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263K 5K 1.6K

"๐—ถ๐˜'๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ ๐—ณ๐˜‚๐—ป ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜๐˜๐—น๐—ฒ ๐—ด๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ. ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿฌ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜†๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—บ๐˜† ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ด." "๐—ถ ๐—ฑ๐—ผ๏ฟฝ... More



12.5K 226 135

"Shit- I am so sorry!"

"It's fine."

"Let me help you."

Berkley stopped herself from grunting and rolling her eyes as she shook her head, eyes focused on her now damp black dress. "It's fine- really."

She could faintly see from her peripherals two more boys approaching her as she held the tightly sealed water bottle in one hand and squeezed out her skirt in the other.

"Sorry about that," she heard a more familiar accent speak, "my man can't catch."

"I play soccer, not football," an American accent shot back before another, different, British one countered.

"You do play football mate," he grumbled, "this is why we don't throw water bottles around."

Berkley sighed as she tried to ignore the three boys crowding her, making the situation a lot worse than it needed to be. She felt surrounded. Her breathing picked up and it was becoming more and more difficult to not become irritated. Berkley let out a deep sigh before she finally looked up, meeting three very apologetic eyes. "Who's water bottle was this?" She spoke dully.

"Mine. Sorry."

Berkley eyes suddenly met Mason's as he stepped forward from where he was slightly cowering behind Ben and Christian's shoulders. Her gaze softened upon seeing his face, a manner not going unnoticed by the footballer's two counterparts. Berkley couldn't help but hold her breath as Mason gave her a soft smile.

"Here," she said, handing him back the bottle.

"Thanks," he chuckled nervously. He tried his best to not make his rigid breathing too obvious, "sorry again. These twats wouldn't give it back."

There was something about the way Mason was looking at her that made her heart flutter in ways it never has before. His eyes were soft yet still sunk so deeply that she felt she could get lost if she didn't look away the next second. It was the footballer effect her mother always told her about.

"Right well-" Berkley cleared her throat, pressing her lips into a small smile before nodding. "If you excuse me, I'm gonna go clean myself up somewhere upstairs..." she said, slowly stepping away from the three boys as she gave them a curt wave. The more steps she took walking away, the more she felt at ease. She didn't like being surrounded while she was in this state, or at all anymore for that matter.

Ben and Christian looked at each other as the girl slipped away from their presence. They gave one another a shared gaze before nodding. Mason was much too preoccupied glumly watching her walk away to realise his friends grasps on his shoulders before they pushed him in her direction; and before he knew it, he was off running up the stairs behind her.

He watched as she slowly walked towards a shut door she assumed to be the bathroom. "Wait!" He called out to her, rushing to her side to stop her from opening the door. He knew that there must've been at least two or three people snogging in there already and that would've just ruined her night more than he already had. "Just- follow me."

Berkley stared at him, her eyebrows knitted together as he gave her a soft look. She trusted him, oddly enough, and willingly followed him as he led her down the long hallway before coming to a room at the very end.

Mason felt his guilt at the bottom of his chest, hoping to make it up to the girl trailing behind him. He felt as though he just messed up his one chance to make a good impression on the prettiest girl he has arguably ever laid his eyes on.

"I'm Mason by the way," he told her, looking back over his shoulder for a minute before slowing his pace so she was walking at his side. "Mason Mount."

"I know," she said. He leaned down slightly to hear her speak over the loud music blasting through the house. "You play football, right? Chelsea?"

The boy nodded and didn't care to reply until they reached a quieter space. Mason slowed to a stop as he opened the door he led them to, ushering Berkley in before walking in himself and shutting the threshold behind him. The music around the house then became muffled, and it was much easier to speak to the girl in front of him.

"I'm Berkley," she introduced herself as she looked around the room they were in. It must've been the master bedroom as there was a big balcony on one side of the king sized bed and a bathroom on the other. She gave Mason another look as she sat on the edge of the bed, "Berkley Beckham."

Mason nodded. He didn't know what to say. He wasn't sure whether or not he should tell her that he already knew that or if he should just let her speak.

"Yeah." He nodded, "Chilly told me that actually... and that-"

"David Beckham is my dad?" She finished for him.

