A Tale of Dragons

By RaR6121

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King Viserys and Prince Daemon Targaryen had a brother named Aegon who died a year after his birth. What if h... More

Heirs of the Dragon Part I
Heirs of the Dragon Part II
Heirs of the Dragon Part III
Heirs of the Dragon Part IV
Heirs of the Dragon Part V
The Rogue Prince Part I
The Rogue Prince Part II
The Rogue Prince Part III
The Rogue Prince IV
Second of His Name Part I
Second of His Name Part II
The Dragon of the East Part I
The Dragon of the East Part II
The Dragon of the East Part III
The Dragon of the East Part IV
The Dragon of the East Part VI
King of the Narrow Sea Part I
King of the Narrow Sea Part II
King of the Narrow Sea Part III
King of the Narrow Sea Part IV
We Light the Way Part I
We Light the Way Part II
The Princess and the Queen Part I
The Princess and the Queen Part II
The Princess and the Queen Part III
Lord of the Tides Part I
Lord of the Tides Part II
The Green Council Part I
The Green Council Part II
The Black Queen Part I
The Black Queen Part II
Face Claims
A Son for a Son Part I
A Son for a Son Part II
A Son for a Son Part III

The Dragon of the East Part V

604 18 3
By RaR6121

Hello Wattpad Readers.

I own nothing and Valyrian will be italicized.


Leah was in her bed chambers, lying on her bed while reading the book of Lann the Clever. The book always soothed her in times of stress, and she needed it after what happened today. When maester Orwyle provided her herbs to ease her discomfort, Leah felt better until she was at the royal gardens and felt the pain return. Then when she was on her way to her chambers in the Red Keep, she got shortness of breath as she went up the stairs. She wasn't sure what was happening to her, but she only cared about her child. Her thoughts were interrupted as Baelar entered the room and made his way to the bed.

"How was it," Leah asked as she put the book away, knowing that her husband was playing cyvasse with his half-brother Aeron.

"Great," Baelar answered with an amused smile, "It took time to explain the rules to him, but we played eventually. Although he did flip the board after he lost."

"He flipped the board," Leah chuckled with eyebrows raised.

"He doesn't take losing very well," Baelar chuckled as his wife did the same.

"I'm glad you had a good time," Leah told him.

Baelar nodded as he drifted off sadly, "What's wrong?" Leah asked.

"Nothing. I just asked Aeron if our father was wearing his medallion when he died," Baelar told her.

"The medallion," Leah repeated, "the one your father," She began to say as Baelar nodded to confirm her answer.

"He said he wasn't wearing it, and he doesn't know where it is," Baelar continued, "I just thought that if I had it then," he stopped talking.

Leah looked at Baelar and asked, "If you had it, then what?"

"Then I would have something of him with me," Baelar finished.

Leah, giving him a sympathetic smile, took his hands and said, "You still have his letter. You could read it now."

Baelar thought about it. He wanted to read it but didn't feel ready to, "Maybe," he told her. Then he got up and said, "I'm going to bed."

Leah grabbed his hand and asked, "Can you stay here tonight?" Baelar then looked at her with confusion, "I just want to be with you," she told him. She doesn't want to be alone because she's afraid something might happen to her or the baby, and she wants to be close to her husband if that happens. Baelar, after seeing her pleading look, decided to stay for the night. He got on the bed and wrapped his arms around Leah as she rested her head on his chest. She was scared for her child, but now she feels safe with her husband's arms around her.


It was the hour of the wolf, and Aeron was lying on the bed in his father's old bedroom. After playing a couple of rounds of cyvasse with Baelar, the prince decided to go to bed for the night. Aeron, however, did not want to sleep. He was finally in the Red Keep, his father's home. He remembered all the stories Aegon told him when he was younger and wanted to go and explore everything. The little boy got up from the bed, took his dragon toy, and went to the door, but then remembered that the king had a Kingsguard knight at the door for protection, but that didn't stop him. He then went across the room to a nearby window. He went to the windowsill, undid the latch, and looked down as he saw the flights of stairs in the Red Keep. It was dark and empty, meaning everyone in the castle was asleep, the perfect time to explore the Keep. He then went to bed, pulled out the covers and sheets to tie them together, and climbed out of the windowsill.

As he began to tie up the covers to escape, he looked at the walls and remembered his father's story. He recalled that when Aegon was sneaking out of the Red Keep, there was a secret passageway in the walls of his room. Aeron then walked to the wall to see if there were any passageways and found something when he got to the right side of the fireplace, which held a painting of a dragon. Aeron rubbed his hand on the painting and felt it was hallowed at the back. He tried to remove the painting to see if there was a passageway, but it opened like a door as he pulled the frame. When it did, Aeron looked inward and saw an opening in a tunnel. Realizing he had found a passageway, Aeron, holding his dragon toy tightly, went into the tunnel as he closed the portrait behind him.

