Requests Book

By chrissybaeevans

63.6K 2.2K 849

Requests that are sent to me will be posted here! And if you have a request, just use the Request Inbox part... More

Over the Moon • Andy Barber
You Belong With Me • CE
The Cuddle Cure • CE
Do You? • Andy Barber
Daddy's Girl • CE
Ice, Ice, Baby • Johnny Storm
You did...What?! • CE
You're Cute When You're Mad • CE
My Best Girl • CE
Under the Weather • CE Characters
What Happens During Movie Night... • Ari Levinson
Time After Time • CE
Crazy About You • Lloyd Hansen
America's Sweethearts • Steve Rogers
Facade • Andy Barber
Surprise? • CE
Icing • CE
Save Me • Steve Rogers
The Power of History • Steve Rogers
Through Thick and Thin • CE
Cliche & Unique • CE
Suits Me • CE
Unlucky • Steve Rogers
Mommy is Mine! • Ransom Drysdale
More Tea? • CE
Not For A Second • CE
Play Ball • CE
Requests Inbox 💌 Add Your Request Here
The Bday Princess • CE, CS, RD, AL, AB
Shotgun • CE
The One and Only • CE
Too Good to Be True • Johnny Storm

A Patriotic Meet Cute • CE

2.5K 88 43
By chrissybaeevans

Request #8: this request was sent to me as a voice note, but the summary of the request was you are Stella's kindergarten teacher, friends with Carly her mother, it's 4th of July 2015 and you meet Carly's hot brother at the BBQ!

🌊🌻☀️⛱️~ Summer of 2015 ~ ☀️🌻🌊⛱️

"Bye Ms.Y/l/n!" Your students shout loudly as they all run like crazy to their parents or caretakers.

"Bye, have a wonderful summer, sweeties!" You smile big, making sure you checked off the names of the students that were being picked up, underneath the ones taking the bus.

It was the last day of school, you have been teaching kindergarten for almost 2 years now and you love it so much.

They're such little angels, that you value and admire the position you're in to teach these angels.

Two tugs on your Jean dress make you look down as you clutch the attendance clipboard in your hand.

"Is my mommy here?" One of your students, sweet little Stella asks, looking around the crowd of parents, nervous she couldn't see her mom.

You perch on your toes to see way in the back, you don't see Carly anywhere.

"No sweetie, I'm sure she's on her way." You only had Stella and two other students left in order to head back into your classroom, pack up and head to your house.

You frown at Stella's little anxious face, probably worried no one was coming to get her, that they left her here.

So you put your hand on Stella's shoulder and let her cuddle into the side of your leg, the parents of the two other students came to pick up their child.

Slowly but surely teachers headed inside to get their things and enjoy their summer break with their husbands or families.

Stella and you watch as the last student (other than her) walked away holding their father's hand.

"Have a good summer, Y/n," Miss James smiles at you and heads inside, knowing she probably won't see you until late August where school opened back up.

And when teachers had to come in and arrange their classroom again with educational posters and do their best to make the classroom positive and fun for the kids.

"You as well!" You smile and nod as you watch her enter the school.

Just you and Stella out here on the blacktop. You'd wait a few more minutes, if no one showed you'd have to bring Stella in and wait with her in the main office.

It was very late June and, boy, were you feeling the heat here in Florida. You'd have to take Stella out of this blaring sun soon.

You shift your sunglasses back down to cover your eyes and sit on the bridge of your nose.

"Y/n?" Stella hums curiously to herself, "I thought your name was Miss Y/l/n."

You chuckle playfully at the cute little girl beside you, with her hair done in two pigtails twisted perfectly each into one curl.

Her baby face was so adorable, you loved your kinders so much, it was an honor to come and teach them everyday and laugh at their antics and bizarre and blunt sayings.

The other day Oliver, another one of your kinders, commented on the fact that you weren't wearing socks with your shoes.

"Oh sweetie that's because I'm wearing sandals, you don't wear sandals with socks."

