By naxvida

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A student who was preparing the Civil Service examination for 4th year, suddenly he found himself in an unfam... More



239 2 0
By naxvida

Episode 181

When the company first found out about my hospitalization, it was understandably shocked.

At best, I sent him on vacation, but it took 4 weeks for the treatment, otherwise there would have been no lightning strikes in the middle of the night.

And when I explained the full story of the incident, I was even more astonished.

"S, are you a stalker??"

"yes. Caught by some crazy person... ."

It was an excuse that was similar to what I said to the members, but the agency also changed its complexion when they said, 'I also hit quite a bit.'

He wanted to ask me to bear with it rather than stir up public opinion for nothing, but when he asked me to ask himself, he even reacted.

"Yes, Mr. Moondae. Don't worry, we'll be adding as many security personnel as we can! I'm on vacation, so this happened... ... ."

It was a great skill to hint that it was not their responsibility because they were on vacation.

Even though I was on vacation, they obviously knew that I was staying at the dorm, and I hadn't contacted them for several days, so I must have been a bit stung.

'It's obvious.'

Anyway, thanks to that, the article title was easily picked.

[Testa Park Moon-dae, hospitalized due to fall during concert practice]

Isn't that neat?

I decided to post a notice on the company's official account, and the contents were well organized with sprains and bruises.


Actually, I thought this topic would end at this point.

When I searched, the circumstances that I was hospitalized were spread under the water, but it was because everyone was in a hurry because of the source issue.

Of course, the people who are obsessed with idols' private lives came up with the story first.

- Hey Gommo, he said he was hospitalized.

-ㅠㅠㅠ I think I'm going to be hospitalized at Bakmun University. He won't come to the dorm.

-I don't have any history. I think he's talking to me... What's up

There was nothing more out of this line.

Besides, the place I was hospitalized was a hospital that the company had filmed before, so the officials were speechless.

This means that little has been said about my detailed condition.

Occasionally, there was a right sound, but a lot of rumors and lies were mixed, and those were also treated as rumors.

- I heard from an acquaintance that something was broken after getting caught by Jeongbyeong's sasaeng... hmm

-It's body aches, honestly, there's no point in talking about it.

-Injury to the wrist haha ​​It seems like an injury from choreography practice.

Since we were talking like this, I thought that the excuse of 'a stage injury during concert practice' was quite persuasive and would not be a particularly shocking reason.

In addition, the company quickly started embargo management to prevent useless articles from appearing before the official position.

Certainly, the head of the company seemed to be running well this time.

'It'll be fine.'

I gave a passing grade in my heart and enjoyed the rest of my vacation.

'I'm glad I was saved even for four days.'

The hospitalization period was extended until the end of the vacation to match the words to set up an injury for official data with the company, but there was no particular complaint.

In fact, except for the fact that the date was cut in half, it was a one-person hospital room, so there was no big difference from what I was originally going to do.

But I was a bit shaken up.

'... It must be expensive here.'

I heard that a 6-person room is quite expensive, but since it was a 1-person room, it must have been broken a lot.

In fact, it was more fun because it was an injury that would be okay even if I was treated at the hospital.

'I've been through all sorts of extraordinary things.'

Well, good is good, the company will pay it anyway, so I had a good rest and had a comfortable time.

Read books, watch some videos. It means that I spent my time without thinking, eating three meals a day given to me by the hospital.

Members who visit from time to time brought outside food, so the special meal was also good.

"Muh, Moondae. I brought strawberries."

"Ah, thank you."

"I-I'll wash... !"

It was mainly Seonahyeon, but there were times when someone else brought it.

"Moondaemundae~ Pizza!"

'This guy seems to be buying something he wants to eat as an excuse to visit the hospital.'

Anyway, the four days of lying down and eating food were quite thrilling.

and the last day of vacation.

As planned, articles and announcements were released.

[Park Moon-dae, fall during concert practice... .'preposition 4 weeks']

[Testa Park Moon-dae, news of injury while on vacation]

however... When I opened it, things went a little differently than I expected.

