Camp Pack (Vikklan,Merome,Poo...

By _Little_Lion_Man_

33.3K 1K 610


Chapter One : The Arrival
Chapter Two: Tears
Chapter Three : A Wake Up Call
Chapter Five : A Crush
Chapter Six : Admitting
Chapter Seven : The Showers (Smutty)
Chapter Eight : Away
Chapter Nine : The End Of All Things
Chapter Ten : Cute
Epilogue (Sorry!)

Chapter Four : The Office

2.9K 103 20
By _Little_Lion_Man_


The six boys sat down at the table in the corner, eating the horrible food that the camp made for them to eat. "Remind me to eat a huge breakfast," Preston grumbled, squishing the weird food on his plate. A sickening squish went around the table, as everyone attempted to eat the mush. "I'd rather have a food fight with this," Rob sighed. Jerome smirked, "Food fight!" He yelled, tossing his mush at Mitch. Mitch squealed and ducked, the mush landing in his hair. "eww!" Mitch squeaked, rubbing his hair to get out the disgusting substance.

Rob took the second throw, and threw his mush at Lachlan, hitting the blonde Aussie in the face. Lachlan spit out what he had got in his mouth, and glared at Rob, "Darude!" He exclaimed, picking up some from a pile on the table and throwing it at Rob. It missed and hit Preston instead. "You mother fudger!" Preston shouted, getting his small carton of chocolate milk and throwing it at Vikk. "Aye, nah, I didn't do nothin!" Vikk squeaked, trying to dodge the milk. But he failed, and the milk got all over him and Lachlan. "Tell your boyfriend next time to not throw his mush at me then!" Preston teased. Vikk and Lachlan blushed immensely, looking at their hands. "Ha! Rob you owe me..breakfast?" Preston smirked. Rob sighed, "Fine tomorrow morning!" "Okay!"

A girl walked to the table and threw her mush at Lachlan. "Aye!" He squealed, jumping from the mush going down his back. "Who are you?" Preston asked curiously. The girl looked behind her to see another girl walking up behind her. She had green eyes, purple hair, and wore winged eyeliner and dark purple lipstick. "I'm Ender," She smiled shyly. "Wanna join the fight?" Jerome asked with a slight smile. Ender nodded, and threw her milk at Jerome. Jerome screamed and dodged the attack, the girl behind Ender starting to talk. "Can I join?" She asked with a smirk. "What's your name?" Lachlan asked curiously. "Eugenia," Eugenia replied, throwing her food at Lachlan. "Aye!" Eugenia smirked, placing her hands on her hips. She had black hair, with a few extensions of blue in it, a lot of black eyeshadow and eyeliner, and wore a shiny black dress and some fishnet gloves. (Basically looks like Eugenia Cooney. If u know her you're cool!)

"Don't.You.Dare." Ender said, watching Lachlan hold up some of his lunch, preparing to throw it at Ender. "Teehee," Lachlan giggled evilly before throwing it at Ender. It hit her right on the chest, starting to slip down and falling onto her long flowery skirt. Ender picked up her milk and threw it at Lachlan, and it landed on his crotch. "Haha! You- look like you peed your pants!" Ender giggled. Everyone laughed, except Lachlan. "Boys boys boys the noise noise noise!" Lachlan exclaimed. Mitch sighed and picked up what was left of his lunch, and threw it at Eugenia- landing in her hair. "BOYS! GET YOUR ASSES TO THE OFFICE NOW! YOU TOO, INFINITY AND COONEY!" Adam yelled angrily. "Infinity and Cooney?" Lachlan asked, confused. "Our last names. Ender Infinity, Eugenia Cooney. Your names?" "I'm Lachlan, this is Jerome, Mitch, Vikk, Rob, and Preston." Lachlan answered, standing up and trying to cover his crotch, which was covered in milk. Everyone sighed and got up, walking to the office together nervously.


"Who started it?" Adam growled, his belt in hand, ready to smack someone's wrist. Everyone stayed quiet. Jerome had already had a bad encounter with Adam, why should he speak up?

Surprising everyone, Ender spoke up, "It was me, sir." She said confidently. She knew what was coming next, as she had watched what Adam did to Jerome. Adam grabbed Ender's wrist, Ender yelping from his tight grip. Adam held the belt in hand, raising his arm up, ready to hit her wrist. He stared at her wrist, but never hit it. Ender smirked, "Sir, what are you afraid of? Afraid to hit a girl?" She teased, staring up at him innocently. "No," Adam lied, about to hit her wrist. He couldn't bring himself to do it, and instead grabbed Jerome's wrist. "W-What?!" Jerome exclaimed, trying to retract his arm. Adam gave Jerome's wrist a slap, and Jerome squeaked in pain. "I knew it! Adam's a softy. Afraid to hit a girl!" Ender teased. Adam grabbed Mitch's wrist and did the same, but Mitch's scars started bleeding horribly.

"Fuck! Get me bandages or something," Jerome ordered, grabbing Mitch's wrist. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around Mitch's wrist, trying to not get blood on the floor, and trying to stop the bleeding. Eugenia returned with a first aid kit, and Jerome patched up Mitch's cuts. "T-Thanks Biggums," Mitch stuttered.

"No problem, Mitchy."


"You guys get the rest of the day off. Go back to your cabins and take showers. Just walk around, do something, just don't bug me you blathering idiots." Adam grumbled. "Can we rename you to Cranky?" Ender teased. Adam glared at her before walking into his office. "So, what to do now?" Rob asked with a sigh. "To the cabin? maybe go swimming?" Vikk suggested. Everyone agreed, "Can we join you? We erm don't have any other friends," Eugenia asked shyly. The six boys nodded and headed to the cabin, to get into their suits.

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