Kill The Innocent

By nclark0514

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WARNING: this book contains mature and explicit content. Read at your own risk Valerie Arrow is a trained vig... More

authors note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven: Declan
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen: Declan
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two: Vivenne
author's note

Chapter Three

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By nclark0514

Come closer. Play with my chaos

Nicole Lyons


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Declan asks as we drive down the road.

"I have no other choice. There are important things there and I can't just leave them." I tell him. We're driving back to Nolan's place. I need to grab some things before I leave and never return. Declan says he has a place out of state we could go. And thank god because I'd rather die than stay in New York another second.

Declan decided he didn't want Lore and Ellie to stay in the Wormy-Worm restaurant anymore. Nolan doesn't know they live there, but it's the only place he knows I've been with Declan. So it's the first place he'll look. And if Nolan isn't afraid to lie to me and make me kill innocent people? He won't hesitate to kill Lore and Ellie.

"Want me to go with you? He doesn't know who I am." Declan suggests. That's right. Nolan has never seen the face of Declan Love. Only the name.

"Yes." I say, Declan nods. We pull in the driveway in Lore's car. She let us borrow her's, since mine is no good until we get new tires. Declan says he parked his own car down the road from Nolan's place

We get out of the car and we walk to the door of the place I grew up. The place who houses an evil man. A man I don't even know. I pull my key out and open the door. It creaks like it always has, but for some reason this time isn't in a homey-type of way.

Declan places his hand on my back. "I'm right here. It's alright." I take a deep breath and walk in, shutting the door behind me. Just go in, get your stuff. And leave. It's simple. It's easy. If Nolan is cooped up in his office like he always is he probably won't even notice you're here.

"Valerie." I freeze. The sound of his voice stops me from being able to move out of fear of what he'll do. I was more confident in myself that I can do this than I feel I really am.

"I see you've returned. Although I thought I told you to leave the friend outside." Nolan's voice is deep and echoes through the empty house.

Speak. I tell myself. "Who said he was a friend?" I mumble, getting a weird look from both Nolan and smirk from Declan. I give him the just-roll-with-it look. He seems to understand.

I don't want to be afraid of this man. I need to do what I do best. Pretend.

I straighten my posture and clear my throat. "I'm going to go get my things." I say, trying my best to hide the panic behind my eyes. I grab Declan's hand and pull him with me.

"Valerie, No." Nolan says, catching my arm in his grip. I lose any previous confidence I had before. "Tu ne vas nulle part." He says in French. (You're not going anywhere)

Our parents taught us French when we were younger so we can communicate with a less likely chance other's will understand. That's what Nolan is doing now. He doesn't want Declan to know whatever he's about to say.

"Je ne sais pas qui est cet homme, mais je ne lui fais pas confiance. Vous ne devriez pas non plus." He says through gritted teeth. He's angry. Very, very, angry. (I don't know who this man is, but I don't trust him. You shouldn't either)

"Let go of her," Declan says in English. Nolan doesn't even glance in his direction. He in fact tightens his grip on my arm.

"Dites-lui de partir," Nolan snaps. "ou il est mort" (Tell him to leave)(or he's dead)

"J'ai dit lâche-la." Declan pipes in, almost as angry—if not more—as Nolan. "And you said, yourself you don't know me so I wouldn't go around threatening to kill men you don't even know." (I said let go of her)

Nolan glares at Declan. "You don't know what I'm capable of."

"I'm more in the light of what you're capable of than you are of me." Declan's eyes go from Nolan, to his grip on my arm. "Let go of her. Don't make me ask you again."

"Nolan, Please." I begged him. He slowly let my arm go and I started to head towards the stairs with Declan's arm around my waist.

"Val." I stop, and turn my head slightly. "What happened to your leg?"

I look down at the dried blood stain on my pants where I was shot. "I tried to shoot a squirrel." I lied. "I missed."

"Stupid child." He says, with a head shake.

Declan helps me up the stairs, each one more painful than the last. The wound on my leg is quite the inconvenience for me. Moving slow and being incapable isn't quite what I like. Especially if I'm going to be living with a man I don't trust.

Once we're in my bedroom with the door shut Declan says "I should kill him." He chews on his lip and his hands form fists at his sides. "God I wish I could fucking kill him."

I don't say anything. I grab a duffel bag and start shoving things in there. Clothes, shoes, guns, ammo, all the things I'd need. "Is this how he's been treating you?!" He whisper-yells. "That mother fucker"

"I don't want to talk about him right now." I cut him off. "Let's just get my stuff and get out of here okay? Before I lose my shit."