The reaction was much more violent.

-Ah, what should I do?

-I'm going crazy.

- I'm really upset that a kid who went to practice even went to the hospital even after taking a vacation, so I'm really upset.

-What did you order to get off the stage and have 4 weeks of replacement... Oh please stop doing dangerous things

-Did you fall because of Park Moon-dae's personality? People who don't believe me ordered strange equipment and almost didn't say it. It's crazy.

Fans of Park Moon-dae were vomiting their spirits with worry and anger.

'wait for a sec.'

I broke out in a cold sweat.

No, he wasn't unconscious, and at least he didn't have a broken leg. Is there anything like this?

I agreed to not participate in the group's official schedule for about 10 days after the vacation is over, so I thought there would be people who would criticize it, but surprisingly there were very few.

Every time even that came out, the fans beat up.

-I came out on vacation and didn't attend the schedule ㅋㅋ It's shit

└ Haha I guess that bastard is like a vacation every day, but he couldn't make a schedule

└ The life of a virtuous person who expresses that he practiced is a good thingㅇㅋ

└ Ugh! The remarks of a man with a dynamic eye! (Applause emoji)

It was brutal.

'first... I didn't know that the agency would be attacked like this.'

Because the members often showed themselves participating in album or stage production in their own content, I thought they would accept the stage setting with that feeling.

maybe... It must have been that he was overly concerned and wanted to somehow find out the cause and take corrective action.

'... I'm so concerned about Park Moon-dae's injury.'

I felt odd.

"... hmm."

I rolled up the arm of the patient's gown.

A bit of a swollen feeling remains, but the bruising is almost gone, leaving only a moderate yellow or blue feeling.

'This should be fine.'

I'm going to be discharged to the dorm tomorrow, so I need to do something right now in the hospital.


I took a selfie and uploaded it to social media.


Hello Lover.

This is Park Moon-dae.

I am sorry that I missed activities because I was negligent in taking care of my body.

It's not a big injury, and I'm going to be discharged tomorrow. We will recover quickly so that we can show you a good image.



In this case, writing politely would be the best way to keep unnecessary sounds out.

"It's fine."

There are no useless expressions, and I even attached a photo to notify you of the necessary information and current status.

This will put everyone at ease.

I was satisfied and immediately monitored the reaction of the posted post.

"... ??"

And I was bewildered.

-ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm so unfamiliar with Mundae's writing that doesn't start with Mundae, what should I do, Mundae, don't blame yourself for being sick ah

-There is no lupus... There is no Tibetan Mundaeng... Moondae without emoticons...

-It's not something to hold back and apologize like this. What did you say to the kid at the T1 dog waste company?

Moondae-ya, rather than overexerting yourself with schedules quickly, I want you to rest well and recover well, and see you with a bright face. Please don't worry.

Even below that, my writings were translated into all kinds of languages, including English and Japanese, and each crying emoticon started running endlessly.

It was almost a wave of sobbing.

Even bruises are identified by correcting the contrast value of the color of my wrist.

"... ... ."

what about this

I ended up posting a picture I took with the members when I was discharged from the hospital the next morning with the phrase 'I'm a mundae'.

Only then did the atmosphere calm down a bit, but the tone of sobbing and over-immersion still remained.

'Prepare for the concert... I must work hard.'

I don't know where this atmosphere will go if I can't show my normal appearance. I remembered it with a feeling that I would break out in a cold sweat.

And the moment I entered the dorm after completing the discharge procedure, another intense reaction was waiting for me.

Cha Yu-jin had just returned from vacation.

"Moondae hyung! I'm here... ... Huuuuh?!"


"Mu, Mundae's ribs hurt!"

Perhaps there was no time to come back at dawn and receive a briefing, the guy who raised both hands at the front door and tried to pat me on the back was immediately stopped by the other members.

Cha Yu-jin widened her eyes.

"rib?? meat?"


When I pointed roughly at the waist, Cha Yoo-jin pointed with a shocked expression.

"that's right?? You didn't hit me?"

"... I was hit and then hit."