Aeron slowly walked through the tunnel for a couple of minutes. Although he did not know where he was going, he eventually found an opening. He found himself in a hallway with portraits on the walls when he went through it. Knowing that he was out of the bedroom, he explored the Keep. He continued walking around the corridors to see what exciting things this place had to offer until he came upon a window with a view of the Dragonpit. Aeron went to the window but didn't have a clear view, so he went to a nearby bench and tried his hardest to move it closer to the window. When he succeeded, he climbed up the bench and placed his dragon toy, then his arms on the windowsill as he looked at the Pit, knowing Nightwing was there. Words cannot describe how much he wants to go there. When Baelar told him about his connection with Orvax, it was his exact feeling with Nightwing. He wanted to go there and see her, but he didn't know how.

"Shouldn't you be in bed," a voice was heard, causing Aeron to flinch. He turned a saw the voice was King Viserys in his night robe.

"I'm sorry," Aeron said quickly, "I just wanted to see the Red Keep."

"Does your Kingsguard knight know you left your room," Viserys asked, wondering how he escaped the bedroom.

"I snuck out," Aeron mumbled softly.

"How," Viserys asked in confusion since a Kingsguard knight was guarding the door.

Aeron would say that he used a passageway from the room, but he remembered that it was supposed to be a secret and could get in trouble for using them when no one was supposed to know about it. So Aeron looked to the right and made a lie by saying, "I got some of the covers and blankets from the bed and tied them together so I could climb out of the window from the room." Viserys looked at the boy with surprise. He never thought the six-year-old would do a daring stunt. However, it brought up a forgotten memory. The king remembers the first time he saw little Aegon sneaking around the halls of the Red Keep. He remembers when he asked little Aegon how he snuck out of his room, which caused the then-ten-year-old prince to shrug his shoulders and make the same excuse. No matter how many guards Aegon had, he always found a way to escape from them, and now his son was doing the same. Viserys smiled, "Your father used to do that when he was your age."

"He did," Aeron asked as Viserys began to sit on the bench that Aeron moved.

"Yes, he did. Although he was ten at that time," Viserys said with a smile, "You're bolder than he was."

"He told me that," Aeron told the king.

"Did he," Viserys asked as Aeron nodded, "What other stories did he tell you?"

"Many stories," Aeron answered, "About you and Daemon. Some about dragons. Valyria too."

"Valyria," Viserys repeated as Aeron nodded. The king then had a thought as he got up from the bench and held out his hand to the boy, "I want to show you something."

Grabbing his dragon toy, Aeron took Viserys' hand as the two began walking to the king's chambers. As they entered, Aeron saw a massive diorama that looked like a vast city. He immediately ran to the diorama to get a closer look at it with an expression of awe.

"This is a model of Valyria I've been making for years now," Viserys said, "As a pass time."

"This is what Valyrian looked like," Aeron asked enthusiastically.

"Yes," Viserys chuckled, "I've been using maps and history books to create it. Although I don't think we will ever see its true likeness of Old Valyria."

Aeron then placed his dragon toy on one part of the diorama, which looked like a gate, as Viserys chuckled at the boy's imagination.

"Father told me they had a lot of dragons," Aeron said.

"Yes, many dragons," Viserys confirmed, "Some say they wielded three hundred of them during the Rhoynar war."

"I hope I can get a dragon one day," Aeron said as he stared at the diorama, not noticing Viserys' apprehensive look.

Aeron was an illegitimate child meaning he couldn't get a dragon even if he had Targaryen blood, although Rhaenyra told him the boy didn't know what the word bastard was. Then, deciding to change the subject, Viserys said, "How was your day with prince Baelar?"

Aeron looked at the king and said, "I had a good time. He was very nice."

"That's good," Viserys replied. He wanted to ask Aeron how he felt about staying in the Red Keep, but it seemed like the wrong time to do so since he had yet to get a reply from his family about his offer. All he could do was wait for the boy's mother to decide. Then again, he didn't know how Baelar would feel about it.


It was morning when Aeron left the Red Keep. Daemon took him back to the manse at the Iron Gate, along with Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen and their children, Laenor and Laena. Baelar came into the king's chambers when the king summoned him.

"Your Grace," Baelar greeted the king.

"Baelar," Viserys greeted back, "I wanted to discuss with you a certain matter. Involving Aeron." Baelar gave the king a curious look as he listened to the king. "You and Aeron got along well yesterday, correct?"

"Yes, we did," Baelar said, wondering why he was asking that.

"Well," Viserys began, "I remembered the last conversation that we wanted to honor your father's memory by having you and Aeron grow as true brothers, so I wanted to know how you would feel if he stayed in King's Landing permanently."

"Permanently," Baelar repeated with a surprised tone in his voice.

"Yes, so you and Aeron can be together," Viserys replied, "He could even be your squire."

Baelar thought about it. He and Aeron did get along well yesterday and want to connect with the little boy, but his mother might not be happy with it. "What did his mother say about it?"

"I already spoke to his grandfather, Areqo Sorren, and offered him and his family a permanent residence in King's Landing if they accept," Viserys said, "I just wanted to know what you thought about it."

Baelar was silent for a second and then told the king, "I'll think about it, Your Grace."

