|| Straykids One-shots || SKZ...

Por StrayKids_LOV3STAY

9.5K 127 207

Stray Kids One Shots: Bang Chan - Childhood Friends - 7.852 words [POSTED] Lee Know - Dancing On A Thin Line... Más

Lee Know - Dancing on a thin line
Lee Felix - Last Rose
StrayKids - Werewolf AU - Part 1

Bang Chan - Childhood Friends

4.4K 56 91
Por StrayKids_LOV3STAY

Bang Chan x Reader

Summary: Y/n and Chan have been friends since they were little kids, and have shared everything with each other. So when Chan writes a love-song, but won't share who it's about, Y/n can't help but feel upset about that."I just thought we were so close that we never kept anything from each other anymore..."

All around him little kids are copying the writing from the teacher, copying the word letter by letter. Straight lines intertwining and curved ones hugging around the already written ones. "Hold it up, let me see," the teacher says, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Just like everyone else, little Chris also holds up his paper, a proud smile on his face at the masterpiece. The teacher's smile falls as he notices the paper. Scolding the little boy he sends him out of the class. With a huff the kid sits down on the bench outside the classroom, a small pout on his face, why did he not like it?

Not a minute later the door of the classroom beside his opens. A little girl stomps out, her brows furrowed with anger as she slams the door shut behind her. Sitting down on the bench beside him, the young girl crosses her arms in front of her, staring off into the distance. Chris swore he could see a thundercloud above her head.

Glancing over at the girl beside him their eyes meet for a split second, only for the girl to grunt again and avert her eyes. Not liking the frown on her face and wanting to make her smile, little Chris shows her his paper. The colourful bird he drew instead of writing the word down instantly making the girl gasp. Her frown disappearing and her eyes wide in awe.

Pulling out a crumbled paper from her pocket, the little girl opens it and shows him. She too had drawn an animal instead of writing the word as she was supposed to.

"Whoa," he mutters softly while smiling at her drawing, realising they both got send out of the classroom for the same reason. Chuckling softly he sends her a warm smile. The school-bell ringing, doors swinging open and children filling up the halls distracts them from each other, both of them disappearing into the crowds without another word.

Waiting by the gate for his mom, as she is once again late, his smile falters. All the other kids are already picked up, leaving him alone. "Hah, your mom forgot you. She doesn't care-," a little boy says laughing, thankfully getting dragged away by his mom while she scolds him in a hushed tone.

As the little boy turns his head around, sticking out his tongue to Chris, a stone flies through the air, hitting the boy on his forehead.

Shocked, Chris glances around, only for his eyes to lock on the same little girl from before as she quickly ducks behind some bushes. Waiting for her to pop back up his eyes remain locked on the bushes. Crunching of leaves behind him makes him turn around to find the girl standing way too close to him. Yelping he stumbles back, tripping over his own feet as he does so.

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n," the little girl says, a big smile plastered on her face.

As she is making no move of helping him up, Chris pushes himself off the ground. "I'm Christopher Bang."

Now that he is standing again, the little girl, Y/n, grabs a hold of his hand. "You can walk home with me," she starts, her smile slowly falling as she continues, "my dad is always late."

Realising she too has to wait or walk alone, little Chris gives her a soft smile before nodding. Glad to have found someone like him, his eyes light up and so do hers, her smile returning. A tug on his arm catches him off guard, Y/n happily skipping away from school, dragging the little boy with her while rambling on about anything and everything.

During the following weeks the two only get closer, spending all their spare time together. During the days they run through the neighbourhood chasing each other, climbing into trees and splashing each other with water. After the sun has set, their time is spent watching movies, laughing together, building pillow forts and creating shadow-creates on the wall with a flashlight.

While out playing on a ordinary day, the two kids find a little chick on it's own, raising it together as their very first pet. Dragging it around everywhere in a little home made cart. After it's death they made him a small tombstone and buried his feathers. Only years later did they realise why they only buried feathers, having eaten the rest of the chicken that evening as dinner.

After school the two were either at Chris' house or at Y/n's, doing homework together at the table. Y/n groaning at him as she understood it quite well and struggling to get him to understand, the boy not having enough interest to focus on it.

As the two little kids finally started growing taller, they measured their length each month, the tallest one having bragging rights. Chris's growth came earlier then the little girl's, giving him bragging rights for almost a full year. When Y/n finally outgrew the boy, he walked in with a mohawk on his head making him taller then her. Growling at the boy she gives him two seconds to run before chasing after him, flattening his hair down after catching him.

During their weekly sleepovers, pillow-fights are the main event. The two kids having already destroyed one to many pillows, making feathers fly everywhere. During one of these fights, Y/n's favourite teddy bear did not come out unharmed. The poor bear losing it's limb, making the little girl cry her eyes out.

