When The Mob Villian Doesn't...

Par Nihil_Est_Scriptor

10.3K 474 1.9K

Bully. Disgusting. Annoying. Egoistic. Pompous. Stupid. Lester Farrington is all of these words to everyone... Plus



1.3K 44 154
Par Nihil_Est_Scriptor


Hi guys! Author here!

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of my book's rewrite!



The sole continent that survived 6 quakes in history, and did not fall into the depths of Ingreda Ocean like her siblings. One of the strongest continents at it. Although having suffered such disastrous calamities for so long, it is not surprising that the continent finally broke up following the 7th and final quake.

It was divided into 6 realms. The various races claimed each of those realms. They all came to be known as the Human Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Elven Realm, the Beast Realm, the Mythical Creature Realm and finally, the Demon Realm. Each of these realms were very much stranded and did not wish to engage in any form of connection with the other realms.

A thousand centuries later, the Demon Lord of that time decided that he wanted more power. For this, he wanted to take control of the Spirit Realm, who could make mana on their own. The demons travelled to the Elven Realm and took the surrendered elves under their wing. This greatly scared the other realms and they all came together to destroy the Demon Lord. Thus started the Battle of Terror. Many years of back-and-forth battle follows and, in the end, the Demon Lord was defeated. Seeing the destruction caused by all this, the God ended up giving two warriors: The Sun Prince, Solaris and the Moon Princess, Luna. They helped the realms get back on their own feet. They stayed in the Human Realm most of the time.

Many years later, another problem appeared in the form of a vile human mage corrupted by dark magic and along with the Demon Lord of that time. Solaris and Luna came together with the Blood Hound from Beast Realm and the other realms to destroy these two new villains. This war was fought on the Summercrest Valley, an independent island. Thus, the War came to be known as the Summercrest War.

The warriors and the realms were victorious, killing the Demon Lord and imprisoning the Dark Mage on the island. The large mana outburst from the war ended up destroying the island, closing off all possible solutions for the Dark mage to get out. To make sure the prison remains intact, the Moon princess sacrificed her life. The Sun prince took a bit of her remaining soul fragments and bestowed her power to a holder. He too bestowed his own power to the King of Imealia, the most powerful empire of the Human Realm. He also put up a barrier for all the realms expect for the Demon Realm. He also ostracised it, just in case they wage another war. After that, the sole warrior went back to his home, high above the skies.

Millions of years have passed and Cicrux have only known peace since. Imealia flourished as the powerful empire it is. The realms, except for the Demon Realm, started to have more contact with each other, and ended up having more trade relations.

In the Imealian Empire, there are many flourishing young students, engaged in magic and studies, full of hopes and dreams. For the students who wants to excel and find their talents, the emperor constructed the Ludnith Academy.

Ludnith Academy is one of the best academies in the entire Human Realm, that offers quality education to its students. If a student earns their graduation there, be it a commoner, they will get a job easier with a good salary. The school provides scholarships for those students who are financially unstable. As for others, there is an entrance exam to clear. Of course, there are nobles who use authority and money to get admission.

There are a total of 5 school years along with a freshman year. The freshman year is the first year, where all the students, with the ages of 15, start their studies. That year, the students will be exposed to all the different departments in the Ludnith Academy. And after the freshman year, the students get to choose the department they want to follow and study. There are five such sections.

1. Magic Department: The department teaches the students about mana, spells, potions etc.

2. Science Department: The department teaches the students about biology, flora and fauna, physics, chemistry, etc.

3. Statistic Department: The department teaches the students about economics, statistics, math etc.

4. Art Department: The department teaches the students about art, architecture, machinery, singing, dancing, instruments etc.

5. Weapon Department: The department teaches the students about weaponry, making of them, fighting etc.

And after choosing the department a student wants to pursue, they will study in that department for the next 5 years. Of course, the students can choose to change their department too.

It is known not only for its good education, but also the beautiful premises of the academy. It is very large, with many buildings and grounds. The roof is of the colour royal blue and the outer walls are ivory white. Along with that, the front area has beautiful gardens and fountains. The buildings consisted of the ones with classes, the laboratory for science and alchemy, the canteen, the dormitory, the colosseum for the annual school festival and competitions, the auditorium, the arena, the theatre, the greenhouse and the library. There are also the practice grounds used for magic practice.

