Origin Of Legends: Wolves Of...

Ronin141 द्वारा

214 66 15

In the world of Garrvon the human, dwarven and elven kingdoms have always had troubled histories regarding ea... अधिक

Chapter 2: Plan & History
Chapter 3: The Blackbolt
Chapter 4: The Elven Assassin
Chapter 5: Arrival at Fort Graken
Chapter 6: Into The Woods
Chapter 7: Deadly Ritual
Chapter 8: Battle For Fort Graken I
Chapter 9: Battle of Fort Graken II
Chapter 10: Recovery & Plan
Chapter 11: The Dragonborn

Chapter 1: The Third Son

47 6 2
Ronin141 द्वारा

767 AHSA (after hell spawn arrival)
22nd of Gorrvo
Human Kingdom Of Balivin

In South western wilderness of the Balivin is Wolf's Den Castle, a well made and sturdy castle having it's fair share of sieges and it's survived every single one.

In the castle courtyard is a young dark haired man fiddling with his bracers with his calloused hands which he gazes up with his light brown eyes nearly appearing as amber.

"Are you ready to begin milord?" A somewhat older man questions with a light shade of brown hair.

The young man stands up drawing a dulled blade from the scabbard attached to his hip.

"I'm not my older brothers Ser Gerron, you can call me by my given name, not my title." The young lord retorts kindly.

Ser Gerron shakes his head as he knows this but he knows if Erik's brothers were to see him being informal with a member of family? It may result in unfortunate consequences.

"Very well Erik, come on." Ser Gerron beckons with a relaxed defensive stance.

Erik circles ser Gerron as they give false charges hoping they can get the other to take the bait. While this is going on, Erik's younger brother Oliven is watching on while sitting on a crate having his full attention.

Erik makes the first attack swinging for Garron's stomach, who reacts appropriately by parrying this strike but earns a punch to face causing him to stagger back.

Gerron touches his face looking back to see Erik smirking playfully. Gerron returns the smirk as he gets aggressive swinging for Erik's head.

Erik ducks each of these but earns a punch to his stomach. Erik staggers back touching his stomach pacing around trying to walk it off.

"Okay... That was deserved." Erik admits through his teeth.

The two fighters circle each other with a change in attitude taking the sparring a bit more seriously.

"Sorry to interrupt this little dance of yours, but you've been requested by our father, you'll see soon enough... Oliven don't you have studies to attend to?" Christeffan questions. He is the second eldest child of four boys and arguably the most relaxed.

"Little Oliven completed his studies for the day Christeffan, we'll continue this another time ser Gerron." Erik states with disappointment, being that he hates attending to political matters of his family, not having much care for it but must attend to it regardless.

Erik exits the courtyard and into the inner castle walking through the halls of the castle with the various servants bowing respectfully towards him and past various paintings of members of the house Blezyren.

House Blezyren is held in high regard, the same regard as Dragons which is the sigil of their House. While Erik is honored to have been to such a lineage, there are days the expectations that come with his name makes him wish he weren't born to such a family.

Erik enters the main hall finding his father, eldest brother talking with a familiar man.

"Uncle Trevon?" Erik questions in surprise with wide eyes.

Trevon glances towards Erik with surprise coming over his eyes. He questions Erik's father that this is Erik earning a nod.

"My you've grown quite well lad, 23 years old and you're still not married?" Trevon asks curiously.

"Haven't found a suitor of my liking." Erik retorts bluntly making his uncle laugh in amusement.

"Nice to see you're as stubborn as your brothers." Trevon praises.

Erik nods in acknowledgement before looking to his father.

"What is it you wish to discuss father?" Erik questions.

"You've heard of the Hell Spawn incursion east of us yes?" Erik nods in response. "Me, your uncle and eldest brothers will ride for Fort Graken in the morning, you will be serving in my stead while I'm away."

Erik's eyes widen hearing this.

"What!? I'm no ruler, why in the Creator's name have you chosen me?" Erik asks clearly frustrated by this.

His eldest brother Roylen furrows his brows hearing his brother whine.

"You will do what father has asked of you, regardless of your feelings towards it." Roylen sternly states walking up to Erik.

"I wasn't speaking to you Roy." Erik growls out in anger with the two exchanging glares.

Their father Nolen gets between the two with fierce eyes that discourage them from speaking up.

"I choose you cause your eldest brothers already know how to rule, you could use the experience as you'll have land of your own to rule one day." Nolen expresses as Erik can see the logic behind it.