Of course Chris searched the entire city for that same bear, buying a new one for his best friend after destroying it accidentally.

Glancing down at the bear in his hands, Chris – now more known as Chan – can't help but smile softly at the memories. Never having found the strength to throw the original teddy bear away, he has always kept it close. The broken limb being stitched back on by colourful threads, a new color for each time he had to redo it.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

It has been years since Stray Kids debuted, even more years since Chan left his family and friends behind in Australia. At first it had been difficult to remain in contact with his friends, it didn't work out with everyone, but with Y/n it did. No matter the distance between them, they remained close over the years.

With the two growing up away from each other, they feared things would change between them, that their closeness would fade away and they would become people that just know each other and nothing more. Y/n feared Chan would forget about her when he debuted and became popular. Chan feared Y/n wouldn't want to remain close friends after he entered the spotlight.

Thankfully neither of their fears came true. How could Chan ever forget his childhood best friend? And Y/n, she was a bit shocked when fans found out about her, but after properly introducing her and sharing their childhood with Stay, she found her place and became comfortable with the reality of being known by many.

Now, years into Stray Kids being famous and their friendship being revealed, Y/n is often spotted around the members. About two years ago she moved to Korea as well, finding herself a small place to stay, near Stray Kids' dorms so they could easily come over. With her being nearby most of the time, she has often had guest- and surprise-visits in the SKZ-CODE episodes, giving Stay a chance to get to know her better.

With Y/n being older than all Stray Kids members, except Chan her place was quickly estimated by Stay. The two being really close, them being the two oldest of the nine and her being the only girl... Add to that that Chan has always been seen as the father of the seven kids, Y/n place as the mother of the groups was quickly decided. Quickly picking up on what Stay's said, the seven younger member quickly made it an official thing.

Just as they tease Chan about his age with phrases like 'You're half 52' and 'Grandfather' they started teasing Y/n by calling her 'Omma'.

Whenever Y/n joins them in teasing Chan, hoping they'll skip her turn, Chan is quick to let her know she almost as old as him before tickling her until she admits he is right.

At the moment, Stray Kids are divided over three different set, each of them shooting the music video of their own unit songs. Y/n of course told them she would visit them on the sets, although she regrets that now as the three sets are quite far apart meaning she'll have to drive quite some distance.

With the set where Lee Know, Changbin and Felix are shooting Surfin' being the closest, she stops there first. Silently walking onto the set, making sure to remain behind the camera's and not mess up any of the shots she waits for them to notice her. Bright smiles great her as soon as the camera's stop rolling and the guys can take a break.

"Y/n! You made it!" Felix says in English, skipping towards her and wrapping her in a tight hug.

"Of course, I promised didn't I," she starts, laughing at the younger as she distances herself from him and taking a good look at his outfit, "You look adorable!"

Both Changbin and Lee Know join her, agreeing with her and telling her they've been saying the same. Felix, liking the attention smiles brightly, before shoving the three away in an attempt to get them to shut up.

Glancing at Lee Know and Changbin, Y/n can't help but snicker. "You two look cute too-,"

"Have you seen Chan already?" Lee Know quickly interrupts, changing the topic to avoid being called cute.

Shaking her head Y/n explain the three they were closer so she went to them first, to which Changbin instantly cocks his eyebrows multiple times, teasing her by saying: "So you're going to see him later, huh?"

"Of course I'm going to go to him later, I'm not skipping my best friend."

"Best friend?" Felix says jokingly, poking Y/n's side, "just get together already."

Yelping, she jumps to the side. "Lix, we're just friends, you know that."

Shaking his head Changbin pulls Felix with him, their names being called for the next scene. "Just give up, they're both in denial," he advices Felix as they walk away.

"But they're cute together," Felix pouts, glancing back once more to see Y/n and Lee Know talking.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

At the Red Lights music video set, they're quite busy with filming. So far over half of the scenes are already finished. This music video is something they're hoping to surprise Stay with, as it is something quite different from their normal and usual music videos.

With their arms tied together with red rope, both Hyunjin and Chan joke around, moving back and forth without tripping as the crew gets ready to film the next shot. Just as they start rolling the camera's Y/n arrives at the set, remaining silent as to not draw attention to her, yet Chan's eyes instantly find hers.

Trying to keep his face natural for the scene fails miserably as he tries to hide his smile. Noticing Y/n and realising why they have to redo the scene Hyunjin starts chuckling. "Y/n you ruined the scene," he whines.

"Ya!" Y/n scoffs at Hyunjin, tsking softly. "It's not my fault he can't keep a straight face." Leaning against the wall she shakes her head softly, laughing under her breath.

