✔Doomsday Crystal Bracelet

By prince05026

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Author: Zhaixingzhuzhu Category: Online Games Science Fiction Novel Link : https://m.shubaow.net/274/274717/ ... More



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By prince05026

Chapter 176 Chaos

Shen Ganlan opened her eyes in a daze, and she felt discomfort in her back. She tried to twist her body, but found that she was lying straight on the ground, with a few small stones on her back, which made her uncomfortable. Shen Ganlan rubbed her dizzy head, and slowly straightened her body, but before she could take a look at the environment she was in, Fang Li's crying sound came from her mind, followed by a commotion in her brain , all kinds of cries for help from the crowd came intermittently: Lei Peng, Yin Hua, Lu Dayou, Zhou Shuhui, Yang Liu...

Listening, Shen Ganlan's heart gradually sank.

She clenched her hands into fists, so bad that she didn't expect that she would faint. She quickly called up the space map in her mind. Fortunately, Lei Peng only deviated from the original position by a little distance since she fell into a coma, and then stayed in the fixed position without moving.

Yin Hua and Zhou Shuhui's two people can be seen in Shen Ganlan's space map and they have been circling crazily in place. As soon as Shen Ganlan woke up, she immediately stopped their meaningless behavior and asked them to do the same. Like Lei Peng, stay where you are and don't move.

The worst situation is the pair of Lu Dayou and Yang Liu. According to the news from Yang Liu and Lu Dayou at this moment, after losing Shen Ganlan's guidance, the two of them broke into a cave full of vines Among them, at this moment, both of them have been entangled by vines, and they are tensing up a little bit, and they are slowly dragging them into the tree hole. They have tried thousands and thousands of methods, but they couldn't untie the vines. Instead, the branches on their bodies became tighter and tighter, and they were in a state of being strangled to death. If Shen Ganlan didn't go to rescue them again, I'm afraid they might not even find their corpses in the future.

On the contrary, Fang Li, who had been crying all the time, explained what happened intermittently under the comfort of Shen Ganlan. It turned out that not long after they left, a dense cluster of light red velvet flowers suddenly flew over the camp. Although there were demons involved, like Sun Zongwu and Fang Li, everyone in the military department didn't know what harm they would bring, so they just watched the velvet flowers drifting closer and closer with vigilance. It wasn't until the red velvet flowers floated over the camp that they realized that it was too late to escape.

When the group of velvet flowers condensed like a red cloud falls, even a little bit of it touches a person's body, and it is extremely painful. First, there are bursts of itching, and then a needle-like pain, as if bitten by thousands of ants. Bite, no one can reach. Suddenly, when this red cloud enveloped the camp, the entire base was in chaos.

Fang Li saw that the soldier next to her who was talking and laughing with her suddenly sprayed a fallen velvet flower on his cheek and immediately fell to the ground in pain, so she knew something was wrong. She informed Shen Ganlan and others While immediately getting into the sleeping bag next to him, zipped it up, and even hid his head in it, but still half-refusing to run around, curled up straight in place.

Seeing Fang Li's quick response, Sun Zongwu couldn't help admiring the little girl's quick response. With her ability as an ordinary person, she was able to run around without any danger along the way. Every time something happens, I can react quickly and hide well, and my ability to never bring everyone a drag is really superior to those with supernatural powers like myself.

Immediately, Sun Zongwu followed suit and immediately grabbed the nearest sleeping bag and got into it. But before they were lucky for a few minutes, the velvet flowers that fell on the body, the ground, and the sleeping bags of Sun Zongwu and Fang Li suddenly caught fire. Immediately, the person who fell to the ground and rolled in itching and pain before was instantly swallowed up by the flaming flames, as if he had seen those people who poured oil on their bodies and self-mutilated to protest, the scene in the camp suddenly changed. It's like hell. There were cries of pain one after another. Sun Zongwu and Fang Li, who were hiding in their sleeping bags, saw their own sleeping bags on fire, and they got out again in fright. At this moment, they missed Shen Ganlan's water ability very much.

But it was still Shen Ganlan's silence that answered their call for help. By this time, even a fool should know that something happened to Shen Ganlan. Immediately, Sun Zongwu felt that the burden on his body became heavier in an instant.

Although everyone didn't say it at the time, they all knew in their hearts that those who stayed in the camp were the safest, but they didn't expect that Shen Ganlan and his group had just left, and a sudden change occurred, and the camp became a sea of ​​flames. A water-type power user is putting water to try to put out the fire, but compared to the shocking waves released by Shen Ganlan's second-level or pseudo-third-level water power ability, their first-level low-level or intermediate-level water can only be said to be a drop in the bucket. It doesn't help at all. Several water-type supernatural beings were also hit by velvet flowers, and fell to the ground, unable to care for themselves, how could they get up to rescue other people.

And at this moment, Sun Zongwu, as a fire-type supernatural being, was keenly aware that the crimson velvet flower floating in the air at this moment, which was much larger than the other velvet flowers, seemed to be the culprit that caused the sea of ​​flames. After Shen Ganlan killed the old locust tree that time, she told them that mutated plants also have crystal nuclei, but the hiding place of their crystal nuclei is very strange, not in any part of any plant, but In a vital plant in the midst of a vast expanse of vegetation. But now, Sun Zongwu looked at the huge crimson velvet flower, and he was sure that it was the key to controlling the other flying velvet flowers. With a

decision in his mind, Sun Zongwu immediately sent out the fire ability to move towards the deep red velvet flower. The red velvet flower shoots away. But I didn't expect that the velvet flower would not dodge or dodge, and even absorbed the fireball shot by Sun Zongwu in one gulp, becoming even bigger, and then flew towards Sun Zongwu as if there was no one else around.

Seeing this, Sun Zongwu turned around and fled immediately, but as soon as he moved, he found Fang Li shivering behind him. Sun Zongwu hurriedly went to pull her, but Fang Li shook his head in a very twisted manner: "No, I promised Senior Kalan not to wander around." "

Fool, you will die if you stay here." He turned towards Fang Li. Li shouted and saw that the crimson velvet flower was getting closer and closer.

Seeing that Fang Li still refused to back down, he stomped his legs and sighed, "That's all." Turning his head, a stern look appeared in his eyes, and he rushed towards the ball of tinder flowers

. Seeing Sun Zongwu collided with the velvet flower that had turned into a ball of fire, and then a shocking scene happened, the velvet rushed into Sun Zongwu's body, Fang Li screamed and passed out...

"What about now?" Shen Ganlan hurriedly asked.

