Dream and you will achieve...

By Forever_A_Fangirlxx

760 23 5

Ebony-Jayde and her best friend Karlee have just moved to Sydney and live in an apartment together. They have... More

Chapter one - Six eventful hours
Chapter two - Best Friends finally meet
Chapter four - Is this fate?
Chapter five - Recalling the perfect day
Chapter six - Date preparations
Chapter seven - Catch up
Chapter eight - The long awaited date
Chapter nine - Birthday preparations
On hold!!

Chapter three - Thinking about her...

56 3 1
By Forever_A_Fangirlxx

Jayden's POV

The past twelves hours I haven't been able to stopping thinking about her, the way she looked up at Trent when he first spoke to her, I don't know why she doesn't believe she is beautiful, she has the face of an angel! I wonder if she is a fan, she saw the flash mob and turned around that is why we followed her, maybe she was a fan she did try to hide her face when we first spoke to her? She looks so innocent but badly hurt I want to be the person to change that about her but I know Trent really likes her and has basically claimed her as his. I wish we got her number because I want to text her wishing her a great sleep which would hopefully make me go to sleep aswell! Ebony did say she was going to the airport to pick up her Bestfriend, I wonder if she is as beautiful Ebony!? Why am I saying this we will probably never see Ebony again or will we?

Trent's POV

Today was fun, went to the Sydney flash mob obviously got mobbed by fans but we also met an amazing young lady called Ebony! She was perfect, so beautiful, very sweet and so polite! As soon as I saw her I knew she was the one, I don't know much about her but what can I say I think it is love at first sight! There is one problem though, I think Jayden takes a liking to her aswell. She would definitely choose Jaydo over me! One, all the fans think he is the cutest and always call out his name, two Jay is around her age, she want date me I am to much older than her. Argh I am so stupid I should have asked for her number because right now I am going crazy over a girl I might never see again! I think I am obsessed with her, I know now why our fans act like they do whenever we see them! I went on twitter and tweeted 'Had an amazing day today, thank you for all the support! I want to see her again #mysterygirl' I just want to see her again but as always things you want to happen again never do!

*Next day*

Ebony's POV

Karlee and I had a great time yesterday afternoon/night, we got home spoke about the most random things, looked at pictures of The Collective, got feels and spoke about our encounters with the boys, more importantly how are we going to meet them again? We went on twitter to see of there was any upcoming events we could go to where they would be at. Karlee and I looked at the bits twitter accounts, we saw nothing about upcoming events but apparently there was an recent event because last night they tweeted thanking us for the support. We found out it was a flash mob then I clicked that must have been what in saw yesterday, I should go on twitter more!

We continued scrolling down the boys tweets until we came across a tweet that Trent tweeted yesterday it said 'Had an amazing day today, thank you for all the support! I want to see her again #mysterygirl' Karlee looked at me as she was about to explode with screams, "What if he was talking about you?! You could be his mystery girl, you did meet them yesterday and didn't he start the conversation?" I gave her a serious look and replied "Karls I doubt it was me, look at me why would Trent want to see me again after all it was a flash mob a thousand fans where there. I'm not Trent's mystery girl believe me!"

Karlee and Ebony decided to go for a walk to along the beach and then go out and get some lunch. They got changed out if their pajamas and put their bikinis on underneath their clothes, they put their hair in messy buns as they were going to the beach. http://www.polyvore.com/beach_day/set?id=74656197 (Ebony left hand side and Karlee right hand side) It was now 9 am and the girls were leaving their apartment to head off to the beach, it was a 30 minute walk not that long. They arrived at the beach and spent three hours tanning, swimming and built sandcastles yes they are 17 years old... They got bored after that and stated to walk to get that they were discussing what they were going to have they decided on McDonalds. When Ebony opened the door Karlee and her mouth dropped!..

Hey guys,

I apologise if this fanfic is horrible I try my best! I finally included The collective again well Jayden and Trent anyway :) What do you think is going to happen next and who did Karlee and Ebony just see? Thank you for reading my fanfic! Please vote and comment, don't be afraid to leave negative feedback!

~Ebony-Jayde xx

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