The Moon Supreme, Dongfang Qi...

By AuroraLuxi

37.4K 1.8K 796

A human girl goes to the world of dragons, fairies, and demons. Her heart is merged with the villain Dongfang... More

1. Dongfang Qingcang
2. Dai Lina
3. His True Meaning of Power
5. Merging of the Hearts
6. Qingcang Can't Kill Lina
7. She Belongs To Qingcang
8. The Wicked Woman
9. Stranded In Her World
10. Battle In A Hotel Room
11. Dongfang Qingcang Intimidates Yichen
12. Lina Naively Insults Dongfang
13. The Tunnel of Worlds
14. Lina's Bold Move
15. Qingcang's Ultimate Decision
16. Their Inescapable Fate of Downfall
17. Their Sweet Little Secret
18. Home Sweet Home
19. Struggling Like A Woman
20. Her 'Moon Fairy' Servant
21. Love Between Human and Demon
22. Qingcang Falling For Lina
23. Make A Wish
24. Moon Supreme's Wish
26. Bitter-sweet-ness
27. Gentle Closeness
28. How To Make Her Happy
29. The Genius Strategist
30. Silly Little Human!
31. The Amusement Park... Date?
32. Qingcang's Pain
33. Love Triangle
34. Holding On and Letting Go
35. Lina's Transformation
36. You May Kiss The Bride
37. The Wedding Night
38. Torn Between Worlds
39. Tormented Heart On Fire
40. Shangque the Black Dragon
41. Yue the Gentle Fairy
42. Her Heart's Dilemma
43. There's More To Him
Goodbye, The Moon Supreme, Dongfang Qingcang
A/N: Do not steal my work

25. Lina's Promise to Qingcang

523 35 8
By AuroraLuxi

Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out.

Lina sat at home, staring blankly at the wall as she replayed the harsh words she had spoken to Qingcang four hours ago. The weight of her actions bore down on her, causing her to shift uncomfortably on the couch. She had been so caught up in her emotions that she did not even remember she ordered milk. She kept glancing at the door, hoping he would arrive.

Suddenly, a figure caught her eye, and for a brief second, she thought it was Qingcang. Her heart leaped excitedly as she jumped up from the couch and went to the door. But as she opened it, she was disappointed; it was just the store's delivery man who had brought the milk she had ordered.

Feeling dejected, she retreated to the couch and sank into the cushions. She remained at home, following Qingcang's instructions from the previous night for her own safety. Overwhelmed by her guilt, she wanted to do something to make it right. She decided to finish baking the cakes she had prepared the night before and apologize for her behavior.




Meanwhile, Dongfang Qingcang stood before a hooded man as he found the black magician, the culprit who cast the curse on Lina and the hurt he had caused her. 

Qingcang's eyes were about to well up with tears. "That woman... What's wrong with her?" he muttered, feeling emotionally overwhelmed as he brought his hand to his face.

The hooded man trembled at the sight of him, fear evident in his eyes as he stammered, "P-please, don't kill me," pleading for his life.

Qingcang was distraught, tears streaming down his face. 'Not again... Not now!' he thought to himself, feeling upset. 'That Silly Little Human! Always causing me trouble, even when I'm saving her!' He clenched his fists in irritation, his frustration mounting.

Qingcang had always prided himself on his ability to remain composed and detached, but she had a way of pushing his buttons like no one else. He had tried to help and protect her from the dangers that lurked in the shadows, but she had thrown it all back in his face with her bitter words.

The black magician was taken aback, confused by the sudden change in Qingcang's demeanor. 'W-what is he doing?' the magician thought, bewildered, as he saw the man who had looked murderously at him moments before turning into a source of tears now. 'Is he crying?' he thought in shock.

Despite Qingcang's intentions to look intimidating, he could no longer contain his emotions. He felt her guilt as he cried before the black magician, the culprit he had intended to kill today.



Qingcang's emotions were running high as he cried in front of the magician, his tears falling uncontrollably. 'SILLY LITTLE HUMAN!' he screamed internally, his frustration and irritation towards Lina bubbling to the surface.

As the night enveloped the city, Lina sat on the living room couch, waiting anxiously for Dongfang Qingcang to return. Over six long hours had passed since he left, and she could not shake off the sadness that had settled in her heart.