With tears in her eyes, Fang Li cried, "I don't know. When I woke up, Big Brother Sun was sitting cross-legged on the ground with a very painful expression on his face, but the ball of tinder had disappeared. Company Commander Hou told me that since then After the fluff of tinder melted into Big Brother Sun's body, the flames that were burning before were gradually extinguished, and now everyone is tidying up the scene and burying their comrades..." Shen Ganlan nodded: "Okay, I understand."


tried Connected to Sun Zongwu's brain waves, but found that the fluctuations over there were extremely violent. Shen Ganlan tried to slowly integrate her mental power into it to help Sun Zongwu stabilize. Not long after, I heard Sun Zongwu's weak voice slowly sounding in Shen Ganlan's mind: "Is it Ganlan? I'm fine, you can go help others, don't worry, Fang Li and I haven't moved. We still In the old seat."

Shen Ganlan choked up when she heard the words, she withdrew the mental power that had entered Sun Zongwu's brain, and said with tears: "Okay, don't worry. We will be back soon." Shen Ganlan withdrew her words

to Sun Zongwu and In response to Fang Li's concern, she told Yin Hua, Lei Peng and others about the situation of Lu Dayou and Yang Liu, and sent them a screenshot of the space map, telling everyone to go to the west where Lu Dayou and Yang Liu were trapped. Go ahead, rush to rescue them both.

Yin Hua, Zhou Shuhui, and Lei Peng all expressed their acceptance. Shen Ganlan got up, only to realize that Zhen Hanzi, who had been very close to her before, was gone by her side. She was startled, but knew that now there was no time for sentimentality. As the captain of Team Hope, she is also the person in charge who put all her efforts into proposing this plan. Now that she has put her teammates in danger because of her sudden coma, she can no longer care about Zhen Hanzi who suddenly disappeared.

Before he fell into a coma, Zhen Hanzi's cold, emotionless eyes flashed into Shen Ganlan's mind again: Has he recovered his memory?

Shen Ganlan shook her head, trying to restrain herself so that she would not think about him anymore. Just subconsciously still trying to search for traces of Zhen Hanzi in the space map, but there is no trace of Zhen Hanzi within the vast range of 500 kilometers of the space map. Shen Ganlan smiled: What's the matter, I don't even remember that he taught me to use my mental power? If Zhen Hanzi wanted to leave him, then with his ability, he would naturally have a way to avoid his spiritual search and prevent her from finding it.

Just thinking about it, Shen Ganlan couldn't help but feel a little empty in her heart. Zhen Hanzi, who had been clinging to her like a puppy before, suddenly disappeared and never pestered herself again. This should have been her wish, but at this moment... Shen Ganlan I rubbed my slightly swollen and sore eyes, waved my hand, forget it, don't think about that person anymore, let's hurry up and save Lu Dayou and Yang Liu.

She kept reminding Lei with more space maps along the way. Peng, Yin Hua, and Zhou Shuhui adjusted their direction so as not to go the wrong way, and hurried to the west at the same time. Just when she was able to see the cave that Lu Dayou and Yang Liu were talking about, Sun Zongwu's pleasantly surprised voice suddenly came from her mind: "Kanlan, I have risen to the second level."

Huhu~~ Finally reached 9000 words Alright, let's thank pangyb for the update ticket, otherwise I will definitely not update three times today. Resume the second or first update from tomorrow, rest, take a rest~~()

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven
Shen Ganlan was taken aback when she heard the words, and when she realized it, she immediately thought that it might be due to the cluster of mutated velvet flowers fused into Sun Zongwu's body. According to Fang Li's introduction, the mutated velvet flower is also a fire-type mutated flower, which just fits Sun Zongwu's ability. The two merged before, and there may be little difference in energy between each other. Brother Sun was sitting cross-legged on the ground and was fighting against it, but later he got the help of his pseudo-third-level spiritual power, breaking through and absorbing the fire ability of the mutated velvet flower in one fell swoop, and succeeded. The advanced level is the second level, it can be said that blessing and misfortune depend on each other!

She gathered herself together, congratulated Brother Sun, and asked him to take good care of Fang Li and stay where she was as a coordinate. Shen Ganlan briefly told him about the trapping of Lu Dayou and Yang Liu, and told Brother Sun that they would not be able to go back for the time being, and please help Company Commander Hou clean up the camp after the war.

Shen Ganlan listened to Brother Sun's promise, and ran all the way and finally came to the outside of the cave where Lu and Yang were dragged into.

Shen Ganlan stood outside and looked around. The space map in her brain showed that the nearest Lei Peng was about three or four hundred meters away, while Yin Hua and Zhou Shuhui were about a thousand meters away. Shen Ganlan thought for a while, and then heard Lu Dayou's cry for help in her mind, knowing that there was no room for further delay, so she made a quick decision, greeted everyone, and decided to sneak in alone first.

This time, she has raised her vigilance to the extreme, planning to hide in the portable space immediately if something goes wrong, and never make the mistake of being stunned by thorns again.

Shen Ganlan followed the little light coming in from the outside, felt the rock wall and walked inside. The almost straight walkway on both sides was so deep that he could not see the bottom. skidding. But there is no water below, so I don't know where the moisture comes from.

As she continued down, a strong wind blew in front of her, which almost knocked Kale down. She ran down a few steps, and suddenly there was a roar in her ears, and she had walked out of the secret passage and came to a river beach. At the same time, a rushing underground river appeared in front of my eyes.

This underground river is about as wide as a basketball court, and the ceiling of the cave is about ten meters high. The left and right sides extend infinitely, and it leads to nowhere. There are no stalactites on the top of the cave, but the surrounding stones have become smooth after years of washing. Looking at the scale of the cave, I know it was not artificially dug.

The water flow is very fast. The loud sound of the water I heard just now is because the structure of the cave here is like a loudspeaker, amplifying the sound of the flowing water. She walked in the middle and found that the water temperature was quite high, and it was a bit difficult to get down. , and the further I went, the deeper the water was, and I didn't reach my knees in a few steps, so I quickly retreated.

There should be a rock vein here, just like the blood vessels in the human body, it is the blood vessels of the mountain. Shen Ganlan looked at the two sides, and found that the underground rivers on both sides seemed to be shrinking, and the width gradually became smaller. On the rock walls on both sides of the river on the left, there were many vines hanging down. Two people, Yang Liu, were tied in.

When Shen Ganlan saw these vines, she knew how powerful they were, so she didn't dare to push them too hard. She just took off her clothes and turned into a water shape, and then hovered along the periphery of the vines. After swimming for another twenty or thirty meters, she saw the dying man. Lu and Yang tied under a giant tree.

Among the two, Yang Liu's condition is particularly bad, his face is gray and sunken in the vines, only one face is left exposed, and all the limbs of his body are covered by the vines. Shen Ganlan observes carefully and finds that the vines The barbs that were as thin as fluff had pierced her whole body. It looked very similar to how she was stabbed by thorns at that time, but she was rescued by Zhen Hanzi at that time... Shen Ganlan looked sad when she thought of Zhen

Hanzi For a moment, but quickly focused on the tricky situation before him. She looked carefully, those barbs seemed to be continuously absorbing the energy from Yang Liu's body, she saw Yang Liu's body gradually weakened, not only was it weak, it seemed that even struggling became difficult, almost unconsciously Twitched. And Lu Dayou's situation wasn't too good, but it was slightly better than Yang Liu, whose vitality was gradually disappearing.