"He also hurt his wrist."

"oh my god!"

Cha Yu-jin muttered with a shocked face.

"I lost... ."

"Because I won. I hit you more."

[What, did you blow your jaw??]

"Uh, chin blows and head scratches."


Only then did Cha Yoo-jin nod with a face that had regained respect.



Fatigue set in suddenly.

'... Come to think of it, he and I were roommates.'

I forgot because there were so many incidents.

'I want to go back to the single room.'

It was a sudden wish, but of course it did not come true.

[So, my mother is not a huge fan of seafood. Still, you liked the hairtail! Well, the flesh was sweet.]

"... ... Cutlassfish is delicious."

[I hope my team goes to eat together!]

As soon as I lay down on my bed for the first time in a while, I listened to Cha Yoo-jin and my mother's Jeju Island travel story right before the schedule.

Three attempts to sneak out into the living room were thwarted by a bombardment of questions.

At this point, the only hope is for me not to accompany the schedule.


And as planned, the members, including Cha Yoo-jin, left the dorm according to their short evening schedule.

It was one of the few official schedules that I missed because the final practice for the concert started in earnest from tomorrow.

"I will be back. Rest well."

"Call the manager hyung if it's necessary!"

"I'll see you when I get home around 10 in a minute."

"okay. Do well and come."

The crowd disappeared from the inn like the ebb tide. As soon as they left, I went back to bed.


In his mouth, he had a half-dry poem he received from Kim Rae-bin as a reward for singing passionately over the video call.


The world was silent.

"... ... hmm."

But more than I thought... I didn't feel very good.

'Should I say it feels like I overslept on an important major and took a break from class?'

I feel like I'm losing money without much income because I miss my schedule for life.

'Let's think about it.'

I have to pretend to work. I frowned and recalled some of the problems at hand.

The top priority is... Of course it's a concert.

'Should I change the composition of the stage for the solo song?'

Since it was a stage where people wanted to come out, it was difficult if the taste of watching the stage was greatly diminished just because the injury was less recovered.

And this method was the best way to make the excuse that Moondae Park got injured while practicing alone during vacation seem credible.

'It must be a stage where falls and wrist injuries are likely to occur if a mistake is made.'

At the same time, it is a performance that allows you to respond flexibly even if the current injured area is less restored... ...


I thought of several options and stopped at one.

"This is the best."

And it was a little past 10:00 at night.

I called one of the guys back from the schedule.

"Ah Hyun-ah."


"Can I ask you something about your major?"

"Uh, huh?"

If I can't take care of everything, I have to make use of the momentary impact.

Episode 182

Asking Sun Ah-hyun for cooperation related to the stage was a proven method.

Because he was the one who worked hard to tell me even during the rating evaluation of <Azusa>, whom I only knew.

However, the conversation went a little differently than expected.

"Oh, no!"

"... ... ?"

As soon as he explained the situation, Seon Ah-hyun changed his posture.

'I don't think this guy has opened his eyes to the competitive spirit.'

Looking at it because I'm a little dumbfounded, I'm a little bit embarrassed, but I'm going to have a good time.

"Everyone is hurt, but it's dangerous to do that... ... ."

Oh, was that it?

"are you okay. I don't mean to practice right away. I plan on doing it once I recover properly."

Since there are strands that I have been exercising before, I was thinking of focusing on planning and memorizing, and then practicing in earnest with about two weeks left.

I'm not a character in a drama who gets shot and runs around in the next episode, of course I've been thinking about taking care of myself.

However, even after adding this specific explanation, Seon Ah-hyun did not like the young complexion.

"Yeah, but it seems like it will put more strain on the joints than I thought... ... , Ah, I can't do it... ?"

"hmm... ."

"Hey, already! She's really good at singing, but even if she doesn't do that... ... ."

If you do well, you will be sweating profusely.

'... He's sensitive to injuries.'

I thought it was simply because I majored in dance, but there is a more desperate corner than that.


Anyway, it seems difficult to get an answer as it is, so let's change our words a little.

"okay. I think you are right."

