By Riseuplosers

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In which a thief and an assassin learn that they are so much more than the masks that they wear [TOG - KOA] [... More



975 48 53
By Riseuplosers


"Thievery may be dangerous, but that's why it's fun."

➶ ➴↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃, one only needed to know where to look. There had been stories of those foolish enough to grasp the dark element, to find pleasure and all things wicked under its cold gaze. But what many hadn't realized was how easy it was for shadows to slip away, to disappear faster than they had been created.

Dorian supposed that for Adarlans thief, becoming a shadow was none too difficult. She'd grown up as a well-off thief and assassin, which meant hiding and bending the shadows to her will would be in her wheelhouse of tricks.

She was avoiding him; of that he had no doubt.

The first moment he had dared to take a step in her direction she fled, disappearing faster than the shadows under the bright sun's rays. He could only ever catch a glimpse of her during her training, golden hair grabbing his gaze.

Celaena was always beside her, a blank frown on her face.

Since that night, the two had stuck close, neither deviating far from the other. He couldn't help but wonder what exactly it was that had upset them both so much. What it was that had ripped Mia's soul to shreds, leaving nothing but a frightened and tired girl.

That night, he'd fallen asleep with his back against the wall, her body resting in his arms. A part of him had regretted waking up, if only the bask in her warmth for a moment longer. But the sun would not stop its rise for his dreams, and the world would not stop its spin. Gently, he had lifted her small frame and tucked her in. Giving her one last glance, he made to head out when Lillian, her head servant had stopped him.

Her eyes were wide with surprise, a gobsmacked look in her eyes with questions on her tongue. He merely raised a finger to his lips, giving the maid a wink before disappearing down the hall. He intended to find her later that day, to see if she was well, to ask how she slept, to find out everything he could about her, because no matter how hard he tried not to, he wanted to know her. But she had made it impossible to find her.

And he had taken the hint.

If he had really wished, he could corner her in her rooms, but he would not go against what she wanted. And if she didn't want to see him then...then she wouldn't see him.

"You're in a foul mood," Chaol said quietly.

They stood in the training room, watching a test that the other champions were undergoing. It was a simple spar, one in which would determine who would stay or stand under the scrutiny of Brullo.

"I've been busy," he started, "Perrington's been trying to keep me on a leash."

Of course, that hadn't been the reason he was losing sleep. Glancing over, he watched as the Sardothien twins whispered with each other, a dangerous smile stretching across their lips.

From the way they were watching Cain spar, it was more than likely they were planning the poor champion's death. 

But even with this, Dorian felt his own mouth twitch, a part of himself hating the fact that he realized this was the first time he'd seen her smile since that night. Though his smile quickly fell when the Nox took his place beside Miandia, giving her a charming smirk. He said something that made her shake her head, though her dangerous smile had turned softer.

He couldn't tell why, but some part of his chest had begun to hurt.

"Why do I have the feeling that's not it at all?"

Dorian gave his friend a brilliant smile, "Oh ye of little faith. Have I given you any reason to doubt me?"

"Yes, multiple times. In fact, I've begun to keep a list."

He went to retort something else when something caught his eyes. Turning he watched as Verin moved towards the twins, a wicked smirk that promised trouble on his face.

"Careful Cain," the champion said loudly, "Little Lady wants a piece of you."

Chaol tensed from beside him, a curse falling from his lips. "Stay here."

The captain stalked forwards towards the champions. Dorian didn't much care for his friend's order and trailed after him.

"Watch yourself, Verin" it was Nox who stepped forward, anger laced in his voice.

"What?" Verin said.

Now the other Champions—and everyone else—were turning to them.

"Defending her, are you?" Verin taunted. "Is that the bargain? She opens her legs, and you keep an eye on her during practice?"

That was all it took for Mia to get between the two and shove Verin back, hard. The champion stumbled as she hissed, "Shut your mouth, you damned pig,"

Dorian swallowed at her anger, the rage on her face becoming a familiar sight. She turned her eyes to him, turquoise eyes flaming with hatred. He tilted his head, a clear and recognizable statement in his gaze. A message meant only for her.

Let me help.

She blinked, her gaze softening for only a moment. Shaking her head, she turned back to Verin, fixing her posture into a calm stance.

"Or what?" Verin said, righting his feet and moving closer to her. He stared down his nose at her and Dorian felt a part of himself grow cold at the sight. Unknowingly, he took a step forward, catching the attention of the thief. Chaol had noticed him and took a deep breath, a warning look in his eyes.