Viserys smiled at the prince. He wanted the brothers to be close as Aegon wanted. Another reason was that he saw so much of his brother in Aeron. When Aegon died, it was like a hole was made, but if the boy stayed, it would be as if a piece of Aegon was still with them. "Did you read the letter yet?"

Baelar looked at his uncle and softly said, "No."

"Why not," Viserys asked.

Baelar was silent for a minute and replied, "I don't know. I guess I'm afraid of what it will say," Viserys stayed silent as his nephew continued to explain his reluctance, "When we had our fight, I told him that being his son was embarrassing," Baelar stopped speaking to stop the urge from crying again, "that was the last thing I said to him."

Viserys looked at his nephew. He understands Baelar's reluctance considering his falling out with his father: "Your father loved you, Baelar. No words you said would change that. Maybe reading the letter would give you some peace."

Baelar gave a slow nod, knowing his uncle was right. He then left the room and went back to his own. After he closed the door, he went to the dresser where he kept the letter. He had it in his hands and took a deep breath as he sat on his bed while slowly opening the letter to read the contents of it.

"Dear son, I know it has been years since we last spoke, and I understand why you don't want to hear from me, but there hasn't been a day when I didn't think about you. There are times when I think about all we did when we were a child and can't stop laughing at the memories. We have been keeping our distances between us. A distance that I caused by my actions. You were right. I was never there for you. I was selfish. I kept thinking about myself when I should have been at your side when you needed me. I failed you, and I am so sorry for everything. I love your half-brother Aeron but make no mistake, you're my son, and I love you. I know you are still angry with me, but no matter what, I will always be your father, and I hope we can make a new beginning, you, and I, while we can still make one. I always regretted not being by your side at your wedding, but now I wish to be by your side at your child's birth. Let me be at your side now; I promise I will never abandon you again."

After reading the letter, Baelar put it down as tears rolled down his eyes. His father wanted to see him. He wanted to apologize for everything. Baelar didn't know what to make of it, but now he knew his father loved him.


Melina was at the manse waiting for her son. She was going to pick him up from the Red Keep herself, but Daemon offered to do it. As she waited, she stood by as men and guards came and began to place better furniture in the manse. When the king was here the other day, he saw the conditions of the household the Sorrens were put in and wished to make it right. So new furniture was brought in, along with tapestries and rugs, to make the home more suitable for the time being. Then, Daemon and Aeron entered the front door as the boy ran to his mother for a hug.

"Did you have a good time, son," Melina asked as she embraced her son and kissed his head.

Aeron looked at his mother and said, "Yes, it was fun. I saw the king too."

"You did," Melina asked in surprise, "What happened?"

"He took me to his room to show me a diorama he made about Valyria," Aeron answered her with excitement.

"How wonderful," Melina said as she looked up to Daemon, who shrugged his shoulders. Meanwhile, the Velaryons came inside and saw the men moving in better furniture for the Sorrens and now saw the manse more suitable to live in.

"I see the king is making the manse more properly," Corlys commented as he looked around.

"Yes, and we thank you for that, Princess," Melina thanked Rhaenys, "The king said you told him about our living conditions."

"It was no trouble," Rhaenys replied with a smile, "When Daemon told me of the conditions you were in, I felt it needed to be addressed immediately."

"We thank you, Princess," Areqo exclaimed as he came to the foyer, "You as well, Daemon."

Daemon nodded as he looked at Aeron and said, "Aeron, why don't you, Laena, and Laenor go to your room while Corlys, Rhaenys, and I speak with your mother? I think the king brought new toys for you."

Aeron looked at his mother, who nodded at him. He then went upstairs with Laenor and Laena behind him while they left the adults to speak.

"What is it that you wished to speak about," Melina asked as they made their way to the sitting room where her brothers Donoros and Draqeo were at. After a few greetings with the Sorren men, all began to sit on the new chairs and couches provided by the king.

"We assume that you know about the offer the king made to have Aeron stay in King's Landing," Corlys began to say.

"Yes," Areqo replied, "The king was here yesterday to give his generous offer."

"I'm sure it is generous," Daemon sarcastically said.

"We were just wanting to know if you will be taking it," Rhaenys continued to conversation.

"Well, we still need time to discuss it," Melina quickly replied. In truth, she didn't want her son to be in the Red Keep. She knows how bastards are treated in Westeros and don't want Aeron to be subjected to the hate, point, and stare from everyone at the royal court.

"Well, in case you decided not to take it, we wanted to assure you all that despite the circumstances," Corlys said, although he seemed to be speaking with Areqo than Melina, "Aeron is more than welcome to stay at High Tide."

"Is he?" Melina questioned, annoyed that the Sea Snake was speaking to her father and not her.

"Well, the king offered Aeron a place at court," Draqeo suddenly asked, "I assume you would be giving the same offering at High Tide."

"I believe that is what they are doing, Draqeo," Melina told her younger brother irritatedly.

"Yes, but the king offered to have Aeron as a squire to prince Baelar," Draqeo continued, "Now that Aegon has passed, we need to know all the details of what offers we are getting for Aeron's future."

