Dotson and Harrington |Steve...

By potatobudy00

192 5 0

|Stranger Things| (Book 1, Season one) One boy. One girl. One monster. "King" Steve Harrington, meeting h... More

✨ Trailer ✨
Another Beginning |chapter 1|
First Day Jitters |chapter 2|
Boy in the Hallway |chapter 3|
Rich Boy = Steve H. |chapter 4|
Brownies |chapter 5|
Truly Sorry |chapter 6|
Party Girl |chapter 7|
Silent Ride |chapter 8|
Strange Figure |chapter 9|
A Little Blood |chapter 10|
Poor J... |chapter 11|
No Face |chapter 12|
Yellow and White Roses |chapter 13|
"Nancy!" |chapter 14|
Beat Up Girl |chapter 15|
Monster |chapter 16|
Jonathan... No Jackylen |chapter 17|
Interrogated |chapter 18|
Bullshit Language |chapter 19|
Will... A Flea |chapter 20|
Heroes Blood |chapter 21|
Don't Give a Damn |chapter 22|
Drew Blood |chapter 23|
Liquid Death |chapter 24|
Sinclair |chapter 25|
Red and Black |chapter 26|
Scotch |chapter 27|
Orange Hair Ball |chapter 28|

Idiot |chapter 29|

2 1 0
By potatobudy00

"What did you just call us?" Lucas asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"I called you dumbass, is that a problem?" The pink haired teenager asked, crossing her arms. "Anyways you too shouldn't be calling each other anything, okay?"

"But you just called us dumbass?" Mike pointed out, now mouth full of chips.

"Thats different."


"Because I'm older and your not."

"That's not fair-" Lucas tried to say.

"No buts Lucas. We have to get going so we can beat the black ice."

"Aww come on," he whined, flopping down on the couch.

"Lucas everyone else has already left. The only reason Mike is still here because he lives here. Come on." Lucas lumps himself off the couch and headed up the stairs. Jackylen stared back at Mike who took a deep breath and sat in the little fort he made Eleven so long ago.

"Your presents on your bed if you want it," Jackylen said, standing up and slightly heading upstairs.

"Have you ever been in love?" Mike asked, hugging one of Eleven's pillows tight.

"I thought I was," Jackylen admitted. "Back in Wisconsin. He was nice, popular, and he had that hair that fell just right. But in the end, it wasn't like that. He never truly cared about me and well... I think that kind of messed me up a bit."

"Would you do anything differently?"

"I wouldn't have walked down that hallway near the principal's office."

"So you're saying you wouldn't do it again?"

"Yes and no," she admitted, giving him a weak smile. "But that's up to you."

"Merry Christmas Jackylen."

"Merry Christmas Mike." With one last glance, she headed back upstairs to find Lucas trying to snag from candy from the bowl Mrs. Wheeler prepared. But Jackylen quickly caught him and lightly slapped his hand.

"What the hell!?" He whispered-yelled, getting pissed at the pink haired girl.

"Stop putting your nasty hands in candy bowl!" Jackylen whispers-shouted back, putting up a stern finger. He stuck out his tongue out at her like a child but she retaliated in the same manner. But from the corner of Jackylen's eye, she saw a brunette boy with a red sweater standing in the doorway.

"Lucas," she said, taking her car keys out of her back pocket. "Go wait in the car. I'll be there in a few minutes." As Lucas took the keys in confusion. But he did what he was told and headed past Steve to the car outside in the cold.



"What are you still doing here?"

"Taking the kid home," she replied, referring to Lucas. "I'm guessing you're staying."

"Yeah uhm... we just opened presents and stuff. You know. The usual."

"Yeah totally," she said, putting her behind her and slightly looking down.

"Well... I hope you enjoy your Christmas."

"Yeah you too," Jackylen said, slipping past him. She fought her eye on the bag she brought that was more full of the gifts than she realized. She still had one more to give. "Wait Harrington."

She turned around as he looked up and brushed his hands through his messy hair. She reached down for the bag and pulled out a letter and an engraved lighter.

"What's this?" Steve asked, taking the gifts from her.

"It was something I just threw together. It's no problem." He smiled as he sighed, looking at the gifts he was given. "Is there a problem Harrington?"

"No, no.. No problem."

"Then, what is it?"

"I just... Now I feel bad."


"Because I didn't get you a gift."

"You didn't have to get me a gift," Jackylen brushed off with a smile. "I have lots of stuff at home already."



His words got stuck in his throat as he tried to find the words he should say. He wanted to say she looked good or at least what she did a month ago was brave. He wanted to talk about that night. But he knew they were not technically supposed to talk about it due to the contract they all signed from the government.

"Tell Lucas I say Merry Christmas."

Her eyes sparked dimmed a bit but her smile kept wide. She was hoping for something else. She thought they could finally talk about something other than the weather. Or at least he would tell her more than, 'enjoy your Christmas'.

"Yeah of course," she smiled. "That's not a problem."

She gave him a slight nod as he waved as they both departed. Jackylen walked out into the snow, walking to her car across the street still in her driveway. Once she got to the car, she knocked on the driver side window shield, causing Lucas to look up from the radio.

He unlocked the car and scooted over to the passenger side. As she opened the door, her smirk started to fade. Instead of Lucas ignoring her like every other kid would, he strapped in and turned in his listening ears.

"Jackylen, what's wrong?" He asked, shifting his body slightly towards her.

"Lucas-" she tried to say, trying to back out of her driveway.

"Jackylen!" He said, putting his near fist hand on the wheel.

"Lucas, what the hell!" Jackylen screamed.

"You're not taking me anywhere until you tell me!" Jackylen sighed as she put the car in reverse.

"Some people are idiots Lucas."

As we finally arrived at Lucas's house, he pouted as he looked out the window, obviously catching Jackylen attention.

"Lucas Sinclair. What's wrong?" He grunted in response and avoided eye contact. "Lucas," she said sternly.

"You gave everyone else a Christmas presents," he angrily mumbled.

"Lucas, I can't hear you."

"You gave everyone else a Christmas present, okay!" He said a bit louder. Once the words flowed out of his mouth, Jackylen started to laugh so hard her side hurt. But not from her broken ribs but from the craziness of the situation. "Jackylen this isn't funny!"

"Lucas Sinclair," Jackylen said, from between laughing. "Did you really think I would forget about you? You sleep at my house more than anyone. I didn't forget about you."

She slightly leaned down to the back seat and pulled out a medium sized book filled with weapons from the place Jackylen bought her katana from.

"Jackylen!" He said, sifting through the box weapons.

"I didn't it bring inside because of Holly you idiot. Merry Christmas you shit head." As Lucas picked up a sack of rocks then a wave of guilt rushed over his face.

"Now I feel bad for not getting you anything."

"Lucas go inside and don't freeze your ass off please. And hide the box from your mother."

"Bye Jackie Merry Christmas!" He said, getting out of the car.

"Merry Christmas ass clown."

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