"Nancy!" |chapter 14|

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After everything got situated, Nancy drove Jackylen to where the three of them, Jonathan, Jackylen, and Nancy, where supposed to meet up. A small part outside their Byers house. As the two girls approached the boy, they watched as he tried to use the rival from earlier, to shoot three beer cans off of three separate logs. But missing every single time.

"You're supposed to hit the cans, right?" Nancy sarcastically asked.

"No actually you see the space in between the cans?" Jonathan said. "I'm aiming for those." As Nancy and Jackylen placed down they're stuff, Jonathan started to become baffled. "Have either of you shot a gun before?"

"Have you met my parents?" Nancy replied, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"A few times. But I was never good as a child," Jackylen responded.

"Yeah. I haven't shot one since I was ten," Jonathan said, taking out all the remaining bullets. "My dad took me hunting on my birthday. He made me kill a rabbit."

"A rabbit?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "I guess he thought it would make me into more of a man or something. I cried for a week."

"Holy shit," Jackylen said under her breath.

"What? I'm a fan of Thumper," Jonathan defended.

"I meant your dad," Jackylen clarified.

"Yeah. I guess he and my mother loved each other at some point," he admitted, loading the gun again. "But... I wasn't around for that part." Nancy held out her left hand, gesturing to Jonathan to give her the gun. "Just uh point and shoot."

"I think she knows how a gun works Jonathan," Jackylen whispered.

"I don't think my parents ever loved each other," Nancy admitted.

"They must've married for some reason," Jonathan pointed out.

"My mom was young," Nancy explained, pointing the gun at the cans. "My dad was older. But he had a cushy job, money, and came from a good family. So they bought a nice house at the end of a cul-de-sac... and started their nuclear family."

"Fuck that," Jackylen replied.

"Screw that," Jonathan added.

"Yeah... screw that," Nancy repeated. She held her finger on the trigger trying to shoot one of the cans. But instead of hitting it, she grazed it, moving it slightly. "Shit..."

"Let me try," Jackylen said, taking the gun from the girl.

"What about you Jackie?" Jonathan asked. She held the gun up, closing one of her eyes to see the target.

"My mother and father fell in love like any old fairy tale," Jackylen began to explain. "The guy meets the beautiful girl. They knew they couldn't have each other. After they ran away, and had a kid who they thought was going to be their bundle of joy, until my mom took off. My dad got angry... and a lot of other things... Moved us down here to start over." She pulled the trigger, shooting the right can off the log. "But that is not really working out, now is it?"

She handed the gun back to Nancy.

"But I missed," the girl reminded her friend, taking the gun from her.

"You're just going to shoot until you get it right," Jackylen simply replied.

After hours and hours of shooting, the three teens finally decided to hee to the woods to find this monster finger that Jackylen saw in the woods. As the three walked in the woods, crushing all the orange, red, and yellow leaves underneath their feet, Jackylen walked ahead as Jonathan and Nancy started to talk. But she started to snap back into her consciousness, and she started to hear Jonathan yell.

"Well I was begging to start thinking you were okay," he said, getting close to Nancy. "I was thinking, 'Nancy Wheeler, she's not just another suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does... until that phases passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now worlds sales, and they live out a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac. Exactly like their parents, who they thought were so depressing, but now, hey, they get it.' Come on Jackie... let's go the other way."

As Jackylen passed by Nancy, she mouthed the words, 'sorry', as she continued to follow Jonathan. The farther they walked, the more the orange yellowish started to set in the west, now having Jonathan and Jackylen in front while Nancy followed about ten feets from behind.

"J... what the hell was that about?" Jackylen said, flicking her lighter open and close.

"I'm just tired of Nancy going after a guy who clearly doesn't care about her back. He's such a dick..." he mumbled. Once she heard the young boy's words, he realized why he cared so much.

"You like her," she smiled.

"I don't," he defended. "Why would I like her? Yeah I care about her as a friend but other than that, why would I like her?"

"I don't know if you're denying it because of what's happening," Jackylen said. "What I do know is if you keep on hiding your feelings it's all going to blow up. So after all this chaos is over you have to tell her."

"I don't have to tell her shit."

"That's true but... you don't know how good you'll feel once you tell her." There was a flood of silence.

"I'm not telling her..."

"Fine it's your funeral."

After hours of looking, the teens had found nothing and were about ready to give up. But the Wheeler girl had stopped dead in her tracks after hearing a suspicious noise.

"What? Are you tired?" Jonathan asked.

"Shut up," Nancy replied.

"What!?" Jackylen replied, a bit outraged. As the three walked around, Jackylen with her lighter and Jonathan and Nancy with flashlights, they stumbled upon a deer who seemed to have been hit by a car.

"Holy crap..." Jackylen whispered.

"Oh God..." Nancy commented. "It's been hit by a car." The deer whined in pain, covered in blood wanting to give up.

"We can't just leave it," Jackylen pointed out.

After a bit of a long debate, Jonathan decided he would shoot the poor deer to put it out of its misery. But before he could shoot the animal, it was pulled away onto the bushes, startling the teens in the woods. As the teens looked around for the deer, panting trying to catch their breath, they saw the trail of blood.

After some back and forth between the teens, they unknowingly split up. Jonathan and Jackylen together and Nancy all by her lonesome. But once they realized Nancy went into the other direction, they went to go look for her. But was just presented with her backpack.


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