Destiny's Call

By Celebi15

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Deep in that forest lives a young bunny named Hunter. Hunter trains hard so she can be a great archer one day... More

Chapter 1 The Voice of The Forest
Chapter 2 Training
Chapter 3 The One at Risk
Chapter 4 The Secret of the Map
Chapter 5 The Flowering Garden
Chapter 7 Responsibility

Chapter 6 A Chance Meeting

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By Celebi15

Robin hurriedly ran through the streets of the village carrying two huge baskets. Robin weaved his way through the crowded village market, trying hard not to crash into anyone. "I just have to make it back to Dan's hut without dropping anything." Robin thought concentrating hard as he tried no to drop his heavy load. Dan had returned from his trip a day after Robin had arrived. While Dan was away Robin had got his shop up and running again. Dan was surprised to when he found his shop full of customers when he returned. He was so impressed in fact that he gave Robin the old map for free and told him that he could stay as long as he needed. Robin thanked Dan for his generosity by helping him out with the store. Now Robin balanced two heavy baskets in his arms, filled to the brim with an assortment of fruits and veggies. After navigating through the village market Robin walked up to the back door of Dan's hut. Robin placed the baskets down before he opened the back door yelled "Dan I'm back! Could you hold the door open for me?" Soon Dan appeared and held the door open while Robin carried the heavy baskets into the kitchen. As Robin put away the groceries he thought about what the map might reveal to him. "This map could be the key to finding the Destiny bow!" Robin thought excitedly. Robin smiled at the thought of being one step closer to saving his sister. "Hey kid! We have customers!" Dan called snapping Robin out of his train of thought. Robin put away the last fruit and rushed to the storefront of Dan's home. As Robin took his place behind the counter he noticed that there were two customers. A young boy bunny was standing by the weapons stand and as he walked over to one of the book shelves Robin noticed that his eyes were closed. "Wait is he blind?" Robin thought puzzled "How does he not trip in that oversized red sweater of his?" Robin watched intrigued, as the young boy picked up a book and effortlessly walked across the room to his companion. The boy's companion was a slightly older girl bunny with bangs that swept across her forehead. "That's probably his older sister." Robin concluded as the girl happily took the book from the boy and flipped through the pages. As Robin watched the siblings browse Dan's store he couldn't help but think about his own sister. "Don't worry sis I'll find you soon." Robin silently promised "Um, excuse me!" Robin looked up startled to find the girl bunny standing in front of him. "Oh! I'm sorry." Robin said with an apologetic grin "What can I do for you?" The girl gingerly pushed a fairly large book toward him "I really like this one. How much is it?" Robin picked up the book and read its cover before putting down again "Well you could either pay for it with Ging that's our currency or trade something for it." The girl bunny nodded before she started to carefully rummaging through her backpack. When she took out a dark green cloak Robin's eyes grew wide "You're not going to trade this are you?" Robin exclaimed "It's handmade, a lot of time and patience went into this. Whoever made this spared no expense when they made it the craftsmanship is incredible!" The girl bunny quickly shook her head "I could never sell this." The girl bunny carefully put aside her cloak aside and took a rainbow colored stone out of her backpack and placed it on the counter. "Would this stone for that book be a fair trade?" The girl asked hopefully Robin picked up the stone. As he turned it over in his hand the stone sparkled, changed color, and then to Robin's surprise the colors swirled together to make lifelike moving illustrations of different kinds of animals. "This is more than enough! I've never seen anything like this!" Robin exclaimed when he put the stone down "It's beautiful! In fact you can pick another item from the shop if you like. Maybe something for your friend there?" The boy bunny shook his head then said "That's really nice of you but I don't really want anything." The girl bunny shrugged and picked up the book off the counter. "I guess we'll be going then. Come on Fidget." The girl bunny said as she turned to leave. "Fidget?" Robin thought as the pair left the store "What an unusual name. I haven't heard that name around town before. I wonder where they came from?"

Hunter sat under a tree just outside the village flipping through her new book, inhaling every word. Fidget slept on one of tree's branches snoring softly. Hunter looked at Fidget and shook her head "Why did he choose to sleep up there?" Hunter wondered as she turned to the next page of her book and read the title. "The legend of the Destiny Bow." Hunter said, reading the title out loud "Now where have I heard that name before?" Hunter thought for a moment trying to remember where she had heard the name before. "That's it!!" Hunter yelled suddenly jolting Fidget awake. "Whooooa!!!!" Fidget screamed as he fell from the tree branch. Hunter flinched as Fidget landed face first on the ground with a thud. "Sorry Fidget, I didn't mean to startle you." Hunter said smiling nervously "That's ok." Fidget replied as he brushed the dirt off his clothes and sat next to Hunter "What's all the excitement about?" Fidget asked "Here look at this." Hunter said handing Fidget her book "It talks about an ancient weapon that was used to save a whole village. Doesn't that sound familiar to you?" Fidget scratched his head with a perplexed look on his face "Didn't Gramps tell us stories about something like that when we were little?" Hunter nodded "This book has the same story that Gramps told us but it's what's on the next page that's interesting." Fidget turned to the next page of the book and read the page out loud: "After Sky disappeared a letter was found in her room telling everyone that she had imprisoned the beast in a faraway castle. No one knows what happened to Sky or the Destiny bow after she imprisoned the beast. It is said that one day the beast will return and only a member of Sky's family will be able to find the Destiny bow and use it to defeat the beast once and for all." Fidget handed the book back to Hunter "It's interesting alright but I don't see why you're making a big deal out of it. Hunter rolled her eyes "Don't you remember when Gramps showed us our family tree? We have a relative whose name is Sky! They could be the same person!" Fidget leaped to his feet "But if that's true then that means we might be the ones who are destined to defeat the monster the story talks about!" Fidget exclaimed "We don't know that for sure." Hunter said calmly "But it would explain all of our training and why Gramps looked so worried when we didn't come back when he told us to." Fidget paced nervously while Hunter packed their things. "Stop pacing Fidget." Hunter said firmly before tossing him his backpack "There's only one way to know for sure if the Sky in our family tree is the same person as the Sky in the story." Fidget slipped on his backpack "We have to look at our family records." Fidget said nervously and with a worried frown he asked "What will we do if they are the same person?" Hunter gently patted Fidget's head "Don't worry." Hunter said reassuringly. "Everything will be ok. Let's cross that bridge when we get there, ok?" Fidget smiled slightly "Ok let's go home."

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