"Now I have to stay tied to this weirdo even longer," Hyunjin complains, "Safe me!"

"Better you than me," Y/n jokes making Chan gasp excessively. "Just get back to shooting, I'll wait for you to finish." With that she leaves the room, leaving them to finish the scene while sitting down on one of the couches while a staff-member offers her a drink.

It doesn't take more than ten minutes for Chan to hurry into the room, flopping down on top of Y/n and crushing her in a hug. "Chan you're heavy!" she groans as she hits his chest to get him off.

"Right, my bad," Chan quickly says, flipping the two of them over, so that she is now on his lap instead of the other way round. "Better?"

"If I ignore the lack of personal space, then yeah, better."

Both of them have bright smiles plastered on their faces as they hug the other. Hyunjin walking in and seeing the two just chuckles softly. If he hadn't known any better he would have thought the two hadn't seen each other for months. Which isn't the case as Y/n stayed for dinner yesterday, making it just a few hours.

Y/n finally escaping Chan's grasp sits down beside him, turning her attention to Hyunjin. "Did you survive being tied to him."

"Barely," the male says chuckling. "I'm surprised how you've dealt with him for all those years."

"It's rough." Wiping a fake tear away she continues: "He can be a lot as you know, but deep inside he's a sweetheart. Although I've never been tied to him, so I've always have had the opportunity to run whenever he-," she halts as Chan gently pulls her hair.

Knowing she's about to protest, slap his hands away or turn around Chan quickly interjects: "Shh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding you hair."

Sighing in defeat Y/n allows him to gently run his fingers through her hair, untangling some small knots before gently braiding it. When he finishes and asks her for a hair tie, she chuckles telling him she doesn't have any with her.

"Naur..." Chan responds, a small pout on his face.

"There you go," Hyunjin says, handing his hyung a hair tie.

Some happy noises escape Chan as he happily ties the end of the braid, stopping it from unravelling. "Well," Y/n starts, feeling how the braid is hanging sideways, "thank you, I guess?"

As if he can sense what she's about to do, Chan quickly grabs her hands. "Don't you dare pull the hair tie out, this is me showing affection to you."

"Ew, affection," she says, resulting in Hyunjin quickly smacking the back of her head.

"Let him love you or he'll become a whining mess at home."

"Ya!" Chan shouts, jumping up and chasing Hyunjin out of the room, leaving Y/n to laugh at them as they disappear from her sight. 

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Having had enough of the seven younger guys' shouting and joking around, Y/n has settled down in Chan's room as he is working on some songs. Completely engulfed in her book she doesn't notice Chan turning around and looking at her.

Lowering his headphones, Chan catches himself smiling at the girl in front of him. He can't help but notice all the tiny things she does, the way her eyes widen or her brows furrow slightly as she reads, the way she silently mouths some of the words, or how she sometimes blinks twice, surprised by the words on the page.

Leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together he softly says her name: "Y/n."

Humming softly, letting him know she heard, she keeps her eyes locked on the page, finishing it before turning towards him. As she does she stumbles back, Chan being way closer then she expected. "Oh my god! Chan!" she scolds him, taking a deep breath as she places her hand on her heart.

"I've finished a song, wanna hear?"

Her prior scare completely forgotten, as she jumps up excitedly. "Is that even a question?! Obviously!"

Chuckling at her excitement he grabs his phone. "Gimme a sec, I'll ask the guys to come too, so that you all can listen at the same time."

"Sure, tell them to hurry." Swaying back and forth on the balls of her feet, curiosity gets the better of her. "What is it about?!" She asks Chan, standing in front of his chair as he sends the text to the guys.

"You'll see," Chan says with a cheeky smile, knowing how curious she can get.

The door swinging open and the members spilling into the room, causes Y/n to stumble towards Chan. With an accidental push against her back she losing footing and trips. Stopping herself from falling onto Chan's lap, she catches herself on the back of his chair, her hands on either side of his head.

Their faces now only inches apart. Both their eyes wide from shock as they look at each other. Y/n's eyes flick from Chan's to his lips and back up to his eyes. The moment she realises what she did she quickly looks away, pushing herself off from the chair.

Jeongin apologising for bumping into her goes unheard by Y/n as she is lost in her thoughts, wondering why she even looked at his lips and why her cheeks heated up the way they did. He's just a friend, she shouldn't be thinking about him like this. 'You were just caught off guard, your mind just blanked,' she tells herself, trying to find an excuse for it happening.

"Play the song!" Han shouts from behind some others as he settles down on the couch. Changbin, Han and Felix are the first to claim a spot on the couch, leaving Hyunjin to settle on Felix's lap while Y/n settles down on Changbin's lap. Lee Know and Seungmin both take a seat on the armrests of the couch, leaving just Jeongin standing.