Corlys said, "I assure you, nothing will change the arrangement Aegon made with us before the War for the Stepstones."

"Yes, but the king is offering more than a place for Aeron but also benefits for us," Draqeo continued, "For instance, he offered us a better manse and allowed us to open an office here in the capital for the Sorren Bank so,"

"The Sorren Bank does not need an office in the capital, Draqeo. Not when we have one on Driftmark," Melina cut him off, "We are doing fine without the king's offer."

"Yes, but it might be in Aeron's best interest to discuss it anyways," Draqeo started again.

"I'm Aeron's mother," Melina reminded sharply, "I know his best interest."

Everyone began to look at Melina, noticing her voice's rising tone as they continued the conversation. However, Daemon was giving an amused smile, impressed by her temper, never seeing this side of Melina before.

"What is the matter with you?" Draqeo asked as everyone was confused by her behavior.

Melina, sighing in frustration, said, "It just seems everyone believes they know what's best for my son except me."

"How can we? You dismiss it whenever we try to discuss it," Draqeo shot back.

"And you believe being in King's Landing will be good for Aeron," Melina asked more forcefully.

"I don't even know what is good for Aeron," Draqeo said, "but I do know that we will never be going to decide what it is with you ending any discussion that needs to be made. Nothing will change the fact that Aeron is a bastard and will not get much of anything in life, so you must take advantage of the opportunities you are fortunate enough get that most mistresses don't even have."

Melina glared at her younger brother after hearing his words, "You're right," she said sarcastically, "You're absolutely right." She then got up, excused herself from the room, and went down the nearby hallway.

"If you all would excuse me," Areqo said as he got up to speak with his daughter, but not before glaring at his youngest son.

Draqeo, noticing Donoros giving him the same look, said, "I was just saying we need to think pragmatically for Aeron's sake."

Donoros just rolled his eye at the annoyance of his brother. Meanwhile, as her father followed her, Melina found her way to the kitchen, which was empty for the day.

"We need to talk," Areqo said as he saw Melina's back turned to him.

"I want to be alone, father," Melina exclaimed angrily.

"Melina, turn around," Areqo demanded more forcefully as she reluctantly turned to face her father, "Your brother was wrong for saying that."

"Oh, you believe so," Melina sarcastically replied.

"Yes," Areqo said as he got closer to his daughter, "but he wasn't exactly wrong when he said we need to consider all the benefits and opportunities we can get for Aeron. I know it's hard to admit it, but Aeron is a bastard, and bastards don't have much in life. They have to grow up faster than trueborn children because of the life they lead. So if King Viserys offers us something, we must consider it seriously."

Melina stared at her father and sharply said, "We are not staying in King's Landing."

"No one is saying we have to," Areqo calmly replied, "But regardless, if there is something that could benefit Aeron, we need to consider it for his sake. I did that with you, your brothers, and your mother."

Melina then went silent as she knew what he was talking about.

"My father was the Sea Lord of Braavos until his death," Areqo begins to say, "when he died, many people thought of me as his successor. However, since the position was not hereditary but given by votes, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the title, knowing the election process could be deadly and would result in my being assassinated. Your mother, gods bless her soul, told me to think about what's best for you, your brothers, and our family. That's what I am asking you to do," he continued as he gently placed his arms on her shoulders, "to think about what's best for Aeron because that's all we want. Can you do that?"

Melian thought about it momentarily, then nodded as her father smiled, lovingly kissing her head. She still remembers her mother, who died from a sudden illness not long before she met Aegon. She remembers how loving and strong-willed she was, and her father always believed their daughter inherited those traits. Melina knew her mother and father always did what was best for their children, and now she must do the same for Aeron.


Baelar and his mother, Claryssa, were walking down the road of the royal garden in silence.

"How's Leah doing," Claryssa started to say.

"She's doing better," Baelar told her, "Maester Orwyle gave her more effective herbs and medicine to help her."

"That's good," Claryssa replied, "Hopefully, when the child is born, then this dreadful waiting will be over."

Baelar hummed in agreement. He wanted to tell his mother about what the king told him, but he didn't know how she would handle it.

"Mother, we need to talk," Baelar started to say.

"I know we haven't spoken much since your father's passing," Claryssa interrupted.

Baelar looked at his mother and replied, "We all grieve in our way, mother."

"Yes, but we should be grieving together, so I'm sorry," Claryssa wrapped her arm around his as they walked, "I just want you to know that no matter what, I'm here for you." Claryssa looked at her son, waiting for a reply, but she saw that he had something on his mind that he wanted to tell her, "What is it?"

Baelar took a deep breath and reluctantly said, "I spoke with King Viserys. He told me that he offered the Sorrens a permanent residence in King's Landing. Even allowing them to open an office for their bank in the city."

Claryssa looked at her son momentarily, saying, "How generous of him," with a resentful tone as she continued her walk.

"There's something else," Baelar stopped her, "he also asked me if Aeron would stay here in the Red Keep as my squire."

Claryssa then stared at her son, "And what did you say?"

Baelar looked down to the ground and then back up, saying, "I told him I would think about it."

