My Boss

By Seventeen_AJ

1M 30.3K 4.8K

Cara Greene, who planned everything in her life met Alexandra Williams, her Boss who was exactly opposite of... More



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By Seventeen_AJ

It was the same scene in the 9th floor. When we both enter the room, our colleagues looked at both of us.

As soon as Alex entered her office and I sat at my seat, Lisa came running towards me.

"You came with Ms. Williams? When did that happen?" She was so curious.

Some of my colleagues even went to us trying to hear my answer.

"We.. We just happened to come at the same time and rode the same elevator." I decided to lie.

I don't want them gossiping about us or think that maybe I was kissing her ass to get ahead. I don't do that.

And even if our "relationship" is pure friendly, people will still think of the worst of it.

We were on that positions, Lisa in my space and the others standing near my table when Alex opens her door.


She looked at me before looking at everybody else.

"What are you doing?" She asked us.

Suddenly everybody hurriedly returns on their seat, scared.

She looked at me again with questioning eyes. I just shrugged my shoulders and started opening my computer like nothing happened.

"Is David here?" I heard her ask.

"Not yet, Ms. Williams." Somebody answered her.

"Tell him to see me once he comes!"

She didn't wait any answer and closed the door behind her.

An hour passed and I have stack of documents on my table, some needed scanning, copies, some I need to recheck if all pages that needed signatures are signed by Alex.

"For Ms. Cara?" I heard someone said. I looked back and saw a delivery guy with a bag in his hand.

One of my colleague pointed at where I was seating.

"Ms. Cara?" The delivery guy handed me the bag.

"But.. I didn't order..."

"Are you Ms. Cara?" The delivery guy repeated.

I nodded at him and accepted the bag. He left without saying anything and I was still confused.

My colleagues are busy and didn't even look at my direction.

I opened the bag and check what was inside.

It was food, breakfast food to be exact. It was avocado toast with egg and beans on the side.

There's only one person who will send me these.

Thinking about Alex, my phone vibrated.

Bon Appétit. Was all in the message, it was from unknown number but I know exactly who it was.

How did she get my number?

Umm, probably she's the Boss and have access to everything, duh! My mind shouted.

I hit reply and typed, I told you I don't eat breakfast.

I sent the message and just stared at the food blankly.

My phone vibrated again signaling for another message.

You eat it now or I'll come there and watch you till you do.

It was more of a threatening than a concern. Is she kidding me? She's not gonna do that.

I set aside the food in my table and continue to work, 15 minutes had pass and I was deep into what was I doing when Alex's door opens.

I looked up and and suddenly felt nervous. My heart beat rhymed almost the same as clicking of her heels walking towards my table.

She didn't utter any words and just pulled a chair and placed it beside me.

I could feel everybody's stare, confused eyes looking toward us, mouths hanged open.

The room suddenly felt hot and I could feel the heat reaches my cheeks and I know for a fact that my face is flushed, I felt naked in everybody's stare.

I turned my face slowly to the woman occupying the space around me, I felt suffocated yet the room was huge. I know the AC is working but how am I feeling like all the air was sucked out of me?

As soon as my eyes met Alex's, she gave me a smirk and eyed the paper bag that was on the side of my desk which my eyes followed as well.

I suddenly realized what was happening.

You eat it now or I'll come there and watch you till you do. Her message from earlier.

My head turned to her almost immediately, my eyes telling her, you can't be serious?

She seems to get it and blinked both her eyes like telling me, yes I am.

Two minutes had passed with just our eyes talking. The room was in silent, nobody even dares to move an inch, like everybody was scared to break the awkward silence.

Alex cleared her throat not minding the people behind her.

"So?" She said.

"Um.. You're not.. Um.." I stutter.

She eyed again the paper bag and looked back to me.

Not thinking, I grabbed the bag and walked towards Alex's office.

Alex followed me and as soon as we were both inside, I could hear the people outside seemed to finally breathe as movements were almost back to normal.

"What the hell was that??" I asked her with my tone a bit high.

"I mean, what was that?" I rephrased with a much lowered voice when I realized I was talking to my Boss.

She let out a soft laugh before answering me.

"I already told you, didn't I?" Her arms crossed in her chest.