"My dad wears sandals with socks. My mom says she might divorce him because he always comes home late." He bluntly said and skipped away to the classroom library.

"My name to you is Miss Y/l/n, honey, because I'm your teacher, to Miss James, I'm just Y/n because I'm not her teacher."

Stella was still confused, nervously looking towards the road and then to you, playing with the strands of her backpack.

You decide to further explain, "it's like when you call your Mom, Mom, you don't call her Carly right?"

Carly and you have become close ever since back to school night last September. She comes from a wonderful family.

"No..." Stella looks optimistic as she looks in your eyes, "but I call my Uncle Chris, Uncle Chris."

Carly has two brothers, Scott and Chris and a sister, Shanna. You've never met them before. Since you've only gone out with Carly to dinner or for drinks.

Suddenly a car beeps and you're thankful it saved you from having to explain why exactly we call our Uncles along-with their name but we don't call our parents that.

It was a lesson for another time.

"I'm SO sorry, Y/n," Carly rushes past the gates and comes speed walking towards you and Stella.

"I got caught up planning a 4th party," she apologizes, "my whole family and my neighborhood is invited so, it's a lot of food, treats, and drinks."

"Oh no worries at all, I hope you guys have a good time!" You turn to head inside when Carly stops you.

"Hey, wait, why don't you come by? It'll be fun. Have you ever been to a neighborhood party?" Carly suggests while taking Stella's backpack off and putting it on her own back.

"Oh well..." you actually have plans, you and your friend Izzie who's a barista at the local Starbucks.

You guys were going swimming on the lake and making your own sandwiches to take and have a friendly picnic.

" will be fun Miss Y/l/n!" Stella squeals, "please come!"

"I'll see about stopping by for fireworks!" You cheer and smile at Stella who's excited at the thought of you going.

"I had some plans with Izzie," you explain to Carly.

"Being her too!" Carly is quick to say, "I gotta run, but I'll text you my address just in case you guys decide on coming!"

Fourth of July came around and Izzie called you, with the worst case of a cold you have ever seen.

And you've been sick a handful of times this year due to your kiddos touching everything in the classroom. But never like the way Izzie had it.

Poor thing, she felt bad canceling on you, she called you, and tried to speak but settled for just sending you a text.

Izzie: Can't make it today babe, Alex gave me the cold.

Alex is her boss that she's hooking up with, at Starbucks, where she works.

You: All good, feel better! Happy 4th 🇺🇸❤️

Laying on your bed, your cat comes to comfort you, well you think she was when she simply walks over you and towards the window behind your bed.

Looking how she made herself comfy on the ledge, you took the chance and looked outside, it's so beautiful out.

Carly's neighborhood party it was...but you weren't going to show up empty handed that's for sure...


"Chris, how's the meat looking?" Chris turns his head to meet his sister Carly's eyes, she was holding a covered tray of food.

Chris swallows his the beer in his mouth and opens the grill again, "delicious."

Carly sighs and walks over to make sure her brother hasn't burned the pounds and pounds of meat she bought to feed all these people.

"Don't burn it Christopher, I'll burn you, okay?" Carly smiles sarcastically, this party has had her stressed to the max, last time she ever hosts something like this.

"Okie dokie," Chris smiles sarcastically back at his older sister as she walked away, only to watch her walk right back when she remembered something.

"Also, my friend is coming today, I'd like for you to stay away from her please. She doesn't need to be corrupted by you."

Chris raises a brow at this new information, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Carlz."

"You know exactly what I mean," Carly narrows her blue eyes at her brother, letting him know she was serious.

Chris giggles as he smirks, he knows exactly what she means.

Any friend that Scott, Carly or Shanna have Chris makes them all nervous, anxious and sometimes just frozen whenever he's around.

Now Carly, Shanna or Scott can't have anyone over, because their friends will just completely shut off at the sight of Chris Evans in their presence.

"I'm serious Chris!" Carly angrily states from the other side of the porch uncovering all the appetizers, "don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even introduce yourself. I mean it."