But he didn't care, not when she looked at him, beautiful determination in her gaze. She gave him a sweet smile, lips pulled into a lethal grin. He had to ignore the way his heart had begun to beat faster as she turned her head, snarling at Verin, "Else you find yourself in pieces at the bottom of the Avery."

"That's enough!" Brullo barked. "Take it out in the ring. Verin. Lillian. Now."

Verin gave her a snakelike smile before turning. Cain clapped him on the back as he entered the chalk-etched circle, drawing his sword. Celaena went to follow after him but it was Mia who stopped her. Clasping her sister's shoulder, the thief whispered something in her ear. Celaena's eyes flashed, and for a moment he saw power. Pure, unworldly, ground-shaking power that threatened to ignite.

He was close enough to hear it as the older sister stated, "Forever."

"And always," came the younger reply.

He wasn't sure what that had meant, but from the lethal way the sisters grinned at the world, he knew it meant more trouble than good.

Verin raised his sword, "Let's see what you've got."

Celaena stalked toward him, keeping her sword sheathed at her side.

"She's going to be pummeled if she doesn't take out her sword," Nox whispered to Mia.

But it wasn't to the thief she looked, instead her eyes trailed to him. Her expression was unreadable as she calmly stated, "She'll be fine."

Dorian swallowed, mouth feeling dry as he took to her other side, turning to the fight. He felt it as Mia shifted, her shoulder brushing against his own. Glancing down at her, he nearly died.

Her lips had pulled into a soft, comforting smile, one in which he could stare at for days. The golden flecks in her turquoise eyes glimmered with life, her nose scrunching slightly. He supposed the world could have ended and he wouldn't have noticed.

Perhaps her smile had meant that she wouldn't avoid him anymore...or maybe that was just wishful thinking.

Looking back at the match, he couldn't help but do a double take. Celaena had already won. Verin laid on the ground, his sword on the opposite side of the ring, the hall in complete silence.

"Mock me all you like," Celaena spat at Verin, "but my sisters' off limits. Next time you have something to utter I'll cut out your damn tongue." She turned from him, and found Brullo's face slack. "Here's a lesson for you, Weapons Master," she said, stalking past him. "Give me and my sister real men to fight. Then maybe we'll bother trying."

She strode away, past the grinning Nox and the smug smile Mia gave and stopped before Cain. She stared up at his face and smiled with sweet venom.

"Here I am," she said, squaring her shoulders. "Just a little lapdog."

Cain's black eyes gleamed. "All I hear is yapping."

"Let's see if you still hear yapping when I win this competition."

Before he could say more, she stalked to the water table.

Mia nudged him and said quietly, "Celaena still refuses to play a chess match with me. Care for a game later?"

Blinking slowly, he couldn't help it as a smile stretched across his face. "It would be my honor, little thief."


ANOTHER BODY HAD BEEN FOUND. Mia hadn't had the heart to go with the Captain and her sister to inspect it, her nightmares growing worse with each passing day.

She dreamed of a dark shadow that covered the world, screams of terror and war plaguing her. When she woke, she saw bodies of the dead on her floor, reaching for her. When she looked at her food, she saw blood. Horrific blood that looked and smelled of all things decrepit.

Everywhere she looked, it was as if her nightmares had come to life and she was terrified. She couldn't help but begin to feel sick, the thought of another champion dead being added to her list of worries. The last thing she had wanted to see was another body, which was why she was lounging lazily on a blanket beneath a beautiful oak tree, books scattered around her.

While the sun had laid in full glory above, it was the protection of the guards that she basked in. Of course, they were there to protect others from her, but she still felt a little better to be surrounded by trained soldiers.

Lillian had prepared a basket of snacks and wouldn't take no for an answer, demanding that Mia take it with her else she'd snitch to her older sister that she'd skipped that morning's breakfast. 

The maid was constantly worried, and so Mia took it without fighting much, if only to relieve her stress. She didn't have to know that the food sat nearly untouched, or that Mia had given some to the ones that so graciously protected her.

Glancing up from her book, she couldn't help but chuckle to herself when seeing the four guards standing near the garden's entrance. Their stances were at attention as always, eyes trained to the entire area as if a threat were about to jump at them. Though that was probably her fault for ambushing them into eating the sweets in her basket. 

Shaking her head, she went back to the book, flipping a page as she dived deeper into worlds unknown.

"The Secret Tale of a King," She had to stop her heart from falling out of her chest at sudden noise, chiding herself on not hearing him approach her. Dorian plopped unceremoniously on top of the blanket near her, giving her a wink, "You have good taste."

She shrugged. "Celaena recommended it but...I'm not enjoying it as much as the others."

