A Court of Stars and Memories

By LeeraIvy

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Life in the Night Court is difficult for Lysander Marzena between juggling his official duties and personal a... More

Author's Note and Maps
1. Courtly Duties
2. Arrangements
3. Worthy of Incompletion
4. Memories of Childhood
5. Gatherings
6. Planning Precautions
7. Tense Agreements
8. A New Destination
9. Uneasy Settling
10. Unusual Mornings
11. Brotherly Love
12. Hidden Emotions
13. A Heart's Discomfort
14. Of Friends and Family
15. Attempting Introductions
16. Advice and Ideas
17. A Resigned Admission
18. A Familiar Smile
19. Dreams and Daemati
20. Craving Security
21. Promise Anew
22. The Owl and the Dragon
23. Unexpected Encounters
24. Voicing Concerns
25. Marks of Ink and Blood
26. Uncertain Situations
27. Laughter and Lockets
28. Brothers and Friends
29. Outdated
30. Laughter Amongst Us
31. Days Gone By
32. Situations
33. Falling Drops of Rain
34. Reasons for Protection
35. Brutal Truth
36. Her Own Choices
37. An Evening Flight
38. Playing Games
39. Uncovering Questions
40. The End of an Act
42. Admission and Confusion
43. Tales in Flight
44. All in Fun
45. Frustrated Concerns
46. Fun and Games
47. A Kiss of Understanding
48. Relentless Teasing
49. Bargains and Promises
50. To Show Affection
51. Dirt and Blood
52. A Choice Made
53. Stories of the Past
54. A Morning in Company
55. A Sleeping Dragon
56. Old Wounds Reopened
57. A Heavy Weight
58. A Heart's Confession
59. Wants and Needs
60. Claims of Love
61. The Truth Shared
62. Questions and Joy
63. Teasing Advice
64. Mornings Together
65. Family Demands
66. A Short Trip Home
67. Fatherly Greetings
68. Dark Promises
69. Tender Care
70. To Serve as Equals
71. Love's Demands
72. Apprehensive Plans
73. Understanding Behavior
74. The Lady of Spring
75. Well Meant Lectures
76. A Poisoned Lie
77. Arrival and Report
78. A Mate's Proposal
79. Safe When Together
80. A Plot in Motion
81. Hope of Closure
82. Bartering Forgiveness
83. Attempted Rescues
84. Blood Shed and Spilled
85. A Final End
86. All Settled and Done
87. Seeking Permission
88. A Life Shared Together
Thank You
Beyond the Books
Moon Blessed, I

41. Rising Desire

319 22 0
By LeeraIvy

    Mitsi hummed happily to herself as she and Mina made their way down a quiet street. It had been a busy morning at the orphanage, as one of the older girls had officially been adopted. She'd specifically requested that Mina and Mitsi be there to see her off, and had procured a promise that they'd come visit her sometime.

    Mitsi would happily oblige and she fully intended to make sure Mina did too. They had both promised, after all. "I'm going to join you at the House of Wind this afternoon," Mina said presently. "Corbin is showing me a few more moves with my dagger and he wanted to use some of the training dummies there."

    Mitsi furrowed her brows, casting a sidelong look at her sister. "All right."

    Mina's gaze flicked to hers. "What?"

    "I didn't know you were training with him. When did that start?"

    "A few days after he gave me the dagger. He offered to teach me how to use it and I agreed."

    Mitsi couldn't quell the annoyance that flared within her. She's been training with Corbin that long and still complains about me training with Lysander?

    "I know what you're thinking," Mina said. "And it's different. Corbin and I don't spend much time together outside of training, whereas you and Lysander are spending more and more time together."

    "I don't see why you and Micah have such a big problem with..." Mitsi paused as Mina held up a hand and continued speaking.

    "I'll admit we've been a little overbearing the past few weeks, and I'm sorry, Mits. We're trying to look out for you. That's all." Mina breathed a sigh and smoothed dark hair back from her face.

    "Truthfully, Micah and I are worried he's just using your attention to make him feel better about himself. We know how easy it is for you to become attached to someone, and I don't want you to end up hurt because you expect something from him that he isn't able to give."

    "I don't expect anything from Lysander," Mitsi protested. "He's my friend, and if my attention makes him feel better about himself, I'm glad. I think he needs that assistance. He hasn't done anything to hurt me yet and I don't believe he will."