"Okay, okay," Chan says, chuckling at the eight pair of eyes that are filled with curiosity and excitement. Pressing play the song Connected starts playing.


"Ignoring the rules?"

"No turning back, huh?"

"You fell for someone?!!"

As the song comes to an end Y/n is the first to speak up. "You're in love?! And you didn't tell me?"

"In love?" Seungmin wonders out loud.

"Yes, in love. Have you even listened to the lyrics? 'All I want is you, even if I'm a fool,' and 'Meant for each other, no one can stop us. You know that we'll be lasting forever.' You can't convince me he isn't in love." Turning to Chan her eyes sparkle with excitement. "So, who's the lucky one?!"

The excitement in her eyes makes Chan want to tell her the truth, but what if it backfires? Opening his mouth, her name lingers on his tongue, only for him to swallow it down, closing his mouth again. Lowering his eyes he looks down at his hands, het thoughts racing as he wonders what he should say.

"C'mon Chris," Y/n starts.

Chris, the name he loves most when it comes from her lips.

"You've always told me everything. I've known about all your crushes and you about mine. And now, you write song about someone and can't tell me who it is about? Seriously?"

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I just-,"

Her sigh interrupts him, his eyes shooting up to meet hers. "It's okay, I guess I just thought we were so close that we never kept anything from each other anymore. It's okay. I know you'll tell me when you're ready." She sends him a soft smile, but it doesn't do much to hide the hurt expression.

Pushing off from Changbin's lap, she walks towards the door. "I love the song, by the way. It's another masterpiece." With that she leaves the room.

Everyone remains silent, the seven younger guys looking from Chan to the door and back to Chan. "It's about her, isn't it." Seungmin states, breaking the silence. It's not even a question, all of them already knowing the answer. Chan's tight-lipped smile and soft nod prove them right.

"C'mon mate," Felix starts, "Just tell her already, you two have been dancing around each other for years."

"She doesn't like me like that-,"

"Bullshit." Felix groans out, annoyed at their leader.

"You even wrote in the lyrics that she feels the same," Han points out.

Ruffling his hair, Chan explains: "That's just me hoping, I know she doesn't."

Silence engulfs the eight of them again. A loud bang on the desk causes all of them to flinch from surprise. Lee Know, who has gotten of the couch and harshly hit his fist on the desk, shakes his head in defeat. "I'm done. You two are both blind." With that he leaves the room as well.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Finally a day off, an entire day to be filled with whatever they want. They could have just spent it sleeping and doing absolutely nothing, yet the eight of them chose to spend it hiking through the woods. Of course Chan invited Y/n to join.

So here they are, the nine of them casually chatting as they walk through the neighbourhood towards the woods. Chan and Y/n are walking in the back so that Chan can keep an eye on everyone. Even on their day off he feels responsible for the kids.

Chan's hand wrapping around Y/n's upper arm, stops the girl midsentence. Gently turning her to face him, he grabs the bottom of her jacket, gently zipping it up while muttering under his breath: "You're too stubborn for your own good, we both know you're gonna get cold."

With her jacket now zipped up all the way he shakes his head, continuing to walk, only to look over his shoulder and motion for Y/n to come as she remained in her spot. Chuckling at him, she quickly hurries towards him. "You're cute," she whispers softly as she reaches him.

Leaving Chan behind her she skips ahead to walk next to Felix, happily chatting with him without a care in the world. At one of the many traffic lights they pause, waiting for the light to turn green before continuing. Some of the guys already having crossed the street before the light turned red, leaving them to wait across the street.

Glancing up to see that the light has turned green again, they cross the street. A 'watch out' from behind them causes them to freeze up. A motorcycle is speeding towards them, too fast to stop in time. Felix instantly jumps back, but Y/n remains frozen in place.

An arm wraps tightly around her waist before she gets pulled backwards into someone's chest. The person spins them around so that she is farther away from the motorcycle. The sound of the motorcycle passing them at high speed causes Y/n to squeeze her eyes shut.

"Why didn't you move!" Chan's angry voice sounds from close behind her. Turning around she realises Chan is the one who pulled her out of the way.

"You fucking idiot! You could have gotten hurt!" she yells at him, realising he risked getting hurt to get her out of traffic. Her heart still racing as adrenaline pumps through her veins.

"So could you if I didn't step in front of you!" Chan shoots back, his own heart beating out of his chest.

Taking a few deep breaths Y/n's arms wrap around Chan, pulling him in a tight hug while muttering into his chest: "You scared me okay! Please don't ever do that again."

"I will always step in between you and something like that."

"What?" Stepping backwards her confused eyes lock with his. "No, don't. Why?"