"Whatever you say Carly! I'm just here for the beer and the burgers." Chris chuckles to himself, he knows he has that effect on women. Can't help it even if he tried.

You made the walk to Carly's house, it was a bit long but you liked to pass by your town and see the locals.

You could hear the music and the combined voices from a few houses away when you arrived at Carly's street.

"Bro, you almost cut your leg off," Zach, Chris's friend gasps when he sees the long scar on Chris's thigh running down his leg.

Chris drops the fabric of his shorts, "stung like a motherfucker."

All the guys surrounding him laugh, Chris's brother chimes in, "Mom did say you shouldn't have gone for a swim in that dirty pond."

"Woah woah woah, you said it was the lake on Alligator Road." Justin points to Chris, seeing his story didn't match up.

"Scott!" Chris says behind gritted teeth, all to laugh at his brother along with his friends.

In a moment the guys look behind Chris, including Scott, Chris becomes intrigued and looks behind him to find the guys staring at a girl holding a plate of muffins covered with plastic wrap.

"Zach, Justin, your Uncle said he needs your help with the fireworks," Sally, Justin's mom comes to find the boys and tell them the news.

"But...Mom..." Zach and Justin clearly want to stay and decide if they want to talk with this mystery girl they've never seen before.

"Now," Sally gives her best mom look and walks away, the boys disappointedly follow behind her.

Chris sees no reason why he shouldn't introduce himself to the lovely young lady. He's a friendly guy and loves to meet new people.

"She's cute," Scott addresses the obvious.

"Very cute," Chris responds and allows his eyes to linger over her flowy dress, dangly earrings, long legs and converse plus that cute ass headband in your hair, was making his heart beat fast.

Going to take a step forward, Carly comes out of nowhere with an angry look on her face, "if dad didn't flip the burgers over I'd be giving all these people coal burgers!"

Chris makes a face, he do forgot about the grill.

"If you can't take this seriously Chris, I'm getting someone else to do it and you can be on firework duty."

Chris wants anything but to be on firework duty, they're beautiful to watch up in the sky, but up close? Scary dangerous.

When he was a kid he burned his eyebrow off because he didn't listen to his mother and got way too close to one while it was erupting.

"I'll take my job more seriously," Chris salutes his sister trying to loosen her mood up.

Carly sighs and disappears to make sure the party was going well and her guests were being taken care of.

He made his way to the grill, but added a detour towards you, seeing you nervously sway side to side as you looked at all the guests.

You took a deep breath, so many people were here Carly wasn't kidding, it really was a neighborhood party.

You almost didn't come when you couldn't find what to wear, or what accessories to choose from. Settling for a closely red dress paired with your converse and some earrings and a headband to match.

The cutest guy you've ever seen was walking towards you, or probably headed behind you, you couldn't tell. But boy, was he so hot.

His skin sunkissed, and that white shirt hugging his biceps perfectly. Wow. Wow. Wow. What a specimen.

"MISS Y/L/N!" You spot the voice which belonged to Stella who was blowing bubbles a few feet away from you with her brothers.

When she shouted your name it was like a howl to your other kids, because they all looked in your direction from wherever they were.

"MISS Y/L/N!" Adorable little voices merged together as more than a handful of your students came running towards you.

Kids in your class who lived in this neighborhood.

Even in moments where you felt alone, your students were always there for you. They're all kind of like your babies.

As they all come close you fell to your knees to hug them all, with a happy smile on your face, "Hi guys! Happy 4th of July! Are you guys having fun?"

They all say, "yes!" "Yup!" While nodding their heads.

And most of them made sure to tell you that they missed you and they missed school, which melted your heart.

Chris finds it strange that all those children just ran up to you out of nowhere, as if you had summoned them. It was heartwarming though to see how sweet you were with them.

He gave you teacher vibes, but he wasn't going to make assumptions.

Seeing you were speaking to the children, he decided this wasn't the best time to introduce himself, so he goes to check on the food in the grill.

"Y/n!" Carly smiles at you, "you made it! I'm so glad."