"Yes, when no would have been better," Claryssa exclaimed in anger at her son.

"Mother, Viserys told me that father wanted me and Aeron to be together as true brothers," Baelar defended.

"Baelar, it's bad enough that we have to deal with the humiliation and embarrassment your father placed on us to be at his funeral, but now you are expecting to have it to stay and run through the halls of our very home!" Claryssa yelled in anger.

"I understand why you think that mother," Baelar defended, "that's why I wanted to discuss it with you."

"Discuss that you didn't say no," Claryssa seethed, "Because that was what your father wanted. The one who created this mess for us to deal with. The one who put those people before us! The one who always abandoned us for his desires!"

"Mother, I read the letter he wrote to me," Baelar said as his voice began to rise, "It said how sorry he was and that he loved me as much as Aeron."

"And you believe that," Claryssa dismissed, "Everyone knows how much he prefers his whore and bastard over us, and he proved just that by spending more days in Braavos than in the Red Keep."

"Maybe he was just trying to escape court," Baelar shot back at her, having enough of her talking bad about his father, "Because he was just tired of being in a home where everyone always tried to force him to be what he didn't want to be."

Baelar's words made Claryssa angrier, "Baelar, we do not choose our way of life. It chooses us no matter how we feel about it. And that is what your father never understood."

"Oh, I'm sure he understood that well with your criticisms," Baelar shot back, "Always putting him down and telling him what to do, just like with me," Claryssa was about to rebuttal, but her son interrupted her before she could say anything. "Baelar, you're doing this wrong," Baelar recited mockingly, "Baelar, you shouldn't be doing that. Baelar, you are a prince; act like one. And Baelar this and Baelar that! You have been doing it for my whole life! I'm sick of it!" And with that, he stormed off, leaving his mother seething with rage as she watched him go. Baelar returned to the Red Keep and entered the king's chambers, who was working on his diorama.

"Baelar," Viserys said as he saw his nephew at the door.

"Can we speak for a moment," Baelar asked as he closed the door behind him.

Viserys put down his tools and focused on his nephew, who sat on a chair before him.

"I want Aeron to stay," Baelar said, "I'll have him be my squire."

Viserys smiled. He was glad that Baelar wanted his brother close to him; however, there was one matter they needed to address-Aeron's mother.


After receiving a message from the king, Melina and Aeron came to the Red Keep. The letter said the king wished to speak with Melina about the offer he gave her and her family, which she wanted to discuss with the king alone. So the mother and son were escorted to the Small Council room, where the king, prince Baelar and princess Rhaenyra were waiting for them.

"Lady Melina, Aeron," Viserys greeted, "I'm glad you agreed to meet with us."

"Of course, Your Grace," Melina greeted, "And we thank you for having us."

"Aeron, how about you go spend time with your brother and cousin while I speak with your mother," Viserys told the boy since he didn't want him to hear the discussion until a decision was made. Aeron nodded as he took Baelar and Rhaenyra's hands and left with them.

"Please, sit," Viserys insisted as he and Melina took their seats at the council table. It was the seat that Otto Hightower sat as Hand of the King, but Viserys didn't see the harm of Melina seated on the chair, "Is there anything I can get you."

"No, Your Grace, but thank you," Melina declined politely.

Viserys took his seat as they began discussing, "I was hoping you put in much thought to my offer for you and your family."

"Yes, I have been thinking much about it as of late," Melina confirmed, "Although I should say that I just spoke with Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys, and they gave me their offering."

"Have they," Viserys said with curiosity, "What offer exactly?"

"They said that even though prince Aegon has passed," Melian began to say, "They are still willing to have Aeron stay in High Tide."

"Well, that is a generous proposal," Viserys said, although a bit taken aback by the Velaryons, "Although I hope you still considered my offer."

"Yes, and while it is a generous one, Your Grace," Melina quickly said, "I do not believe it is in Aeron's best interest to stay in King's Landing."

Viserys looked at her with surprise. Usually, when nobility gives offers like his to mistresses, they would take it in a heartbeat, "Is that so? May I ask why?"

Melina looked at her hands and then back to the king, "I don't believe this would be a good environment for my son to grow up in. You know how the nobility can be cruel to bastard children."

"That is true," Viserys replied, understanding why Melina was reluctant, "but it is not unexpected for noblemen to have bastards, and it is considered rude to pry into their origins. Moreover, the child's well-being is also expected to be considered to some degree. Not only that, but prince Baelar has told me of his desire to have Aeron as his squire."

Melina was surprised that Prince Baelar wanted Aeron to stay. Still, it was probably because of the day they spent the other day, "True, but not every noble lord had bastards with foreigners," Melina countered, "and you know how they treat foreigners who have no ties to Westeros. I don't want my son to be in the Red Keep with lords and ladies of the realm speaking ill of him. You may be the king, Your Grace, and you can command them to be kind to Aeron, but even you cannot change people's hearts."

Viserys thought about what Melina was saying. She was right. He may force everyone at court to be kind to Aeron, but that doesn't mean they won't harbor ill feelings about having a bastard born from a foreign woman at court, even if Baelar wanted Aeron to stay.