"What's wrong with me?" Lina whispered to herself, her voice barely above a hushed tone. "It wasn't even my first time talking to him like that. Why am I so sad?" The worry crept into her mind as she waited for Qingcang to return home, and she could not help but wonder if she had messed up their conversation. "He should have been back home by now... Did I screw up?" she questioned herself, feeling empty inside.

As Lina glanced at the coffee table, her gaze landed on the small Moonlight Cakes she had made. The moon had inspired her to make them, and now they sat there, untouched, a silent witness to her despair.

'Home? His home? No, I screwed up. And now, he's gone...' Lina thought, sighing heavily. She sat with her chin resting on her hand with no hope for Qingcang's return. 'He has been so good to me,' she thought and sighed again.

Just as Lina was lost in her thoughts, she saw a hand coming forward, holding a small, sphere-shaped object. She looked up sadly, seeing a man's face resembling Qingcang's.

Lina muttered, "It's that delivery guy again... or I'm going crazy and hallucinating..."

The Dongfang Qingcang look-alike gazed at Lina strangely with narrowed eyes as her odd behavior took him aback.

Lina continued groaning, "Pretty Eyes is gone... he's not really here..." Her gaze lowered to the previous position, refusing to look up again.

"Silly Little Human, you're spouting nonsense," a deep, familiar voice said, interrupting Lina's thoughts.

Lina's half-closed eyes burst open as wide as they could, and her breath caught in her chest. She stood up quickly, blinking twice to take a good look at the man.

Qingcang stood before Lina, his tall figure casting a shadow over her. His sharp, angular features were etched with annoyance as he watched her hand move toward his face. He raised an eyebrow in question as her fingers made contact with his skin, sliding over his chin and up to his cheeks. Her touch was gentle, almost loving, and it caught him off guard.

"What are you doing?" Qingcang asked, his voice laced with confusion.

Lina's fingers suddenly turned into pinches, and Qingcang was stunned at the sudden pulling on both sides of his face. He blinked in disbelief, unsure of what was happening.

"Y-you're..." Lina stammered, her eyes wide with disbelief as she continued to pull and pinch Qingcang's cheeks. "YOU'RE REAL! YOU'RE BACK!" she screamed out of happiness.

"Of course I'm real!" Dongfang Qingcang exclaimed as Lina smiled at him with a wide grin.

Qingcang's annoyance grew as she rubbed his face, and he gently tried to free himself from Lina's hold. But as he touched her hand, he felt a sudden pang of pain in his heart. He could sense her guilt and devastation, which made him stop and look at her with a questioning look. He carefully cupped her chin to face him with one hand, using the other to hold her hand in his. She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, and he felt a surge of emotion.

"What's wrong?" Qingcang asked as he saw Lina look devastated, his voice softer than usual. Despite his cold demeanor, he had always known when she was hurting emotionally.

"I... I just..." Lina trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. She felt ashamed for not treating Qingcang with the respect he deserved, and the guilt weighed heavily on her.

"Tell me," Qingcang urged Lina softly yet demandingly. He gazed into her eyes with a lifeless look, but sometimes she could see some sparks in them, coming and going. Despite his usual aloofness, he was invested in her well-being and wanted to know what was troubling her. After all, she forced him to cry in front of an enemy today.

Lina hesitated but then blurted out, "I waited for you." She chose to speak the truth independently without any constraints, and Qingcang could sense her vulnerability.

"Didn't I tell you about it last night?" Qingcang asked, his voice calm but curious.

"I thought that it wouldn't take long. I got scared," Lina replied, her voice quivering with emotion.

"I told you they wouldn't come during the daytime, so—" Qingcang was interrupted by Lina's emotional outburst.

"That's not what scared me!" Lina exclaimed, her eyes welling up with tears.

Qingcang tilted his head, raised an eyebrow, and eyed the Silly Little Human before him. "Then what did? Tell me the truth!" he demanded, his voice stern yet concerned.

"I was scared because I thought you left me for good," Lina confessed by force of being bound to Qingcang, feeling like she was standing on pins and needles. She did not want to say this because that would lead to her vulnerability.

Qingcang was speechless, and his mind reeled as he listened to Lina's words, still unable to believe the sudden turn of events. He forgot that he still held her delicate hand and chin as he heard her sentence. He was at a loss for words, considering that only a few hours ago, she had practically ruined him for Yichen, the weakling coward who could not stand up for himself. Now, she told him she had waited for him and got scared when she thought he had left her.

