The Best Defense: A Sports Ro...

By brillbeans

2.7K 9 4

I don't want a girlfriend, I don't even want a girl as a friend. At the peak of my game the last thing I shou... More



276 1 0
By brillbeans

I fucking well knew it. I just had to make sure, this sneaky little minx is Coach Harris' daughter and her shocked expression told me so.

"I.. what the fuck" she blurts out. "How'd you find out?" Her eyes widen with annoyance at her little secret being exposed.

Lets be real for a second, I'm still reeling from her panic attack earlier. I wish just like I wished with my mom that I could shoulder the pain. I watched Tillie's eyes glaze over the same way my moms did every time she experienced a flashback. Her eyes were always so void of emotion when she finally came back to me, and I would just hold her while she cried. I would do the same for Till if she would let me. For now, I'll settle that she hasn't pushed me away completely, in fact she held on. Fuck me I want to be the one she clings to, and that's never happened before.

"I'm a genius." I smirk at her which only makes her eyes roll. Annoying her might be my new favourite pass time.

"A humble one too. Fine, yes I am your coaches daughter and the sister to the infamous Gemma Harris. Happy?" She's rage folding now and her pile of laundry is shrinking by the minute so that means our time together is shrinking too.

"Ecstatic, why do you keep it a secret?"

"I didn't want to start college as Gemma's sister and have everyone whisper about whether or not I'll follow in her footsteps. My dad didn't deserve that." She says it as she folds and unfolds, then refolds the same shirt. Clearly not a topic of conversation she enjoys.

"Makes sense. So you're at every game to support your dad then? Here I was assuming it was your bustling school pride or a deep love of hockey." I tease.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I guess it's a little of everything, plus my roommates enjoy the players. Some more then others."

I know she's hinting at the fact I hooked up with her roommate Jess last year; I might be a hockey jock but I'm not a complete idiot. I can't change what happened before.

Leaning over I grab the last shirt on the table and hold it behind my back, "are there any players you enjoy?"

She glares at me, making a show of being mad. It's a cute act, useless but cute. I can see it in her gorgeous blue eyes, she likes being teased. Finally she crinkles her nose, "there was one but I am starting to think he's full of himself."

I clutch my chest and lean forward, "Till, you wound me."

I barely noticed her move towards me but suddenly a slender arm is snaking around my body, reaching for the shirt I am holding behind my back. I don't even have time to stop her.

She's giggling as she turns away from me. "For a star defenseman, your reflexes are trash Taylor. Someone should tell your-"

She doesn't even have time to finish the sentence before I have her small body pinned up against the tall industrial dryer and I am folding my hand over the shirt in her hand. Our eyes are locked, her pupils are blown out and I can see her pulse hammering along her slender neck.

I lean down and begin trailing my nose along the column of her neck up towards her ear, stopping briefly to let my lips hover where I can feel her pulse. It's intoxicating, and I want to make her heart race.

My lips meet the lobe of her ear and I let out a slow breath. "What was that, I couldn't quite understand you?"

Pulling her ear lobe between my teeth I bite down gently causing her to suck in a very audible breath and squirm beneath me.

"Fuck Till, you're making this whole friend thing pretty awkward." I'm not lying either, she's not ready for something and I understand that but I also can't stop the pull I feel towards her, like I'm on the end of a line she's reeling in.

Pulling back I look at her face, a twisted expression of confusion lingers there. She doesn't know anymore then I do what's happening. A minute passes and she's been silent for too long, it's starting to freak me out.

Her eyes drift to the floor and she shuffles her converse clad feet, then suddenly she tips her head back up and moves forward. Her lips meet mine in a bruising kiss that takes me way off guard. This isn't your usual kiss, it feels like she's telling me something she can't use her words for. It's passionate, full of feeling as our tongues glide along each others.

It doesn't take long though before I am grabbing  at her hips to pull her closer and deepen the connection.

Tillie's lips taste like heaven, I want no I need to kiss her. I can't even explain the heat that courses through me the moment she touches me, which she definitely is now. Her arms loop around my neck and she stands on her tip toes to get whatever meager amount of height she can. I could torture her like this but I won't. I slip my hands to her ass and lift her up. Till wastes no time wrapping her legs around my waist and grinding down on my quickly hardening cock. Fuuuuuccck.

If there's anything that this girl isn't, she's definitely not a girl who doesn't take what she wants.