"... ! Gee, really?"

"huh. You have to think about your body and restrain yourself."

Seon Ah-hyun's complexion brightened.

I added a sneak peek after it.

"Then use the device for a short time... . Okay, in case you don't know, may I ask you for a safe position?"

"Ugh, ugh!"


Sun Ah-hyun nodded in agreement. I played a video on my smartphone and showed it.

"Here's the part where I lose my strength... ... ."

This is the so-called Sammosa method of speech.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, it means that I will do what I originally wanted to do, but with this guy's personality, I knew I would fall for the nuance of 'the other person agreed'.

I picked up some practical tips from Seon Ah-hyun and even got a promise to show a demonstration in the practice room.


"What, what!"

And Sun Ah-hyun noticed the strangeness only after arriving at the huge practice room rented for the concert.

Finally, the company seems to be moving quickly, and the device has already been rented out.

"Uh, uh... ... ."

Sun Ah-hyun's expression was plastered with '?', but the situation was already over.

"This, that, I don't... ?"

"I'll tell you."

"Yeah, but... ... ."

I shrugged.

"what... You can quit if you don't like it. Since the instructor is here, you can ask slowly."

"... ! Oh no! I'll tell you!"


That's how I even confirmed Seon Ah-hyun's demonstration.

It's easy even if you've done it before, even without the instructor's advice.

And the feeling is different.

'... There is definitely a difference.'

you have to learn that

"Oh oh!"

Everything went smoothly, except for Cha Yu-jin, who broke into the middle and almost hit her head on the floor while excitedly intervening, saying that she would try it too.

However, some members secretly asked.

"Mundae, have you been treated? You said it was okay, right?"

"Ah, it's okay."

I immediately nodded my head at Liu Chengwu's implicit question.

"I decided to try it in a line that is not too much when I recover."

"... okay. Don't overdo it though."

It was really good. Not only did he skip all of his schedules, but his recovery was definitely faster than his original body.

'Is it because of the Bacchus 500?'

Since the rate of accumulation of fatigue is slow, it must be compensated by recovery.

I crossed my arms and looked at the device that Cha Yujin had just descended with a grin.

'As expected, a picture would be fine.'

Now I have a taste for what to do. I felt very good.

The concert was highly anticipated.

* * *

"This... It's a cup of success."

"Oh so good! Cheers!!"

Park Moon-dae's hommage drank beer with her graduate student friend.


It was thrilling.

This is because the pre-sale for Testa's second concert, which was held a while ago, was successfully completed!

Even both were successful.

"You're standing here, right? Should I stand and watch?"

"no no! There's a chair there! You can sit and stand to see the atmosphere."

"Ah, that's right!"

A graduate student who took a good section in the front seat among the so-called 'right standing' seats, where simple chairs were set up in the standing area, smiled brightly.

'He said he barely had time.'

Park Moon-dae, who was looking at the scene with a bit of pity, glanced at his own smartphone that just rang.


And as soon as I checked the contents, I grabbed my smartphone.

"Hey, I posted a post at Moondae!"



Hello Lover

I am Mundae (dog emoji)

This is tonight's dinner

i made it

(Photo) (Photo)

Chungwoo hyung took the picture

Have a delicious meal in love


In the attached photo, a home-cooked meal including soybean paste stew and fried egg was prepared quite nicely.

And even a photo of the profile of Park Moon-dae seriously taking the prize.

'It's going crazy, really.'

Homma felt like hitting her head.

Park Moon-dae was really the best. just did too much

'Get some rest!!'

They must have cut off their schedules to rest, so why are they sitting after eating?

In addition, looking back at the photos, things that bothered me stood out.

The graduate student muttered with a worried face.

"I'm still wearing a brace on my wrist... ."

"I think he did it on his back as well. The shape came out on the clothes."

It's been a week since I heard the news of the injury, but I still couldn't help but feel nervous.

The atmosphere at the drinking party subsided slightly.

"... Still, Mundae's solo song isn't a song that moves violently, so a concert will be fine, right? You sang while standing in <My Singer>."