Qingcang looked down at his hand, still holding Lina's, and then up into her big eyes. There was something different about her now that he could not quite put his finger on. Was it how she looked at him or her voice when she spoke? Looking into her eyes, he was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when her hand slipped away, and he saw her walking towards the coffee table.

Lina held out her hand to show Qingcang the cakes. "I made these for you, inspired by your tribe. I call them Moonlight Cakes," she said, her voice soft and gentle, and asked, "Care to try?"

Qingcang glanced at the cakes. They were exquisite, decorated with a crescent-shaped silver glaze on top. "Mhm," he said, nodding his head slightly. "But first, you need to take this," he said, his voice serious. He held his other hand to Lina, again showing her the glowing, sphere-shaped object.

"Huh?" Lina's eyes widened in surprise and confusion as she took the sphere from Qingcang. "You showed me this when you arrived. What is it?" she asked, looking up at him wide-eyed.

"That is your medicine," Qingcang explained, his voice calm and steady. "I extracted it from essential ingredients with my energy into this pill."

Lina's eyes widened in shock as she gazed at the pill in her hand. She could feel a sense of warmth spreading through her body, and her heart swelled with gratitude. Slowly, she lifted her eyes to meet Qingcang's gaze. "H-how long did you work on this?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Aside from memorizing that book you told me to read, I cultivated this pill for two hours today," Qingcang replied matter-of-factly. "You're a human and made of several elements. You told me you lost blood the past few days, so I read your medical file while you were asleep last night. Your blood type is RH-negative, specifically; O-negative. So, your body needs more copper to feel strong, and taking the right amount is good for you." He did not even know what a blood type was before he was forced to learn it.

Lina was stunned by Qingcang's attention to detail and his willingness to go to such lengths to help her. She looked at him as her eyes shone with gratitude. "Y-you... did all of this... for me?" she asked, eyeing him carefully, her voice filled with wonder and amazement. His act of kindness touched her.

Qingcang and Lina stood facing each other, their eyes locked in intense emotion. She felt a sense of overwhelming bliss, yet also a pang of guilt for the situation they found themselves in.

Qingcang's eyes fixed on Lina's. "Yes," he said simply and direct.

Lina's heart skipped a beat at Qingcang's admission, and her eyes widened in surprise. She had not expected such a selfless act from him, especially given their recent argument.

"Why did you do this?" Lina asked.

"I wanted you to feel better. You're not taking care of yourself, so—" Qingcang's words were cut off by Lina's sudden movement. In a moment of impulsivity, she stepped forward and embraced him tightly, burying her face in his shoulder.

Qingcang felt the warmth of her body against his chest and abdomen as Lina clung to him, her delicate hands resting lightly on his back. He could hear her slow and rhythmic breathing as she clung to him. It was a moment of unexpected intimacy, and he found himself comfortable in her embrace. Her unpredictability stunned him.

Lina's muffled voice reached Qingcang's ears, her words against his black robe, "I promise you that I will never repeat those things about Yichen," she said, her voice tinged with remorse. "I didn't mean to say the things I said today."

Qingcang was caught off guard by Lina's sudden confession, but what truly surprised him was his sense of comfort in her embrace. Slowly, his mouth opened slightly, and his tense hands relaxed.

"I get so cranky over the stupidest reasons when I'm sick like this, and I say things I don't mean," Lina continued, her voice soft and vulnerable.

Qingcang's eyes widened slightly, and a spark of life flickered in his typically lifeless gaze.

Lina's face was still buried in Qingcang's chest, and he could feel the warmth of her breath against his skin. He sighed deeply as his eyes relaxed, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. He was momentarily speechless, struggling to find the words to respond.

"I value our friendship so much. I'm so sorry," Lina continued, holding Qingcang tightly. "I promise to treat you better from now on. Can you forgive me for what I said?" she asked, burying her face in his chest and soaking up his warmth.

Qingcang stood there in stunned silence, his mind reeling from the impact of Lina's words. The weight of her confession hit him like a ton of bricks, leaving him completely silent. He let out a deep sigh until he found the words to express what he was thinking.

"I'm not angry with you," Qingcang managed to utter a muffled response, his voice barely audible above Lina's breathing.

Tell me what you think, and please vote to help out! I appreciate the help :)


All original additions in "The Moon Supreme, Dongfang Qingcang" are copyright © 2022 by Aurora Luxi. All rights reserved.

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