She saw the embarrassment spread on Mason's face as he nodded, "great player." He mumbled, mentally punching himself at his words.

Berkley just let out a light laugh as if she wasn't already used to hearing that her entire life. She nodded as she watched Mason walk closer to her. "I'll make sure to let him know," she joked.

The boy found himself sitting on the spot next to her, trying to keep just the right amount of space between them so she wasn't uncomfortable; and to be honest, the standard was low enough for her to feel butterflies at such a small gesture.

"I know Ben," she said, hoping to keep small talk going as much as she could, "met him a year or two ago just briefly when he still played for Leicester. Funny enough, it was because I accidentally spilled my drink on him."

"Karma is a bitch, innit?" Mason joked, making Berkley snort a laugh.

He watched as she threw her head back while she laughed. He couldn't help the smile that fell upon his face as she exposed her teeth and dimples as if it were sacred. He felt gifted to even be looking at a smile like that.

Mason felt his heart swell as he fell back, laying on the bed, sighing as he kept his eyes glued on her. His hands rested to the back of his head, waiting patiently until Berkley finally turned back to him, calming her smile down as she looked at him softly.

"Sorry about the loss against Leicester today," she told him, "but it earned me £30 if it makes you feel any better."

Mason laughed, he didn't even care to register that she just blatantly said she was betting against Chelsea, the smile that followed his just made him feel a lot better. "I'm glad to be of service."

Berkley then fell back too, laying next to him as they stared at one another. They somehow found themselves a lot closer than before, physically and emotionally. She stared at him and he stared at her, their faces just inches away. Mason's smile dropped the same way his stomach did as he watched Berkley's eyes flicker from his eyes and to his lips for just a split second.

Mason kept his breathing steady as he scooted just an inch closer and Berkley didn't even notice how she was holding her breath until a sudden sound had snapped, not just her, but him too out of the trance they were in.

The familiar chime caused Mason to dart his head up, his confused gaze falling on the big screen tv mounted on the wall. "Did the PS5 just turn on?"

Berkley sat up in concern before looking down at where Mason was once laying as he too sprung up from his comfortable position. Under him, the two spotted a remote control that he could've sworn wasn't there before. Berkley picked it up before locking eyes with Mason, both nodding in realisation.

The boy's eyes then travelled back in front of them to see the now fully lit tv. He beamed at the sight. "Fifa!" He exclaimed like a child, pointing at the big screen in excitement before looking back at Berkley.

The girl laughed at his childish nature, willingly letting him grab the remote from her hands before spotting the other remote just an arms reach away from her on the floor. "Let's run a game now, shall we?"

"PS5 is my game, you don't know what you're getting yourself into, Beckham."

"Oh really?" She hummed, her competitive nature peaking through as Mason nodded arrogantly. He already picked his team, obviously playing as Chelsea, before Berkley could even choose. She scrolled quickly through the teams, knowing exactly which one she'd pick — she even brushed pass her beloved gunners until she finally found Leicester. She gave Mason a look and smile before picking them, "let's see if you can redeem yourself, Mount."

Mason shrugged and cracked his neck as he swung his head side by side. "Fine," he said, "you can even start with the ball." His voice oozed with confidence as they skipped through the match introduction. Mason then looked at her, right before kick off we're to start, "but you'll be owing me that £30 after this."

"we'll see about that."

Mason watched the screen as Berkley kicked off, passing the ball around her midfield as he pressed high with virtual Timo. She swung the ball around the back, waiting for a chance to play up.

Berkley waited until Mason pressed with himself and Tammy before she played it wide on the left. Mason tried to step in with virtual Reece James, not anticipating such a turn to come from Berkley's player. He didn't realise her being completely gone down the wing as he suddenly had to track his players back. She made it all the way to the corner before deking out a slide made by Thiago, crossing it into box for Vardy to play a beautiful bicycle kick into the top bins.

Mason's jaw fell agape as Berkley turned to him with a smug smile. He stared at her, not even mad, but more in awe.

"Bloody hell- how'd you do that?" He gasped.

Berkley shrugged, acting as if it were no big deal. "The best thing about being a nepotism baby is the shock on people's faces when they find out I actually have some talent."