Shen Ganlan didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly condensed out of the water, a water blade immediately aimed at the thickest vine that bound Yang Liu's body and chopped it off, mixed with the strong wind, the vine shrank suddenly after being hit , let go of Yang Liu, but waved and flew towards Shen Ganlan. Since the last time she fell into the path of thorns, she had already prepared herself, so before the vines moved, she jumped a few steps away, and then shot out another water blade.

This time it was hit solidly, and the vines that were as thick as the human thigh were broken and fell into the water. Shen Ganlan didn't wait for it to jump up again, released a poisonous mist, and directly shot a huge gun towards the broken vine, rushing it far away. In this way, Shen Ganlan gained experience and knew the tricks of these mutated plants, so she gradually became handy, and the vines wrapped around Yang Liu's body also gradually decreased.

At this moment, Lei Peng also rushed over. Shen Ganlan explained the attack methods of these mutated plants in her mind. If you run into it rashly, it's certainly something to worry about, but since Shen Ganlan has gained experience and knows how to deal with it, it's naturally easy to deal with it.

With the help of Lei Peng, a second-level lightning power user, the speed of the two of them has undoubtedly been greatly accelerated. When Yin Hua and Zhou Shuhui feel it, Shen Ganlan and the others will be even more powerful. Seeing that the victory was in sight and the vines tied to Lu and Yang could be cut down, a voice suddenly sounded in Shen Ganlan's mind: "Ganlan, where are you, come and save me!" Shen Ganlan just condensed

out The water blade suddenly exploded in her hand, creating a violent airflow. Seeing this, Lei Peng quickly gave her a hand and asked, "What's wrong with you?

" Authentic: "It's Zhen Hanzi, something happened to him."

Only then did Lei Peng, Yin Hua, and Zhou Shuhui realize that Zhen Hanzi, who had been by Shen Ganlan's side, hadn't been here before. They didn't even realize it before. This can only be blamed on Zhen Hanzi's low sense of presence. If it wasn't for Shen Ganlan's performance in front of Shen Ganlan, everyone in the team would have treated him like Fang Li, and Fang Li was still there. Get closer to everyone. Zhen Hanzi was indeed the last to join in. If it wasn't for Shen Ganlan's relationship, they would not have taken in such a useless amnesiac with unknown origin.

Lei Peng and the others knew about the relationship between Shen Ganlan and Zhen Hanzi just before they set off, so seeing Shen Ganlan's confused expression at this time, he thought that the relationship between the two of them was really good. The girlfriend's Shen Ganlan will naturally be out of her mind.

Yin Hua took a look at the situation here, and persuaded Shen Ganlan, "Why don't you go to him first? Lu Dayou and Yang Liu are enough to have the three of us here. We rescued the two of them, and we will Come and join you."

Shen Ganlan was still struggling in her heart, when Zhen Hanzi's voice sounded again in her brain: "Ganlan, Ganlan, don't you want me? Why are you ignoring me?"

Shen Ganlan's heart swayed, so pitiful The tone of his voice is clear that only Zhen Hanzi who has lost his memory can tell it, and it is by no means the man who had endless killing intent in his eyes before he fainted. Hasn't he recovered his memory yet?

Shen Ganlan's heart softened for no reason. The scenes of the intimate contact between the two flashed in her mind, from the innocent and poor Zhen Hanzi who she picked up in the warehouse in the Eastern District; when he told herself his name, she laughed at him loudly; Zhen Hanzi pressed herself against the wall In the scene of a forced kiss, he said "I love you" to himself... and the last time Zhen Hanzi used his spiritual power to save himself from the attack of thorns.

Shen Ganlan shook her head, no matter whether that person was the Zhen Hanzi she knew or not, she owed him, and she still had to pay it back. Shen Ganlan was certain in her heart, and solemnly nodded to Yin Hua, Zhou Shuhui and Lei Peng: "Okay, I'll go and have a look, and I'll leave this place to you. Remember, if you can't contact me for the time being, you'd rather stay where you are than Don't move around, and don't move around. I'll contact you as soon as I'm free."

Yin Hua and the others nodded and said, "Understood, let's go."

Shen Ganlan glanced at Lu, who had gradually revealed her whole body from the vines. Dayou and Yang Liu turned around and strode away. At this moment, she didn't dare to think about how she could rescue him so easily from an opponent like Zhen Hanzi who was no match for a man with mysterious strength. She just remembered that she must save him, save him

Shen Ganlan galloped through the woods, constantly moving towards the direction where Zhen Hanzi's white light was. At this moment, she realized that she could rediscover his traces again. It was just why the white light representing Zhen Hanzi was different from the gray dots she noticed before. Dot the group stay together? A trace of doubt floated in Shen Ganlan's heart . She used her

telepathic ability to communicate with Zhen Hanzi again and asked: "What's wrong with you?" Rolling her eyes, she was finally sure that this Zhen Hanzi had come back again, and her words were so pointless, she coughed heavily: "Speak to the point." Zhen Hanzi said aggrievedly: "I don't know, I was still with you before . Then when I woke up, I suddenly found that I had lost all my spiritual power, and was tied up and thrown in a place I had never been before. Woohoo, those people are so fierce. I said Kalan, you will come to save me, ask After knowing your name, they promised not to kill me, and let me contact you as soon as possible. Wuwuwu, Ganlan, I'm so scared." Shen Ganlan froze for a moment, and then sorted out the clues from Zhen Hanzi's inexplicable words. It seems that Zhen Hanzi did not fully recover his memory, but somehow he recovered part of his memory when he used his mental power to help him get out of trouble, or the original owner of his body regained control of this body. So this also makes sense, why did Zhen Hanzi leave the unconscious self after saving himself, and leave without saying goodbye. But for some unknown reason, the person with the cold eyes quickly disappeared again, and the pure Zhen Hanzi regained consciousness, still didn't remember what happened before, but was intercepted and tied up by the group of gray powers. And these people should know her, and they may even come for her. Otherwise, they wouldn't stop killing Zhen Hanzi as soon as they heard their name, and then think of them knowing that they have the ability of telepathy, so that Zhen Hanzi can contact him through the air. Shen Ganlan can almost be sure that this group of supernatural beings represented by gray dots is definitely the mysterious team that has been embarrassing her along the way

At the moment, Shen Ganlan's first thought was not whether this was a trap set by Zhen Hanzi for herself, but to immediately inform the rest of Team Hope of her news and considerations.