"yes. I will sit down and sing."

The two of them made a reasonable guess, asking if it would be okay to skip the group choreography and sit down.

'I'll be very sorry.'

As a result of observing more than a year of activity, Park Moon-dae seemed to be the type who pretended not to be greedy for the stage.

Homma thought that she should at least send red ginseng through her agency right away, and held back the urge to wail.

"... Still, I think this concert will be more fun than the first one! The concert hall is even bigger!"

"Hmm, that's right."

The graduate student tried to change the atmosphere, and Homma responded in sync, but couldn't help but feel awkward.

Faced with the happy situation that both of them were successful in ticketing, they remembered what they had been ignoring.

'Of course, Gocheok Dome... ... ."

The last concert held at the Gymnastics Stadium with 13,000 seats was held at Gocheok Sky Dome this time with 21,000 seats.

Of course, since it was Testa's concert that was gaining momentum like crazy, increasing the scale was the right choice for the agency.

However, as a fan, I didn't like Gocheok Sky Dome very much.

'My eyesight is poor.'

I'd rather cry at the gymnastics arena to extend the period to two weeks, but I know it's impossible because of the tour.


Homma, who had a hard time keeping up with the whole tour perfectly due to personal circumstances, had a beer shot.

'Sometimes I'll just have to buy data...' .'

I was drunk

And I managed to come up with a good story.

"... And right after the concert, it's award ceremony season. Even if I go on tour, I will see the kids' faces often!"

"omg! That's right!"

Expectations were high for Testa's performance at the award ceremony.

'There is a possibility that VTIC will not attend.'

This is because one member got involved in a dirty social controversy at the club, and the group's own comeback was delayed.

Thanks to that, VTIC only released pre-release songs and there was no news, so fans seemed to be anxious.

After cutting the controversial member like a knife, the official SNS is also said to be quiet.

Even on the member's birthday, they were quiet.

'Wasn't Cheongryong your birthday?'

I don't know if he feeds my child secretly or if he's close to me, but anyway, I sneak up on the guy I'm most familiar with.

But it disappeared in an instant.

'Well, he's in the first group, so he'll do well on his own.'

In fact, even if the variable called VTIC was subtracted, Testa's momentum was clear.

In particular, Park Moon-dae has seen a steeper rise recently.

To some extent, in the past half year, new home horses have been outstanding.

'How many people did you transfer!'

It wasn't just one or two cases where I witnessed other groups' home horses secretly and silently switching off-line.

Even the person who took the same area as her at this concert was such a case.

'It was a twin home with the big power tied up!'

At the first concert, it seemed like he was taking a sneak peek at his cheeks, but I heard that he picked out a high-quality eye-contact photo from the <I like waiting> stage and posted it on an anonymous site.

However, by actually opening the groove, I started with the other cuts in the photo.

Together with Park Moon-dae and two-cut photos!

'... I thought I'd only be filming Big Sejin, but I thought I'd be running Moon University together.'

The subtle competitive spirit ignited the heart.

For this concert, I will definitely choose a picture of Moondae that is better than the twin home I changed to!

Ignoring the fact that he had also switched, Homma made a firm resolution.

"I'm going to pull out a really great cut this time."

"Ah, that's great! Show me too!"

The graduate student answered brightly. And ordered a new beer.

"Then salty!"


Thinking of the upcoming concert, the two clinked their glasses again with pounding hearts.

On the first day of the concert, I couldn't have imagined that I would cry and shake the lightstick and break it.

* * *

And on the day of Testa's concert, the rehearsal site.

"Now, move it right away!"


Various people were busy moving ahead of the performance.

Among them, there were many daily part-time workers who were urgently hired to fill the immediate need.

'Ah, that's a bitch.'

One daily staff annoyedly put down the luggage they were carrying. He applied for a daily wage of 70,000 won, but was tired of endless labor.

"... ... ."

The daily staff looked around and took out their smartphones without noticing. And posted an angry message on an anonymous site.


[I'm a male idol con staff, no questions asked]

: Rather do loading and unloading. There are a lot of nasty things to do while giving X or the lowest.