Currently, the canteen is busting with life. It was the lunch break and all the students are there, chattering and getting their food. Some boys are running around laughing, while some girls were snickering among themselves and talking about how their weekends went.

At one long table, sat 7 students. Most of them were eating, except for two, a blond girl and a ginger boy. Both are studying something. No, to be more exact, the blond is teaching the ginger.

"And that is why, you must not do this like that. Use this formula instead." Abigail says, as she points at an equation on the notebook. Her amethyst like eyes glance at the yet confused ginger, who is now nibbling on the backside of his pen.

Chris, the ginger, glances back at the blond girl, and with an awkward smile he says, "You know, actually I was wondering if you could explain where we should use that formula again?" Multiple groans are heard around the table.

A red-haired girl, Jude, sits back with an annoyed sigh and says, "You could have just asked me to teach you instead of tiring out poor Abigail, I am the best at potions." To which Abigail gives a nervous laugh.

Chris tenses and shakes his head, "No way! I don't have a death wish!" And seeing the darkening look on the redhead's face, makes the ginger yelp and hide behind another boy, sitting next to him.

He had short silver hair and wore a tired smile on his face as he glances at the hiding boy. "You should have known she will come for your ass after that, Chris," he says with a shake of his head. Chris looks down in regret, "I should have, yeah,"

A crackling laugh is heard, "How can he know, Hamilton? You just saw his performance to Abigail teaching him like he is a grade schooler!" A blue haired boy says, smirking.

Chris gasps offended and says, "Don't come at me when you are a weaponry student, Henry! All you need to do is swing your sword and you are done! While I have to study some random shit that our ancestors taught that is not even relevant nowadays!"

A vein pops out from Henry's forehead at this, and he goes, "What the fuck did you just say to me?!"

Noticing the tension, Hamilton, the silver haired boy, quickly waves his hands at them with a nervous smile, "Alright, how about you two, calm down first?" Seeing the two still death glaring each other, Hamilton lets out a tired sigh.

A pink haired girl, Ola, also looks at the two with a worried expression. But given her timid personality, she could not find her voice to make them stop.

Then, the last person around the table, a young boy with long black hair and turquoise eyes, says, "Both of you, calm down. The lunch break is going to end soon." At this, Henry finally sits down and starts to eat his food, which is copied by Chris, who adds some angry grumbling into his.

Abigail and Hamilton look at the boy, "Thank you, Nicholas." Both of them mouth the same sentence with a relieved expression. The boy nods in acknowledgement as he drinks his tea again.

Abigail Gibbons, the youngest daughter of the Gibbons Family. Born and brought up in the Empire Imealia. 5 feet 5 inches tall with a beautiful body. Beautiful long and soft light blond hair with glowing purple eyes that look like amethysts with long eyelashes. Healthy porcelain fair skin, with a touch of fresh pink hue, that made her glow. Soft features that complimented her personality of being kind, elegant and generous. She is a student from the magic department of the Academy and is well known for her intelligence and generosity. She is also the vice-president of the Student Council. One of the most loved beauties of Ludnith Academy. Not only that, she is also a very skilled person, who involves herself in a lot of competitions, voluntary work and helping those in need, which increased her reputation and the admiration for her. Many male students have their own organisation for Abigail because they consider her to be an angel from the Heavens. Many are too shy to actually tell her their feelings. Those who did were turned down, but Abigail still remained as their friend and did not hate or made fun of them, which further made her be seen as a wonderful woman. Her magic element is gravity. 

Chris Richfield, the only son of the Richfield Family. Born and brought up in the Southern kingdom of Thekar, he moved to Imealia to attend the Ludnith Academy. He has a darker complexion with soft freckles because of his southern birth place. His hair is ginger and short, with a pair of shiny golden eyes, that stood out. He is 5 feet 7. He is from the magic department too. He is a nice guy, with an erratic, sassy and happy go lucky personality, mostly flirty with the girls, annoying others out and such. He is not the best at studies and swordsmanship, but his excellent use of magic overshines that fact. His magic element is magnetism.

Jude Danvers, 5 feet 6 inches with long wavy red hair and hazel eyes. Abigail's best friend, but has a personality totally opposite to her. She is temperamental, sarcastic and strong headed. She has a strong sense of justice and fairness. So, she hates bullies and those students who exploit their statuses and causes others life to be miserable. She is also a part of the Student Council. She is in the Magic Department. Her magic element is fire.

