
By lov3_dontchang3

10.2K 740 494

What happens when the marriage is over and it's time to move on? What happens when the love of your life is a... More

Tyrese 1
Tyrese 2
Matthieu 3
Matthieu 4
Doc 5
Phillip 7
Phillip 8
Bless 9
Bless 10
Lynx 11
Lynx 12
Nazaire 13
Nazaire 14
Emir 15
Emir 16
Nazaire 17
Nazaire 18

Doc 6

529 43 29
By lov3_dontchang3

I laid in the bed, chest heaving, sweat dripping from almost every inch of my body.... the sun was setting, turning the room a goldish pink.... I needed to get up because we had another meeting tonight but honestly... I just didn't have the strength or desire to move. Money was still trying to go, suckin my neck, stroking my dick, and whispering words of passion in my ear... but I was spent.... one of the downsides of being gone so long was that while my stamina decreased, his sex drive increased and it would take a couple of weeks before things were back to normal with me being the one with the insatiable sex drive and Money being the one who needed to recover before we could go again. Don't get it twisted, I definitely wasn't complaining and neither was Money... in fact, it was because I was so good at the Art of Sex that he had the need for more; begging for my dick, needing to feel me inside of him, needing for me to make his entire body quake.... I turned to him slowly and pressed my lips against his while gripping his ass tightly. To say I loved this dude was an understatement... it was like, this feeling that my life wasn't complete until I met him and now I couldn't imagine what my life was like before meeting Monroe. A knock on the door broke me from his spell, Monroe rolled his eyes before getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom leaving me to see who was waiting on the other side.... Only two people would ignore the 'Do Not Disturb' sign so it was a coin flip as to which one was waiting.....

"So you're just going to open the door with your meat out? What if I was a lil white girl selling Girl Scout Cookies?" Bless asked stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "Lemme guess Monroe's here... well that looks like a hole behind the headboard so I'm guessing he is.... WASSUP MONROE!!!!" Bless yelled smirking.

"FUCK YOU BLESS!!!" Monroe said from the bathroom. Monroe and Bless, had a very odd relationship being that aside from Nate, Bless was the only one who actually met Monroe. Sure Lynx and Tyrese knew about Monroe but they haven't officially met him or knew the extent of our relationship.

"I guess he's still mad that things didn't work out between me and his friend... but in my defense dude kept trying to control me and it was only our first date. When I see a red flag I don't ignore them." Bless said. "Anyways, we're leaving in twenty so make sure you're in the lobby...." Bless said and I nodded. "Bye Monroe...." Bless said deviously before walking out of the room.

"He's so fuckin annoying...." Monroe said walking into the room wearing a bathrobe but it did nothing to cover his body.... or maybe I was horny again.

"Yeah, he's like that annoying little brother that likes to get you into trouble." I said pulling Monroe into my arms. "So.... I got twenty minutes to get showered and dressed, then make it to the lobby....." I said rubbing his ass. "I've done more with less time...." I said before tossing him on the bed and giving him something that would keep him satisfied while I was away.

"You're late...." Tyrese said looking at Bless who stumbled out of the elevator, how the fuck did I beat him down here? Then again Bless was always the last to arrive for our meetings so I really shouldn't be surprised.

"My bad... you ever try bustin a nut and that muthafucker just wouldn't cum? I'm taking that as a sign that I need to fuck sumthin... so let's get this meeting over and done with." Bless said and I looked at Tyrese and Lynx who shook their heads and started to head out.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked Lynx who seemed in an unusually peppy mood. "You came back from the club last night alone, so unless you got some connections in the city I know you didn't get no ass... or dick." I said laughing.

"That's where you're wrong... Tyrese's brother-in-law decided to come to my room when we got back and a smoke session turned into a vers session.... Bruh when I tell you that nigga can fuck.... and he's a freak... my favorite." Lynx said and I shook my head, sounded a little messy if you asked me but I had no intention of getting involved, thankfully Tyrese and Bless were in a different car so this conversation was more than likely going to stay between us.

"You don't think you MAY be stepping on Tyrese's toes a little?" I asked and Lynx seemed confused by my question. "I'm just saying, how would you feel if one of your 'bros' started fuckin with your brother-in-law? Don't you think that may put Tyrese in an awkward position with his wife and force him to keep shyt from her?" I asked.

"Whatever, Tyrese is over that bitch.... Look I know my boy, more importantly I know when a nigga has checked out and Ty.... well he's ready to move on, but you know him. He's slow and meticulous, he likes to take his time and plan everything out... but when he does strike... it's going to be bad for her." Lynx said and I shrugged. I had warned Tyrese about Chloe from the jump but when a dude starts thinking more with his dick and heart instead of his head, he typically ignores very obvious signs... but I stayed out of their personal lives and hopefully they offered me the same respect.

"Well, well, well.... isn't this a pleasant surprise." A voice said as we walked into the courtyard of the mansion, there were three men sitting around drinking but the one who spoke... of course, he would be here.

"What's up Spartan, I didn't know you would be here...." Lynx said completely oblivious to the obvious tension that was building between us.

"Yeah well, we're here for our mission briefing same as y'all.... General and Ronan will be here shortly, so make yourselves comfortable.... Dominique... I mean Doc, mind if I have a word in private?" Spartan asked and I nodded and followed him down the stairs. "How have you been?" He asked quietly.

"Chillin..." I said flatly. I already knew where this conversation was likely to go and I really didn't want to give him anything to latch onto.

"That's it... just 'chillin' come on Dominique, I know you better than that.... There was a time when we were best friends... hell I would go as far as to say we were more than that." Spartan said and I just continued to walk beside him without saying a word. "Nigga, you at least owe me an explanation as to why you just ended things without so much as a fuckin word! I really thought we were better than that and yet you just....."

