years ago that killed everyone!" Victor said

"If you knew, why didn't you try to stop me?" Storious asked

"At that time, I don't have any powers to accuse someone and making them be on my side, so I can't do anything to stop you that day," he responded

"Very well... And that's what happened to me earlier," he said

"Heh, try making those stories into sad ones so I don't give a flying f### about them," Victor said

"After you got adopted, my life turns upside down. My father whom see my skill as impressive, only focus his attention to your little weak ass that can't do anything. And he has the audacity to decided to make you the heir instead of me, doesn't that sound fair?" Storious responded

"Fair? You call that fair to you? That isn't how it plays out that day," Victor said

"You're right, history is written by the victors after all. So it doesn't show the full picture of what the other side is saying," Storious replied

"The irony behind it that the way you abuse your power. You think that abusing your power makes father proud?" Victor asked

"It's the only way to show father my great power to control armies whenever if there's war," he replied

"War? Since when do you think the war ever started in this modern age? You are just only abusing the power anyway, you're the one that's gonna cause another war," Victor responded

"If that's not good to be the heir, then what makes a great king?" Storious asked

"A great king are the ones who are kind to their people and use their powers for something righteous," Victor replied

"That's the most boring thing I've ever heard," Storious responded

"And that's why you aren't the heir, you stupid dumbf###, you don't even recognize your own problems and instead only paying attention to your ego," he responded

"Then let's settle this, what about a fight? The location will be in Couriway Town? It'll decide if you truly deserve to be heir earlier to prove a point," Storious asked

"I'm willing to fight you anytime and anywhere, I can even fight you right here and right now," Victor replied

"Fine, we'll settle the fight for tomorrow, how's that sound to your stupid small pebble brain?" He asked

"Sounds fine, you ask to do it tomorrow than now because you don't want your ego to be destroyed," he responded

"The only thing is going destroyed is your hopes and dreams," Storious replied

"My hopes and dreams are going to remain after our fight, yours will be your own ego," Victor responded

"Let's see about that," Storious replied

Their own separate Book Gate appears and they going to their own separate ways for the preparation of the fight for tomorrow

Tomorrow, morning
At Couriway Town

Ryugh who is with Ash and his friends, are in the Couriway Town. They're finally in the town for the pokemon showcase while Ryugh is reading a comic

"Wow, Couriway Town," Serena said with excitement and with her Pokemon beside her


"Woah... Awesome," Ash was in awe

"Look at the waterfalls, Clement," Bonnie said to her brother who is way behind

Clement then finally made it to them while tired and looks at the waterfalls, "Couriway Town is known as the town of waterfalls,"

"And it's the site of the next pokemon showcase," Serena said


Serena then picked up her Eevee, "And it's where you're gonna make your debut, I'm so psyched! Are you?" she said to her Eevee


Then she took out her keys and holds it out for them to see, "It's also where I'm gonna win my third princess key! I wonder if Gloria will be here too,"

"I won't be able to watch the show,"

They turned their heads to Ryugh when he said that

"What do you mean?" Ash asked

"If you guys saw a Megiddo or a fight, don't get involved. You either be targeted or be killed, there's no in between. So understand, don't check out if there's a Megiddo attack," Ryugh said

"What are you going to do, Ryugh?"

"I will be going to do my job as always, do not get yourself involved in any troubles, got it?" He asked

"We'll be fine,"

"Great, you can go on to watch or register the pokemon showcase, though I won't be there," he responded

"Right, see ya,"

They then started going to the place where the pokemon showcase is held, leaving Ryugh behind

He watched the waterfalls in the town, "I wonder... What are they planning now?..." He questioned himself then looks at the comic he was reading, "I have to get back my humanity, surely Tassel would like to make it for me," Ryugh took out a phone before dialing a number and put it next to his ear

"Hello? This is Tassel,"

"Tassel, I have a favour for you," Ryugh said

"Sure, what is it?"

In the royal throne room

A maniac laughs is heard in the room. Inside the room where it shows that Legeiel is the one laughing manically. In his hand, is his own Alter Ride Book

"Finally!... The Swordsman of Flame will fear me with this!" Legeiel said loudly

"Can you lower your voice? It's too loud," Zooous said

"Shut up! With this... I am unstoppable!" Legeiel said

"If you call yourself unstoppable, then you're already going to be stoppable anyway," Zooous said

"Storious! What will you offer to the table?" He asked

"I created a Megiddo, come in Ousama Megiddo," he says

Then, a Megiddo enter the room. The Megiddo have a king-like design with a scepter as its main weapon

"A king...?" Legeiel said

"We're fighting Saber who called himself king, so this makes sense," Storious responded

"Why didn't you create a strong Megiddo?"

