The Walking Dead Game Season...

By AwesomeReadingUniver

5.7K 71 18

Still in the apocalypse, You and your sister Clementine are now with Omid and Christa. Lee is gone. You and C... More

Episode 1: All That Remains
Episode 1: Seperated
Episode 1: Breaking and Entering
Episode 1: The Cabin
Episode 1: The River
Episode 2: Two Groups
Episode 2: Time to Go
Episode 2: The Bridge
Episode 2: Reunion
Episode 2: The Lodge
Episode 2: Rising Situations
Episode 2: Captured
Episode 3: On The Way
Episode 3: Getting to Work
Episode 3: Walkers and Walkies
Episode 3: Caught
Episode 3: Escape Howe's
Episode 4: Fall Apart
Episode 4: Making Plans
Episode 4: Finding Shelter
Episode 4: Drop The Deck!
Episode 5: Firefight
Episode 5: In The Snow
Episode 5: The Ice Lake
Episode 5: Truck
Episode 5: Snowstorm
Episode 5: No Going Back

Episode 5: A Calm Quiet Night

121 2 0
By AwesomeReadingUniver

We kept moving and we eventually got to this... i don't even know what it was, some type of site. At least it had a fence around it. "That it?" Kenny asked.
"What? It? It what?" Arvo asked.
"The place you're taking us. Is that it?" I asked.
"Answer him, goddamnit!" Kenny ordered.
"No. Some more hours." Arvo told us.
"Goddamnit. I knew this was gonna happen. This guy fucked us." Kenny said.
"Maybe we should stop there for the night." Bonnie suggested.
"It'd be safer to rest in there... where there's a fence." Clem said. "Can we just try to have a calm, quiet night?" She suggested.
"That sounds like something i've been looking for for a while." I said. AJ started crying. "See if... see if you can calm him down a bit." Kenny asked. He and Jane went to scout the place out. Clem stuck her tongue out, and AJ stopped crying. "Heh, it worked." I said.
"I think he likes you." Bonnie said.
"Here, I'll take Alvie." I said.
"Nah, I'll take him." Bonnie said. She held AJ in her arms. "Its safe to come down." Kenny called. We went down to the area.

We started a fire in the fence. Me, Clem, Bonnie, Luke, Mike, and Kenny were at the fire, Kenny holding AJ in his arms. Jane was at a fence away from the group, staring out into space. "Today's my birthday..." Like said.
"Happy birthday, Luke." Clem said.
"Yeah, happy birthday, man." Mike followed Clem.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"27." Luke said. "I sure feel a lot older."
"Don't even start with that shit." Kenny said, smiling.
"I majored in art history." Luke said, trying to make it sound interesting.
"Hey, Clem, didn't Lee say he taught history?" I asked her.
"Yeah, he did." Clem told me.
"Sounds like you majored working in a coffee shop." Kenny said to Luke.
"Pretty much. Did a minor in agriculture. Keep the old man happy."
"Oh, i almost forgot!" Bonnie pulled a bottle of rum out of her bag. "I grabbed this outta the armory. Was saving in for special occasion, and now is a special occasion." Bonnie said.
"Why does it have a 'p' on the side?" I asked.
"Wait, if its a toast, we gotta all have something." Mike said.
"We can just pass the bottle around." Bonnie said and she handed it to Luke. "Come on, birthday boy. It ain't gotta be special." Luke cleared his throat. "To the loved ones we lost along the way, and the hope we'll all see them again someday." He said.
"Here, here." Mike said. Luke took a drink. Kenny got up. "Well, i got first watch." He said.
"Why not take a sip first, Kenny?" I asked.
"I'll be alright." He said. He left the fire. Then Mike and Bonnie started teasing Luke about his and Jane's little "adventure".
Just so you know, Y/n was 13 when the apocalypse began. My school taught about sex around 7th-9th grade. So, yeah. Y/n knows what happened. My story ;).
"Maybe you should try to offer some to Jane and Kenny." Bonnie suggested. Me and Clem left the fire, but I stopped her before we spoke to either of them. "About what you asked... what do you mean, 'are you okay?'" I asked. The question had stunned me earlier, and it had been sticking with me. "You haven't seemed like yourself ever since Carver's." Clem said.
"Clem, listen. I...I'm okay. But I'm always concerned for you. As your older brother, I feel like I gotta play the role of protecting you no matter what." I ultimately said. "I'm sorry if I worried you, sis." I hugged my sister. She hugged me back in a heartbeat. We let go. "Don't go drinking. You speak to Jane, I'll go talk with Kenny." I said. Clem nodded.

Clementine's POV...
I showed the bottle of rum to Jane. "Trying to bribe me with alcohol?" She asked me.
"Is it working?" I asked with a smirk.
"Depends. What is it?"
"Its rum." She took the bottle and took a drink. She sighed from the taste. "Do you want a drink?" She asked.
"Sure." I took the bottle and took a drink. Just like when I shared a drink with Nick, i coughed on the drink. "You okay?" Jane asked.
"Yeah. Not as bad as the moonshine I had with Nick." I said. We noticed Y/n and Kenny saw me drink it. "Uh oh. Busted." Jane took the bottle. She told me a story how she broke into her parents' alcohol when she was young and ate some sugar crystals from a bottle. She soon returned to the group.

Y/n's POV...
I sat down beside Kenny. "Oh, hey, Y/n." He said. "Just needed to get some air."
"Kenny, there's air everywhere." I said as I sat next to him. We heard Clementine coughing. We looked over and saw Clem with the run bottle. "She just drank, didn't she?" I asked, facepalming.
"We'll talk to her later." Kenny said. "Actually, you can. Its not my place to." Kenny say in silence for a bit. "I thought I enjoyed those months on the water. Away from my family. Now i just wish i could get one more second with them." Kenny finally said. "To play catch with touch Katjaa's face..."
"Duck and Katjaa were great people." I said. Kenny smiled. "I made some mistakes when raising Duck. But AJ here? I won't make those mistakes again."
"You deserve this second chance." I said to Kenny.
"You should go back to the fire." Kenny said to me.
"Kenny, we could use your company. You should come too." I said. Kenny sighed and nodded. "Okay." He got up and returned to the fire. I met with Clem just before I returned. "I thought i asked you not to drink." I said, smiling at Clem. She shook her head. We sat down at the fire to hear everyone else laughing. "Good to hear people laughing." Clem said.
"Let me get that." Mike took the bottle from Clem. "I'll offer some to the kid."
"Sounds like a waste of perfectly good rum." Mike got up and went to Arvo. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Arvo shouted. Kenny immediately got up. Luke stopped him. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted again. He then started apologizing in Russian. "Its okay. She's in a better place." Mike said to Arvo.
"We should probably power down for the night." I suggested.
"Yeah. No idea how long of a walk we got tomorrow." Bonnie said. Kenny got up to take first watch.

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