There are already a lot of pups outside, but everyone has nothing to do.


'Are you okay?'

There were a few comments that seemed to be interesting.

It just wasn't a good story.

-Lol you're a bastard who's never been on and off

-What do the staff look like?

- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Then, why don't you make the part-time job work?

-Ppasuni = spending money, writer = receiving the lowest

'Dog X's... !'

Alba huffed and turned off the screen of her smartphone.

"there! what are you doing!"

"... ! ... yes."

Part-timer noticed the sharp point and moved the luggage dryly. The same part-timers who were busy moving around glanced at me, but they were already unmotivated.

'Should I just chase it?'

As I was watching Talju Gak, I suddenly heard a buzz from one side.


When I looked up, I saw famous faces.

"... ... !"

Testa came to rehearse.

They bowed their heads here and there as they busily moved down the aisle with the officials.


"... ... !"

Coincidentally, Lee Se-jin made eye contact with Alba and greeted her sadly.

It was a large, well-maintained physique and face.

"let's go."


Park Moon-dae hit Se-jin Lee. The two bowed their heads a few more times and quickly moved their feet again.

"They are all handsome."


"It's a bit strange."

The same daily part-timers next to me whispered excitedly, but the part-timer who saw the breakout felt rather bad.

'What a great thing.'

It was a sense of deprivation.

It was an attitude that came about because someone in his age group had achieved tremendous achievements, and he didn't want to acknowledge it.

However, the desire to escape had diminished a little.

'Let's see how much.'

Whether it's personality or skill, are there any flaws in those who have risen without an unknown period in one program?

These days, I was able to testify all kinds of facts with just one certification letter.

'Well, it's anonymous, but can you catch it?'

Part-timer was complacent, and fell into pleasant delusions that were not so wholesome.

And regardless of one individual's fantasy, the concert is ready to go smoothly amid the expectations and hard work of many people.

Episode 183

Testa's concert started with a heavy background sound.

Hey profit!

In front of the suddenly darkened concert hall, a dark video appeared on a huge electronic display board along with the sound of wind cutting.

It was a pine forest in the middle of the night.

[...] ... .]

With ink-like brushstrokes, someone stepped out from among the pine trees.

It was Ryu Cheong-woo, who was wearing a Cheollick.

It's as if the composition is connected to the last scene of the music video for 'March'.

Six people appeared behind him.

Then the sound of drums and strong gongs began to ring.

It was the accompaniment of 'Paradise'.


Amid the echoes of the cheers of 20,000 people who filled the dome, the actual members appeared in the concert hall under the electronic signboard before the intro was over.

And as soon as they formed, intense rap verses and choreography broke in.

- Even if you struggle, you can't avoid it

You come today, you go

Even as the fans screamed, brief thoughts passed through their heads in an instant.

'Will you hit me first??'

'I thought I'd do it at the end after doing all the solo songs!'

As was the case with the first concert, the audience was very excited about the bold set list composition.

Even the busy staff at the backstage, etc., were nervous at the thought of the concert finally starting, and at the same time, the atmosphere in the venue raised the mood somewhat.

Of course, not everyone was like that.

'Why is this song like this?'

The daily part-timer assigned to control access to the backstage aisle frowned as he heard people shouting.

The sound of the sound speakers echoed through the voices of the audience and staff inside, making my ears hurt.

'It's noisy.'

Part of the members' faces were occasionally visible on the half-hidden electronic signboard.

"Hey, I can see some from here!"

"Oh handsome."

Like other thoughtless part-timers, I didn't want to have fun or be impressed.

'All celebrities will be taken care of at the hospital, so how much money will they spend?'

I couldn't see the stage well due to the angle, but I want to be doing something obvious like idol choreography.

However, despite all the noise, Testa's voice could be heard clearly even in the aisle.

'It must be pre-recorded.'

Alba thought as cynically as possible and touched her smartphone.

A real-time relay post by now... ... .

"Hey, don't look at your smartphone."

"... ... ."