Declan doesn't respond. He watches me gather the rest of my things and throw the bag over my shoulder.

When I tell him I'm ready he takes my bag from me and helps me walk back down the stairs. When we pass the kitchen, Nolan is in there with a glass of whiskey. He doesn't say anything as I leave. It's silent eye contact until we're out the door.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive by yourself?" Declan asks, gesturing towards my leg.

"I'm fine. Are we going back to your sister's place?" I ask. He nods.

"Just for a minute so we can leave her car." I nod and get in the car, tossing my bag in the back. Pulling out of the driveway, I drive past Declan as he gets in his car. It's a nice Range Rover. Something I didn't expect from him, but it suits him.

The night drive is quiet. Just me and my thoughts. Which I'm trying to avoid. But it's not that easy considering My Thoughts is the only other thing in the car with me.

Once we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, I'm out of his Lore's car and grab my bag. "We need to be quick. Before your brother sobers up and realizes you left his grip."

I nod. "So where are we going then?"

"Back to my place for tonight. We'll get on a plane first thing tomorrow morning and head for Seattle." He tells me. His hand finds my back and he leads me into the building. "You're gonna have to leave your car though."

I sigh and nod. We walk in and there are stacks of bags by the door. Ellie is sitting there with a stuffed animal. "Hi Uncle Lanny and Valerie." She says with a smile. I wave at her. Declan walks over to her and sits by her. "Mommy says we're going to Seattle for a Vacation."

"Something like that." Declan responds to her. Lore comes around the corner with one last bag that she throws onto the pile.

"That should be good." She says. "So what's the plan, Stan." She says, her bright smile still present despite the haste we're in.

"We're staying here tonight. I'm booking a flight and we'll be gone by tomorrow. I'm taking Val back to my place with me. Here, take this." He pulls his gun from his waistband and hands it to her. She puts it in hers. "Not that I think you'll need it, but better safe than sorry." He looks over at Ellie, mindlessly playing with her toys. "And have her sleep in your bed tonight."

Lore nods. Declan gives his sister and niece a hug and I wave goodbye and then we're out the door. I've gotten used to the pain that comes to my leg when I put pressure on it so I'm able to move without Declan's help, just not very fast. And not fast enough for Declan.

He links his arm under mine and helps me across the parking lot. When we get to his car, he opens the door for me, and I get in. Once he's around the car and inside, he pulls out of the parking lot and is heading down the road. "Do you really think-"

"No." Declan cuts me off. "Don't worry about it, okay? I've got everything handled. If Nolan thinks he can put a single fucking hand on any one of my girls he's got a god damn death wish."

I nod, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach that came from being linked in the group of one of his girls and start to pick at the reminisce of my nail polish. My mind has been spiraling on topics I don't even want to go. My brother is not the man he's said he was my entire life. He's the opposite. He's a cold-blooded killer. An evil one. He lied to me. He made me believe I was doing things for good. I was not. I was doing terrible things to people who didn't deserve it.

It's now that I think about the times my brother wasn't like this. I remember when I was about eight and he was about twenty-three. I used to have a play house outside and he brought popcorn and candy and his laptop and we watched movies together. I remember when he would play pirates with me, even though he was an adult who didn't care about playing pirates. I remember when whisked me away from all my responsibilities and took me out for ice cream.

That's not him anymore.

Now he's a horrible person. And he's not the Nolan I knew.

I'm snapped back into the world when I've not only chipped my nail polish, but also part of my nail and Declan is standing on my side of the car with the door open. We're at his house.

He helps me out of the car and into his house. It's spacious and beautiful. It clicks to me now, Declan probably has money. His car and house shows it. The ceilings are high and the room is all modernly one color.

It reminds me of those Vogue house tour videos.

"You can stay in my guest bedroom if you'd like." He says, leading me up the stairs. It's the first door and the room is beautiful. Matching the entire house, a king bed in the middle of the room as well as a dresser, an attached bathroom, and a balcony.

I nod and he sets my bag down in a chair. "Come here." He says, before leading me to the bed. "You need to rest."

"I'll be fine." I say, pulling from his grip and heading towards my bag after my gloves. "Do you have a training room here by any chance?"

Declan reaches across me and lifts me from the ground. I yelp from surprise. He sets me back down onto the bed. "There will be plenty of time to train in Seattle. You need to rest. I put that wound on your leg, I'll take care of it."