"Yes, thanks for inviting me," you respond and hand over the plate of freshly baked muffins you picked up downtown, "I didn't know how many to bring...I didn't know how many people..." you didn't really know it was going to be this big of a 4th party.

"No worries at all, sweetie! Thank you so much, these looks so good, I might have to keep it for myself." Carly jokes making you laugh, "Stella why don't you show Miss Y/l/n the house?"

With that you were off to see where Stella and her family lived, the kids didn't want to leave you so they followed you like little ducklings all throughout the home.

Chris watched as the kids follow you everywhere, as if you were their mother duck, he watched you walk by him holding hands with his niece Stella. you knew Stella, now he could bribe his baby niece with toys to find out who you were because you were eye catching and he's never seen you around here before.

"Christopher, is that burnt meat I smell?" Carly shows up behind him and he quickly looks away from you, checking the grill, the tongs in his hand.

"No ma'am, it's perfectly done meat you smell. Ready to be served." Chris turns the food over once more before dialing the heat down to low.

Carly scans her brother for a second before rushing to get the plates and make sure the toppings were ready for everyone to starting eating.

At one point Chris sees you by yourself sitting by the seating area and enjoying a burger, this was his chance he thought. He just wanted to meet you, nothing more.

And possibly make a new friend.

Building up the courage and practicing what he was going to say to you he walks over to you, two beers in his hand, hoping you liked beer.

You looked like you liked beer, right? Fuck should've he grabbed you a soda? A lemonade?

He stops walking, scared you don't like beer and he would've made a fool out of himself. Before he could convince himself that it was fine, his niece Stella was skipping happily along towards you, with a Caprisun juice in her hand, in addition to the one she was drinking.

"Here you go, Miss Y/l/n, fruit juice!" Stella cheers with her baby voice, and does her best to sit on the seat across from you.

"Why thank you, Stella," you giggle at the choice of beverage she brought you. It'll do. Fruit punch is the best.

You feel like a kid taking the straw out and poking it into the pouch, taking a sip, you swallow and take another bite of your burger.

That cute guy you saw earlier was walking behind Stella with two beers, towards inside the house.

"Did you already eat, sweetie?" You wipe the corner of your mouth with the napkin and watch as Stella nods her little head.

"It was yummy in my tummy," Stella sways her body side to side as she sits on her knees.

"It was really good," you agree with her and smile at how carefree she was. How all your students were. You hope their bright light never darkens.

"My Uncle Chris made them. But then my Grandpa Bob had to help because sometimes my Uncle Chris burns them!" Stella says loud and proud.

Making you widen your eyes at her loud announcement, you laugh lightly, crinkling the napkin in your hand, as you set your hand on your crossed legs.

The kids come to you again and they all fill the small picnic table you were on, it felt like you were at school all over again, these kids wouldn't leave you alone, but you didn't mind.

You listened to each and everyone of them as they told you about their summer plans.

The sun was setting and after dessert was passed out it was almost time for the fireworks, you've noticed that the cute guy keeps staring at you, when you were talking with some of the girls from the school district and with some of Carly's friends.

You wanted to introduce yourself, you can tell he wants to say something to you. He was in a group with whom you assume were his friends, all drinking beer and arguing about sports teams probably.

But he kept his eyes on you, you smile at him softly, to confirm if it really was you he was gazing upon.

He smiles back, his eyes smiling too, you feel the butterflies swarm up, down and around your stomach as this hottie flashes a gorgeous smile at you.

The girls were going to grab a seat for the fireworks, and the cute guy's friends were leaving away from the backyard.

But cute guy stayed, so you decided to walk over there, both of you smiling as you did.

One of his friends comes back and drags him away, as much as the cute guy pulled back, it wasn't happening.

His friend leads him away but he looks back to give you an apologetic look.


"I bought this bait for us, man, you have to come check it out," Justin keeps a firm hand on Chris's shoulder and leads him away from everyone.

You were actually walking to him! He's never met a women who came up to him or even had the courage to flirt silently with him.

That's how he knew you were special.