The same part-time job, but damn.

Alba grumbled and put her smartphone in.

'I'll post it after watching it all.'

Thinking of uploading it with a certificate attached, Alba frowned in the aisle.

And no matter what the daily part-time job was thinking, there was a crazy performance going on and off the stage.

"VCR 120 seconds!"

"Next costume soon!"

As soon as 'March' was over, what followed was part of the collaboration song from the game <127 Section> and the title 'Better me' at the time, but it was a remix version, not the original song.

This is because, in order to continue the flow of 'Haengcha', it was arranged with traditional instruments and most of the chorus was changed to Korean.

- at this moment

You can never pass me over

A high-pitched chorus pierced like an awl between the dancers and the gigantic stage set like the jaws of a beast.

Then, a very nimble dance break unfolded using white strings similar to the Sangmo of Pungmul Nori.

-Better me

The performance of the three songs poured into the sky was finished with countless dancers flying strings into the sky.

It was a splendid production worthy of a concert.


While the cheering rod was shaking like crazy and flashing in different colors through the central control, the VCR went in again.

And the members and dancers came pouring into the aisle.


"Here, Ahyeon!"

"yes... !"

Among the members who were panting, Sun Ah-hyun moved quickly.

This is because the stage for the first solo song immediately followed.

"Ahyeonie, heck, your stamina is good."

"Breaking, lung capacity, as expected, are dance majors... ."

And the timing for the other members to take a breath while reflecting on their own solo songs.

"Is it Moondae?"

"Mr. Moondae, are you okay!?"

"... After, yes."

Park Moon-dae sat down in the hallway and sighed.

"Should I steam it?"

"it's okay."

Park Moon-dae answered firmly and wiped away his sweat.

'It's worth doing more than I thought.'

The ribs were all attached a few days ago. However, he did listen to something like 'don't overdo it'.

'That's what I'm going to say at the hospital.'

Who will tell you to just live your life now that you are all well? Park Mun-dae bluntly rationalized and put his hand where his lungs might be.

'Wrist... It's still a bit painful.'

But it will be fine.

'Because it's well organized.'

Park Moon-dae was confident.

From above, I finally heard the sound of Seon Ah-hyun performing on stage.

-A swaying ending

among those voices

I hear your breathing


"Everyone loves it~"

"... I guess so."

Park Moon-dae also knew.

The stage of Sun Ah-hyun, who moves while splashing water droplets on the surface of the water, is sure to be splendid. The lighting would have been good too.

"wow! I'm coming!"

"yes yes! Go!"

Cha Yoo-jin, who was on the next stage, ran excitedly, hitting the staff's back.

'He changed quickly.'

Progress was smooth.

The stages of the solo songs in the order in the music video teaser did not give a surprising impression of the order, but they created a structure.

Ultimately, it means that there will be a lingering aftertaste when the solo stage is all over.

"After Cha Yoo-jin, I... ... ."

"You will do well. Don't worry, Sejin."

I heard Bae Se-jin's voice and Ryu Cheong-wu's encouragement next to Park Moon-dae.

'Since the stage equipment was cleverly configured, there is no problem there either.'

Bae Se-jin's stage features a revolving stage device and several magical elements. It was probably the most expensive of today's concert stages.

So, Park Moon-dae guessed that he would be able to endure even after Cha Yu-jin.

'Because the audience will be amazed.'

On the contrary, if I had put in another guy, I wouldn't have known that he would have suffered in a situation where his stage capabilities were compared.

Park Moon-dae quietly added his words.

"Right, brother. It's good, don't worry."

"... Ah Okay."

"Ah~ warm!"

Sejin Lee smiled. Beyond that, a camera for behind-the-scenes content could be seen following.

'... I don't think there should be any vomiting.'

It won't be aired, but it will be quite embarrassing if the camera is filming it.

Park Moon-dae got up and moved to prepare for his stage.

His solo song stage was the 5th. Time was ample.

* * *

'Come out.'

Raebin Kim performed a solo song with unbalanced charm that is rhythmical yet slightly cute under the stage lighting that glows with luminous lights.

