Rain - A Zombie Apocalypse St...

By ReissRow

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Rain falls from the clouds and plummets down to the lands where it is then devoured by the earth. Rain is wha... More

Chapter One: A Grey Departure
Chapter Two: Robyn Kale
Chapter Three: Vanished
Chapter Four: Shoes
Chapter Five: Trapped Again
Chapter Six: Breaking and Entering
Chapter Seven: Police Station
Chapter Eight: The School
Chapter Nine: Mr. Murphy
Chapter Ten: Drive Fast
Chapter Twelve: Bitten
Chapter Thirteen: Are You Okay?
Chapter Fourteen: Q.V.B
Chapter Fifteen: Playing in the Rain
Chapter Sixteen: The Office
Chapter Seventeen: The Long Walk
Chapter Eighteen: Bye Bitches
Chapter Nineteen: Tunnel of Love
Chapter Twenty: Shopping for Blood
Chapter Twenty One: Bike Riding & Stair Falling
Chapter Twenty Two: Beginning of the End
Chapter Twenty Three: The Sounds of Silence
*Extended Ending* Part One
*Extended Ending* Part Two
*Extended Ending* Part Three
*Extended Ending* Part Four
Authors Note - The End
Authors Note - Sequel

Chapter Eleven: A Fighter is Born

12.1K 647 125
By ReissRow

Corny title, I know right?


Chapter Eleven

A Fighter is Born

Melody's P.O.V

Thunder roared, cackling like a mad man in the sky. Laughing at our misfortune. Fucking bastard. The scent of rain invaded my nostrils and lulled me from the darkness, dragging me from sweet serenity. Deciding it best not to fight I sat patiently, concentrating on my ragged breaths. Time seemed to pass so slowly until I was able to open my eyes.

My head was resting on the back of Carl's chair, the seat belt wrapped tightly around my waist restrained me from breathing properly. Shakily with blurred vision I unlocked the seat belt and leaned back in the chair. Looking down at my right arm I whimpered. A shard of glass stuck out from my forearm, small streams of blood trickled from the wound and stained the car seat. Gritting my teeth I grabbed the shard of glass and ripped it out. A strangled scream escaped my throat as I writhed around in pain.

Regaining my composure after a few minutes of agony, I looked towards the front of the car. Alan and Carl lay still, slumped over the dashboard. Fragments of glass were everywhere. I brushed loose shards off my lap and leaned forward in the seat. I extended my arm outward and pressed my fingers against Carl's neck. The strong thrum of his heartbeat consoled me. I moved over to Alan and sighed gratefully when the beat of his heart met my fingertips. I shook his body gently, hoping he would regain consciousness. He didn't.

Black smoke seeped from the cars engine and disappeared into the dark night. Cold air infiltrated the car and left me shivering. I brushed the remaining shards of glass off my body and threw the car door open. I threw the large shard of glass I had pulled from my arm out the door and wriggled out of the car. I clutched onto the door of the car as I tentatively stepped out. Glass crunched beneath my foot as I slowly walked away from the car. I stretched my numb limbs in the air as I gazed off into the distance. As my vision slowly recovered I was able to recognize the vague outline of the police station in the distance. A swarm of clouds congregated together, creating what would soon be a powerful storm.

With my mind still extremely hazy I stood still in the cold wind, recollecting my thoughts slowly. I turned around, crunching shards of glass along the way I walked back towards the car. A low moan filled the night air and froze me to the spot. A dark figure shambled round from the side of the car and staggered towards me. Shaking my head profusely I stepped back.

"No!" I croaked, watching the man advance towards me. "Please..." I whimpered. I was too weak to fight him off, too fragile. Menacingly he lunged towards me, a snarl ripping through his yellow teeth. Summoning a small amount of strength I stepped forward and pushed him back. He staggered back a few steps but soon regained his balance. A sob escaped my lips as he continued to march towards me. I slammed my palms into his chest but failed to push him back. He wrapped his arms around me and smashed his body against mine, knocking us to the ground. His body squashed me against the ground and knocked the air out of my lungs.

He snapped his teeth at my neck, his eyes crazed and yet lifeless. I wrapped my hand around his neck and held him back as best I could. My strength slowly fading his teeth inched closer and closer towards my neck. I looked around hopelessly, searching for anything to help me. My eyes caught sight of the glass shard coated in my blood. I threw my free hand out towards it. Desperately trying to reach it. The tip of my finger brushed against the jagged edge of the glass. His face continued to close in on my neck, his lips brushing against my jaw. I shivered at the feeling of it.

A scream escaped me as I wrapped my fingers around the fragment of glass. Its sharp exterior dug into my palm and coaxed a river of blood to seep out. Without hesitation I stabbed it into the side of the mans head. I pulled the shard out and stabbed him again. Hearing the squelch of his flesh as the shard penetrated his skull. His body fell limp on top of me. I pushed him off and crouched over him. Anger flooding me I held the glass shard high in the air and brought it down with as much force as I could muster. Repeatedly I dug the shard of glass into his face until a distorted pool of blood and flesh was all that remained.