"Why?!" Scoffing at her, he grabs her shoulders, gentle enough not to hurt, but tight enough to make her listen. "Because I don't want to see you get hurt, that's why!"

Shoving the two forward, Felix forces them to cross the street, to where the other guys are waiting for them with wide eyes. "You two scared the shit out of us!" Han says, scolding them while calming down from the shock.

"You," Lee Know starts, pointing at Y/n, "if something comes towards you, jump out of the way! And you," Tapping Chan on his chest. "Don't run in ongoing traffic! For no one!"

Just a short walk later they reach the forest, trading the busy city for the silence of the woods. All of them casually talking while enjoying the view and smells around them. Chan and Y/n are once again walking next to each other, both of them staying close to the other after what just happened.

The path they're on is quite small, forcing them to either walk behind one and another, or quite close against the other. As Chan and Y/n keep walking next to each other, their hands touch every now and then. Accidental gentle touches fill their minds, keeping them thinking straight as the two walk in a comfortable silence.

As the talking in front of them becomes more chaotic, they tune in on the other's words: "D'you think they finally-,"

"No, definitely not, he would have said so."

"What are you talking about," Y/n interrupts them, "c'mon spill the tea."

"You and Chan," Jeongin says, raising his eyebrows, "holding hands."

Only now that the words have left his mouth, does Y/n realise the heat wrapped around her hand. The way his hand is gently holding onto hers. When did they start holding hands? Quickly pulling her hand out of his grasp, she glances at Chan, his eyes filled with as much surprise as hers. Did he not realise either? Shoving her hands in her own pockets she tries to ignore the laughter of the guys.

"Is it strange that I'm more invested in their relationship than those two?" Felix wonders out loud.

Changbin chuckles from beside him. "Nah, me too."

Slowly everyone continues their own conversation again, forgetting the two behind them once again. Chan glances to his right multiple times, noticing how Y/n keeps her head low. Stretching his hand out he gently wraps is around her wrist, pulling her hand from her pocket and intertwining their fingers.

Her eyes widen as they lock on their hands, before glancing at Chan. Feeling her gently tug her hand from his grasp Chan says: "Just ignore their comments, I like the way your hand fits in mine."

A soft smile spreads onto her face as she looks forward again, watching the guys in front of them. A gentle squeeze with her hand is all Chan needs to calm down and realise she likes it too.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

In a comfortable silence, Y/n is sketching some figures in Hyunjin's sketchbook. She may not have asked him to lend it to her and may have stolen it from his room without him knowing, but it should be fine. Hyunjin isn't the scariest of the guys, she'll just have to deal with his reaction.

Chan is sitting a few feet away from her, his headphones on as he is slowly moving his head to the beat, muttering some inaudible lyrics under his breath. As the male pauses what he is doing, taking his headphones off, Y/n turns to face him with a soft smile.

Lifting up the sketchbook she shows him the small sketches, one of which being an awful drawing of him as he was sitting a few minutes ago while working on songs.

Chuckling softly at her terrible drawing skills, he says: "I've known you since... forever. I can't imagine my life without you."

"Good think you don't need to then." Gently clasping his shoulder she looks at him with a gentle smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

Chan's brows furrow at his own thoughts. "You don't know that-," he starts.

"Oh yes I do." Grabbing his face with both hands, she forces him to look her in the eyes. "There is nothing you can do to get rid of me. You're stuck with me, trust me." With that she lets go of his face, turning back to the sketchbook in front of her as she continues doodling in it.

As he watches the girl sketch beside him, his thoughts start racing a million miles an hour. Should he just tell her? Should her tell her his feelings? Will she really not go anywhere? Even if her feelings do not match his? Could they stay friends if she doesn't feel the same? If she knows he wants more. Can he remain just a friend?

Shaking his thoughts off he quickly blurts out: "I can't keep kissing strangers and pretend they're you-,"


The pencil Y/n was holding falls out of her hand, as she slowly turns to face him, her eyes wide as she meets his. Chan just stares at her, frozen midsentence leaving his mouth agape.

"You kissed strangers?!"

Letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding he chuckles lowly. That's the part she's responding to? "You're missing the point-,"

"YOU KISSED STRANGERS!" she shouts in disbelieve.

Pushing the chair backwards she stands up, Chan doing the same quickly after. Her face turning serious as she points at him. Swallowing Chan accepts his defeat, recognising her stance from the past times she scolded him.

"Chris, you're a kpop idol, you can't just go around and kiss strangers!" Stepping towards him she makes him step back in response. "You fucking dickhead!" Smacking the back of his head, not too hard but definitely not soft either, she continues: "You're a good looking guy, do you realise how many hearts you have probably stolen and broken by kissing random girls and then leaving them behind?!"