"But I-" Erik tries pleading.

A soldier however interrupts this telling Nolen that the Wolf Commander has arrived early.

"Really? See her in." Nolen orders as a woman in plated armor is led inside.

She has grey hair tied back into a bun as she gazes around the main hall with her blue eyes.

"Wolf Commander Bailey, I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow." Nolen greets while shaking hands with her.

"I hauled arse as the dwarves would say, it has been awhile since I've been in your castle. But in truth I'm looking for those worthy of joining my order." Bailey replies cordially.

"Brother you never mentioned the Commander would be joining us." Trevon states worryingly.

Erik is genuinely surprised as well, granted he never really pays any mind to the letters that come through.

"I figured that would've been obvious, given the circumstances, Erik would you be soo kind to see to the Commander's request of a worthy candidate, I imagine ser Garron will be her choice."

Bailey chuckles somewhat to herself.

"If I may be soo bold, your sons would make great candidates." Bailey points out as a compliment.

Erik and Roylen raise their brows while exchanging glances.

"Forgive me for the disrespect but these are my sons we're talking about." Nolen states rather defensively.

"Isn't joining the Wolves considered a great honor father?" Erik questions when Roylen gets his attention.

"Any member of a family like ours loses all claims and titles when they join the wolves, it's potentially disastrous." Roylen explains.

"Precisely my point and I don't wanna risk my family's position with the current circumstances, unless you plan to invoke The Right to Conscript?"

Bailey looks at her old friend seeing his worry.

"Have no fear old friend, while my order is in need of great recruits? I don't plan to force the issue." Bailey assures.

"Erik would you be soo kind to lead the Commander to the guest room?" Nolen asks as Erik nods walking with Bailey.

Erik is in thought of what to say to the Commander.

"So what's it like? Being in the Wolves I mean." Erik asks curiously.

"Prior to the Hell Spawn incursion, I would've told you it was boring, but now I'd say it's a great honor and responsibility to uphold... It certainly gives those who want it, a purpose in life."

Erik nods understanding though he asks the Commander how they came to be.

"That's a very long story lad, you'd be better off reading a history book." Bailey says.

"Maybe but I'd much rather hear it from a member of the order." Erik retorts as Bailey hums hearing this.

"Fair point lad." Bailey says in agreement as they stop before the guest room with her thanking Erik.

Erik nods in acknowledgement when an elven servant arrives looking incredibly tired and worried.

"Milord forgive me but... Your war hound has found himself in the kitchen again." She says panting.

Erik sighs heavily since this is a very common occurrence for him, if anyone could they would handle the war hound but that would likely then result in their arm being bitten off.

"Very well... I'll go retrieve him." Erik sighs out making his way to the kitchen. He loves his war hound to death, he's had him for a few years now but there some days he wishes he had just gotten a regular dog.

Erik enters the kitchen finding his war hound gouging down on some kind of meat. The war hound is almost all muscle and stands at about 4ft on his four legs. He has an orangish tan and black coat that is of medium length.

"Basil *whistles twice* come here." Erik orders calmly as Basil's head shoots up with his tail wagging quickly.

Basil quickly jogs over to his master as Erik kneels down with Basil eagerly licking his face. Erik endures the god awful breath coming from his four legged friend.

"By the Creator Basil, what did you eat?" Erik thinks to himself while petting Basil till he stands up.

Basil is smart enough to recognize his master's body language that he's in for a lecture.

"Basil we've been over this, you can't just barge into the kitchen eating the food here, it's strictly for humans. Just cause I give you my leftovers doesn't mean this is okay." Erik lectures.

Basil tucks his tail in and lowers his ears and begins to whine causing Erik to sigh.

"Oh no don't you start, those charms aren't gonna save you today." Erik states looking his war hound in the eyes who continues whining.

Erik's stern remains but quickly lessens as he can't be mad at a face like Basil's.

"Alright fine, but the only human food you'll get is from me." Erik states with Basil happily barking.

Erik has Basil follow as he's ready to turn in for the day but he encounters his mother Zelena with some guests.

"Ah here's my third eldest, Erik dear you remember Lady Teyna yes? She attended your 21st name day two years ago." Zelena states.

"How could not I dear mother? she made quite the impression by out drinking the dwarves." Erik points out as Zelena shakes her head.

Teyna chuckles some what in amusement.