Spreading her hand out, she gestured towards the other plethora of books that laid around her unceremoniously.

"Have you read them all?"

Her cheeks flushed at his incredulous tone before nodding.


Biting her lip she looked away, her book too far forgotten to continue. "What can I say, I read what I like."

He grinned, "And out of the hundreds you've read, which was your favorite."

Humming softly, she closed the book in her hands and laid it to the side before shuffling through the others. "They're all quite lovely books you know," she began, holding two up and analyzing the covers before tossing one to ground. "But I think this one is quite nice. Celaena recommended it to me and I couldn't put it down."

"Sunset Passions." he read the title.

A wicked thought crossed her mind and she couldn't help but giggle internally. Flipping the book opened, she skimmed the pages before she found the passage she was looking for.

"Before she gave it to me, she said something about it being...enlightening. Here," She held out the open book. "I'm sure you'll especially enjoy this part."

His eyes grew wide as he began to read the page. "'His hands gently caressed the slope of her—" The book snapped shut and she laughed aloud at his flaming cheeks. "By the Wyrd! Do you actually read this rubbish? What happened to the innocent novels Lillian would fetch you?"

"Yes, well," she fluttered her eyes and said, "the books I sent her for were hardly innocent."

Dark brows rose as a teasing smile took his lips. "Truly?"

Sitting up, her legs stretched across the blanket as her face grew closer to the princes. His eyes widened at her sudden movement.

"What was it you said?" She chucked, "I never joke? When I'm done with it, you may borrow it, along with all the others I've read. I must say, I have grown quite a delectable collection."

He hissed, "I will not read them."

"Pity," she pulled her lips into a pout, "I suppose you're more alike to your Captain than I had believed."

"Chaol?" He sounded incredulous, "You asked Chaol to read this?"

Nodding, she brought her hand up to fix the lapel of his jacket that had twisted. "Such a shame it was, I would have liked to discuss a few of the plot points. Alas, he refused and said that it wasn't right for him to read material like this."

Dorian snatched the book from her hand. The movement had caused him to lean forward, allowing her index finger to brush against his exposed neck.

The warmth of his skin sent a hot spark down her finger tips, one in which she couldn't help but flush from. He seemed to not have noticed as he said, "Give that to me, you wretched woman. I won't have you pit us against each other.

Something dry sat on her tongue, words seeming to elude her. She watched as he glanced at the book's title before turning the cover around and putting it inside his jacket, hiding it from the world.

"I suggest reading chapter six," she said, proud of her voice for finally working, "It's quite enlightening. I'd like to hear your opinion on how the human male can—"

He lurked forward quickly, hand covering her lips. "You have no shame." His eyes were wide with embarrassment as he continued, "Even if I did read it, why would I discuss it with you?"

Some part of herself came alive at that moment. Emotions she had never felt before burned against her ribs and she blinked hard. She raised a hand and grasped his wrist, leading it away from her lips. Making sure to keep her fingers light, she traced the back of his palm. Tilting her head down slightly, she glanced up, trying her best to look innocent. 

"If you don't, perhaps I should ask Chaol for his opinion. After all—"

"Okay!" A flustered look crossed his face and she let go of his hand, a triumphant grin on her lips. He brought a hand up and rubbed his face, "Is there really nothing else that interests you?"

Tapping her chin, she declared, "Well, I do like painting, but not all the time. I guess I enjoy horseback riding as well."

"You guess? Shouldn't you know what you enjoy?"

Shrugging, she leaned back, "There was little time that we were given to find hobbies. But horseback riding had been...freeing in a sense. There was this one time that—'' she stopped herself and covered her mouth. "Never mind, I mustn't tell you that."

"Why not," his expression grew in amusement. "You can't stop mid story. It's not fair, I'm quite invested now."

"I refuse to convict myself!" A smile stretched across her lips as a certain memory of horses and quick thievery crossed her mind. And sand, there was so much sand she had picked out of her nails for days.

"Don't tell me you stole a horse."

Her eyes widened and she shook her head vehemently, though she couldn't help it as her lips wavered into a smile.

"You lie!" A burst of laughter left his lips, "you were convicted as a thief and assassin, little had it been known that Miandia Sardothien should have been tried as a horse burglar."

"It's an honest career," she flushed.

"Yes, I must admit that there is a great damage horse thieves inflict."

"You jest now, but what will you do when I steal all the horses you keep in your stables. "

"Whatever would you do with them? You'd have more than you could keep up with, a whole army of them at the least."