Mason stared at her as the tv reset to kick off again. He was still flabbergasted at how much ease she put in that. Nobody ever beat him at PS5, let alone in the first 30 seconds.

Berkley looked at him, nodding at the tv impatiently. She tried to hide the grin that spread upon seeing his daze. "You got ball, Mase."


It sounded so much better coming out of her mouth. Mason shook his head before looking back at the tv, trying to focus back to tie the game, but at the back of his mind, he really couldn't.

"That had to be luck," he said, starting the play again, "like surely."

"Or I'm just better than you," Berkley's eyes danced around the screen as she waited for Mason to give up the ball. Her fingers were like art on the controller, the utmost strategic movement being inflicted.

"When I was a kid, my brothers and my dad always beat me in fifa," she began to tell him as they played, "and I hated it. So for a whole year I practiced and I played and I even watched YouTube tutorials to get me to play better just so I could beat them."

Berkley finally stole the ball from Mason as she continued her speech, but he fell back into a trance when that happened, looking at her and listening as she spoke. His controller didn't matter anymore, nor did the game, just she did.

"I beat Romeo first. And then Brooklyn. And when I finally beat my dad, no body else could beat me." She said, "not even Micheal Owen."

She laughed to herself, reminiscing on the memories before she blasted the ball into the net again, gaining another goal. "Yess!" She cheered for a second before looking over at Mason, who she was shocked to have been already looking at her.

His stare was captivating and caused her to hitch a breath. She tried to convince herself that his look wasn't making her nervous at all, but it was. It really was. "I thought PS5 was your game?"

"I think you're the love of my life," Mason suddenly blurted.

Berkley was suddenly taken aback, furrowing her eyebrows at his forwardness. She chuckled lightly, hoping it was a joke, "uhh what?"

"Sorry-" Mason shook his head, trying to play off a laugh as well, "I just mean- will you go out with me? Like a date. I think I really like you."

Berkley stared at him, still unaware if this was a prank or not. "You've only just met me-"

"And you already make me feel a way I've never felt before!" He let out in exasperation. Mason turned to her, seeing a both concerned yet intrigued look in her eye. He stared at her with a slight plead, "Berkley, I'm going to sound insane."

"Just a litte bit, yeah," she squeaked with a nod.

"But we're perfect for each other. Our names even match."

Berkley looked at him like he was crazy. "Mason, what the fuck?" She let out, a airy laugh slipping through, "you can't be saying all of this is because of our bloody names?"

The boy squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head as he continued to find the wrong words to say. "Shit- okay well Mason Mount is M squared and Berkley Beckham is B squared- but that's not the point I'm trying to make! I'm just saying- like... you feel something too, don't you?"

Berkley stared at him and his frantic manner. She'd found it rather cute if she weren't so shocked by his confession. "Mason-"

"Come on, Berkley," he sighed, a desperate look in his eye, "look at me and say that you don't feel even just the slightest bit of something between us."

The girl pressed her lips together as she looked at his soft brown eyes. She couldn't. "I don't date footballers."

"Oh fuck off," Mason scoffed, shaking his head lightly as an exasperated laugh escaped his lips, "don't pull that on me."

"Pull what?!" She shrugged with innocence, trying to laugh and ease up the situation.

"That!" Mason pointed at her, a smile pulling at his lips when he saw her small grin. He couldn't help it, despite the struggle he had trying to convince her. "This isn't some fan fiction, Berkley! Fucks sake, don't make that the excuse where you have some random vendetta against footballers and that's why we can't be together. Don't make my life into a bloody fan fiction."

Berkley laughed as his voice cracked at the end of his sentence. A snort came out of her as she chuckled at him, and he just stared at her too with despair.

The girl caught his eye, calming down before she sighed. She scooted closer to him, thinking of a way to say what she needed to say. "Look, Mason, I don't date footballers because I just don't date. Not now and not yet. Yes, I feel something and yes, you're a great guy but it's bad enough trying to make a name for myself when all I'm known for is being David and Victoria Beckham's nepo baby. I can't have your name overshadow me too."

Mason huffed as he let his head fall into his hands. He didn't say anything for a brief moment, and Berkley was scared she said far too much. A silence passed before the boy looked up again.

