Gaslight Trials | The Wattys2...

By EvelynHail

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| πŸ³π˜… π—™π—˜π—”π—§π—¨π—₯π—˜π—— Β·|| HUNGER GAMES x CINDER || ONC 2023 Honorable Mention Amidst the escalating unrest... More

1 | A Spot of Lunch
2 | A Ticket to Lighthaven
3 | A Breakfast for Champions
4 | A Tinkering in a Workshop
5 | A Queen of Bombs
6 | A Peacock in a Solarium
7 | A Flutter of Wings
8 | A Whisper in the Dark
9 | A Truth in the Hovel
10 | A Word of the Duke
11 | A Babe inna Cradle
12 | A Girl from Fumedge
13 | A Key to the City
14 | A Master of the Game
15 | A Trial of the Tyrant
16 | A Flight of the Firebird
Say Hello to Champions (et al.)
A Cup of Thank You β˜•οΈ

Authoress' Note

2.9K 92 244
By EvelynHail

Hi guys! ☺️💜

As I tend to write each year around these dates: come in, grab a comfy seat 🛋, some yummy biscuits 🍪 and be very welcome to Gaslight Trials.

I bet the title and the cover (not to mention the mini gif 😹) are already allowing you to guess that this is going to be a steampunk novella.

Its creation owes its existence to my recently discovered and I am sure, undying love for "Cinder," first book in the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, as well as movie "Alita, "Freejack," and TV Show "Arcane."

Having seen "Arcane," and having read the entire Hunger Games saga, the possibility to combine their background premises that wouldn't leave me alone for a long time. It kept nagging at me, lurking in the creative corner of my brain.

To me, there is something poetic about the battle: that duality between life and death, victory or loss, that seems to have been emphasised in many shapes and art forms throughout humanity timeline, transcending time and space.

The third source of inspiration for "Gaslight Trials" is "Alita: Battle Angel," the 2019 American cyberpunk action film, based on Yukito Kishiro's manga series "Gunnm." My favorite elements here were the non-stop combat action and the relationship between Alita and Dr. Dyson Ido, a renowned cyborg-scientist, part time bounty hunter and Alita's would be father-figure.

It's a style I can only hope to emulate, but, ermm, let's see. O.o

To tell you the truth, this is my very first attempt to write anything remotely steam-punkish. In my young adult and fantasy-ish book I wrote in early 2017, my first book ever, "The Prophecy of Water," I did have some steampunk elements but they never once overpowered the whole fantasy vibe.

Since then, I've been itching to try my virtual pen at another talelet or booklet of this genre. Alas, I haven't truly been inspired until the re-apparition of the Open Novella Contest in 2023.

After having spent couple of weeks on the hunt for an ONC prompt, tweaking existent ideas and brainstorming like crazy, all the cogs clicked into place and the clock finally started ticking.

The prompt I eventually chose for this adventure is # 49: "Master the rules of the game until you can play it better than they can." Cuz, games, amirite?

This is the fifth consecutive time I am participating in ONC, and, err... It seems that I always come up with the craziest ideas! All Open Novella Contest projects I do end up just being something for fun and ultimately connecting with my fellow writers 💜, testing out new genre waters!

Thinking back, not a single one of them were the same genre at all.

As to the word count:

My shortest novella was my first one, from ONC2019 which barely surpassed 20k required words: "GG!" ❤️

Afterwards, all of them have been on 30 000 - 40 000 words side.

Given the nature of this book I feel that the same shall happen with Gaslight Trials—it shall be long-ish, probably brushing 40k.

I love getting feedback of any kind, and this book is in its first drafting stage, so if you want to tell me how you feel about what I wrote so far, see errors of any kind, or have helpful comments and suggestions:

Do not hesitate to shoot! 🔫

Oh, and I almost forgot! 🤦🏼‍♀️

I would love to thank the creator of my cover, AnnieRosebud ! ❤️ She is an amazingly talented artist with a keen eye for detail who was so gracious to create this simple yet impactful imagery, conveying the steampunk vibe.

So, you might wonder, what's all this about the Gaslight Trials.

Welp, they are basically like Steampunk Hunger Games, it's just that the one-on-one fighting system is styled after the Mortal Combat.

Instead of shoving all of the eight fighter-inventors into the Pit like Suzanne Collins did with the 12 lads and 12 lassies in "Hunger Games," in here there is a roster and they fight one on one until the Semifinals and the Grand Finale! ⚔️

Yip, something like in tennis 🎾 !

I also decided to add a bonus "Glossary" segment that immensely helped me while I was writing so it will MOST CERTAINLY help you with all the steampunkish terminology that will pop up in the upcoming chappies.

The usage of these words alone has such power already to teleport the readers into the world of steampunk and to set the atmosphere!

"Steampunk", of course, suggests steam-driven technology, so I will need to include this in my story. In a broader sense, steampunk also usually refers to a general attitude and aesthetic around that of the nineteenth century, incorporating the styles and fashions, attitudes and politics. This means that my story will either be set at some point within the Industrial Revolution or (which I chose), an Alternate History, which spun off from this point or another world which is based on these stylings.

Steampunk is a genre that relies very heavily on the fantastic; it's usually Speculative Fiction, often of a 'soft' science fiction bent. It tends to run on Rule of Cool rather than strict adherence to scientific accuracy.

And hu better to run on the Rule of Cool than me :P ?

Veda Iggleston is the she-protagonist of this book, and guess what, just like last year with Dana, I took special care this year select this lass' name.

The name Veda comes from the Sanskrit word "veda," which means "knowledge, insight, sacred writings." It is derivative from the base of veda "(he/she) knows," vid- "knowledge"; akin to Greek oîde "(he/she) knows," Old English witan "to know."

Given that Veda is a young, knowledgeable inventor, and that she shall uncover some pleasant and less pleasant truths throughout the book, I thought that this name fit her to the T!

If you dig the chapters, don't forget to star them or give me your opinion on them! That allows me to tap into the readers' thoughts and see what I'm doing well, and what I can improve upon! ❣️

And that's it!

All that is left it to thank you for passing by and reading my ONC entry.

I do hope you'll enjoy it!

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