"Oh, I haven't a clue, but it would be quite entertaining. Perhaps I really should do it just for a laugh."

"I must beg of you not to" he ruffled his hair, "however entraining it may be, I can already imagine all the paperwork you'd cause me."

"Oh, not the paperwork," she cried out, raising a hand to her forehead in jest.

"Perhaps I should give them to you then, see how you fare under the mountains of work."

"I'd rather die."

He laughed and she couldn't help but join him. The sound reverberated across the open fields, filling the palace gardens in a joyful song.

"There was a reason I was a jewel thief and not a paper pusher."

"Whatever is wrong with signing papers? It's a downright job that is a lot less dangerous than thievery."

She admired his smile. It was a genuine one, one she wanted to tattoo across her memory. There was something special about him, something she couldn't help but admire. Or perhaps she just found him beautiful. Having grown up the way she had, she had always been enamored with beautiful things. Clothes, shoes, jewels, and even works of art.

But Dorian was quite different to all of that, something far more special and enticing. She found herself admiring him, and with the way he looked at her, he enjoyed admiring her too.

"Thievery may be dangerous, but that's why it's fun."

Something in his gaze made her stop. Had he always looked at her like that? 

"Chaol told me something interesting. Something about stealing my mothers jewels."

Mia felt her eyes widen, before letting out a playful huff. "What a rat."

She wasn't sure why or how the subject had come up between the two of them. It had been an offhanded joke Celaena made. Though a hint of truth had laid somewhere between those lines. She had been planning to at least get her hands on one of them before she left the castle for good.

Perhaps Chaol had known that and told Dorian in worry.

"If you wanted jewels, my dear thief," Dorian stated, a hungry gleam in his eyes, "You only need ask."

A cheshire grin crossed her lips, "Why ask when it's so much easier to take."

He tilted his head, a dangerous smile that held untold promises in his gaze. "Have you stolen from my mother, lovely?"

"I wouldn't dare."

"You lie again," her heart nearly stopped as he leaned forward and grabbed her right hand. "Your fingers twitch ever so slightly when you do."

"You're just making things up now." She rolled her eyes, trying to stop the erratic beat of her heart.

"Am I?"

A laugh of disbelief left her, "I don't do that."

He gave her a knowing look, as if he had observed her enough to know more things about her than she did herself. "It's your tell, quite a small one that many haven't noticed."

"But you have?"

Something akin to the shade of red painted his ears, "Well, I hadn't at first though I began to pick up on it, especially the times when you had lied to Chaol when he asked you if you'd finished your laps around the game park and you hadn't."

It was her turn to flush, "Well, what's your tell then, if you're so smart."

A crooked grin stretched across his face. "That's for me to know."

She went to retort something when the sound of Kaltains voice interrupted them. The woman wasn't in their sights yet, but there was no doubt she'd bother them to no end if she saw Dorian there.

The prince must have known that too for he let out an air of exasperation.

"I guess this is my cue to leave."

Mia giggled, eyes widening at the sound before covering her mouth with a gloved hand. "Would you like a lemon tart before you go?"

"I do like lemons." he mused, standing up and brushing at his pants. "But I'll have to refuse. Lillian gave you them to eat. Not to hand out to the world

She scowled deeply at that, "And just how did you know that?"

His torso bent down as he grasped her hand, laying a chaste kiss against it before saying, "My dear thief, I know quite a lot more than you think I do."

Flushing deeply, she glanced at the area Kaltains' voice had carried from.

"You're deplorable."

"Of that I have no doubt." He let go of her hand and began to walk backwards. "But you still owe me a game of chess, and I quite look forward to it. I won't be going easy on you anymore."

"Anymore? And here I thought you just didn't know the rules."

Winking at her, he turned. "Until next time, lovely." And then he was gone, disappearing into the castle like a shadow fleeing from the sun.

Shaking her head, she glanced around the garden, noticing Kaltain and her ladies on a stroll, barely missing the prince by a few seconds. Rolling her eyes, she looked at her basket and weaved a hand through her hair, sighing deeply.

Celaena was going to have a field day with this. 


CELAENA SARDOTHIEN WAS HAVING AN AMAZING DAY. Perhaps, it was the best day of her miserable life. She really needed to start praying to the gods more often if days like these continue. Waking up had been lovely, Phillippa telling her training had been canceled for the day had been even better. She supposed that all of her mornings deserved good news such as that. 

Chaol had been too busy with another body that had been found and while a champion being murdered was indeed a tragedy, the plus side to it all meant that the captain wasn't there to bother her nor Mia as they paraded around the castle in their gorgeous gowns. Which in turn, meant she had ample opportunity to begin interrogating her sister. After all, what as a girl supposed to do with all this free time she'd been given?