"Give me a number." He let out with a long breath of air.

Berkley furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him, "what?"

"Give me a number from 1-50 and a chance and I'll prove to you why this, us, is worth it. Why I'm worth it."

Berkley let out a short laugh. "A number? What like 30?"

"Sure." He nodded with confidence.

Berkley's smile dropped. It had to be a joke. There was no way Mason Mount could even have the time, let alone the effort, to do 30 things for a girl he just met. "Seriously?"

"Dead serious." His face was blank, no smile or sign of bluff evident on the surface.

The girl shook her head in disbelief. "There's no way. You must be too busy with training to even do all of it."

Mason shook his head. "I promise you, I will do it. 30 grand gestures and dates and things — anything to sweep you off your feet."

"Anything?" the girl stared at him, unconvinced as he spoke.

"Anything." He promised. She pondered, still feeling hesitant on this. She didn't want to hurt him. She wished she didn't feel anything for him because then this would be much easier, but deep down, part of her did want him, no matter how much she wanted something else.

"It's like..." Mason thought for a moment, trying to keep saying things, anything, just so he could have a chance. "It's like a fun game. 30 ways to make you my wag."

Berkley snorted another laugh at his term, but it wasn't just that, but the gears in her mind begun to spin.

30 things that made me Mason Mount's wag. It had a better ring to it than she thought.

Mason began to smile as he saw a glimpse of agreement in her eye. "God," she laughed lightly, shaking her head as Mason's eyes drilled into her, "I don't know what sounds worse. Nepo baby or wag."

The boy grinned, "well let me tell you why wag is better-"

"Mason." She said, staring at him. She couldn't help but feel the faint feel of hesitancy in her heart.

"Berkley." He copied her, "just give me a chance."

The girl thought for a moment. 30 things that made me Mason Mount's wag. It replayed in her mind, her thoughts bouncing off each other already. She couldn't help herself, so she smiled at him. "30 things?"

"Or more if I need," he shrugged with ease and confidence, making Berkley chuckled.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this," she shook her head, "but this should be very very interesting."

Mason pumped his fist into the air as she cheered quietly before he gave Berkley a wide grin. He pointed at her, "I will win you over, trust me."

She tilted her head at him and gave him a condescending look. "Like how you won the FA cup final?" She bantered.

The boy's face fell, giving her a dead stare. "Too soon."

"Sorry," she coughed to cover up the chuckle she desperately withheld.

Mason was still beaming, returning to a smile himself as he looked at the girl next to him. He heard her phone buzz from in between them, and watched as she flipped it over to reveal the notification.

Sorry I was in the pool. Just gonna dry off and we can leave. Where u at?

Berkley shook her head at her brother's words before looking back up at Mason. He frowned, "you gotta go?"

"There's a pool here?" She laughed, trying to lighten up the situation.

"I guess," he shrugged. He watched as she got up to stand on her feet, brushing down to smoothen her less wet but still slightly damp dress. At that, Mason swiftly tugged off his hoodie, standing up as well to hand it to her. "Here. Take it. It's cold out and you're still a little damp so."

She eyed the black hoodie being offered to her and smiled at him gratefully, taking it with will. "Is this grand gesture number one?"

"It's not very grand, is it?" He chuckled, "but it's the least I could do."

The girl looked at the digital clock on the bedside table before shrugging. "We've got about 10 minutes before my brother will be ready to go..."

Mason smiled, knowing what her mind was thinking by just looking at her. "Perfect amount of time to finish this Fifa game."

Berkley snapped her fingers and pointed at him as they both rushed back to the controllers, "you know me so well, Mason Mount."

And he just smiled at her words, nudging her playfully when she sat beside him, much closer than before. "I hope you know, my feelings for you will never interfere with how baldy I'm going to crush you at this game."

"The score is 2-0, honey."

"I'm locked in." He shrugged, looking at her for a moment before he began kick off, "I'm gonna win this game first, and then..." he paused, his grin growing wider as he looked her in the eye. Her green eyes waited for his words.

"I'm going to win you."

brynn speaks!
this is terrible I'm sorry goodnight.

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