The war is imminent ()

Chapter 178 Stripping and Body Searching

After Shen Ganlan discovered the traces of the group of people, she did not rush in to rescue Zhen Hanzi in a hurry, but carefully counted the number of the other party. Six gray dots, fortunately, even if it was really like Zhou Shuhui's case, there was a third-level supernatural person in it, and if the remaining five were all second-level, at this moment, I would not be afraid of them on my side.

Shen Ganlan did some calculations. Except for Big Brother Sun and Fang Li who had to stay in the same place as the designated spot, Lei Peng, Yin Hua, Zhou Shuhui, Lu Dayou and herself were all second-level supernatural beings in the team, so there happened to be five people . What about that third-order superhuman?

Shen Ganlan frowned.

Or she simply jumped in, pretending to be invincible and deliberately let them catch them, and then after seeing Zhen Hanzi, she pulled him and hid in the portable space together. Anyway, Zhen Hanzi knew some of his secrets a long time ago, and he didn't care if he discovered one more thing, but he didn't know if this portable space could pull people in. Don't expose his secrets in the end, but fail to rescue people.

Shen Ganlan has a splitting headache. Although there are many plans in front of her, they all seem to have their own shortcomings. She got even more headaches for a while, and couldn't figure out what method to use in the end.

I was struggling here, and a strange voice suddenly flashed in my mind: "Shen Ganlan Captain Shen, don't you know if you can hear my voice?

" The voice continued: "Since the people have come, why hide behind the bushes?"

Shen Ganlan didn't move, but there was a chill in her eyes, even though she was still hundreds of meters away from the place where the gray spots gathered , but her gaze seemed to be looking directly at the speaker through the layers of trees.

If what he said is true, then all the calculations I have made before will be useless, but if he is just deceiving himself...

But before Shen Ganlan can make a decision, Zhen Hanzi's voice suddenly sounds in his mind: "Kanlan Be careful. One of them has already teleported to your side."

Shen Ganlan was taken aback, and immediately flew up immediately after making a decisive decision. As soon as she moved, she saw a faint of a figure.

"Captain Shen, please."

Shen Ganlan squinted her eyes, staring at this figure that appeared from the void, another spatial ability user? It's just why he gave himself a more terrifying feeling than when he saw Luankong. Who is this mysterious team composed of?

"Don't make the captain wait any longer, he has a bad temper." The faint shadow said in a calm voice, but the light in his eyes showed an aggressive prestige.

The moment Shen Ganlan hesitated, three or four figures slowly walked out from her side, some men and some women, forming a pincer attack and surrounding her. At this moment, even if I want to run, I can't run away.

Shen Ganlan smiled, and followed them generously. At this moment, she really wants to see who is this "captain" who has only heard about but never met, who can send such a big team to greet her?

Seeing Shen Ganlan walking forward slowly as if going on an outing, the men and women who surrounded Shen Ganlan also began to move slowly, but their expressions showed a strong vigilance, watching Shen Ganlan very closely direction of progress.

Faced with this situation, Shen Ganlan didn't panic, her face was calm, but she quickly calculated in her heart. She first gave an order to Yin Hua, Lu Dayou and the others, telling them not to approach rashly and stay on the periphery to wait for orders. Seeing that this group of people were clearly prepared, Shen Ganlan didn't want her people to be wiped out, but ordered Lei Peng and Yin Hua, who were stronger among the remaining people, to help out, and let Zhou Shuhui protect her just now out of danger. Lu Dayou and Yang Liu hid in the cave to restore their strength as soon as possible.

Now is not the time to save crystal nuclei, Lei Peng obeyed Shen Ganlan's order and agreed to leave most of the crystal nuclei on his body to Lu Dayou and Yang Liu whose energy had been sucked away for them to quickly recover their strength. And himself and Yin Hua rushed to the outlying location designated by Shen Ganlan, lay in ambush quietly, and waited for Shen Ganlan's further orders.

On the other side, Shen Ganlan also notified Fang Li and Sun Zongwu, asking them to tell Company Commander Hou that they were ready to attack with heavy weapons at any time.

After she quickly dispatched and arranged everything in her mind, Shen Ganlan had unknowingly arrived at the outskirts of the woods, and finally met this "Captain" who had been chanted thousands of times.

"Captain Shen, it's really not easy to meet you," the long-haired man spoke first when he saw Shen Ganlan's arrival.

Shen Ganlan just smiled when she heard the words: "It's all about each other." She glanced at Zhen Hanzi who was firmly tied up and thrown on the ground, "Since the captain has seen me, can my friend be let go?"

The captain, however, smiled: "Captain Shen is a smart man, and everyone knows that people don't speak dark words. The people under me didn't live up to it, and went to trouble Captain Shen without authorization, so I don't care about anything if something goes wrong. It's just..." He looked directly into Shen Ganlan's eyes and said slowly, "Captain Shen should know what those people are looking for. Just now I tried to connect with you in my consciousness, although you didn't answer, but since you can find it Come here, friend, hey, Kong Zhihao's green crystal bracelet should be in your hands, right? And it looks like you're using it well, am I right, Captain Shen?" Since Shen Ganlan dared to use it, it's so

early I was ready to be seen through, but I didn't expect the captain to see it so soon. She originally planned to use the same rhetoric to Hokage and Luankong to fool her, but now it seems that she is thinking too easily. After all, it is difficult to fool the "captain", but Shen Ganlan has no intention of being discouraged, and still smiles plainly: "So what if you are, so what if you are not?" The captain smiled slightly: "If yes, please Shen

Ganlan The captain obediently took out the green crystal bracelet. In fact, I didn't deny that I had murderous intentions towards Captain Shen before. But I didn't expect Captain Shen to be so powerful and kill five of my subordinates in a row. I love talents. So Captain Shen doesn't have to worry, I will be the one who will be the one to cross the river and tear down the bridge. As long as Captain Shen promises to hand over the green crystal bracelet, then I will allow him to join my team and keep you safe. If not ..." The captain smiled sinisterly, "Captain Shen, might as well try to see if your ability can still be used?"

Shen Ganlan frowned when she heard the words: "What do you mean?" Although she asked like this, she was already terrified in her heart, and immediately activated her ability. Does the captain have any means to restrain his ability? After just a try, a look of panic finally appeared on her face. Her ability... Her ability really can't be used

. The very proficient water system ability can't even condense a drop of water. Before, let alone a drop of water, wherever the mind reaches, even if it is the amount of water in a river pond, she can draw it casually, but now... ...

Shen Ganlan was used to using supernatural powers, and felt helpless and scared for the first time. She immediately tried to connect to her portable space with her mind, intending to escape in if the situation was not good. At this moment, she would not hesitate to be exposed, but what frightened her again was that even before she had no supernatural powers, she could try all kinds of things. At this moment, her portable space seemed to have never existed before, and she had no connection with her at all. Even if she communicated countless times with her thoughts, there was still no response.

Shen Ganlan finally panicked, her heart sank, and she looked at the strange faces in front of her with anxiety.