They turned their heads to see it was Isaac

"Because, I want to go easy on him," he replied

"You could've kill him instead," Isaac said

"I don't want him to die, yet. You do know why we need him, right?" Storious asked

"Hmph... So that I could complete this forbidden tome of mine," Isaac says while showing a red tone

"Do we have to kidnap him to make this work?" Zooous asked

"That's too pathetic, I'd rather do it my own way. We'll do that later," Isaac said then leaves

"Why don't we go and beat him up now?" Legeiel asked

"It is today's fight after all. And it's in Couriway Town," Storious replied

In the old base

Victor is ready for the today's fight that Storious promised. The other two girls are waiting for him at the door for the fight

"It is that time, your majesty,"

"We'll be going to fight him, you all be there to assist me," Victor said to them and goes to the door before suddenly gets a headache

The two girls goes over to aid him. While in his mind, it's a fight he wasn't expecting

In his mind

He's in the forest with nothing around him until he heard crunches of leaves being step on then turns around. What he saw is the real Victor that showed up to take his body back

"I saw everything, it was very ironic of you to say that a king needs to be kind and use their power for something right. Yet you didn't do such a thing," the real Victor said

"You must be blind to not even see everything," the other Victor said

"Either way, I'm going to get my body back," the real Victor said then the Kaenken Rekka appeared in his hand

"I won't let you get back to control," the other Victor said and his kaenken Rekka appeared in his hand

The real Victor's blade in engulfed in flames while the other Victor blade's is covered in blue and black energy

The flames covered the real Victor's body before it went down and showed that he has transformed into his Dragonic Knight form

"Dragonic Knight!~"

While the other Victor was covered in the blue and black energy that dissipate to show the Primitive Dragon form he's using

"Primitive!... Dragon!"

Both have transformed into their own separate rider forms to combat each other. Primitive Dragon Saber then approaches Dragonic Knight Saber in a wild animal way before rushing towards him

He does a downward slash but he blocked it before he jumped and does a kick at the Dragonic Knight Saber. He backed off and looks back at the Primitive Dragon Saber

The Primitive Dragon Saber then manifesting a skeletal dragon behind him. Dragonic Knight Saber then took out his Brave Dragon then insert it into the Dragonic Booster

"One Reading!"

The skeletal dragon then exhale out fire breath at the Dragonic Knight Saber. He then aim the Dragonic Booster to counter the fire breath in time

"Flame Spicy!"

Their flames collide with each other but the skeletal dragon's fire is more potent than the Dragonic Booster finisher that it went through it and goes to the Dragonic Knight Saber

He feels the flames burning him from the inside and outside before cancelling his transformation and falling to the ground. The Primitive Dragon Saber cancels his transformation and starts to walk away

The real Victor watches as the other Victor is walking away, "I... Have to get... Back..." He says as he face planted on the ground

Back to them

Victor got back to his senses and no longer is having a headache, "I'm fine, no need to waste time now," he said

They then walk to the door to get to the Couriway Town to fight Storious

In the cafe

Ryan got out of the fridge and goes to the rest who had recently woken up, "Did you guys find anything?" He asked

"No, not at all," Tonare replied

"This book you said didn't show anything," Hop said while holding on the book that said to detect any presence of Megiddos or Swordsman

"That's weird, it works beforehand," Tonare responded

"Maybe it's a delay thing?" Ryan asked

"It doesn't work like that, it always shows up when it detects any of them," Tonare replied

Then, the book starts to project something that caught their attention. The projection showed the Ousama Megiddo on it in the Couriway Town causing destruction

"That's in the Couriway Town!" Tonare recognized the town on the background

"Then let's go," Hop said and took out his Book Gate

The Book Gate appears to the door for them to transport to the Couriway Town

"Wait, I'm going, right?" Ryan asked

"I'm sorry, Ryan. But you need to stay behind," Hop said

Then the both of them went to the door before closing behind them and disappears. Ryan looking at the door with no visible anger on his face, "...damn you,"