    "But it's obvious you feel more for him than just friendship," Mina pointed out. "I don't want you to be hurt when he doesn't return your feelings."

    "What makes you think he won't?" Mitsi couldn't keep the biting edge from her voice.

    "Corbin has told me about Lysander's aversion to relationships, and I told you what happened to the last serious relationship he was in. Besides, isn't he occasionally seeing that High Fae female?"

    Mitsi raised her chin and looked away, trying to piece together a response. It had been a little over a week since Lysander revealed that Azalea had ended their relationship. She hadn't passed the news on herself, knowing that wasn't her place, and if Lysander had told anyone, she didn't know.

    However, Mina was her sister, not a random stranger. She didn't think Lysander would mind if she told Mina. After all, everyone would find out sooner or later. Mitsi pursed her lips, then answered.

    "Just because he's not interested in a relationship now doesn't mean he won't be in the future, and it certainly doesn't mean he's incapable of returning my feelings. Besides, Azalea ended their relationship."

    "Was it because of you?"

    "I don't know and I didn't ask. Lysander only told me that Azalea wished to break things off and he agreed. They're simply going to be friends."

    "Hm." Mitsi was aware of Mina's lingering gaze, but didn't meet it. "I'll tell you this, Mitsi. Make sure he's truly what you want before you make any commitment to him. Don't use him as a way to defy Micah and I. I don't think he'd appreciate being used like that, and I think that male is hiding a lot of anger and hurt that will someday break loose. I don't want you to be on the receiving end of it."

    "I don't believe Lysander would ever take his emotions out on me or anyone else. He's a good male, even if you and Micah don't want to see it." Mitsi shoved past Mina, but her sister caught her by the arm.

    "I do see it," Mina insisted. "But I also know what so much hidden pain can do to a person. You remember when Wynter almost killed Ellie because all of his hurt and trauma overwhelmed him and wiped any sense of rationality from his mind."

    "I don't want that to happen to you," she continued. "Lysander is a powerful warrior. If something happened and he tried to hurt you, I don't think you or any of us would be strong enough to stop him."

    "Then trust him not to hurt me," Mitsi replied, pulling out of her grasp. "Not every male is dangerous, Mina, and not every male is destined to hurt us, intentionally or otherwise. I should think you'd know that by now just by watching Lysander and Corbin."

    "I..." Mitsi paused, noting the hesitation in Mina's voice. "I'm trying. That argument Lysander and I had? It was about this. About you. I'm trying to believe him and I'm trying to keep an open mind about Corbin, but I just..." She shook her head angrily. "I would rather go through life never trusting anyone, than let us be hurt again."

    Mitsi rested a hand on Mina's shoulder. "I know, but I'm not you. You have to give me room to make my own decisions about who I will or won't trust. I know you're trying, but you have to try harder."

    Mina bit her lip, then nodded. "Come on. There's something I wanted to give you before training this afternoon." Mitsi smiled and fell in step with her sister once more.


    Lysander smothered a grunt of disgust as he dragged another wooden dummy across the roof of the House of Wind and lined it up with a few others. He didn't know why he'd let Corbin talk him into doing this for him. He should be getting Mitsi for training, especially since it was already ten minutes past the time they usually began, but here he was.

    Lysander shivered as a particularly cold breeze nipped at the tips of his ears. His siphons glowed and warmth spread through his body, easing the chill. There was a scent of ice on the wind and clouds in the distance told of an approaching storm.

    It would likely be freezing rain and perhaps a few flurries of snow towards the end. Luckily, he wouldn't have to deal with it for long. He'd be leaving for the Dawn Court again at the next Exchange, which was only two days away.

    He smiled to himself, recalling the plan he'd formed. He'd already spoken to his uncle and Thesan about it, and received permission from the Rohese's family in the Winter Court as well. Hopefully, all three siblings would agree to his idea, but he would be happy even if Mitsi was the only one to go. It was her he wished to take along anyway.

    Lysander perked up as wingbeats filled the air. He straightened and caught sight of Corbin and Eira approaching, each carrying another person. Mina stepped away from Corbin as soon as he landed, and Mitsi waved goodbye when Eira took off once more.