Not knowing what to say, Chan just remains silent, letting her scold him to her hearts content.

"I expected better off you." With that she shakes her head in disbelieve, walking past him out of the room.

Blinking a few times Chan slowly turns around only to find the door open and the hall behind it empty. How did she miss the whole point he was trying to convey to her?

He chuckles softly as he hears Y/n somewhere a few rooms down the hall as she asks some of the guys: "Did any of you know that Chan kissed random strangers?" Followed soon after by a: "Seriously? And none of you stopped him?!"

Of course they knew he kissed other girls, some of them were there when it happened. It's not like his feelings for Y/n have been that well-hidden. They appear to be quite obvious to anyone but the two of them. Perhaps their lifelong friendship has blurred the lines of platonic friend and lovers, making it hard for them to distinguish which of those they are. 

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

It has been a few days since Chan had told Y/n he kissed strangers. During these days one thought has been on Y/n's mind more than any other.

Why do I not like him kissing other people?

Perhaps it is as simple as the reason why she scolded him. Playing with girls' hearts isn't something she expected him to do. Yet even when she thought of the girl in question knowing it's just a one-time kiss, just a drunken mistake or even just a meaningless dare, even then the idea freaks her out.

Shouldn't she be happy for him? Happy for his ability to get girls when he wants to? Shouldn't she be happy that he is living his life to the fullest, even if that way isn't what she would have chosen for him?

The thought of him making out with a girl somewhere at a bar downtown, his tongue in her mouth, it just disgusts her. Isn't that normal? To find it weird that your best friend is kissing girls. But if it was normal, why couldn't she give a fuck if any of the other guys would be kissing girls?

On the contrary even. She has watched some of them make out in front of her. She just scolded them for not getting a room, and laughing it off instantly after. Forgetting it happened and just going on with her daily life.

But not this time. Chan making out with random girls, it should not be keeping her up at night, yet it is. The thought shouldn't make her upset, yet it does. But why?

She and Chan haven't seen each other much since their last talk, giving her no chance to talk to him about how it troubles her. Chan and the other guys have been quite busy with the preparation of their concerts, today being the first one of three in the city they're in right now.

Everyone is hyping each other up, messing around and warming their voices as they get ready to get on stage. They all look really handsome and Y/n makes sure to let them know, boosting their confidence a bit more.

Noticing Chan is struggling with his tie she walks up to him. "Can I?" Extending her hands towards his tie, hovering just in front of it as she looks him in the eyes.

Nodding, Chan smiles softly at her, thankful for her help as the tie was really stressing him out.

Gently pulling him closer she starts tying the tie neatly. Her eyes locked on what she is doing, yet she can feel Chan's eyes on her. All her thoughts from the past days come crashing back.

As she folds his collar down over the tie, she is suddenly really aware of their close proximity. How her hands are on either side of his neck and how close their bodies are. How Chan's eyes are locked on hers, while hers are locked on his lips.

Stepping backwards she sends him a quick smile as he thanks her. Taking a few deep breaths she tries to calm her heartbeat as she realises it beating quite fast.

One by one Stray Kids slowly make their way out of the dressing room, Chan being the final one to leave. Y/n wishes everyone one last good luck as they walk past her. As Chan passes her, her hand wraps around his sleeve. "Can I have a minute?"

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" he asks her, halting his movement and facing her. The worried look in her eyes making him nervous.

Taking a deep breath she quickly blurts out: "Please don't hate me for this, but I have to figure out what is going on with me and this is the only way I can think of so-,"

In a swift move her hand wraps around Chan's tie, pulling him towards her until their faces are mere inches away from each other. Chan's eyes are widen in surprise as Y/n closes her eyes before gently pecking his lips.

Her warm lips softly press against his, making heat rise up onto both of their cheeks. The gentle graze of their lips makes Chan's heart jump. Just as fast as she pulled him in, she steps back, leaving him longing for more. Her eyes are casted down, locked on her own feet.

"You kissed me?" It comes out more as a question than a statement. "Why did you-,"

"Yep," Y/n mutters to herself, completely ignoring Chan as she starts walking away, "I'm so fucked."

Completely stunned, Chan can't do anything but watch her as she disappears behind a door. As he finally gets his legs to work and to run after her, a staff-member calls for him, telling him he needs to get to the others as they'll have to be on stage within a minute. 

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Even though Chan was distracted for most of the performance, he still managed to remember his lyrics and the dance moves. Some of the members noticed his distraction, some even softly commenting on it, but nothing was obvious enough for Stay to start worrying.

After having said goodbye to Stay and finally getting off stage and being allowed to do their own things, Chan quickly tells the members that they did a great job before walking off. Confused at his behaviour, Lee Know stops Chan from leaving.