"Your lad is quite the diplomat Zelena, these here are my son Rorris and daughter Telena... Who is yet to be married." She purposely points out flustering Telena.

Erik sighs to himself being more than familiar with this situation. Teyna decides that she and her children will head to the library for the meantime.

"Well... That certainly went about as I expected, must you be soo blunt?" Zelena questions.

"Yes." Erik retorts earning a sigh from his mother. "But I assume you know that I'll be serving as Lord here."

Zelena nods though she can tell her son is worried for whatever reason.

"You okay?" Zelena questions seeing Erik pace around a bit.

"I'm not made for lordship, what were you and father thinking?" Erik asks while scratching the back of his head.

Zelena sits down motioning her son to sit with her. Erik does so sighing heavily looking at his mother wise and filled with kindness.

"I know where you're coming from, ruling is intimidating and by no means easy but you're a quick learner and you'll be having me to support you so you're not alone... Okay?" Zelena questions while raising her brow.

Erik nods admitting that he feels a bit better knowing she'll be there to help him. This earns a genuine smile from his mother.

"I'm glad at least one of my boys could be open with their feelings, it's a nice change of pace from Roy's brooding and Chris' indifference." Zelena states with Erik asking about Oliven. "Oliven is a kind innocent boy and I hope he stays that way."

Erik nods in acknowledgement as he tells his mother that he'll be turning in for today. Before he can go, his mother stops him for a moment.

"You know I love you right?" Zelena questions.

"Of course." Erik says hugging his mother who returns it and soon sends him on his way.

Erik returns to his room with Basil but they find Oliven sitting on a desk.

"Oliven? Everything alright?" Erik asks when Basil hops on the bed which he practically takes the entirety of.

"Is it true father and our brothers are riding east to fight the Hell Spawn?" Oliven asks inquisitively.

Erik sits in a chair before Oliven. His curiosity is nothing new for a boy his age, though Erik finds it difficult to be honest as he doesn't wish to worry him.

"It's true but they'll be fine, they're fighting alongside the Wolves after all." Erik assures.

"It's just... I'm not used to our father and brothers not being around is all." Oliven expresses.

"Think of it like this little Ollie, you, me and mother will have the castle to ourselves." Erik states as Oliven tilts his head but nods in agreement and lays with Basil.

Erik smiles somewhat though his eyes are starting to feel droopy, so he closes his eyes deciding to sleep in.


Erik is still sleeping heavily in the chair as Basil is sleepy rather peacefully without Oliven as he left some time ago. However he shoots up tension filling the war hound's muscles as he begins growling lowly.

Erik opens one of his eyes hearing Basil growling with his back arching and tail straight up.

"Basil... What's wrong?" Erik questions standing up cautiously and grabs his personal longsword.

Basil barks loudly echoing through the room as the door bursts open. Erik finds armed men with bloodied weapons, he recognizes these men as Trevon's which confuses him.

Basil lunges forward knocking the men off their balance. Erik thrusts his blade through one of soldier's neck while Basil bites down on the arm of the other one.

The soldier tries escaping the bite but Basil completely bites the hand off causing the soldier to yell in agony but is silenced by erik stabbing him in the neck.

Erik can hear yelling and swords clashing throughout the castle when he sees his mother dressed in light armor much to his surprise.

"Thank the creator you're okay Erik! Have you seen Oliven? I didn't see him in his room." Zelena questions.

"He was in my room when I slept." Erik replies seeing his mother's already worried expression turn for the worse. "We'll find him mother, but first we need to stay alive and find father, I imagine he's furious."

Zelena doesn't doubt this as they step outside to see Telena stabbed in the gut right through her back. Zelena draws her bow releasing an arrow that strikes Telena's attacker's neck killing him quickly.

Erik and Basil stand guard with Zelena attending to Telena's injuries who is moaning in pain.

"Lady Zelena..." Telena painfully expresses.

"Hush dear, save your strength." Zelena pleads having her drink a healing potion. "That should hold you over for awhile."

Telena states up painfully but looks to Zelena.

"Lady Zelena, you should know... Trevon took Oliven just before he ordered his men to attack." Telena explains earning Erik's attention.

"Took him? I swear if he harms him-"

"There's no use thinking about it, can you walk?" Zelena questions.

Telena stands up on her own when some guardsman of her house arrive, bloody and expecting a fight.

"My lady! Thank the Creator you're okay, we need to get you out of here and fast." One of the guards says.