Seeing the constant changes in Shen Ganlan's face, the captain laughed loudly: "Captain Shen, you should understand what I mean by now, right?" He approached Shen Ganlan, pressed Shen Ganlan's chin, his eyes were full of evil spirits , "Now you have become an ordinary person who is slaughtered by mermaids. This feeling is uncomfortable when you fall down heavily after being used to being a high-ranking supernatural being?" "As long as you take

out the green crystal bracelet and join my Team, I'll let you restore your previous strength immediately, how about it?"

Shen Ganlan looked directly at the captain's slender Danfeng eyes, and sneered secretly in her heart: Hmph, now my portable space is closed, and the green crystal bracelet can't be taken out at all. I see what you can do.

"The green crystal bracelet is not on me." Shen Ganlan said calmly.

"Impossible" the captain resolutely denied, "Let me tell you one more thing, Kong Zhihao joined my team before he died. I know the function of the green crystal bracelet very well. If it is not on your body now, you It was impossible to find here just now."

Shen Ganlan sneered: "Yes, it was still on me just now. But Zhen Hanzi reminded me that after some of you teleported over, I immediately hid the crystal bracelet under a tree next to me. Now I have come, but the bracelet Still stay in that forest. If you want, let me restore my abilities, and I will take you in to get them." She paused, "Ordinary people in that place may die at any time. Captain, you probably don't want me to Going into this weird forest without defense, can I find you a crystal bracelet before being killed by those mutated plants? You know, the forest is so big, and only I know where I hid the bracelet? "

The answer to Shen Ganlan was the captain's slap in the face: "Jianhua, you don't want to toast and not eat fine wine."

Shen Ganlan, who has lost her power, is of course not the opponent as the captain of the third-order power user at this time. Even though the captain was just an ordinary man, that slap made Shen Ganlan fall to the ground all of a sudden, and his cheeks became red and swollen instantly.

"Humph, come, search her first." The captain looked at Shen Ganlan with a disgusted expression, and he said coldly to Shen Ganlan, "Since Captain Shen refuses to give me face, then I don't have to give you any more face." It's gone."

He turned to the military adviser and said, "Find the two rudest men in the team and strip her naked for me, I want to see if she has that green crystal bracelet hidden on her body" ()

Chapter 179 Is it Japanese?

"Wait a minute" The military adviser who had been watching coldly from the sidelines suddenly stopped him. He leaned close to the captain and whispered a few words into his ear. Although Shen Ganlan wanted to listen carefully, she couldn't understand the meaning. A few words flashed by quickly, and it didn't look like Chinese in a trance, it seemed to be...Shen Ganlan raised her ears, frowned and listened intently, that was...she was dumbfounded, it turned out to be R Wen and the

others Who is it?

"They are from country R." Zhen Hanzi, who had been lying on the ground before, suddenly said.

Shen Ganlan was taken aback when she heard the words, and took a quick look at Zhen Hanzi: "Can you understand R?"

Zhen Hanzi nodded, not because he could understand, but because of the artificial intelligence chip in his brain, which can automatically translate five languages ​​on the earth. There are more than a thousand languages, including those that are only used by thousands or even hundreds of people, such as the aboriginal Indian languages ​​in America, the Oroqen language in country Z, and the Hezhen language. In comparison, Shen Ganlan can only be heard Knowing a few Japanese words of hello, me, hello, everyone, Zhen Hanzi's Japanese level is already so good that it is no different from a real R country.

Hearing that the man lying on the ground said that he could understand R, the captain glanced at him with a strange look, and then said: "ね え , 今日っ て 今日 だ っ け?" Zhen Hanzi replied naturally: "

:えーっと, 今日は------12日か.しいと, たまに日にちがわからなくなるとき, あるわね." After the two answered, the captain nodded to the military division and said in Chinese:

" Since he can understand R language, there is no point in switching to R language for conversation, we should speak Z Mandarin."

Shen Ganlan was stunned when she saw that Zhen Hanzi could speak fluent R language, and then reacted. The expressions and conversations of the captain and the military adviser, and thinking about their identities and nationalities, suddenly felt a movement in her heart, thinking of a possibility, she couldn't help but blurted out: "Reviving the Army, you are the Restoring Army of Country R."

The military adviser and the captain looked at each other, and suddenly smiled at Shen Ganlan: "You are very knowledgeable." He admitted generously, "Now that you know everything, I will ask you again, are you willing to join us?

" Anger, even the last bit of perfunctory is unwilling to act. When she entered the Lingnan base, especially after she met her cousin Shen Yuyi, she more or less came into contact with some upper-level figures in the base, and many world events also reached her ears one after another.

Among them, the National Restoration Army, which has made a lot of noise, is one of them.

After the zombie virus broke out, the whole world fell into a panic. Countries with large inland territories like country Z and country U are fine. Although the government has temporarily lost direct control over most of the territory, the military regions scattered across the country have urgently established large base cities. Although country Z today It doesn't have centralized rule over the whole country like it did at the beginning, but in general, all parts of the country are still controlled by the central government through loose connections. But Country R is different.

It was originally a small country in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by oceans. After the outbreak of the zombie virus, all the important cities with a large population in R were reduced to ghost towns overnight. Then after that black rain, the animals mutated, directly dragging country R into the abyss of extinction.

The variation of animals on land is not bad. After all, with the expansion of urbanization and the deterioration of the environment, the animals that can move within the territory of country Z, except for the large and ferocious animals kept in the zoo, the rest of the mutant animals Most are also mutated from domesticated livestock and pets. But the animals in the ocean are different. Originally, the giant monsters hidden in the depths of the ocean acquired special abilities one by one, and they took revenge on the survivors of those island countries first. The mutated whales, sharks, and dolphins that were hunted and killed by the people of country R in the past have all evolved supernatural powers, and they can even leave the water for a short time and attack the island country.

Of course, it's not just country R, ​​even the coastal areas of country Z have gradually been abandoned after undergoing animal mutations, and the human defense line has gradually withdrawn to the inland. And country R finally encountered the end of the country's destruction not long ago because the resources on the land were exhausted and the sea was besieged by various monsters.

However, judging from the information obtained from various large government bases, there are still some supernatural experts from country R who have escaped. They are active in the neighboring country of country R, ​​that is, country Z where Shen Ganlan lives, but their ultimate goal is to re-establish their country R in country Z, and continue their country on other people's territory.

Of course, this situation has been paid attention and vigilance by the country Z government, but at that time the government of country Z was also faced with the shortage of zombies, mutated animals and plants, and food resources, and was overwhelmed, unable to deal with this small group of people from country R with ulterior motives. Not to mention that a few high-level people were busy fighting for power and profit, and turned a blind eye to the activities of the Restoration Army of Country R in Country Z. They think that there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces in country Z. If you have the ability, you can snatch the territory from the zombies and restore the country. After all, everyone is human, and it is better to fall into the hands of the people of country R than to fall into the hands of zombies.