"Although, I am willing to go halfway," Melina offered, which got the king's attention, "We are going back to Driftmark, but we can visit the capital a few times a year, and Baelar can come to visit Driftmark as well."

The king thought about her proposal, which was a more practical one. He still would have liked to have Aeron stay in the capital, but he couldn't deny Melina's fears of how her son would be treated in the royal court, especially with Claryssa Hunter.


Baelar, Rhaenyra, and Aeron were at the royal library, Baelar's favorite place. The prince and princess thought it might be good for the boy to see how many books there were in the Red Keep. Baelar also remembered when he and Aeron talked about how the boy would get lost in maps at High Tide and decided to show him the ones in the Red Keep. Aeron immediately drowned himself in maps, looking intently at them, especially the ones of King's Landing. He learned all the roads, streets, and buildings that were in the city. He then came across a page that piqued his attention more than the others.

"What map is this?" Aeron asked as he stared at the page.

Rhaenyra looked at the page and said, "This is a map that goes from the Red Keep to the Dragonpit."

"The Dragonpit," Aeron asked as he focused more on the book.

"There are many maps all about King's Landing," Baelar told him, "Some maps of King's Landing during the time of Aegon the Conqueror." Aeron wasn't listening as he stared at the map until Ser Criston Cole entered the library with Melina.

"My prince and princess, the king would like to speak with you both," Ser Criston said as Melina, giving them a greeting smile, walked to her son, who was still looking at the map.

Melina approached her son, sat beside him, and examined what he was looking at, "What's that?"

"A map of King's Landing," Aeron answered as he looked up at her, "Baelar and Rhaenyra were showing me maps of Westeros."

Melina smiled and said, "I'm glad you seem to enjoy it, but I want to talk to you about something. Something serious." Aeron then put all his attention on his mother as she took a deep breath, "Aeron, we can't stay in King's Landing."

"Why," Aeron asked in confusion.

"Remember what I told you about what people thought about you because you're.... a bastard," Melina reminded her son.

"Yes, I remember," Aeron sadly said.

"Well, it's because of that we can't stay," Melina calmly told him, "People will not be happy with you here, and they might mistreat you, and I don't want that to happen to you."

"So where are we going to go?" Aeron asked.

"Corlys and Rhaenys said that we can stay at High Tide," Melina said, "you love staying there. You can still sleep in your old room, go to Spicetown, and spend time with Laena."

"Yes, but Baelar won't be there," Aeron lamented since the boy enjoyed being with Baelar as the two got closer.

Melina didn't want to take that from him, but she had to think about what was best for her son, "We can still come to the Red Keep to visit, and maybe he can visit us at Driftmark. You can also send messages by raven." Aeron looked down in sadness since this meant he wouldn't see Baelar and, more importantly, Nightwing. He still wanted to see the she-dragon, but now it seems he never will see her again. Melina looked at her son, saw how sad he was, and decided, "How about you stay for one last night in the Red Keep and spend the whole day tomorrow with Baelar before we leave?" Aeron looked up at his mom and slightly nodded as she caressed his hair and kissed his forehead. She knows her son wants to stay, but she needs to do what's best for her son.


Aeron was again in his father's old room since he asked for it. He and Baelar were lying on the bed side by side, conversing about whatever they desired. Baelar was sad that Aeron could not stay, but he did understand why his mother wanted him back to Driftmark. So he plans on spending as much time with his half-brother as possible.

"When Leah gives birth, what are you hoping it would be," Aeron asked.

"The baby," Baelar asked before thinking about it, "I don't know. There's no way to be sure what the sex is."

"But what sex would you want it to be," Aeron asked again.

Baelar thought about it, "It would matter to me. As long as it's healthy. Although the lords would be expecting a boy."

"Why," Aeron asked, not understanding how things are done in Westeros regarding children.

Baelar sighed and explained, "In Westeros, whenever there is a firstborn child to be born, everyone expects a boy to carry on the family name, especially in my case since I'm a prince."

"Why can't a girl do that," Aeron asked further.

"That's just the order of things, Aeron," Baelar replied.

"But isn't Rhaenyra going to be queen," Aeron asked again, still confused.

"Well, her case is different since her father specifically chose her as heir," Baelar explained, causing Aeron to shrug, still understanding how Westeros works. "Well, it's getting late, so we should sleep," he said as he got up from the bed until Aeron called him.

"Baelar," Aeron exclaimed as his half-brother turned around, "I wish I could stay here."

Baelar smiled at the boy. He wanted him to stay too, but his mother made her feelings known, "So do I."

The brothers smiled at each other momentarily before Baelar left the room and closed the door behind him. He went to his wife's chambers to check on her condition but saw Leah fell asleep on her bed with a book in her hands. He got up slowly, not wanting to wake her, and found the book was about Lann the Clever. He then noticed that she had been reading that book more recently. She usually reads it when something is wrong. However, he didn't want to get into it now, deciding to let her sleep tonight and discuss it in the morning. He took the book from her hand to place it on the bedside table, pulled the covers over her, and gave a light peck on her forehead. She stirred for a bit but stayed asleep. Baelar, smiling at his wife, left the room as he got ready for bed.