"Chan-hyung, what's going on? You were distracted up there and now you're instantly leaving?"

Knowing he owes the guys an explanation he turns to face them. If he knew what to tell them, he would have, but here he stands, at a loss of words and just as confused at them.

"I just-, I need to talk with Y/n, I'll explain everything later." With that he quickly turns around, leaving his members behind as they wonder what he needs to talk about.

Seeing some staff-members as he makes his way backstage, he quickly asks them where Y/n is waiting. "She should be in your guys' dressing room."

Thanking the staff, Chan quickly hurries off, making his way to their dressing room with big strides, knowing the guys will slowly be making their way over there too.

Opening the door, his eyes instantly lock on Y/n, whose head shoots up at the sound of the door opening. "How did the performance-,"

"We need to talk."

Biting her lip nervously she looks down at her hands. "We do, don't we?" Scratching her neck she starts talking as Chan makes his way over to her: "I-, I can explain. I promise. It was just a one-time thing, unless-, never mind. I just-, I didn't know what I was feeling. I guess I-,"

Gently taking her hands in his, Chan makes the girl pause her ramble. "Did it work?"

"Huh?" her eyes widen in confusion as she finally looks up at him again.

"Did it help you figure out what you were feeling?"

Sighing in relief that he is so calm about it – as she had spent the past hours worrying about him being mad at her – she smiles softly at him. "Yes."

Waiting for her to continue Chan keeps his mouth shut, only for her to remain silent as well. "You're not going to tell me?"

"I'm not sure if I should," Y/n explains, her eyes lowering down to their locked hands.

"I think I deserve an explanation as to why my best friend kissed me, don't you think?"

"You do have a point," she says, her voice soft, barely more than a whisper, "I think I might be in love with you."

Even though her head is facing down, Chan still notices the way her cheeks turn a few shades darker. He smiles softly at how she squeezes her eyes shut because of how nervous she is. "Think?" he responds softly, teasing the girl ever so slightly.

"Let's just say there is a ninety-nine percent chance," she quickly blurts out.

Letting go of one of her hands, Chan slowly lifts his hand to her chin, lifting it up so she is looking at him. His thumb resting softly against her bottom lip. He watches her eyes flick down to his lips before locking on his own eyes again. Leaning in closer, he only pauses when he feels her breath fan across his lips, teasing him to get even closer.

"Ninety-nine point five," Y/n croaks out.

"I'll take it."

With that both their eyes flutter closed as he closes the final distance between them. His lips finding hers instinctively. His thumb caressing her cheek softly, before sliding his hand to the back of head to pull her in closer. The soft meeting of their lips, deepening, mouths opening ever so slightly at the sudden rush of feelings flooding their bodies.

His fingers tangling in her hair, as he keeps her close. His teeth gently scraping her bottom lip, teasing her by showing her only a sliver of what she could get. Her hands finding their way to his collar, pulling him in closer as her mind clouds with lust for him.

His tongue swiping along her lip asking for permission making her gasp and jolt back, pushing him off by his collar to catch her breath after he stole it from her.

"Do you want me to stop?" Chan asks, his voice soft and gentle, making sure she knows she chooses their pace.

"The opposite please," she hurriedly says, pulling him closer before he can fully distance himself from her.

A low chuckle escapes him as he allows himself to get pulled back towards her, her eyes fluttering close. Pulling her in by both her neck and her waist, he can feel her shiver with anticipation. Angling his face, his lips meet hers again. The previous gentleness gone, now taken over by the want to taste her, no longer satisfied with only the outside of her lips.

His mouth pressing against hers, his fingers leaving tingles in their wake. The soft tug at her hair making her gasp and open her mouth just far enough for his tongue to enter. Gentle not to overstep boundaries, yet eager to explore.

The sound of someone clearing their throat causes the two to jump away from each other, both of their cheeks tainted dark red at being caught.

"I thought you said you were going to talk with her, not make out," Lee Know says his hands covering Jeongin's eyes.

"So, are you two finally a thing now?" Felix says excitedly, making his way towards them by shoving the members – who are all frozen in place at the entrance of the dressing room – out of his way.

Turning to the girl beside him, Chan looks at her with hopeful eyes. "Are we?"

"I'd love to."

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Another Sunday.

Another Channies-room.

Many Stay's taking out their phones, iPads or laptops, frantically tapping on his live, allowing their favourite leader to appear on their screen. Hearts swelling up at the sight of his smile and the sound of his laughter.

Everyone is ready to spend their weekly hour with him, yet no one expected it to go the way it did.

As he starts the live, waiting for Stay's to enter while playing his starting song he watches Y/n and Lee Know as they chill on the bed, making funny faces at him to make him crack. Shaking his head at them he finally enters the screen, saying hi to all the Stay's watching.