    Lysander froze, his lips parting wordlessly as he looked Mitsi over. She wasn't wearing her usual dress and leggings. Nor was Mina wearing a shirt and pants, though Lysander paid her little mind. His gaze swept over Mitsi again, taking in every inch of the craftsmanship in her new outfit.

    She wore a short dress-like tunic made of black Illyrian leather. The tunic had a high collar and long sleeves, whereon hard scales of reinforced leather lined the shoulders and elbows in lue of actual armor. The material hugged the slender shape of her body and those same leather scales covered her breasts.

    The tunic fell down to the middle of her thighs but clever slits over her legs, in both the front and back, separated it into a four-paneled skirt, granting Mitsi plenty of mobility. She also wore fitted leather pants with built-in sheaths and pockets for an assortment of weapons or gear. Her knees were protected by leather scales, and tall boots guarded her lower legs and feet.

    Lysander swallowed hard, unable to close his mouth or pull his gaze away. Mother above, she was beautiful every day, but this... It gave her all the protection she'd need in a fight while still granting her some semblance of the modesty she usually donned.

    Lysander's gaze fell to her hips. Cauldron boil him, if that's how she looked with the skirt of the tunic covering her ass, he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle seeing her in just the pants.

    "You're drooling," Corbin snorted, coming to stand beside him.

    "I am not," Lysander retorted, though he swiped a hand across his mouth just in case.

    "The polite thing to do is compliment her appearance, not stare at her like she's a five course meal and you're a starving male."

    "As if you didn't do the same when you saw Mina."

    Corbin smirked. "I told her exactly what I thought, for your information."

    "Which was probably something about how much you'd like to fuck her?" Lysander guessed.

    "I told her that if her appearance didn't kill someone on its own, it would at least serve as a lovely distraction while she rips their throat out."

    "Let it never be said that you aren't romantic with words," Lysander snickered.

    Corbin rolled his eyes and elbowed him sharply. "Go on. I'll keep Mina occupied so you can drool to your heart's content."

    Lysander ignored the blush that heated his face and headed over to Mitsi while Corbin beckoned for Mina to follow him. A hesitant smile played at Mitsi's lips when he joined her. "What do you think?"

    She spread her arms wide and moved in a circle. "Mina and Micah made it for me. They said Emerie helped them make leathers for themselves and they didn't want me to feel left out, so they made this."

    Lysander's mouth ran dry as he looked her over once more. "It suits you," he managed to say at last. "I think it will be functional. The design is unique though." He swallowed hard and tugged at his earring nervously. "In a good way, of course. It's beautiful. I mean, it looks beautiful on you." He was certain his blush was redder than Gwyn's hair by now. "Do you like it?"

    Mitsi nodded, peering down at herself. "It's not something I'd normally wear, but it's surprisingly comfortable and I think I'll really like it once I've gotten used to it. It is tighter than I expected though."

    Lysander swallowed again, keeping his gaze fixed on Mitsi's face. Gods, it was growing warm out. Or maybe that was just him. Fuck, he groaned to himself.

    "Illyrian leathers are meant to fit your body as closely as possible to offer better protection without hindering your movement," he explained. "That's why these are here." He tapped the scales on her shoulder.

    "And if Mina and Micah made it the way most leathers are made, every vulnerable region of your body should be covered by specially reinforced leather. Lighter than armor, but just as hardy."

    "Oh, that would be why the leather on my sides is stiffer than the leather on my forearms," Mitsi realized.

    Lysander nodded, his attention dipping to her waist before sliding back up to her face. Cauldron damn him. Every inch of his body was entirely too tight and warm. What the fuck was wrong with him? Lysander raked his fingers through his hair, exhaling another heavy breath. He still couldn't draw moisture back into his mouth.

    A hint of pink crept into Mitsi's cheeks and she averted her eyes. "You're staring, Lysander."

    His name hit him like a punch in the gut. She'd never called him by it before. Heat sizzled through his veins and that thread within his chest went taut. "I'm sorry," he replied, his voice softer than expected. "I just... Fuck." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Mitsi gave him a prompting look. "I think you look beautiful."

    Her features lit up with a brilliant smile and something twisted in the pit of his stomach. Something he hadn't felt in years. Something he couldn't ignore. Affection, and...desire. Lysander's breath shook almost unnoticeably as he tried to clear his head. He took a step back and drew a measured breath.

    "Let's get started," he said. Mitsi only nodded and waited for his instruction.

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