I suddenly felt stupid standing in the middle of her office with the paper bag clenched in my fist.

"Fine!" I sighed in surrender.

I sat in the couch and opened the bag. I put everything in the center table.

Alex sat beside me and leaned her back.

I started eating while she watch me, like literally.

I didn't threw her a single look as I was annoyed yet... happy? Nervous but excited?

What is she doing to me? Giving me all these mixed emotions.

Feelings that I never thought I would ever feel, specially to a woman.

I didn't waste any time and finish my food in no time, I guess her staring helped me eat faster.

"See how easy that was?" Alex mocking me as I start to gather the paperware and put them back in the bag.

I didn't answer her and stood up, I threw the bag in the bin in the corner. I was already at the door and my hand in the doorknob when I remembered something.

My brows furrowed and turned to the girl who was still sitting comfortably at the couch already looking at me, is she watching me?

I was just staring at her still with confuse eyes.

"Cara?" Alex called on me.

"What am I gonna tell them? I asked her still confuse.

"What?" Confused as well, she asked me.

"The people outside, they are gonna ask me what was that." I pointed my finger outside.

She seemed to get it immediately.

"Whatever you want to tell them." She said nonchalantly.

"Aren't you even worried of what they may think about that? I mean, it was... bizarre, wasn't it?" My hand was still on the door knob fidgeting on it.

Alex let a long and lazy sigh.

"You think too much, you know that?" She stopped for a second.

"If you don't want to answer their questions, just shrugged it off. But if you do, make something up or whatever. Or tell them the truth, Cara. Whatever you want to do, really, I don't care."

I could sense in her tone that she was annoyed already and I'm starting too as well. I wanted to tell her that she was the one to put me in this situation, people would ask me not her, who would dare ask their Boss about their actions? Who would be brave enough to do that?

"You gotta stop minding what other people think of you, Cara. You will never live a happy life if you will depend to what those people might say about you." She went to seat in her swivel chair and started to busy herself, signaling it was my cue to leave.

I let out a sign before opening the door.

As expected, all eyes were on me, questioning eyes.

Don't mind them. I told myself.

I sat back to my chair and gathered all my strength to ignore the meaningful look that they are shooting at me.

It was Lisa who couldn't stand it, she went to my side and elbowed me.

"What was that?" She didn't even say it in a discreet voice.

I pretended to browse the folders stack in my table. I know all ears was on us, waiting for me to break it to them.

If you don't want to answer their questions, just shrugged it off. But if you do, make something up or whatever. Or tell them the truth, Cara. Whatever you want to do, really, I don't care.

This echoed in my mind multiple times before I found my voice.

"What? That? That was nothing." I told her with a convincing voice but I must've failed as she start to question me again.

"That doesn't look nothing, that was... bizarre!" When I heard the word, I immediately stopped and looked at her.

Right? I want to tell her but I stopped myself.

I looked at the waiting eyes and ears before I answer Lisa, hoping that all of them will buy it.

"Um.. It was, umm.. It was her food and I forgot to give it to her on time so.. she was, umm.. she actually scolded at me in her office because of that, yeah. It was.. yeah." I tried to be as convincing as possible.

Lisa was just staring at me with her eyes narrowed, I guess trying to see If I was lying or not.

But even before she can commented on that, Alex's door opens again. But this time, with her upset mood.

She looked at me and Lisa before averting her eyes.

"Is David here?" She asked in a very authoritative voice. I actually felt scared and I'm sure the whole room too.

"Y-Yes, I'm here." Anybody would be able to sense that he was nervous.

Her gaze turned to everybody before speaking again.

"Didn't I tell all of you to send him to me the minute he comes?" Again with that voice and both her hands are in her waist.

Nobody dared to answer, or even breathe I think for several seconds that Alex was eyeing everybody but me.

She turned her back and closed her door very loudly. I saw some people pushing David to go to the lion's den before she comes back and scold some more.

I could see the terror in David's eyes, it was like he'll be killed brutally as soon as she enters Alex's office.

Lisa looked at me and said,

"Girl.. tsk! tsk! You angered the bear." She stood up and went back to her seat.

All of my colleagues were looking at me shaking their heads.



I could hear some of them agreeing with Lisa.

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