But the situation is quite different among the middle and lower classes of the public. Although many years have passed since the war between country Z and country R, ​​because country R refused to recognize some historical issues, including the Lingnan massacre, after Shen Ganlan joined the Lingnan base, he visited the Lingnan massacre site particularly outraged. She had heard her grandmother talk about the heinous crimes committed by the army of country R in country Z. As a young man with a conscience, Shen Ganlan couldn't bear the fact that the people of country R were destroying the country now, and even tried to run to Country Z came to rebuild the country.

At that time, the Anti-Japanese War was fought for eight years, and the predecessors fought bloody battles for so many years, but they never allowed the people of R country to invade our territory. Could it be said that now that the country is destroyed, can a country R be re-established in country Z in an open and honest manner?

Regardless of whether it is the end of the world or not, Shen Ganlan can't watch her country's territory being encroached on by others

Seeing the anger in Shen Ganlan's eyes, the captain smiled indifferently: "Hasn't Captain Shen committed an obsession? Actually, how many people still care about the concept of the country until now? Just now there are human beings. At that time, everyone used the family as the unit. Later, with the gradual expansion of social interactions, the concept of tribal race came into being, and then gradually came into being the country. In the early days of human beings, it was the struggle between families, and then it evolved into tribes. The struggle against tribes has been a struggle between countries until now, but have you ever thought about it? This concept has been expanding. Now in the last days, the concept of the country has also declined and may be eliminated by history at any time. Why is Captain Shen still obsessed with the distinction between country Z and country R? I often think, if one day the earth is attacked by aliens, then we should distinguish which country you are from and which country I am from, instead of fighting together Call yourself an Earthling, and come face the aliens together?" (The author has to say, Captain, you are telling the truth)

Shen Ganlan looked at the captain with a sneer on his face: "If this is the case, then why are you so obsessed with restoring the country, Captain? What about it? I think your Z article is almost the same as ours, why don't you just be a Z countryman? Anyway, the concept of country will gradually disappear." The captain's face sank, he looked at

Shen Ganlan and paused: "Don't be shameless. If it weren't for what the military adviser said to persuade me just now, do you think you still have the opportunity to talk to me like this?"

"Captain Shen, I believe in the vision of the military adviser. Since he said that you are a smart person, then I might as well tell you. We will not talk big this time, and we will not talk about the world. I will talk to you about the truth." Real benefits." The captain smiled coldly, "You should also see that my subordinates are not only people from country R, ​​but also many people from country Z. Isn't country Z a good saying? Know current affairs The one is Junjie, now I will give you two ways: First, hand over the green crystal bracelet and join my team. When I led people to leave the motherland, I took away a large number of crystal cores from country R. These crystal cores can be It is not the crystal nucleus of ordinary mutant beasts and zombies in your Z country, but the crystal nucleus of super monsters in the deep sea. Don't you wonder why my subordinate's ability is so superb? It is because of this kind of energy that is particularly rich Crystal nuclei, as long as you are willing to submit to me, I can provide you with these crystal nuclei according to your needs every month, and it will not be a problem to rise to the third and fourth tiers at that time. Those of you from country Z are also willing to do so because of this super crystal nucleus. Those who defected to me, look at them... I dare say that you in the entire Z country at this stage will not be able to find a team composed of second-level and above supernatural powers." He paused, his voice gradually became cold, and looked at

Shen A bit of biting coldness flashed in Gan Lan's eyes, "And the second one... Military division, you might as well tell Captain Shen, what is your ability?" The military division smiled gently, and slowly took a step forward:

" Compared with everyone else, my ability is the most useless, neither can fight nor defend, but..." He smiled even more charmingly, his eyes flashed a charm that is rarely seen among ordinary men, "My ability When I use it, it can make the ability of the supernatural person beside me disappear."

Shen Ganlan looked at the military adviser and frowned: "Could it be that the reason why Zhen Hanzi and I's supernatural power disappeared is because of your relationship?" The

military teacher smiled lightly: "That's right."

When Shen Ganlan heard the words, her mind was spinning rapidly, she suddenly raised her finger and pointed to the captain and asked: "Then now everyone's abilities are gone, even he doesn't have any abilities anymore?" As soon as Shen Ganlan finished speaking, a

metal A solid steel needle suddenly appeared out of thin air and shot at Shen Ganlan. Shen Ganlan subconsciously clasped her arms, trying to condense a water barrier to block it, but she forgot that she had lost her ability at this moment, and she let out a soft cry of "ah", her face There was a stabbing pain in the upper side.

Shen Ganlan stroked her cheek with her right hand, and found that her right cheek had been scratched by the flying steel needle, and the blood flowed down her cheek. She raised her head and glared at the captain.

But the captain just smiled indifferently: "This is a warning to you for disrespecting me several times, and next time it will not be as simple as scratching your little face." He paused

: "I really don't understand why the military division has a crush on you, and even praised you for being smart. I think you are so stupid. He has a second-level ability, and I have a third-level ability. Of course, his ability cannot restrain mine. , but it's just good enough to meet you second-tier ones."

The captain laughed loudly: "Shen Ganlan, you should understand by now, with me and the military division teaming up, there is no opponent under the third-tier. I know When you were at the Lingnan base, you told the upper echelons of the base government about us, but so what? Unless someone in your Lingnan base breaks through the third level, even if you call all the supernatural beings in the entire base , it's just asking them to come and die."

"How about it, I'm waiting for your words now" ()

Chapter 180: Shen Ganlan, Tier 3!

Shen Ganlan frowned, she was about to speak when she heard Zhen Hanzi say to those two people: "Wait a minute, our captain is stubborn, let me try to persuade her again." The military

adviser hesitated for a moment, then looked at Shen Ganlan Counting, but the captain felt good when he saw Zhen Hanzi's fluent Japanese, and he was used to being arrogant, and he hadn't met a more powerful master than him in country Z, so he pretended to be generous. Nodded: "Okay, if you can persuade your captain to be obedient, I will spare your life and let you follow our team. With the energy provided by the deep sea crystal core, I believe you will soon be able to Become a second-tier one. You must know that strength is the most important thing now." When he said the last sentence, the captain turned his head and looked straight at Shen Ganlan.

Shen Ganlan ignored him, but suspected that Zhen Hanzi had something to say to herself.

She glanced at the captain and the military adviser, then slowly walked to Zhen Hanzi and squatted down: "What do you want to say?"

Zhen Hanzi looked at Shen Ganlan who lowered her head, and smiled suddenly, as bright as a star "Kanlan, can you give me a kiss?"

Shen Ganlan was stunned when she heard the words. She didn't know what kind of tricks Zhen Hanzi, who was unreasonable and unreasonable, was going to play. Convince yourself, but take the initiative to kiss him?