In the Couriway Town

The Ousama Megiddo is using its scepter to launch combustion energy in the town causing it to be destroyed around its surroundings. The Megiddo is assisted with Storious and Legeiel with its destruction

"Where is the Swordman of Flame at? We're about to destroy the place before he could be here," Legeiel asked

"Wait for a few more seconds, he'll be here in no time," Storious replied

Then, as the crowds of people who are running away from the Megiddo, three people are approaching them. They show up to them and it shown they are Gloria, Diana, and lastly Victor

"You're finally here," Storious said

"Storious, I'm going to kick your ass after this fight," Victor responded

"Let's see if you can," Storious replied

Both Storious and Legeiel were covered in black smoke before it disappeared to show their Megid form while Legeiel have a new form

"Let us transform," Victor said to the both of the girls

They then took out their own Ride Books and open the page

"Primitive Dragon!"
"King Lion Daisenki!"
"Konchuu Daihyakka!"

Victor inserts the Brave Dragon book into the slot before inserting into the Driver then unsheathed the sword. Gloria only insert it into the Driver and unsheathed the sword. Diana insert the book into the slot on her Seiken before pressing the trigger

"Rekka Battou!"
"Nagare Battou!"
"Noroshi Kaisen!"

"Henshin!" They said at the same time

"Primitive!... Dragon!"
"King Lion Daisenki!~"
"Konchu chu Daihyakka!~"

They've transformed into their rider forms and is prepared for the fight

"Bring it on! Saber!" Legeiel said

"I have no interest into fighting you," Victor replied

Legeiel ran towards Victor intending to fight him but Diana got in front of him and push him to fight him. The Ousama Megiddo then approaches Gloria to fight her but she hit it by using the cannons on her shoulder to shoot out streams of water. Victor and Storious starts approaching each other then try to deliver a slash with their own weapons but got blocked by each other

Legeiel use his Bolhessed sword to slash her but she disappeared into smoke before he could strike her. She reappeared behind him and slash him then disappear into smoke before he could even see her

She did this to him many times before she leaps into the air then press the Diffusion Push button twice

"Noroshi Muchuu!"

Then Diana press the trigger to activate the finisher

"Smokescreen Illusion Strike!"

Legeiel attempt to strike her with his lightning manipulation but she transforms into smoke to avoid the attack before returning to physical form. She then manifests energy butterfly wings from her back and flies into the air, he spawned rocks in the air and launches them at her, she dodges all of them then delivers two magenta energy slashes at him

The two magenta energy slash hits him and creates smoke that covers him. She landed on the ground safely thinking he's defeated until she saw fireballs coming straight at her. The fireballs unfortunately went through her body after she transform into smoke in time

After the smoke clears, Legeiel is still standing after the finisher, "I won't go down easily by a lady!" He said

For the Ousama Megiddo, its using its scepter to launch a combustion energy at Gloria. She dodges them as much as possible when getting closer to the Megiddo to slash it

The Ousama Megiddo then generate a giant yellow energy construct with its scepter, resembling a crown. Gloria get ensnared by the crown that eventually exploded with her in it

The Megiddo thought it was over until it hears a roar from the smoke. A mechanical blue lion comes out of the smoke and sent the Megiddo back with her claw

While the fight with Victor and Storious, Storious project a powerful lighting from his eyes to momentarily blind him. Victor gets blind and swings his sword around expecting to get a hit but he was still far

Storious then generate a yellow energy tendril from each of his roots-style antlers on his head that goes towards him. Victor regained his vision and see the tendrils going towards him and then swings his sword that created a blue and black energy shockwaves that made Storious backed up a little bit

Then they continue on with their fight. Meanwhile in the background, Ash and his friends are watching the fight from a far

"Is this fight going to cancel the pokemon showcase?"

"I sure hope not,"

"Then how can we get rid of them out of here?"

"There's must be a way... Wait I think I got it,"

"What did you get?"

"Let's notify Ryugh about this fight so he can get rid of them quickly,"

"That's a good idea!"

"There's no need for that,"

They turned their heads to see Ryugh is already there with them


"So you know this would happen?"

"I already sense this from a mile away, you shouldn't be here or witness them. So get out of here before they could notice you all," he says


They then gets start moving and not get involved in the fight while Ryugh is approaching the fight happening in Couriway Town

"You could've had better places for your personal fight, but I have to take care of you children," Ryugh took out the Kougouken Saikou and put it on his waist

"Kougouken Saikou Driver!"