But then his friend had to drag him away, it was like the universe was working against the two of you so you wouldn't meet.

Or it was his sister probably wishing this upon him for flirting with all her friends.

There was so much people at the party, but the backyard looks so empty now that everyone was out by the lake, everyone sitting on sprawled out towels, or chairs.

You smile at seeing your kiddos with their family, Stella excitedly explaining something to her mom.

You decide to take a seat under one of the trees on top of the sand, a perfect view of the lake and the sky. Since you were in a dress you made sure to cross your legs straight out.

Taking in the moon, it relaxes you, the summer breeze through your hair and the warm temperature in the air.

"Beautiful night right?" A voice calls out and you turn your head, it's hottie with the blue eyes.

Deep pools of blue that has you captivated. That soft puppy look as he smiles down at you.

He's holding a folding chair with another over his shoulder.

"Mind if I sit with you?" He asks sweetly, you're not even over with the impression of those eyes when his voice holds you hostage.

"No," you quietly speak, finding sound in your voice, "not at all."

Chris smiles at you being a little nervous, so was he. You're so much more beautiful up close and he wasn't going to lie his hands were sweaty.

He opens the chair for you, silently telling you to sit with a motion of his hand, you smile and sit while he sets one up right beside you.

"I'm Chris," he extends his hand, and you give it a soft shake.

"Y/n," you finally introduce yourself.

Something clicks on Chris's head, he remembers Carly sent him out for flowers at the market one day, for someone named Y/n, in which his niece corrected her mother and said, "you mean Miss Y/l/n."

You see realization fall over him and giggle at him going speechless at you saying your name.

"You're Stella's teacher," Chris makes the discovery, gently letting go of your hand.

"Guilty," you nervously blush at him staring at you for so long, he's so handsome.

"I'm Stella's Uncle," He clears up, and now you're making the discovery.

"Oh Uncle Chris!" You're excited you connected the dots and he laughs at your excitement.

"Guilty," he winks at you and you feel the butterflies at it again.

"Well, Uncle Chris, what do you do?" You weren't going to lose the opportunity to get to know him.

It seemed like you were talking for hours and hours, getting to know one another.

He was loving everything about you, especially the way you spoke about teaching, like it was your purpose, your passion.

He was infatuated with you, the way you spoke about the kids, your family, your interests. He wasn't bored or waiting for this conversation to end.

God no, he wanted to know more about you.

You see his dopey smile and blush again, heat rushing to your cheeks, as you realize you're babbling about your lesson on days of the week.

Including the reactions of some of your kiddos to the lesson which you found funny, "I'm sorry. I'm rambling." You cover your eyes as Chris chuckles.

Shaking his head and putting his hand up, "no, no, not at all, I like listening to you talk." He grins gorgeously after you again.

That's enough to make a girl go crazy.

"Oh," you giggle, "okay."

The fireworks start then, exploiting exquisitely in the air, causing a bright light among everyone.

You can hear your kids go, "wow!" "Oooh!" "Ahh!"

Your heart is beating sort of fast at having Chris next to you, you haven't dated in a long time and no one has ever made you feel this way for said amount of time.

Once the firework show ended, everyone kind of was dispersing and heading home, majority of those people saying their thank yous and goodbyes to Carly.

Chris got pulled away by who you think is his younger brother because they look alike.

"Thank you so much for everything, Carly," you hug her and she hugs you back tight, "I'm glad I came."

"You're glad you ditched your friend!" Carly points at you, trying to get the truth out of you.

"Noooo!" You bashfully beam, "she stayed home sick, so I decide to come."

"Mhm..." Carly hums at you, "I'm glad you came hun, you should come next week, the girls and I are going to make my husband take us out on the boat."

Talking with Carly for a few more minutes, you head on home, or rather you head the walk home. Your students said goodbye to you as well as they all left with their parents.

You cross your arms over your chest, your bag crossed over your body as you smile to yourself.

Thinking about Chris, he made you feel warm inside and you haven't even know him for more than a day.

He has that effect on people. You hope you'll cross paths with him soon.