Shen Ganlan struggled faintly in her heart. Looking at Zhen Hanzi's smooth and white face, she hesitated for a moment, but she couldn't resist Zhen Hanzi's burning and bright eyes, so she leaned down slightly, her lips approached Zhen Hanzi's face, and exhaled The hot air was blowing on Zhen Hanzi's face, Shen Ganlan's face turned red before she could kiss his cheek, only to hear Zhen Hanzi's deep voice at this moment, the volume was just enough for the two of them who were so close Listen clearly: "Ganlan, are you going to take out what they want?"

Shen Ganlan shook her head slightly, a few strands of hair slid across Zhen Hanzi's cheeks with her body swing, making him itch all the way from his face to the bottom of his heart Li, almost lost his mind for a moment and missed Shen Ganlan's soft whisper: "I can't take it out."

Zhen Hanzi was taken aback for a moment, and didn't bother to study the difference between what she couldn't do and what she didn't want to do. It's just that he had already guessed Shen Ganlan's answer, so he immediately explained the plan he had thought up to Shen Ganlan's ears in detail. Said: "I've studied that man's abilities myself. It's not that he said that he can make other people with abilities disappear. I think it just blocks our spiritual communication.

" I heard the word "spiritual power" from Zhen Hanzi's mouth. Although the hot air blown by Zhen Hanzi's words was in her ears, making her itchy and uncomfortable, but when Zhen Hanzi revealed that there was a way to solve the current predicament, Shen Ganlan immediately woke up and listened intently.

"I told you before that it is the spiritual power that allows us to control our abilities. The relationship between spiritual power and abilities is like the relationship between water and waterwheels. But now the man's ability is like taking A cork was used to block the outlet of the water flow. The size of our second-order spiritual power outlet matches his supernatural cork, and the third-order spiritual power outlet should be larger than his cork. A few points, so he can't block it. But now you have a chance, remember what I told you, your current mental power has actually reached the third level of strength? Before, I thought you would not be able to break through the third level Another reason is that your physical condition is not up to standard, so you were not encouraged to hit the third level before. But now..."

Zhen Hanzi paused: "On the way to the Taicang base, I observed silently and found that your physical fitness seems to be After some kind of strange transformation, he already has the capital to hit Tier 3. The only thing he lacks is the content of supernatural powers in his body. So listen carefully, what you need to do next is to quickly absorb the crystals you have on hand. Core, hit the third level with all your strength in an instant. Of course, the risk of doing so is also very high. Even if you successfully break through the third level, your foundation may be unstable in the future, and you need to spend more energy and time to make up for the blind pursuit of speed now. But this is the only way to defeat these R country people. They now only have a third-level gold-type superhuman who can fight, if you can break through the third level, then you have a chance to escape alive, use your telepathy The superpowers attract Company Commander Hou and the others. Don't forget that although supernatural powers below the third level are useless, Company Commander Hou and the others carry all kinds of heavy weapons with them. When everyone's supernatural powers are all abolished, this advantage is undoubtedly something they don't have .just are you sure you want to do this?"

Shen Ganlan pondered for a moment, then nodded solemnly towards Zhen Hanzi. She reached into her arms with both hands, and now the portable space is temporarily closed and cannot be used. And the only thing on her body that she refused to put into her own space was that bag of crystal nuclei. Originally, I thought that these crystal nuclei would be used in my own cultivation when I was unwilling to be taken away by the portable space to upgrade, but I didn't expect that there was something wrong. At this time, the portable space was sealed, and the only crystal nucleus on hand turned out to be my own. The last life-saving magic weapon.

She has already touched the crystal nucleus hidden in her bosom, and now she does not have the assistance of the white crystal bracelet for the time being. Shen Ganlan felt uneasy, wondering if she could really break through to become a third-order supernatural person in a short period of time as Zhen Hanzi said, and expand her "water outlet" to the point where the "cork" couldn't stop it of water. But this is the last way for herself and Zhen Hanzi to survive. If she fails,

she will close her eyes and concentrate on absorbing the energy of the crystal nucleus. The mental power is only shielded and cannot flow around, but it doesn't mean that Shen Ganlan can't absorb the crystal nucleus. Sure enough, under her full impact, a faint streamer gradually appeared on Shen Ganlan's face.

The military adviser, who had never let down his vigilance against Shen Ganlan and Zhen Hanzi before, had already developed a strong vigilance against the continuous whispering between the two of them before, and later saw the ambiguous expressions of Shen Ganlan and Zhen Hanzi before, and this time he was a little relieved. To his heart's content, he secretly rejoiced that he had good luck, and he would be the target of Shen Ganlan if he just caught anyone, but he didn't expect that he just let down his vigilance, and suddenly saw Shen Ganlan with strange symptoms.

Seeing this military adviser, he didn't care about his appearance and shouted: "What are you doing?"

The captain was awakened by the military adviser's voice. He had endured Shen Ganlan for a long time before, but this time he saw the two people playing tricks to deceive him again, so he couldn't bear it anymore. Can't stop, waved a metal blade with one hand and flew out of thin air

, and shot straight at Shen Ganlan's back. Without a moment of hesitation, the whole body suddenly jumped up and fell on Shen Ganlan's body, heavily blocking the knife for her.

"Zhen Hanzi" Shen Ganlan woke up from her practice and looked at Zhen Hanzi who was pressing on her body. Then she was horrified to find that the second knife of the captain's metal blade had struck again.

Shen Ganlan was shocked and wanted to push Zhen Hanzi away, but unexpectedly, Zhen Hanzi pressed him to the ground, only to hear him crawling on Shen Ganlan's body, and smiled gently into her ear with the last bit of strength: " Leave me alone, absorb the energy quickly"

"No" Shen Ganlan yelled, trying to push Zhen Hanzi away, she felt the blood on Zhen Hanzi's back spread little by little, and even her body that was blocked by him gradually became pale It got wet, the hot temperature and the bright red color dyed the area in front of Shen Kalan's eyes red.

The captain slashed at Zhen Hanzi one after another with a wild grin, and Shen Ganlan, who was pinned down by Zhen Hanzi, could only remember his last gentle words: "Leave me alone, absorb energy quickly" "Leave me alone

, Quickly absorb the energy"

Gradually, Shen Ganlan's eyes have been plunged into a bright red blur: Zhen Hanzi's deep eyes, broad chest, fiery limbs, and his back that has been stabbed like a porcupine... Shen

Ganlan's tears mixed with the blood flowing from Zhen Hanzi's body. The captain looked at Shen Ganlan who was being pressed down by the man, and thought of playing cat and mouse. He overestimated his ability too much, and even ignored the brilliance that gradually became stronger on Shen Kalan's body. He just wanted to watch the woman who had mocked him watch her beloved man slowly tortured to death, draining all his blood. every tear of pain.

Therefore, when the captain continued to slowly stab Zhen Hanzi's body with a ferocious smile, he didn't notice the increasingly cold and powerful breath in Shen Ganlan's eyes.