I rolled off of his dead body and lay panting on the ground, the glass shard still firmly clutched in my hand. The smoke from the wrecked car assaulted my lungs and left me spluttering out coughs. I covered my mouth to prevent further smoke flying in. Regaining an ounce of strength I lifted myself up from the ground. My eyes began to burn from the smoke accumulating around me. I looked back towards the car and dropped my hand in alarm. Flames danced around the hood of the car, slowly spreading and growing in height.

Panic wrapped itself around me as I ran towards the wreckage. I pushed my legs as fast as they would go, refusing to slip on any shards of glass. I threw the fragment of glass I was holding to the side and wrenched the car door open. Unhooking his seat belt I heaved Alan out of the car and dragged him across the floor. My strength diminished with every second but I refused to stop. I leaned Alan against the trunk of a tree and looked back at the car. The flames had grown immensely. Like a dancing demon the fire moved with the wind but only grew in size. Panting heavily I ran back to the car.

My legs weakened with every step I took, making it a challenge to stand, let alone run. I ran round to Carl's side and threw his door open. Locating the button to release his seat belt I pushed down on it with ferocity. I pulled at the seat belt but frowned when it refused to move. I tugged at it again and again as I watched the flames grow. I pushed on the button repeatedly but it did nothing to release him.

"Come on! Come on!" I shrieked pulling at the seat belt with as much strength as I could muster. I stepped back and scooped a shard of glass up off the ground. I cut threw the first strap and gasped in fright as one of the cars tyres popped. Without wasting anymore time I slashed at the second strap. I dropped the glass shard at my side and hauled Carl out of the car. Glancing at the burning motor I decided there wouldn't be time to go round back to Alan. With no other option I lugged Carl in the opposite direction, praying that Alan was safe.

Without notice the car exploded. The force of the impact knocked me off my feet and sent me spiralling to the ground. A ringing noise resonated in my ears as a result of the large blast. I looked up to see a ball of fire float up to the sky and slowly dissipate. The black frame of the car was all that remained. Small flames clung to what was left. The tree that we had crashed into had caught fire. It's large canopy ablaze.

I lay sprawled out on the ground. My head resting on my less injured arm. I shut my eyes as I attempted to regain control of my breathing. My heart pounding in my chest ignited a fearsome ache in my head. I pushed it aside as best as I could. Eventually, after a minute or so the beat of my heart declined as my ragged gasps transformed into slow smooth breaths. A chorus of growls sent my heart spiralling once again.

Opening my eyes I titled my head up as best as I could without having to use my arms. Four of them were staggering towards us, their arms outstretched menacingly. I pushed myself off the ground and crawled over to where Carl's still body lay. The tears I held back earlier had now decided to fall. I looked down at Carl in panic, sobbing silently.

"Oh god Carl please." I sobbed, nudging his shoulder with my hand. My arms shook as I struggled to hold myself up. "Please Carl!" I screamed, shaking his body as hard as I could with the strength I had left. I collapsed atop his chest and clenched his shirt in my hand.

"Wake up... please... wake up." I gasped between breathless sobs. I was too exhausted to fight them off. Hell I was too exhausted to even stand up. I reached around Carl's waist and fumbled around with the pistol attached to his belt. I snatched the gun out of the holster and pushed myself away from him. I stood up shakily, pointing the small pistol at the four advancing figures.

I squeezed the trigger. The bullet whizzed through the air and struck the nearest one in the forehead. They fell to the ground lifeless. The kickback of the gun sent a dull ache up my arm but I ignored it, focusing my attention on the three demons. With a shaky arm I fired the gun again. The bullet struck one of them in the chest. They stumbled back but seemed otherwise unfazed. I shot him again in the chest but it seemed like it did very little to him. I shook my head in perplexity. Disease or no disease, two shots to the chest should be enough to bring anyone down.

I looked down at the other body I had shot. He died instantly, so why wouldn't this person? A thought struck me. I raised the gun higher in the air, ignoring the burning sensation in my arm I pulled the trigger. The bullet struck his crown and sent him flailing to the ground. A spurt of blood flying in all directions. I bit my lip at the gruesome sight and aimed the gun at the next person.

Two bullets. Two dead bodies. I dropped my arms at my side and looked up at the sky as more tears fell. I looked down the road and could faintly see more staggering people approaching. My body shook with small sobs as I watched them grow in number. I looked down at the small pistol in my hand, almost certain that it was out of bullets I dug it into the pocket of my jeans.

I grabbed onto both of Carl's hands and began pulling him towards Alan, cautiously looking around for any sign of danger. I dropped Carl beside Alan and collapsed to the ground, coughing violently. Clutching onto tufts of grass I retched mercilessly. After a moment or two I regained my somewhat calm composure.

Soft strings of grass latched themselves onto my body, massaging my strained muscles. The temptation to pass out from exhaustion was growing. Before it had time to grab me I threw myself from the ground. I grabbed one of Alan's arms and one of Carl's and slowly I dragged them towards the police station.

After a long and tortures trek we finally arrived at the station. I lugged them both up the steps and kicked the door open. After pulling them both inside I dropped their arms on the ground. I slumped against a wall and looked out a window. Small drops of rain had begun to fall. I laughed humorlessly as my eyes drifted shut.

At least we missed the rain.


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