At that moment, in the tearing cheers, these were the thoughts Homma had.

'Now it's Park Moondae's turn.'

As a practice, I took a few pictures of Kim Rae-bin and it came out pretty well, so my hands got stronger.

'All the kids love the stage.'

From Sun Ah-hyun to Kim Rae-bin and even Bae Se-jin's stage, it was fun.

'Moondae, you'll tear me apart with just your singing skills... !'

Conscious of the fact that the twins of Park Moon-dae and Keun Se-jin were sitting three squares away from her, Hom-ma solemnly held up the camera.

Just in time, I saw someone's camera being caught by a security guard in the standing seat in front of me.

It was the person who tried to put a bag on the shoulder of the person in front of him on the previous stage.


Homma reflexively thought as she couldn't get it off even if it got caught.

And there were people who thought of value judgment in this look.

'It's really funny.'

It was a part-time job standing in the aisle of the backstage.

Part-timer clicked his tongue when he saw the audience having their camera stolen by a security guard.

'No, what are you filming like that? Isn't it embarrassing?'

It was said that he was a pariah who couldn't enjoy the performance, and Alba thought of it as a bit of a disdain. One confirmation comment has already popped out of my head.

-He only took pictures like X. How boring is the concert?

Alba, who grinned while thinking, shrugged her shoulders.

'Since the concert started, this part-time job is a piece of cake.'

There were not many audiences trying to access the backstage aisle, so part-timers could easily be idle.

That was the moment.

"People inside here!! Follow me!"

A staff came running from the inside and started calling part-timers.

It seemed like something spilled.

'What is it again?'

Alba grumbled and followed the urging steps.

After that, the slow and beautiful VCR ended, and Moondae Park appeared on the stage.


In the quiet atmosphere of the stage, the cheers were organized quite quickly.

On a dark stage, under a ray of light, Park Moon-dae was sitting in a chair as expected by many.

However, as seen in the music video teaser, the colorful fabrics that wrapped around the abandoned house stretched out from all directions on the stage, tying chairs and Park Moon-dae.

And the costume was not a wedding dress, but a light white stage costume.

On a silent stage with no accompaniment playing.

Park Moon-dae started singing first.

-April eve

can't even see the moon

you don't come

love rots

The moment when the first verse ends with only the heavy voice resounding.

The sound of an instrument came in like a rush.

Woo woo!

The moment the Korean musical instrument in a minor key subsided slightly, the next measure continued, and the lights came on in color.

The red and blue lights and flickering lights heightened the strange tension.


Homma barely held on to the camera and heard Moondae Park's voice.

'Call the dog.'

I really had nothing to say other than this. Homma swallowed and captured Park Moon-dae's appearance on camera.

'Hemeko is all good.'

And with my ears, I heard it as if I was sucking in the emotional treble that ran through the chorus.

- I'll still wait.


Homma's heart was strangled by catharsis the moment the chorus ended.

'This is just with my voice!'

The feeling was awesome.

However, the moment I entered the second verse, the situation changed.

-It's been a while

the sun does not rise

Along with the lyrics, Park Moon-dae's hand was half-raised in the air.

It was as if the cloth wrapped around his arm was being pulled.


The moment he hurriedly tried to convince himself that the slightly bizarre movement must have been Bak Mun-dae's own movement, this time the other arm came up at a different angle.

- You don't come

love rots

And Park Mun-dae lifted his back and went up into the air.

"... !!"

It was a movement as if she were swimming in a space without gravity, guided by a cloth.

As he climbed onto the chair, lying down and stretching his body, Park continued to sing.

"... ... uh."

Homma made a noise involuntarily.

Faces similar to him appeared in the audience seats here and there.

And this wasn't just a story for the audience.

It means that Alba, who was cleaning up the collapsed luggage inside, also saw the scene being sent to the stage electronic board through the monitoring screen in front.

"... ... 100 million "

Alba looked at the screen with her mouth wide open while carrying her luggage.

And you can feel why the captive audience was so eager to take pictures.

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