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I can't stop thinking about her and how much of a piece of shit I am. I know it was the right thing to do, she doesn't need the regret she would have had waking up the next morning. She was drunk, I knew better. That doesn't even take into account I still don't know where she got that bruise from. Yet here I am feeling guilty.

"Yo Taylor, what happened to you Saturday night?" Matt says coming up beside me as we make our way into the arena for practice.

"Dipped out early, wasn't feeling it." I shrug. I avoided all the guys Sunday needing space to think, which only made me come to a conclusion. Am I an asshole? Yes. Is the situation salvageable? Debatable.

"Ya, and it had nothing to do with the tight little brunette you were glued to?" He waggling his brows at me.

I shove his shoulder and he just laughs. Of course they were going to chirp about that.

"Hey, we all saw her. The boys wouldn't shut up about her, I think Carter blew a load in his pants just watching her." He claps his hand on my shoulder suddenly making me feel dirty. It's not like we haven't talked like this about other girls, but when it comes to Tillie my hackles start to go up.

I just clench my jaw not responding, pushing the door to locker room open and walking in.

I messed up, I should have stayed. She didn't even listen to me when I tried to explain why I stopped. It's not like she didn't feel incredible on top of me, because she did. I know she felt my cock pressed against her. So attraction isn't the issue. I know how good it felt to have her hand gripping my hair, how smooth her skin was under my hands. Great now I'm rocking a mid. Fuck.

In any other situation like that I go through the motions, foreplay, sex, an orgasm or two for her, one for me. Wham bam thank you ma'am. Somethings wrong with me. For the first time I just wanted to talk to a girl, get to know her.

Instead I hurt her, I saw the look in her eyes, the rejection she felt and I have no idea how to fix that.

So instead I head out onto the ice.


Coach Harris is punishing me. I know I slacked off in the game on Saturday but we still won, not like I cost us the God damn game with my head focused on a certain drop dead gorgeous girl in the stands. Yet here I am skating laps with the fucking parachute. I hate resistance training.

I hear the whistle blow and let out a loud sigh of relief. Thank fuck. If I had to do another lap I was going to skate right into the boards just to put myself put of my misery.

"Alright gentlemen, I think we got the idea. No more slacking off in games, either your head is in the game or don't bother getting on the ice." The words were said to all of us but they were aimed directly at me. Message received.

I look up only to get a tight sideways smile from coach. Weird. Actually really weird. Does he know something I don't and is relishing the idea or maybe he is just in a mood to punish me. I cock my head at him and he only laughs.

All the guys are already off the ice and heading straight for the showers.

The second my skates hit the hallway to our change room a velvetly smooth voice stops me in my tracks.

"I can see why she is interested." I look around to find a blonde with green eyes eyeing me up like she wants to make a damn meal of me. It takes me a second to recognize Gemma Harris, her reputation is unmatched in this arena. I almost vomit in my mouth at the idea of her touching me. No offense to Coach Harris.

"Excuse me?" I ask taking off my helmet.

"Tillie? I can see why she's interested in you. It's nice to see her tastes improve. I was starting to get worried." She offers nothing else before shoving her body away from the railing, smirking at me then climbing down the stairs and walking towards the coaches office.

The Best Defense: A Sports Romance Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum