Phillip 7

462 38 14

Why the fuck was this bitch blowin up my phone? The last few times we spoke she went out of her way to inform me that I was an 'ain't shyt nigga' and that I had a quote 'little ass dick' (lies). She probably wanted me to send her some money or something but that was fuckin dead, that bitch wasn't getting another penny from me, little did she know I had already moved all my money to my account (or maybe she did and that's why she's calling). I should just let the phone ring but I was horny, call me weird but I always fucked better after a good argument and Lynx made it a point to tell me he would be coming back tonight..... Lynx... It had been a WHILE since I've had a session like that, not since my old supervisor and I could tell Lynx was holding back. If I were being honest, I wished this bitch would stop calling.... sorry, if I was being honest I didn't feel guilty about fuckin with Lynx, sure me and Tyrese had a moment but I simply chalked that up to emotions running high, and our mutual disdain for the women we were married to. Tyrese had offered me a place to stay on top of getting me a job down here, I didn't want to complicate things by allowing our current situations to make us do something we'd regret later. My phone started ringing again at the exact same time someone started knocking on the door, figuring it was Courtney, I let it ring and opened the door to find Tyrese standing on the other side. Despite everything I had just said, I would STILL let his sexy ass fuck... but ONLY if the situation presented itself in a less emotional scenario.

"Wassup Tyrese, I wasn't expecting y'all to be back until a little later." I said dappin him up and letting him into my hotel room.

"The meeting ended pretty early.... so look I'm just going to be frank, I've been having my boy Fineto keep an eye on Chloe, he's been gathering evidence for the divorce...." Tyrese said and I nodded, I knew that much. "Well earlier tonight, Chloe and Courtney ran into my best friend Ya'San... he saw them engaging in some very lewd acts in front of a restaurant. Chloe knows Ya'San well enough to know that he was going to tell me..."

"Basically they know, that we know they've been cheating?" I asked and Tyrese nodded, well in my case Courtney already knew that I knew so that wasn't too much of a surprise but I knew Tyrese wanted to take things slow but now that was all out the window.

"Yeah, so I was thinking... we have two options. We can drive back tonight and confront them OR we can chill here for the rest of the weekend under the guise of needing to calm down while we figure out our next move." Tyrese said.

"Next move? My next move is filing for divorce... after that, I don't care what she does." I said honestly, I guess I know why she's been blowing up my phone, she was hoping to cover her tracks but even before getting this information I was done with her, this just confirmed everything I already knew.

"I wanna have fun this weekend... kind of a pre-divorce celebration." I said smiling. "But once the divorce is finalized I'm trying to have a massive party; liquor, strippers, toys, I'm trying to have four niggas inside of me at once... two dicks in my mouth and two in my ass...." I said playfully.

"Man you're wild as fuck...." Tyrese said laughing as well. "But I think you're right about staying here... Ya'San is going to be staying at the house just to make sure Chloe doesn't try any slick shyt..... I'm kinda worried about that because Ya'San really doesn't give a fuck." Tyrese said, I was trying to remember if I've ever met Ya'San but his face wasn't coming to me.

"I trust what you're saying, but you don't think it would be weird for your best friend to be at your place while you're not there?" I asked and there was this look in Tyrese's eyes... being a corrections officer, I was used to being around DL dudes so when Tyrese said 'best friend' I should've caught it but now it was finally starting to click... "Does Chloe know how close you and your 'best friend' really are?" I asked smirking.

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