He took out his book and open the page

"Gold or silver?"

Then he opens the Karadoruks using the Arausalt and inserts the book into the slot before taking it out of the Driver then press the button on the Seiken

"Saikou Hakkou! Who is this?"

Ryugh has been absorbed into the Seiken before his shadow appears and manifest a physical form that grabs the Seiken, "It's time for you all to calm down," he says and walks up to them

He gets in between Diana and Legeiel's fight and swings his sword at them both to be separated. Then goes to Gloria who's fighting the Ousama Megiddo and separate them

His shadow goes on the ground and the Seiken goes to the girls and make them to lean back at each other to free them, "Now, let there be light!" Then proceeded to deliver a white and ivory lights at them that calmed them down and cancels out of their transformation while being resting

Victor then turns to see him doing this during the fight, "What do you think you're doing!?"

"I'm only doing this to calm you annoying little f###### from destroying the place," Ryugh replied

"It's making me lose you asshole!" Victor responded then gets slashed in the back

"Then let me do it," Ryugh responded and his shadow came back with its physical form, he took out a new Ride Book which he got from Tassel then press it

"X Sword Man!"

"This book better be working, Tassel," then he opens the page

"Episode 1: Fight with all the colors!"

Then he insert the book into the slot in the Driver that's on his waist in which activated the standby sounds

"W-W-W-W-What Color?! W-W-W-W-What Color?!"

Ryugh then press on the button on the Driver with the bottom handle of the Kougouken Saikou that open the page of the book and the book on the Kougouken Saikou

"Saikou Hakkou!"

The Ride Book projection appears behind him with its page open and comic panel comes out of the book and surrounds him while attaching to his body, the transformation ends with a star that attached to his face

"Get all colors! X-Swordman! Episode 1: Arrived in Full Color! Ba-ba-ba-bang!"

Storious stares at him after he transformed, "Who the hell are you?"

"I am the sword that protects the world! No, a Swordsman!" Ryugh introduced himself

"Doesn't matter, you'd still be going to be killed!" Legeiel said and ran towards him with fireballs, rocks, and lightning that has been summoned to attack him

All of the elements that Legeiel summons, are going straight towards Ryugh intending to hit him. Ryugh swing his sword and destroying the elements before it could land a hit on him and blocked Legeiel's attack

Legeiel tries to push him but Ryugh pressed on the button

"Saikou Hakkou!"

Ryugh delivers two light energy slashes at Legeiel while being close by and sent him back to Storious

Storious then picked him up after he did the finisher, "We're going," he says and both of them disappears, leaving the Ousama Megiddo left

The Ousama Megiddo uses its scepter to launch a combustion energy at him. Ryugh moves his head and dodge the attack then press on the button to change form

"Idou Saikou!"

The comic armour parts on him then started moving to his left arm

"The greatest arm! Fullcolor goes to arm! Episode 2: Hack'N'Slash with the Colorful Sword!"

The Ousama Megiddo then creates a giant yellow energy construct with its scepter, resembling a crown and attempt to ensnare him. Unfortunately for the Megiddo, Ryugh easily destroy the yellow energy construct with both blades

Ryugh then closes the book and open the page only to push the page again

"Finish Reading!"

The finisher standby plays for the finisher

"Good luck!... Good luck!..."

Then he pushes on the button twice to get his finisher activated

"Saikou Powerful!"

Ryugh runs up to the Megiddo, then performs a silver slash from the Kougouken Saikou and follows it with a gold slash from the Powerful X-Sword, with the two slashes combining into an X. The Ousama Megiddo then exploded from the finisher he performed and now defeated

Victor watches as he defeated them with ease, "You're... That powerful...?"

"If you're talking to a professional, then yes. But unfortunately, I am going to get you out of his body," Ryugh said and turns to Victor. He pushed the button again to change form

"Idou Saikou!"

Then the comic panels on his left arm starts moving to his right leg

"The greatest leg! Fullcolor goes to leg! Episode 3: Strike down with the Colorful Kick!"

Ryugh ran towards Victor intending to get him back to normal. He then response with tapping on the page to activate a finisher

"Grab Finishing Read!"

Then he taps on the page again to activate it

"Crash Finishing Strike!"