It was the hour of the wolf as Aeron got up from the bed. He was leaving tomorrow and was not going until he saw Nightwing at least one last time. He took off his nightshirt, put on the clothes he wore during the day, and then remembered his silver-gold hair. So people wouldn't notice it, he grabbed a blanket and tore it up to wrap a piece around his head to conceal his hair color. When he was done, he grabbed his dragon toy, which he takes wherever he goes, opened the portrait doorway by the fireplace, and entered the passageway to follow the tunnel he used last time.

He found himself in the same corridor from the other night, got on a chair to reach a torch on the walls for light in the dark, and made his way to the library. He remembered which shelf the book was on as he dragged a chair to get high enough to reach it. After finding the book, he turned the pages until he found one of the maps of King's Landing. He then looked at the drawings and found some streets that led to the Dragonpit. He tore out the page, folded it, and hid it in his pocket. Then, remembering how he entered the castle, he quietly went to the entrance as he saw some guards making their rounds. When the guards left, he went out the front door and saw the front gate was still closed. He then saw some men with a wagon carrying hay that looked like it was about to leave, which gave him an idea. Aeron slowly but quickly and quietly went to the wagon and climbed in it before anyone else could spot him. After waiting a few moments, I felt the wagon moving and heard the sound of the gate opening. When he listened to the gate closing, he remained a few minutes more until he quickly got out while the wagon was still moving. Seeing the men carrying the wagon didn't notice him, Aeron promptly went to a nearby alley as he, reached for the paper in his pocket, and unfolded it to see which direction led to the Dragonpit.


Baelar was drinking wine in his room as he sat on a chair before the fireplace. So many thoughts were going through his head: his father's letter, Aeron's leaving, and Leah's health conditions. Leah was the most important thought since she was carrying his child. No doubt everyone is hoping for a boy, but he knew there was no certainty. He didn't care what it was as long as it was healthy, and he will always be there for his child. As much as he misses his father, he can't forget when Aegon wasn't there for him when he needed him. Baelar wanted to avoid making the same mistake for his child. He then remembered Rhaenyra's mother, Queen Aemma Arryn, and how she and her newborn son died and were worried that the same thing would happen to Leah and their child. It was probably what Leah was thinking as well. He needed to talk to her about it. Until then, he needed to take his mind off it. He couldn't sleep, so he thought riding on his dragon would clear his mind.


Baelar was in his dragon-riding clothes on horseback as he rode his way to the Dragonpit. After a long ride, he approached the back entrance of the Pit and met with the Dragonkeepers.

"I intend to ride Orvax for a while," Baelar told the Dragonkeeper, "I shouldn't be gone long."

The Dragonkeeper nodded as the others went inside to bring out Orvax. After waiting a couple of minutes, the Dragonkeepers slowly brought out Orvax while giving Valyrian commands to keep the dragon docile. Baelar got on Orvax as the dragon began to flap his wings and fly into the sky.

Meanwhile, Aeron followed the map he got from the royal library through the streets. His hair was concealed, so people were passing by him, not caring who he was. After walking for an hour or two and avoiding some gold cloaks, he eventually walked through an alley and looked up to vaguely see the Dragonpit was up the hill. Aeron smiled as he then walked up to the Pit and remembered the secret passageway Daemon showed him.

After some walking, Aeron got to the Dragonpit, took the same route he and Daemon went the other night and entered the secret doorway. It was dark, and Aeron left the torch he had back at the Red Keep, but he still remembers how he entered the chamber where the dragon lairs were as he continued walking until he reached Nightwing's.

It was quiet, and no sound was made as Aeron looked into the lair to see if the she-dragon was there. "Nightwing," the boy called out as he heard a low growl. After some rumbling sounds were heard, the she-dragon slowly crawled out of her lair, revealing herself, and began to sniff the boy. Recognizing him, Nightwing then got closer to Aeron, who walked up to her fearlessly and began to pet her, causing her to nuzzle herself to his touch while she purred. He could feel the pull inside him like the first time he was here. For days he felt yearned to be with her, and now he felt content as they stared at each other. However, five Dragonkeepers were making their rounds to inspect the dragons in their lairs and saw the boy with the dragon.

"Boy!" One cried out as Aeron turned to the five Keepers, "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see her," Aeron replied in Valyrian since he earned to speak it from age four.

"You're not supposed to be here," The second Keeper told him and then looked at Nightwing, who began to growl at them, "But how is it The Night's Terror didn't slay you."

"He's not a member of House Targaryen," A third Keeper observed as he came upon the boy who tore off the hood on his head, revealing his silver-gold hair.

"But he has the Valyrian hair," The third Keeper observed. Then the Dragonkeepers remembered that the deceased prince Aegon had two sons.

"It's prince Aegon's bastard," The fourth Keeper realized, "How did you get here?"