"I wish I could help Lady Zelena, but I must get out of here... For the sake of my house." Telena explains regretfully. "But I promise you, Trevon will not get away with this, you have my word."

Zelena and Erik nod watching Telena be escorted by her guardsman.

"Come on, we need to find your father and brothers." Zelena demands earning a nod from Erik as they keep fighting through the castle.

They soon find Christeffan with sword and shield in hand fighting off multiple attackers at once with some loyal soldiers at his side. Christeffan parries a strike with his shield then driving his blade through the attacker's neck but another slices at his legs.

Christeffan kneels in pain but he blocks with his shield though he's quickly becoming overwhelmed.

Basil charges biting at an attacker's neck as Erik fights off the remaining soldiers while Zelena shoots from afar.

"Chris!" Zelena exclaims rushing over to Christeffan who sits up touching his calf cursing out Trevon. "Chris have you seen your father and brother?"

"Aye, they left for the armory to get the family sword... I stayed back to hold them off with ser Gerron and others." Christeffan says as his calf is healed thanks to his mother. "Go find them, head for the secret passage out of the castle... Me and the soldiers will buy you some time."

Before either of them could say anything, another group of hostile soldiers arrive. Christeffan gets in front of Erik taking an arrow to the shoulder.

Erik pulls his mother along with Basil following finding dead soldiers loyal to Trevon. Erik takes point finding more dead soldiers but see Nolen and Roylen on the ground injured and bleeding.

Zelena rushes past Erik completely hysterical at this sight.

"Ah... There you are my love, see Roy? I told you she'd come." Nolen grits out in pain.

Erik kneels seeing their conditions as wounds are bad with heavy bleeding.

"What happened?" Erik asks.

"Trevon's men nearly gutted us right here and then... If not for the Commander, we might've died." Roylen replies.

Erik raises his brow hearing this but he turns holding his sword up but lowers it seeing that it is Commander Bailey, though she is bloodied but otherwise appears fine.

"Wolf Commander Bailey, you protected my husband and son?"

"Yes milady, though we don't have much time... Trevon's men will have the Castle before the night is over so we must leave and quickly." Bailey states.

Nolen grunts heavily in pain earning Zelena's attention.

"I'm... I'm afraid me and Roy won't survive long enough to escape." Nolen expresses.

"No... I'm not leaving you and our eldest to die." Zelena denies with anger filling her.

Nolen looks into his wife's fierce eyes seeing her determination, her greatest trait in his eyes.

"Zel listen to me, even if you got me and Roy out? We wouldn't live long enough for a proper healer and we're long past potions working on us... Get Erik out of here with the family blade, then? Save Ollie and make sure my brother pays for this treachery." Nolen grits out as Zelena is cupping his face.

Erik is conflicted seeing this but he sees Roylen gripping the hilt of the family sword still in it's sheath.

"Erik... Take this... It won't be of use to dead men." Roylen says sliding the blade over as Erik looks in surprise recognizing it.

The family sword in question is the length of a greatsword, one of an infamous reputation.

"He Who Kills, I... I can't wield this." Erik says but Roylen forces it into his grasp.

"You have to..." Roylen demands as Erik looks at He Who Kills.

Nolen looks up at Bailey who is standing guard and calls out to her.

"Bailey I have no right to ask you of this but please... Get my wife and son Erik out of here." Nolen pleads.

Bailey looks down at the injured Nolen feeling pity for him.

"I will but... I'm afraid I need to ask for something in return, your son Erik to join the Wolves." Bailey says as Zelena turns in surprise and anger.

"Don't you have any decency!? He is dying and you're-"

"Zelena it's okay... Erik may join your order, but... Please allow him to help the family in getting Oliven back and making Trevon pay." Nolen requests.

Bailey nods as she watches Zelena embrace her husband and kiss him.

"I love you Nolen, I'll never forget you." Zelena says as she gently hugs Roylen. "Especially you... My firstborn."

Bailey turns as her instincts tell her that staying here any longer is a mistake.

"I'm sorry but we must go now." Bailey says as Zelena and Erik hesitate momentarily but they follow Bailey through to the secret passage and escape the castle.

Erik looks on finding his home in ruin which fills with an anger he's never felt before, but also guilt... Guilt that he never cherished his father and brothers while they were alive. All he can do now is save Oliven and make Trevon pay.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but we gotta go... It's a long ride to fort Graken." Bailey says as Erik nods understanding as he looks down at He Who Kills, feeling uneasy but he'll do what he needs to.

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