Hamilton Lennon, 5 feet 9 inches with short silver hair which had a natural glow to it and calming bright lavender eyes. His skin was very pale but it had its own beauty to it. His body is rather lanky and appears small with the long coat he wears with his school uniform. Paired with his beautiful smile, pleasant personality, and soothing voice, he is one of the desired males in Ludnith Academy; no, one of the prettiest people in the Empire itself. He had not been a very active social being and only came into the light in the Ludnith Academy and managed to sweep the students by their feet. Being a student of the Science Department, he is very good at studies, swordsmanship and especially magic. He is rather quiet, and maybe a bit timid too, which makes many girls and boys find him cute and swoon. Of course, this also ends up with him having haters who are just jealous of him, but are cowards to ever go and make fun of him. He also does a lot of volunteer work in the medical fields and also can be found in the school clinic. He has the magic form of summoning.

Henry Rothschild is the second son of the Rothschild family. He has neckline long straight blue hair which he usually ties up in a small ponytail. He is a 5 feet 11 boy, with a rather a well-built body and a honey skin tone with a height of 6 feet. He is usually very fierce and aggressive with a rude and 'Fight, Ask questions later' kind of a personality. He is also sarcastic at times, and also has a rather large ego. But he is caring for his friends and like Jude, he does not like it when people exploit others. He used to be a part of the Student Council, but after his way of interrogating people very rudely and loudly enough to scare the other, he was thrown out of it. He was very angry about it, but soon got over it since it is his fault. He is from the Weaponry Department. His magic for is element lightning.

Ola Stanway is the second child of the Stanway County. She has medium sizes straight pink pair and grey eyes, with a height of 5 feet 3. She is a rather timid girl, very quiet, almost like Hamilton but so much more that she just mixes with the background. She met Abigail when the latter helped her with a problem and became his friend. Since she does not speak up much, Jude always tries to make her more confident, taking her outside and having her speak to people, only if she was alright with them. She is from the Statistics Department. Her magic form was of the element of water.

Nicholas Carbey is the eldest adopted son of the Carbey family. He was an orphan found in the streets of Imealia and the kind Carbey family took him in. He faced a lot of nobility biases because of that. But soon after he showed off his excellence in magic and academics, he became a rising star in the academy. Blessed with long jet-black hair and striking turquoise eyes, finished by long eyelashes and a height of 6 feet 2. His skin is dead pale, which some might find ugly, but mixed with his well sculptured face and beauty, it gave him a cold unique charm. With his beauty and excellence, he won many hearts on his first day in the Academy, although not many ever confessed to him. Nicholas is rather mysterious, calm, and elegant. He respects others and is humble. He is also a member of the Student Council. Because of all this, he is very much loved and like Hamilton, is one of the desired males in the academy. His magic form is the element of poison. 

As people passed the table, some students could not help but throw some glances at the ones sitting. Three main beautiful people were there, how can some people not look. Of course, that group of lookers consisted of some ill- motivated people. Their burning gazes are mostly fixed on Abigail who shifts, a bit uncomfortable. "Abigail, are you ok?" Jude asks, noticing the discomfort of her friend.

Abigail waves it off immediately. "Oh no, I am fine."

Henry immediately huffs, "Oh please, your face says it all." He looks around the room. Most of them turn their gazes away immediately. But one does not and Henry's burning lime green eyes fall on that one male.

A young boy who was leaning against a pillar, with blond hair and olive-green eyes. He is not doing anything. He is just there, staring at Abigail. Of course, he immediately notices Henry's glare, but unlike how the others usually reacts to it; that is, by flinching and turning away, he glares back with disgust and annoyance.

A vein pops out from Henry's neck as he gets up saying, "Found the rat." Chris looks to where he was looking and immediately his expression turns into a sour one. Jude does the same, although she seemed a bit angrier than them. The three suddenly gets up and walks over to the blond, who clicks his tongue in annoyance.

Abigail and Hamilton immediately get up to try and stop them from doing anything rash. Ola does not go to them at all, and refuses to look at the blond boy. Nicholas sighs tiredly and remains seated. They can handle themselves.

"How many times have I told to not bother Abigail!" Jude says, standing in front of the other boy.