Aeron didn't answer as he soon feared what they would do to him. The Dragonkeepers grabbed the boy and said, "We must take him to the king."

This made Aeron more afraid, not wanting to anger Viserys, "No, don't tell him, please!" As Aeron's fear began to rise, Nightwing started to get riled up, and she began to roar. As she did, the four Keepers stayed and shouted Valyrian commands to keep her calm while the fifth started to drag Aeron away from her. While all this was happening, Baelar was done riding Orvax as the dragon landed at the back entrance of the Pit. As he was about to leave, he heard yelling and roaring deep in the Pit.

"What's going on?" Baelar asked the Dragonkeepers who were with him.

"I don't know, my prince," one of the Keepers replied.

Baelar listened closely and heard a familiar shrieking roar that seemed unearthly, and he immediately knew that Nightwing was the only dragon who could make such a roar. Soon more Dragonkeepers began to run to the lair chamber, as Baelar stopped one of them and asked, "What happened?"

"There was a boy found in The Night's Terror's lair, and now she seems to have been provoked," a Dragonkeeper replied.

"What, boy?" Baelar asked.

"We don't know, he's not Targaryen, but it is said he has the silver-gold hair," Baelar, immediately figuring out the boy was Aeron, ran to the Pit while the Dragonkeepers called out for him, but he ignored them. As he went deeper and deeper into the Pit, following the roaring, he entered the chamber and saw Aeron with one of the Keepers while the other four were pointing their staffs at Nightwing, who was starting to spit some flames.

"Aeron, what are you doing here," Baelar exclaimed, shocked to see the six-year-old in the Dragonpit.

"The bastard snuck in my prince," the Keeper said, "We must take him to the king."

"No!" Aeron shouted as he broke free from the Keepers' grip but fell to the floor. As he did, Nightwing brought out a roar and breathed fire at the four Dragonkeepers, who were trying to subdue her. Baelar and Aeron watched in horror at what Nightwing did as the burning Dragonkeepers wailed in pain as the flames consumed them, making Aeron more afraid, which seemed to rile up the she-dragon even more.

As the flames still burned, the screams of the burnt Dragonkeepers caused more of them to come to her lair to try and stop her from causing more damage. Baelar immediately went to Aeron, "We need to go now," he told the boy as he grabbed his hand to take him away from Nightwing, who kept breathing fire everywhere.

The Dragonkeepers tried to calm the she-dragon, but as temperamental as she was, Nightwing became angrier and angrier as she proceeded to burn them, causing more Dragonkeepers to come to their aid. While Baelar dragged Aeron away, the boy saw the dragon toy he dropped when he fell.

"I left my toy," Aeron exclaimed as he tried to escape Baelar's grasp.

"Leave it," Baelar demanded, but the boy didn't listen as he got free from the prince and ran the toy. Baelar looked at Nightwing, saw she would breathe fire again, and ran to his half-brother. "Aeron!" he yelled as he got to Aeron, who grabbed his toy until Nightwing breathed flames at them. Baelar was able to get both of them out in time, but not before the fire caught his right forearm, causing the prince to scream in pain from the burn he got.

When all this happened, his dragon Orvax, still outside the Dragonpit, immediately cried in pain and started running straight through the back entrance despite the two Dragonkeepers, who were with him, trying to stop him. Baelar was on the floor moaning with pain from his burned right forearm. He looked at Aeron, who began to cry in fear from everything happening. The prince then notices the more afraid Aeron is, the worse Nightwing gets and realizes that the boy has bonded with her. Despite being in severe pain, he crawled to the boy. "Aeron," Baelar said as he grabbed him on the shoulder with his left hand, "You need to calm down."

Just then, Orvax ran to the chamber and saw Baelar still in excruciating pain. The two dragons saw each other and began flapping their wings as if ready to tear each other apart. Baelar immediately got up, ignoring the pain, and stood in front of Orvax with a calming feeling, knowing that dragons and riders can have their emotions sync with one another.

"Stop, Orvax, stop. Serve me, be calm, be calm," He exclaimed as the dragon stopped before he did anything, seeing his rider and feeling what he was feeling. Nightwing, bigger and more ferocious, readied herself to breathe fire at them. Aeron, seeing what she was about to do, ran right in front of her to stop the carnage from happening.

"Stop!" Aeron yelled with dried tears and ash in his face from the fires. When Nightwing saw the boy, feeling his desire of wanting this to end, she immediately stopped. Aeron, remembering what Baelar told him, calmed himself down so Nightwing could do the same, which she did. After giving a small roar, she was now calm. Flames, smoke, and ash filled the air as more Dragonkeepers entered the doorways with their staffs to control the dragons. Baelar turned and saw Aeron, who turned to him. As the half-brothers stared at each other, Baelar collapsed on the ground, still in great pain from the burn he had received on his right forearm. Some Dragonkeepers ran to the prince to tend him while others slowly went to Aeron, not wanting to upset The Night's Terror again.

Well looks like things are going to get bad. Very, very bad. Wonder what will happen to Aeron in the next chapter. Vote, follow, and see you guys next time on A Tale of Dragons.

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