Different worlds

By ArrowArteMiss

628 67 50

As much as you might think, the gods are not omnipotent. Their biggest handicap, for example, is that they c... More

Writer Introduction to the book
1. The Beginning
2. We met at the market
3. Away from everyone's eyes
4. Asked to leave
5. A new departure
6. The city named Numea
7. The eclipse moths
8. A true friend?
9. Seers
10. Assassins
11. Someone is always watching
12. On the hunt
14. The calm before the storm
15. The unforgivable mistake
16. Behind the bars
17. Nighmares
18. Ofsgard
19. Plots in the dwarf nation
20. Revieling discussions
21. Temur
22. Marriage of the lady
23. Whom really was your father?
24. Nobody is perfect

13. Liz

29 2 2
By ArrowArteMiss

POV: Aisha

The lady introduced herself as Elisabeth, but insisted that we call her Liz. Kalatril had grunted, unable of responding properly, whilst I studied the woman as she brought us to a cottage, her's, presumably.
The perks of living in the middle of the forest, in a desert field, was that you almost always didn't have to share with neighbors, Elizabeth's house reflected that perfectly. Although it was dark and that the moon was hidden behind a few clouds, I could see the house and the premises in detail, thanks to my good vision. I took in the most I could escape as fast as I could with Kalatril if needed.
The cottage was made in wood, ash tree probably, (since the south borders of the empire were close to gnome territory) the back and front garden were beautiful and I could clearly spot two pens, animal silhouettes in either one of them.

Elizabeth was still carrying her gun as she pushed the door open, leading directly to the kitchen, dining table and living room. There was a staircase that led to the upper floors and few lamps that were filled with bugs illuminated the room with their spark.

Elizabeth came closer to me and startled me by trying to take Kalatril off my back.
I narrow my eyes at her and she sighs.

-I need to cover his wounds ya know?, she simply said, with her countryside accent.

After judging her intensely, I knock my fist gently on Kalatril's head to get him to wake up, Elizabeth looked at me weird but my technique worked, my dear friend opened his eyes and came to his feet after almost tripping on the ground. Elizabeth told him to sit down on a chair and took out some bandages, alcohol and pills. As she started talking care of the wounds on his head and chest, I heard something. I snap my head towards the stairs, spotting two kids, a eight year old boy and a six year old girl. The boy was holding an exact replica of Elizabeth's gun and was keeping it steady as if ready to shoot anytime. I didn't even need to turn and warn our host and to see Kalatril's worried face, Elizabeth seemed to already be aware.

-Mom, I thought intruders were here, but I see you actually brought guest, his voice was stable and almost sent shivers down my spine.

-Leon, put down the gun, if you fire it, I will have to take you to the nearest apothecary because of the pain of your shattered bones in your arms, her tone was amused signaling that she almost put an 'again' at the end of the phrase.

Leon pouted and the girl next to him ran towards Elizabeth.

-Mommy! You brought guests!, her voice trailed off when she spotted the blood from the hunters smudged on her mother's cheek, Are you hurt? What happened?

As soon as Elizabeth heard the delicate question, she smiled warmly as any mother would. That reassured me.

-I went for a night stroll when I found those two young adults being attacked by a wild boar, I shot him but he got away. I'm not hurt, I'm okay Honora, she answered.

So-called Honora felt relieved and so did I, even if the boar part was a lie, I had a feeling that Elizabeth wouldn't let a hurt animal find a long death in pain and alone after being shot, and the fact that she lied right away for her child to be unaware of what dangers laid in the night helped my judgmental approach to my host.

Elizabeth turned back to Kalatril before packing up the medical kit and put it back where it belonged. She then turned to her two kids.

-Come on, it to bed you go, she told them with a warm smile on her face.

-But mommy! I don't wanna go to bed!, complained Honora.

-It's past your bedtime honey as for you, she turned towards Leon, it isn't gonna be any different.

The serious expression on the elder son washed off, replaced by an annoyed face.

-Mom, we're not kids anymore, won't you please let us have a second dinner with the guests?

Leon then joined his hands together, pouting, desperately trying to persuade his mom. His sister saw him and tried making a replica of the expression, clasping her hands so hard her knuckles became white and making her lower lip quiver as if her life depended on it.
The scene wasn't comical at the point that I would laugh about it, but just enough to make the corner of my eye twitch ever so slightly.

Elizabeth finally gave up with a smile.

-Alright, alright, just know that this doesn't mean your of stable duty tomorrow morning, she said, waving her index at them as they jumped up and down.

Elizabeth have them some instructions for the making of supper even though I had told her it wasn't necessary.

-Of course it is! You're our guests, and, big guy, she said referring to Kalatril, if you wound hurts or reopens come to me.

He nodded even though we both knew that in the morning he would be completely healed.

Elizabeth then eyed our clothes and all the dirt on them before then indicating the stairs.

-Go up, turn left and you will find two bathrooms, feel free to get cleaned up whilst we get the food ready, and take these, don't worry for your clothes, my husband and I always put spare on the sinks, she told us.

She handed over two blue pills that I immediately suspected to be condensed water pills. Mages sold them to nobles as well as rich countryside people. A white one was a bottle, a blue one a normal bathtub, and a red one was enough to fill the emperor's spa, even though blue ones weren't as rare as the red, they were still costly.  I wonder where Elizabeth found the money.

We went up stairs and Kalatril reassured me that he was fine...ish when I panicked as he had stumbled on the floor.

