Supernatural Imagines/One sho...


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Supernatural imagines! That's exactly it - just wrote these for fun so have a read if you want lolz. 😊🥰 Еще

Dress - Sam
Date Disaster - Dean
Bloodlust - Sam
Kiss me - Dean
Hunting - Dean
Ketchup - Sam
Distraction - Dean
Secret - Dean
Did he just...? - Dean
Vamp Hunt - The Winchesters
Cooking - Sam
Spider - Sam
Rain - Dean
Torture - Sam
Fight - Dean
Auction - Sam
Dog - Dean
That's Kinda Gay - The Winchesters
Notes - Sam
Chick Flick Moment - Dean
Madison Imagine
Djinn - Sam
My Girlfriend - The Winchesters
Bad Luck - Sam
Period- Dean
Period - Sam
Stitches - Sam
A Pattern - Young Winchesters
Fainting - Dean
Comfort Show - Sam
505 - Dean
Crashing the Impala - The Winchesters
Dare - Sam
Handsy - Dean
Klara - Dean
Bobby Knows - Sam

Clown - Sam

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Imagine: you've always teased Sam for being scared of clowns, so he tries to make you understand in a not so nice way...

Sam looks genuinely sad while you and Dean giggle like schoolgirls. You just called Sam into the room but as soon as he saw you and Dean watching IT, he sprinted right back out again. Now, he's hanging in the doorway, clearly on edge. 

"Samuel Winchester, killer of demons, ghosts and everything between. Strong. Handsome. Fearless." You smile.

"Except for grown men in fancy dress." Dean concludes with a smirk.

"Very funny." The youngest Winchester deadpans and you sigh.

"I'm sorry, Sam. But... It's kinda funny!"

He stomps out of the room, in a strop, and you make a mental note to cheer him up later.

 - -- - - - - - 

"Sam?" You call down the hallway.

No answer.

You enter your bedroom, yawning into your palm. Its just ticked past midnight and you're very ready to curl up with your boyfriend and doze off. 

"Sammy?" You strip off your t-shirt, tossing it into the pile of dirty laundry accumulating in the corner of the room. You make another mental note to deal with that in the morning, which reminds you of your promise to cheer up Sam. Where is he?

Another yawn escapes you when you open your closet doors in search for some cosy pjs. You reach out to rummage through the hangers, but feel something rubbery. 

Confusion sparks in your drowsy brain.

A howl louder than a demon being exercised rips through the silence as a masked clown hurtles out of the closet, grabbing your shoulders.

Dean comes bursting through the door with his gun raised.

"Ah hah!" Sam cries triumphantly, pulling off the mask. He shakes his long hair out of his eyes and smirks, "Tell me clowns aren't scary now, huh?"

You gulp down some much needed oxygen and grit your teeth. You snatch up the nearest pillow and pelt Sam with it. "You." Slap. "Son." Whack. "Of." Hit. "A." Pow. "Bitch!"

Dean lowers his gun, wiping a hand down his relieved face. "You're an idiot, Sam." he sighs before leaving, obviously too tired to find any humour in Sam's little prank.

Sam grabs the pillow mid assault - "Hey! It was a joke!"

Tired, you drop the pillow and flop onto the bed, hiding under the covers. "You suck." you mumble.

"What was that?" he says, as his pants and shirt join the mound of clothes.

"I said cuddle with me." 

Sam gets in next to you, and almost automatically, your head rests on his chest and your eyes close. "You're so annoying." you mutter.

"I love you too." Sam smirks, switching the bedside lamp off. 

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