Jude knows this boy, none of them had any good encounters except maybe in the beginning. Jude and her friends have always seen him loiter around Abigail. Even Abigail once told them about it. This really pissed off Jude. Not to mention how this boy had hurt Abigail in the past, now he is stalking her? Outrageous!

The boy scoffs, and just looks at Jude with a mocking glow in his eyes. "As if some words from your obnoxious mouth will make me stop trying to talk to her!"

This angers Henry who suddenly holds him by his collar and says, "Do you got no shame?!"

The canteen turns dreadfully silent. There are multiple whispers among the students about how they are arguing yet again.

The blond boy clicks his tongue, and pushes Henry away from him. "Your breath stinks. Did you have onions?" He asks, waving his hand in front of his nose, his face cringing in disgust.

Henry gets even more angry, "You fucking—"

"Ok, stop," Hamilton speaks up, putting his hands up to stop them. He looks frantic. "Look, lets first calm down—"

"Solaris, Shut up, bitch! Don't try being a peacemaker if you can't do shit!" The blond boy cuts him off. Hamilton flinches and goes momentarily silent.

Chris gets mad at this, "YOU shut up! Stop antagonizing us all the freaking time!! And stop stalking Abigail too, you sicko!"

The blond glares, his olive eyes having a mocking glow in them, "Hah! I don't want to hear some comments from someone who is too dumb to even pass some small exams!"

Chris grits his teeth. That comment hurts when he actually tried his best.

"As if you are any better! After all, you only got into this academy through your father's money!" the ginger exclaims.

The blond boy suddenly stills. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" He thunders, now fully angry.

Chris smirks in victory and says, "What? I am just telling the truth!"

Henry joins in, "Exactly, How the hell can an unruly moron like you get into this academy? You are just a leech, putting pressure on your father and draining him dry!"

The blond boy glares so hard that if looks could kill, the three would be dead. "SHUT UP!" He shouts at them, throwing a tantrum.

Suddenly Jude gets nearer to him and holds his collar harshly. The boy momentarily flinches at the expression she was making, "Now, since you have a slow brain, I will make it quick. Don't You Ever Come Close To Abigail Again. Or else, I will have you suspended!"

She lets go of the collar and walks back to the table. Abigail looks at both of them and ends up going with her friend back to the table. Not before glancing at the blond boy with an upset look.

The boy watches them leave, especially at Abigail. He grits his teeth, before yelling. "Just you wait, I will get back at you all, fools!!" And then he storms off angrily and very inelegantly.

He also pushes some students to the ground, hurting them. "Out of my way!" He says angrily as he walks out of the canteen.

"Hey, how---" One boy tries to stop this bad behavior but gets stopped by another student, who pulls him back and harshly hushes him.

"What do you think you are doing?!" the student says.

"I am trying to stop that guy from being such a pain!"

"Are you hearing yourself?! Don't you know who he is??"

The kid stills, "I am new here. Who is he?"

The other student takes a deep breath. "He is Lester Farrington."

At that name, the new student's eyes go wide and he repeat, "Lester...that Lester?! The one called 'The Thorn of the Farringtons'?!"

The other student nods, "Yes, that disgusting monster. A bully who takes pleasure in making fun of others. Just avoid him. You won't know when he will suddenly start getting violent again." The student explains.

The new student sighs, "Seriously, what an annoying piece of shit! How is he still here?"

"Because of his father, what else. He has it good." The other boy says.

"God, I feel sorry for the Farrington household. To have someone like him. Look at him, trashing the family's reputation." The new boy says, glaring at the figure of Lester going away.

"Yes, he is so rude and annoying! What an egoist brat!" A noble girl comes into the conversation

"Hah, but he is so fucking hilarious! Get back, he says. How can that worthless thing even be compared to Jude or Henry!" Some guy laughs, and soon every student starts to spout insults at the boy.

As all the whispers begins to increase and become more taunting, Lester finally storms out of the room, with an angry, humiliated face, stomping on the floor as he did. He slams the canteen door shut behind him and leans on it, breathing heavily.

A moment later, his expression falls into a very dull neutral face. All traces of his anger and humiliation gone. He fixes his tie and clothes, appearing posh. After doing so, he turns and walks down the hallway to his class elegantly, keeping his head high.

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