"What do you want me to say, you were catching feelings and I felt that in order to preserve our friendship it was best for me to step away." I said shrugging.

"Hard not to catch feelings when you got a nigga fuckin me the way you did... Hard not to catch feelings when you got a nigga telling you that he loves you...." Spartan said.

"I did... do love you Sante.... but as a friend and well.... things for me are different now and I didn't want our personal lives to bleed into our professional life... I made a call and I just...." I said unable to meet his eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you....." I said and I truly meant that, I did have love for him but I was IN love with Monroe.

"I'm a professional, I know how to separate the two... I just thought my FRIEND would've had the balls to tell me that shyt sooner." Spartan said and I could see that he was really pissed over our 'break-up' even though we were never technically together.

"We should probably get back....." I said awkwardly and Spartan just shook his head and started heading back to the others. "You good? You look like you're about to kill some with your bare hands?" I asked Tyrese who was standing in the corner fuming.

"Yeah, just some shyt I have to deal with when I get home...." Tyrese said, without saying her name I knew he was referring to his wife. "Who are those two?" He asked pointing to two men in the corner, I didn't know either of them so I shrugged. "The dark-skinned one is sexy as fuck...." Tyrese asked and I was a little surprised that he was saying that openly.... but then again Lynx did say that he was checked out so there's that....

"Dibs...." Bless said popping up out of nowhere. "What? You know I got a type and he's definitely it..... His name is Chris and he's here from Columbus I feel like I got a shot... asked him if he was trying to hit the club when we finished here and surprisingly he agreed... he doesn't seem like the party type, then again I have a way with words and I'm hard to resist." Bless said confidently.

"Whatever, it looks like the meeting is about to start." Tyrese said as The General, Ronan, Tonya, and Matthieu walked out into the courtyard.

"Okay... Spartan you and your team will go with Chris to discuss your assignment, when you're finished go wait for me in the study and I'll give you further orders." Ronan said.

"Bless we need to finish our conversation but you can stay here for the time being." The General said. Spartan and the two members of his team walked off with Chris leaving the rest of us and one random person still here. "Oh yeah.... introductions, this is Taylor Bourne he'll be joining Manticore and Lynx you'll be responsible for showing him the ropes." The General said and I could tell Lynx wasn't happy about it.

"Now for the St. Louis mission... right now we have another team performing recon, 30 Days from now we'll meet again and go over the plan.... Matthieu has agreed to stay here, to make it more believable when y'all arrive in St. Louis... For now, handle everything you need to take care of so there are no distractions." Ronan said, his eyes seeming to linger on me, then, Tyrese, and then Bless before clearing his throat and going over the usual briefing we got before going on break; basically telling us not to do anything stupid before dismissing us for the night.

"What's the move?" I asked wanting to leave before Spartan returned but Tyrese was having a private conversation with Tonya, Bless had gone off with The General, and Spartan was walking back towards the courtyard... fuck I just wanted to get back to Monroe.

"I think tonight is a stay in the hotel room kinda night, I'm trying to see if Phillip can top his performance from last night." Lynx said smiling. "What about you Nate?" He asked Nate who had been on his phone most of the night.

"Just booked a flight back to Ann Arbor... I miss Josh and I'm in desperate need of... y'know?" Nate said smiling. "I'll probably be gone by the morning." He said which meant we probably wouldn't be seeing him until about two days before we started our assignment. "Actually I was kinda hoping Doc could take me to the hotel so I could pack...." Nate said and I quickly understood what he was trying to do.

"I'll ride with Tyrese and Bless... go on ahead." Lynx said and I dapped him up just as Spartan was drawing closer and walked off quickly, I wasn't ready to have THAT conversation with him and I knew if I stayed any longer.... it doesn't even matter..... what we had was over, and done with and I had moved on hopefully Sante could do the same.......


All I wanted was a nice, quiet dinner with my side nigga... but this loud group of niggas was laughing loud as fuck interrupting everyone's meal... Courtney didn't seem to mind as she continued kissing the dude she was if as it didn't bother her but this was a classy restaurant and I wanted to enjoy my food, so I got up and walked over to their table.

"Chloe?" One of the men said, have you ever got that feeling when every organ felt like they were going to fall out your coochie? That's what I felt seeing Ya'San Simmons... Tyrese's best friend and best man.... these two went back to college and I just knew he was itching to snitch. "I thought that was you...." He said standing up and hugging me. "Who's your friend?" Ya'San whispered in my ear and I felt my heart racing.

"Not friend cousin...." I lied quickly.

"Hmm... Tyrese never told me you were from West Virginia... I mean that's the only state where fuckin your cousin is legal, well Alabama as well but you can't cook so that rules out that state." Ya'San said and I needed to think quickly because the look on his face told me just how pissed he was. "Really fuckin that nigga in the car outside the restaurant is dirty work... while your sister gets fucked in the backseat... well, that's downright scandalous." Ya'San said shaking his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about... excuse me." I said walking away from him quickly. "We need to leave...." I said gathering my stuff, I didn't offer any explanation but I really didn't need to they saw the distress on my face and knew it was serious. As we were walking out I noticed Ya'San on the phone and I just knew he was talking to Tyrese.... fuck I really needed to get my story straight because I already knew he was going to be PISSED.......

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Bless, Phillip, Lynx, or Nazaire?

****** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******

I know I haven't posted in a while and for that, I apologize. Life has been hectic and I haven't had much time to write or do anything for that matter, but things are starting to get back into a normal flow and I was able to get a lot of writing done over the weekend. The plan is to post AT LEAST three chapters Monday through Thursday, this gives me plenty of time to start on the next set of chapters so I won't fall behind. Hopefully, this won't happen again and I'll be able to post more consistently......

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