As he explains to them that he's in a hotel room – one he shares with Lee Know – Lee Know's loud 'Yah!' echoes through the room. Unable to stop the chuckle escaping his mouth, Chan's eyes crinkle up, his dimple showing. Keeping his eyes on the two in his room he explains to Stay what happened.

"Y/n has joined us in our room, she's hanging out with Lee Know and decided he is her next target. His shout was his reaction to her hitting him with a pillow," he explains while laughing at the two bickering in a hushed tones as to not disturb his live.

Turning back to the camera he starts reading comments, responding to them before playing a song. As he slowly sways to the beat his eyes land on Y/n again, the girl mouthing the lyrics while dancing to it. Her dance moves definitely not good, but she doesn't care, it's not like anyone but Lee Know and Chan can see.

When she steals Lee Know's phone to use it as a microphone for her silent performance, hell breaks loose. Completely ignoring that Chan is live, Lee Know pounces on Y/n, shoving her on the bed while pulling his phone from her hands.

Having her in his arms now, the girl somewhat panting from her awful dance-moves, Lee Know takes his chance, his fingers making their way to her sides. Not giving her a second to react, Lee Know starts tickling her.

Y/n's laughter sounds clear on Chan's live, even with the song playing quite loud. Chan is smiling bright while laughing at the sight in front of him. As the song comes to an end Y/n manages to croak out a 'help'.

Not being able to watch his girl being tortured any longer, Chan quickly tells Stay he'll be right back. "Gotta save my girl." With that he disappears from screen. Wrapping his hands around Lee Know's wrists he pries them off his girl.

Feeling his grasp loosen, Y/n quickly jumps up, still panting she doubles over, her eyes remaining locked on her boyfriend while he teaches Lee Know a lesson, tickling the older in return. Letting go he gives Lee Know one last look of warning before sitting back down in front of the camera, a smile still on his face as his eyes follow Y/n, who flops back down on the bed.

Finally tearing his eyes off his girl, he starts looking through the comments again, only for his eyes to widen as he reads them.

'His girl?'

'Are they together?'

'Chan! Is she your girlfriend?!'

'OMG Chan has a girlfriend!!'

'Go safe your girl!'

'Naur, our Channie is taken... JK, I'm so happy for you!!'

'Did you safe her Chan?'

'Are you two really together?!'

Reading the comments, his mouth slightly opens, his eyes shooting from Y/n to the comments, to the camera and back to Y/n. He called her 'his girl' in front of thousands of his fans. Not knowing what to say he remains silent, trying to hide his emotions while figuring out what he should do.

Sighing softly at his foolish mistake he tries to catch Y/n attention, which thankfully doesn't take much as the girl's eyes were already on him. Covering his mouth with his hand, so Stay can't see what he's saying, he mouths 'Stay found out about us, sorry.' Giving her an apologetic smile, while she just shrugs it off.

"They would have found out anyway," she whispers back.

Glad she is taking it okay, he mouths at her if she wants to join him on live, so that they can officially tell Stay instead of it remaining a rumour and a slip-up.

Nodding at him, she pushes off from the bed, walking up to him but remaining just outside of the screen, so that Chan can talk to Stay before she enters. "I messed up, as you probably all heard." Pinching the bridge of his nose, he continues: "Let's just get this over with. Yes, I called Y/n my girl. And yes, we are dating."

With those words he motions for her to enter. Waving at the camera with a soft smile on her face, she walks up to the spot next to Chan. Not wanting his girl next to him, Chan tugs her towards him, spreading his legs so she can sit in between them.

His arms automatically wrap around her waist as she sits down, leaning backwards against his broad and warm chest. Chan's chin lowers down to her shoulder, gently leaning on it as he reads the comments, which are still going crazy.

'Aawh they're so cute together.'

"Yes, she's adorable," Chan says without missing a beat.

After having responded to many of Stay's questions and clearing up the confusion, Chan decides to give Stay a sneak-peak of his song Connected. Just letting them hear a small part of the chorus before quickly pausing it again with a teasing smile.

"You've made me listen to this twice already. I think I deserve to know who that song is about now," Y/n says, looking backwards so her eyes meet Chan's.

"You." He smiles, his dimples showing and his eyes sparkling with something that could be called love. "The song is about you."

Her eyes widen in awe, her mouth falling agape at his words. Unable to process that the song is about her she freezes up. Chuckling softly Chan gently grabs a hold of her chin, pressing multiple soft kisses on her lips trying to get her to unfreeze.

Lee Know's face pops in from the side, hiding the two kissing love-birds from sight, while complaining: "This is what I'm stuck with all day." 

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