I'm surprised. I've never been treated like this. Declan goes into the bathroom and I hear some cabinets open and close. He comes back with hydrogen peroxide and a paper towel, then sits back on the bed by my leg.

He rolls up my pant leg and starts to clean the injury. I watch in amazement at his concentrated face while he erases all the dried blood and disinfects the cuts. His brows furrowed together, he's careful. I get chills from his touch and he looks up at me with a smile, then gets back to work.

When he's done, he sets his tools on the floor and leans down, pressing his lips to the skin around my leg.

My breath hitches in my throat, with every inch of skin his kiss touches. Quick kissing all across my calf. It's not until his lips touch the inside of my leg by my knee that I start to wonder what would happen if he were to just go a little bit higher.

A pulse begins between my legs at the thought. It seems now all I can think about are what he'd look like shirtless, his lips on mine, and his dick inside me.

"Whatcha thinking about up there, baby." His voice brings me back to reality and a smirk plays on his face.

"I uhm- I just-" I fumble with my answer.

He sits up, his eyes trail my face, then settle on my lips. "Can I?" He asks me.

"Yes," I say, simply. And it seems that's all he needed. His lips crash to mine with such force I didn't even know it was possible.

Our lips dance together in such a way that give me tingles all over my body. I feel his hands start to roam. Everywhere they touch sparks are left in their place. He teases his tongue on my lips and I gladly invite it in.

We make out for a little bit, each minute that passes the pool in my underwear grows. I feel Declan's length between my legs start to harden and I separate myself from his lips just long enough to remove my shirt.

He smiles against my lips. "We don't have to, baby." He coos, kissing the corner of my mouth.

"I want too," I pant. "Please."

That seems to be all he needs, he starts to fumble with the buttons on his shirt, I help him. Pulling each plastic button through the hole all the way down his shirt then pushing it off his body.

He sits up and grabs onto the button of my jeans, undoing them, and then pulling down the zipper.

He tugs my jeans down my legs, careful when he gets to my calves, pulling them over the bullet hole and tossing them on the floor.

His lips connect to my tummy. Leaving hot, open mouthed kisses across my stomach. They continue all the way until the band of my panties.

"Valerie," He says, his eyes looking up at me. "Are you sure?"

"Take them off." He does, practically yanking them down my legs, and onto the floor.

"Holy shit," He pants. "You're so wet for me, baby."

He kisses my heat, my hips pushing against his mouth. He smirks, looking up at me, and keeping eye contact as he makes one long swipe across my pussy.

I moan, and his tongue slides inside me. "Fuck-" I curse, his tongue swirls and twists inside my body while my hips roll against his mouth and reckless moans fall from my lips.

He eats me out, a smile playing on his lips while he does it. I hold back nothing, every sound, every movement, every ecstatic feeling.

"Fu- Declan I'm gonna come- shit-" he pulls away from me so fast. I barely have time to register as he tugs his pants down his legs, along with his underwear.

When he pushes inside me, the euphoric feeling is returned. "Fuck, baby." He swears. "You're so fucking tight."

His mouth meets mine as he starts his movements. Rocking his hips against mine in a rhythm that sings together so well. Our mouths resting on top of one another, ajar. Each moan being caught in the mouth of the other.

"Shit," Declan mumbles. "Such a perfect little cunt for me to fuck, darling."

I can't respond. The feeling of him inside me is making me lose my mind. I completely forget everything that happened today. The only thing that plays in my mind is Declan and Declan's cock inside me right now.

"God dammit," he swears. "Baby, I'm not gonna last much longer."

"Me either- ahh" There's a bubble that's starting to form in my stomach as I get closer and closer to the edge. "Declan, I'm gonna- oh my fucking god."

"Come for me, princess." He coos, picking up his pace inside me as my orgasm hits me like a fucking train.

Reckless sounds leave my lips and my back arches against the bed, my body rolling into his. It's only a few seconds after I've lost it that Declan drops his face into the crook of my neck, and his release is spreading through my body, warm and wet in spurts.

"Fuck, Valerie." He moans, and I feel his teeth sink into my neck as his thrusts get reckless. Each one different than the last.

Once the high is gone and, he drops on top of me. His breath against my neck, breathing hard.

I just had sex with one of the most dangerous men I know.

I'm fucked.


Literally hehe

You're welcome, bitches I finally gave you what you wanted. It may not have been much, but it will last you until Saturday when I give you the next chapters. I might give you two if I feel like it, but at the moment it's undecided what I'm going to do.

Thank you for reading, and I love you all like crazy <3

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