She bites down on my lip which releases a growl from my throat that she matches with a needy moan of her own. If I was half the gentleman I should be, I would put her down and stop this from going further. I have never once claimed to be a gentleman only aspired to be one so fuck it.

I grind my hips against her center and feel as she threads her  dainty fingers into my hair gripping tightly as she continues to kiss me giving me everything she has. I have a sneaking suspicion telling me she needs to be the captain of this ship and fuck am I willing to take orders if it means touching her like this. If something doesn't give right now I am about to fuck her against this dryer and feel no regrets afterwards.

Ding ding.

I can hear Delores saying hello to whomever walked into the laundromat. A cold splash of disappointment hits me worse then any cold shower.

Until this moment I had never seen a girl climb off of me so quickly. Till unwraps her legs are warp speed and brushes down her shirt with her hands and runs her hands through her hair breathing heavily. I think for a moment she's going to start to panic again but nope, she brings her hand to her mouth to smother a laugh. A laugh.

"That was, uh -" She starts.

"Amazing? Fabulous? One of the sexiest things you've ever done?" I goad. She just sticks her tongue out at me as a reply.

Just then my dryer beeps and any moment that was there seems lost. I wouldn't say it's awkward but I certainly don't know what to do, how do you talk to a girl you've made out with and groped twice who doesn't want to start anything but just did? Hell, she's always starting it. Don't get me wrong, I love a girl who makes a move but I am thoroughly confused.

Grabbing my laundry bag I open the door to the machine and begin stuffing the newly dried clothes into it.

"You're kidding me right? You're not seriously just going to shove those clothes into the bag again without folding them." I look over my shoulder to see a horrified Tillie staring at me like I have just kicked a small child or something.

"I hang them up when I get home, some of us aren't folding professionals Tillie." I say as I shove the remaining laundry into the bag, close the machine door and turn around.

"What if they wrinkle?"

"When a tragedy like that happens I lock myself in my room until I can find the will to go on." I tease.

"You're a dick."  She punctuates the words with a show of her middle finger.

I watch her as she places the last small pile of perfectly folded clothes into the basket she brought with her and pulls the basket off the table onto her hip.

"So, I guess I'll see you at tomorrow's game?" She's so nonchalant about what just happened that it's actually rubbing me the wrong way, I don't understand her hot and cold.

"Uhm, yeah I guess." I mumble not really sure what else to say.

She nods her head and crinkles her nose before she takes two steps then stops again to look at me. "Since you haven't asked me, I guess I'll ask you. Can I get your number? Maybe we can text?"

"Fuck, I was meaning to ask you. Of course." I grab my phone out and open up a new contact and hand her the phone. She types in her information then sends herself a text. A small flicker of hope dampens the ever growing confusion I feel as she hands me back my phone.

"I'll text you later okay?" Then she smiles and my heart skips.

I follow Tillie out the laundromat and get a cheeky smile from Delores on my way out that has me believing that woman knew exactly what went on in the back of the laundromat.


"Where the fuck have you been Taylor? Stalking the laundromat for a certain girl again? Better be careful or she's gonna press charges." I could reply but Matt is already laughing at himself, thinking he's a lot funnier then he really is.

"Is that where he keeps disappearing to?" Connor pipes up. He's one of my roommates, also on the team, he's our goalie as long as he continues to stay clean.

"No bro, you should have seen this girl I'd follow her around too if there was a chance she'd bounce on my dick." Last but not least is Brad Wenner, senior on the team and a colossal douchebag. The type of guy you don't want your daughter to date and the type of guy you only tolerate for the benefit of the team.

"Fuck off all of you." I holler as I make my way to the stairs.

"Awh common don't be that way, come have a beer you fuck." Wenner taunts.

"Fuck off Wenner you just want details because you can't get tail of your own." Connor fires back. I'd usually stay downstairs, down a few brews then play some NHL yet tonight I just want to be alone.


I reach over and grab my phone to see Tillies name on the screen.

Hey, are you up? 

Well, well well I didn't peg u for a booty caller.

If I was going to text you for a booty call  you'd know it lol. I just wanted to say thank you again for tonight. :)

Are you sayin u might booty call me? And ur welcome I know I'm a good kisser ;)

I'm not even going to answer that and shut up you know what I meant.

Lol, jk. Don't worry about it happy to help.

If you do want to help please don't tell anyone I'm your coaches daughter.

I wont I promise

Thanks Devon, I'll see you at the game tomorrow night. Goodnight :)


yddenly it's not the game I'm looking forward to tomorrow night, but see the Tillie in the stands.

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