I step inside the first bathroom and spot Elizabeth's 'spare clothes', a beige dress with short sleeves, I wonder for a moment if it would be okay to wear my spare clothes since dresses weren't my favorite choice of clothing, but to not offend my hostess, I decide to bear with it.

The pill was about the length of my thumb nail but I knew that it was extremely fragile so instead of holding it between my thumb and index, I keep it in the palm of my hand trying my best to not put pressure on it as I placed it there. I then leaned over the tub lowered my hand and broke the pill close to the bottom so that it wouldn't splash. The water filled the area without a single drop landing on the carpet, screams of surprise on the other side of the wall indicated that Kalatril had had more trouble than I with this process. I evilly chuckle at the thought whilst starting taking of my clothes. I slide into the unheated water and I manage to clear my head.

I could have taken three minutes to get clean but the silence in the room and the water emptying my thoughts kept me for an additional five.
I step out of the tub, grab the first towel and dry myself quickly before slipping into the dress, taking a moment to look at my reflection in the mirror. Contrarily to what I thought, it wasn't too bad, the soft fabric draped around my body wasn't that uncomfortable and I surprise myself liking it. I shake my head, stuff my clothes into my satchel and come down the stairs.

The table was set and the bowls were filled with soup, there was also some red cooked meat on the side.

Elizabeth indicated the seat in front of her and I sat down.
Kalatril arrived about a couple minutes later, wearing farmer clothes, I could see some sloppy patchwork in places where the cloth had gone old and I ask myself where Elizabeth's husband was.

Diner went well, my opinion on our host was ameliorating, although I still kept my eyes on her, waiting for anything suspicious. Everything was fine, however, when Elizabeth passed the meat to Kalatril, he turned down her offer.

-Are you not hungry?, she asks.

-I am, it's just that... I have a phobia for blood and the very taste of meat can bring it up. I'm sorry, really.

I turn my head and burn him with my hot gaze, how could he not tell me!
I drink some more soup without batting an eye.

-Oh, is that so?

-Yes, it is so, right Kalatril?, I ask, putting my bowl down.

Kalatril muttered an answer, not daring to look at me I no the face, sensing how posed I was.
Elizabeth seemed thinking for a while then told her kids that it was now time to sleep, they didn't protest to much and then they left, when we
heard the door shut, the woman with black hair talked again.

-You were in the army weren't you?, she finally said.

She said the question in a way that made her voice shake with emotion, she wasn't accusing my friend, but was making sure that her thought was right. Kalatril felt that and nodded his head in agreement. At that same moment, Elizabeth's face illuminated with an even bigger, warmer, smile.

-How did you know, I ask, if she was suspicious of anything, I had to make sure to understand why.

-I didn't, I just assumed, she answers as she starts clearing the table, the army is a gathering of idiots and hipocrytes thinking they rule the world, however, there are some with a purer soul and mind, some that were forced into their decision, those people often carry scars, both physical and psychological. You look like one of these people, she then turns to me, and I have a feeling that you are kinder than you look, after all, you are looking after your friend.

A long silence settles in the room and the lights coming from the bugs in the lamps flickered. Elizabeth then turns toward a cabinet on the side of the couch and pulls out a cigar that she lights up, sending a burnt smell in the air. She makes a few rings of smoke and then points her finger to the ceiling.

-Uo the stairs, to your right, at the end of the corridor there's a guest room. Don't worry about paying me or whatever, it's obvious that you both are in need of help, she finally says.

Without another word, Kalatril and I go to our assigned room. There were two beds but I didn't take one. Before Kalatril can ask where I am going, I climb out the window and sit on the roof. The tiles we're a bit unpleasant to be on but I'd rather be sleeping outside than indoors.
Before I could count to three, Kalatril joined me and sat next to me.

-How the hell did you manage to get five bounty hunters chasing you?, I ask after a moment.

He seemed hesitant to give an answer, wondering if it was a good idea.

-An execution was taking place but the victim was innocent, I saved her from a death condemnation, he answered.

I sigh loudly at this:

-You dimwitted, careless..., I mutter the end of the phrase to myself whilst biting my lower lip, You must have a death wish! Do you realize that if the tables were turned that girl would have given a damn about you? If anything, she would have cheered along with other villagers, who knows, she could even be the one to turn you in!, I explain.

Seeing Kalatril's guilty face, I calm down a bit.

-You are too naive, it doesn't matter that you saved someone's life because we are obviously both in trouble. As if to prove that we are the most unlucky people on the continent, whilst you were napping, we got attacked by experienced assassins!, I sigh once again, all I want is for you to be safe and that can't happen if you blindly trust everyone. Right now, we don't know if Elizabeth is sending a letter to the army or not but we can't leave yet because no matter what I say, we both know that we aren't even capable of fighting properly since we are both so tired.

Kalatril smiled at me and took something out from his left pocket.

-I don't think Elizabeth would, I don't sense any negativity coming from her. By the way, I got you something when I was at the village.

He climbs back down to the window after giving me the small package.
I open it up carefully and give a half smile at the sight of flower nougat. As I take a piece and chew on it I wonder if Kalatril knew that I had a sweet tooth.



Again, I'm late...
I've been having some complications with the chapter distribution and it retarded me a bit.

Hope you're all good (I'm not cause I got a cold 🥶)
and that you are enjoying going to work or to school or whatever you do with your days.


(2253 words)

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