The void talon comes out of the book and going towards Ryugh, going to stop him. He dodges the void talon before closing the book then pushed the page and pushed the button three times

"Saikou Colorful!"

Ryugh leaps forward to Victor and performs a roundhouse Rider Kick with the right foot covered in rainbow-colored energy, "X-Sword Break!"

Victor was covered in rainbow-colored energy that then starts to spark his form and eventually explodes. When the smoke clears, Victor have his form been cancelled and falls to his knees then drops in front of him

Ryugh cancels his transformation and looks at them, "The job is done... Now, only thing left for him is to tame that Primitive Dragon," he says while looking at a unconscious Victor


Pokemon Sword and Shield X XYZ X Kamen rider Saber: The belief in a story
Short stories
Episode 24: It hurts!

Ryan is sitting on his bed with a cast on his foot while playing on a switch in his bedroom, until he called out someone

"Ryugh!" He said and he didn't came, "Ryugh!" He shouted even louder

Ryugh then went to his room with a toothbrush in his mouth, "What? Can't you see I'm brushing my teeth?"

"Who the hell brushes their teeth in the morning?" Ryan asked

"I do, what do you want?" he replied

"Can you maybe lift me to the cafe?" He asked

"You can crawl there, it's not that hard," Ryugh replied

"My arms are too weak to lift myself, because I can't use my leg because of you," Ryan responded

"No it's not, you're the one that cause the injury yourself," he replied

Flashback before the injury

Ryan is sitting on a chair with his foot put on the table with a crumbled paper

"Oh no, I hope this paper won't break my legs," his last words

In present time

"Okay okay! It's my fault, but you'll have to treat me because I'm disabled," Ryan said

"Fine," Ryugh replied

Inside the cafe

Ryugh is lifting Ryan and carrying him to be put on the chair

"There, that's it?" He asked

"Yeah, thanks," he replied

Ryugh was about to leave until Ryan suggests another

"Ryugh, can I ask you something?" Ryan asked

He turned around, "What?"

"Can you make me a coffee?" He asked

"...fine, I'll make you one," Ryugh went behind the counter and starts brewing a cup of coffee

Until he finishes and he puts the cup on the table

"Here, drink it up," he said

Ryan then took it and takes a sip until he spits it out, "Ew! Why is this nasty!?"

"Don't be picky, appreciate that it's a matured flavour," Ryugh replied

"What kind of matured flavour is this!?" He asked

"You don't appreciate how it tastes much better than those sweetened ones," he responded

"You know what? Can you go out and get me an energy drink?" Ryan asked

"Why would I do that? That has too much sugar and caffeine, especially you have an injury," Ryugh asked

"I don't care, I want some!" He demanded

"You whine like those iPad kids. I can't get you one," he replied


"Because I don't have a Rider motorcycles like the others," Ryugh responded

"Can't you use other's bikes?" Ryan asked

"That's stealing, and I don't steal anymore... For now," he said

"They're our friends, of course they wouldn't mind you having to use it. Or else I'll make you fired from this job," he replied

Ryugh sighed, "Fine, I'll bring it,"

He goes outside of the cafe and went up to the bikes that's parked in front. Ryugh sat on the bike and was about to go until he felt a pain inside and got off the bike

Ryugh looks at the bike and see it has a contraption with the pole going up and down on the seat

"What the f### is this bike!?" He looks at the name of who it belonged to, "Gloria, seriously!?'

Someone then went outside of the cafe and Ryugh turns his head to see Ryan who stood up

"What's taking you so long!?" He asked

"Why are you... Standing?" He asked

"Huh?" Ryan looks down and see himself standing, "O- woah! Look! The fruit God has given me a blessing!"

"Oh you bastard!" Ryugh went up to beat him

"Hi guys, I'm back," Gloria who came back across from Ryugh

Instead of getting closer to Ryan, he accidentally stepped on Gloria's boot which activated her invention that closed in on his shoe

Ryugh looks down to see his foot being bitten by a metal trap and is bleeding before screaming

"Oh- whoops!" She said

"What the f-"


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A 10-year-old boy, with a goal to become a Pokemon Champion, sets out on a journey across the Kanto Region. A journey charged with friendships, fun...
196 1 8
"A story of a genius surgeon who had saves many lives, but in his depth, he has a deep backstory behind all of it. A love one you might say, and he's...