"Go to hell!"

Lying in the large pool of dark red blood flowing from Zhen Hanzi, the crystal nucleus in Shen Ganlan's arms suddenly burst open, but it did not release any energy that would be produced during the explosion, but the nearly thousand All the crystal nuclei of the block turned into powder in an instant. With a loud roar, she pushed away Zhen Hanzi whose body had gradually cooled down, and stood up again like an avenging angel from hell.

Everyone looked at Shen Ganlan in disbelief and yelled out that oath in a hoarse voice, but no one except the military division took her words as truth.

"Hmph, go to hell? I think the damn thing is why don't you hide behind your little boyfriend? Well, if that's the case, I'll send you to hell together to be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate." The captain finished with a wicked smile, A sharp metal blade condensed in his hand, and swung it at Shen Ganlan again.

Shen Ganlan sneered, only to hear the military adviser shouting suddenly behind her: "No, she is out of my control" and it was too late at this moment, Shen Ganlan's ability had already been activated: the three-dimensional power that no one had ever used before.

Except for the captain with super-level water abilities, all those supernatural beings who followed the captain to the third-tier and below, including military advisers, were driven by Shen Ganlan's supernatural powers, and their bodies gradually shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye . Going down, as if the water in the body was drained by someone, within a few seconds, they all turned into mummies

. Died without any resistance, at this moment Shen Ganlan's deep voice came from beside his ears: "It's your turn..."

Shen Ganlan, who was so brutally killed by Zhen Hanzi and harbored hatred, erupted with powerful strength at this moment, blowing in his body. After absorbing nearly a thousand crystal nuclei in an instant, she didn't even have time to properly digest the energy in her body, but used all of them to attack the

water system ability. After reaching the third level, she finally evolved from "release" to "absorption". The absorption of more than 70% of the water contained in the body, after the human being is completely dehydrated, no matter how powerful your abilities are, it cannot match the direct attack on your body that directly robs your body of water.

What's more, the "ordinary people" who were restrained by the "military adviser" and couldn't use their abilities when Shen Ganlan killed the group of supernatural beings before, they were naturally not Shen Ganlan's opponents who had already fallen into a runaway state. Those who can escape this kind of devouring and absorbing water are probably only the fourth-order and above abilities that are better than Shen Kalan's abilities.

Too bad the captain isn't...

When Shen Ganlan, whose entire consciousness was filled with the heart of killing, used all the energy in her body, and even ignored her own physical condition, to arouse the third-level water system ability with all her strength, the panicked captain didn't even have time to use it. The water in his body was absorbed by Shen Kalan in an instant when he performed his unique trick, but since he is a gold-type supernatural power user of the same level, he must persist longer than ordinary people who have lost their supernatural powers. It's also more painful.

Shen Ganlan smiled and watched the captain watch her body shrivel up little by little in horror, like a dry product that has been gradually drained of water, and died in boundless despair... "Shen Ganlan, remember, we will restore the

country The army will never stop here. If I die alone, there will be tens of thousands of R country people who will come to you for revenge."

Shen Ganlan didn't even bother with the "Captain" who tried to shout some heroic boast before dying glance. At this moment, all of her attention was on Zhen Hanzi.

When I was in junior high school, a good friend told me that in the future, when I look for a boyfriend, I must find someone who is willing to sacrifice his life for me. The word "love" dazzled my head, thinking that I could really find a true love in my life who was willing to sacrifice my life. But when she grew up a little bit at that time, especially the experience after the end of the world, she had already clearly told Shen Ganlan that this kind of love was impossible, and Shen Ganlan had long since ceased to believe that there was still a relationship between a man and a woman. This kind of feeling that can entrust her life, but today... Zhen Hanzi suddenly rushed over, and Shen Ganlan was really shocked by the scene in front of her.

She looked at Zhen Hanzi who was dying in a pool of blood and suddenly burst into tears, not knowing what to do?

what to do?

The telepathic ability of the green crystal bracelet in the brain has been restored, but Zhen Hanzi was injured so badly, and his body was covered with large and small metal blades, the blood that was cut out by the knife probably already exceeded what a normal person can bear. range? Would it still work to call Yin Hua over?

Tears blurred Shen Ganlan's eyes. She looked at the man lying in a pool of blood, wondering when her heart had been completely occupied by him... "

Ganlan, don't cry."

Shen Ganlan was puzzled, she Did you hear me right? Is that... is that really his voice?

he is still alive?

He is still alive

Shen Ganlan suddenly raised his head, staring blankly at the figure slowly getting up from the pool of blood...

Zhen Han scratched his head blankly, looking at Shen Ganlan who was crying into tears with some strangeness. Although I have seen Shen Ganlan's crying skills for a long time, and I was deeply amazed at the water content of this water-type supernatural being, but Zhen Hanzi, who has lived on the earth for a month, naturally did not think that Shen Ganlan was used for a long time. The ability is overused, so it's a simple fool that the ability is broken.

Just looking at Shen Ganlan, whose eyes are red now, staring blankly at him, Zhen Hanzi felt a burst of heartache for no reason. This feeling is really strange, I don't seem to have such a feeling before.

He was slightly embarrassed by Shen Ganlan's stare. His own energy exists in the form of ideology, and the captain's attack naturally has no effect on him, but everything can only be blamed on the fact that the simulation of the X-III alien simulator is too similar.

When the captain pierced his body transformed from the X-III alien simulator for the first time, the artificial intelligence automatically generated a response that fits a human being's injury, and released a large amount of blood. After the amount of blood that a normal human should have was released , it is also very dedicated to adjust Zhen Hanzi's body to the dead body mode, and can only be resurrected and turned on again after five minutes of suspended animation. All this made Zhen Hanzi, who was clearly conscious and knew that he was intact, very helpless, but he couldn't change the program set by the system, so he could only watch himself die tragically and then rise up miraculously, and now he is still alive. Faced with Shen Ganlan who was crying into tears, I still don't know how to explain it to her...

But before Zhen Hanzi could think up his words, suddenly an extremely soft body in front of him threw himself into his arms crying. Zhen Hanzi was taken aback for a moment, looking at the twitching girl who was crying on her shoulder, and was stunned for a few seconds. This is the artificial intelligence in the brain that has derived elementary intelligence and sighed and cursed: "Stupid, at this time You should hug her tightly."

The corner of Zhen Hanzi's mouth twitched, and this artificial intelligence took advantage of the fact that it didn't know what it had found in the water polo network these days, and then it kept talking to him about "Huanzhugege" with great interest. , "Love is deep and rainy", and "Love is the most precious wealth of human beings" and other words that make your teeth sour.


Zhen Hanzi glanced at the girl in his arms, after all he hesitated for a moment, wrapped his hands around her waist clumsily, and then tightly hugged Shen Ganlan in his arms. ()

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