"I think we should go to the garden," she finally said after a lapse of silence had fallen over the duo, trying her best to keep her lips loose in an innocent expression.

"We go almost everyday." Mia responded, raising a brow.

Her sister had worn a beautiful floor length gown that had been decorated in glittering jewels and gems. She had wondered where they had all come from but seeing as it was Miandia, it wasn't much of a surprise. Even her golden hair had pins of diamonds and pearls woven throughout. It was common to see her sister in such an appearance these days and while Mia thought her to be a fool, Celaena was anything but.

"Yes, well, I didn't have the opportunity yesterday. With the body and everything, I hadn't the chance to see what the gardeners had done with the area. I heard he rearranged things, and that the best vantage point of the vicinity was under this great oak tree."

Mia gave her an unimpressed look, one in which she responded with a curious smile. She must have known where she was going with it and rolled her eyes, turning away as she inspected a gorgeous statue that had been in honor of one of the late kings.

"Well, haven't you anything to say for yourself."

It was quiet for a while as Mia studied the marble statue, lips pursed as she always did when thinking. Finally, she said bluntly, "You're talking a lot of nonsense."

Looking up, she gave a soft smile to a group of passing maids whose hands were full of supplies and other materials. They curtsied as they passed, though Celaena could still see their flushed faces.

"Are you really going to make me drag it out of you?"

"There's nothing to drag out. If you're asking if I sat under an oak tree in the garden yesterday, the answer would be yes. I don't see the crime in that."

"Oh there's no crime in it. I just think that it would be lovely if I had been given a heads up that my sister was to be the next queen of Adarlan."

Celaena hadn't never seen her sister whip her head around so fast before. Mia glared at her; eyes heated though it was her cheeks that gave her away. Red painted her face, exploding across her skin. It was an expression she'd never seen before.

"Are you mad!" The thief's voice falling into a hushed whisper as she glanced back at their escort knights that had been trailing after them. "Don't say that so loud."

"And why not? Did I say anything that wasn't true? The prince is very enamored with you–"

"Don't be daft. We're just friends."

Even that had sounded like a lie. Though she supposed after all these years of Mia slyly pushing her and Sam together, she at least could hold some decorum for her.

"Do you want to know what I've heard?"


It was a flat answer, one in which held no humor. But Celaena never took no for an answer, it wasn't in her blood, Mia should have known better.

"Well, that's too bad I'm going to tell you anyways," linking their arms together, she began to drag her sister down the long corridor, feeling significantly lighter than ever, "There have been rumors going around that the crown prince has a lover."

"I'm so happy for him," Mia responded dryly.

"Do you not want to know who it is?"


"Oh, you're no fun Mia."

Miandia rubbed at her face in annoyance. "Just say what you're trying to say."

"Well, the reason there's a rumor such as this is because the crown prince, who is known for being quite a player, always partying it up with the kingdom, has...well...stopped."

"Stopped what?"

"Stopped partying. Stopped flirting with ladies and stopped going to balls and festivals. They say he only did this once when he had a lover some year or so ago. Of course, there was also the rumor that it had been a nasty breakup but that's not the point."

"And what is your point?"

"My point," Celaena felt her voice rise and she fought herself to keep it down, if only to save her sister from public embarrassment, least Mia smite her where she stood, "is that for some reason, the crown prince has gone out of his way to avoid interactions that could potentially result in flirting with another. And then, by some miracle, I look out a window on my way to my chamber and I see said prince having a picnic with a familiar golden-hair thief."

"You're being ridiculous."

"Am I?"

Mias glare intensified, "Yes."

It took her a moment to gather all her thoughts. Of course, she'd been giddy when seeing the smile on her sister's face as she talked ambiently with the prince. Her sister wasn't always a conversationalist, and the fact that she was talking—laughing with someone else was thrilling.

But worry was also a sinking feeling, one in which she couldn't shake. Just because the crown prince wasn't a whoremonger, didn't mean that he hadn't the potential to break her sister's heart. Though, Mia must have had the same thoughts, for she could see much conflict in her sisters eyes.

So instead of giving her more worry, she simply said, "Just tell me when the wedding is. I'd like a front row seat."

Mia pushed her in reply, though she didn't fail to see the smile that had stretched across her lips.

She'd give the prince a chance. Only one. Should one tear ever wash her sister's face due to him, he would do well to know how to run, for there was no place in this world that could hide him from her fury.

We're getting close to Yulemas :)

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