The night moon and stars were your guides home as you reached the end of Carly's street.

"Y/N!" This time a grown man shouts your name instead of little miss Stella.

Turning you see Chris jogging to catch up with you, "" he says spaced out as he does his best to catch his breath.

He takes a deep breath, trying not to seem so out of shape in front of you, you take him breath away to begin with so it's hard to breath regardless.

"I..." his voice comes out cracked which makes him annoyed with himself, he clears his throat, "I thought you left without saying good bye."

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you. I kind of lost you after your brother took you away." You explain and Chris just can't take his eyes off your lips.

"You wouldn't be bothering me, babe, really," he whispers, shoving his hands in his pockets to stop from jittering so much.

A silence forms, neither of you know what to say.

"Don't tell me you're walking?" He motions the open road behind you. You laugh nervously again and nod.

"No way, let me take you. My car's parked out front of Carly's place." Chris thumbs behind him, the path back to the house.

"I don't know..." you debate whether it's a good idea to let him drive you home.

Just then clouds enter the sky and make the moon and stars go away, thunder beginning to rattle the trees.

It was like the weather was working in his favor.

"I wouldn't want to both—" you still oppose.

"—it's no bother," Chris chuckles at you, and opens his arm, indicating for you to hold it as he leads you back to his car.

Halfway to his car parked outside the house, he looks over at you, his hands still buried in his pockets because if they weren't he'd reach up and kiss you.

But wouldn't want to scare you away.

"Truth is I don't want to stop talking with ya," he whispers, watching your cheeks heat.

The car ride is filled with laughs, and smiles as you get to know Chris more.

When you arrived to your street you were sad that the night was ending, you wanted to keep hanging out with him you just didn't know how to tell him that.

Chris steps out of his car once you pointed to which house was yours.

"Chris..." he knew what you were going to say.

"Don't say it," he laughs, and shakes his head, "do not. I mean it!" He playfully points at you and laughs lightheartedly.

You stay silent and let him walk you to your door. Exchanging soft expressions and a dazed grin.

You find the courage inside you to perch on your toes and kiss his cheek, "it was nice meeting you, Uncle Chris."

Chris's lips curl upwards, his sun kissed cheeks a bright pink as you pulled away, "I was wondering if you wanted to keep meeting me...all of me..."

Your brows tighten, confused at his choice of words.

"...over dinner, of course, wherever you want. I didn't mean for it to sound that way. God did that sound stupid? That was so stupid." He doubts himself which makes you laugh.

"I'd love to have dinner with you," you understand where he was heading with that, you touch his forearm briefly to calm him somehow.

After exchanging numbers, he makes sure you head inside before starting the walk back to his parked car.

Smiling like a devilish little boy, he's so freaking excited to keep seeing you, and texting you.

Some would call his next move desperate, but he just can't get you out of his head, not when you're already establishing territory over his heart — this early.

Your phone dings with a text as you start your shower to head to bed.

Unknown number: Hey it's Uncle Chris.

You planned on texting him tomorrow, with a good morning message, but if you thought you were starting to know Chris as well as you did, he was probably sitting in his car outside your place not being able to wait, and thinking of what to text you.

Changing his contact name to his name another message of his comes through.

Chris: Not your Uncle Chris, I meant Stella's Uncle.

Chris: The guy you were speaking with the majority of the night. The one who just dropped you off.

Chris shakes his head at the messages, what was happening to him? What were these words? This new way of speaking to women?

You simply giggle at his panicked messages, you can hear his doubtful voice without even having to see him.

You: I'd never forget the sweet guy who dropped me off and saved me from walking home in the rain.

Chris: That's me :)

Chris: Now tell me...what's your favorite restaurant?

a/n: imagine meeting Chris and having him fall instantly in love ugh a dream! ☹️❤️ I hope you guys liked this fluffy request, made for a very special reader and friend of mine, love you girl! 💕✨

All other requests are being written and worked on 🫶 thank you guys so much for your patience and support, ILY! 💕❤️💕❤️💕

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