Chapter 2 Training

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"Well?" Ki said looking at each of his grand kids in turn "Why are you both late?" Hunter searched her mind for a good excuse while Fidget stared at his feet his ears twitching nervously. "We just lost track of time..." was all Hunter managed to say under Ki's hard glare. Ki shook his head disapprovingly as he took his pocket watch from his green and gold silk robe and looked at it. "You have missed your afternoon training." Ki scolded "The both of you will train longer tomorrow morning to make up for the time we lost today." Hunter and Fidget both groaned irritably. Ki's training sessions were often very difficult; a longer session meant it would be even more intense. Hunter trudged into the living room and sat down on the couch. Fidget followed more slowly, his eyes closed again. Hunter flinched when Fidget walked into the wall before sitting next to her. "Did you notice anything odd about gramps when he was scolding us?" Fidget asked while rubbing the sore spot on his head. Hunter thought for a moment, all she had noticed was the usual hard glare he gave with is brown eyes. "I didn't notice anything, did you?" Fidget nodded slightly "He seemed afraid for some reason." Fidget murmured to Hunter as Ki walked into the kitchen and started taking out the ingredients for dinner. Hunter lowered her voice "Are you sure?" Hunter whispered "Why would he be afraid?" Fidget shrugged then turned away apparently lost in his own thoughts. Once again Hunter's thoughts turned back to the strange voice she had heard in the forest. Was it the voice of the forest? If so why did it keep mentioning a village? Hunter sighed; she didn't have the answers to these questions. Hunter carefully got up so she wouldn't disturb Fidget and walked out to the backyard. Hunter slowly walked past Ki's garden, enjoying the sweet smell of the rows of red roses. Soon Hunter was lost in the roses hypnotizing sent. Hunter bent down and gently touched one of the soft silky rose petals. When Hunter looked up at the sky the sun was almost set, causing the sky to turn a reddish orange. Quickly Hunter stood up and rushed to the training ground. Once Hunter was past the small iron gate she headed straight for the huge oak tree in the center. As quickly as she could Hunter climbed to the top branch. She was just in time to see the last rays of the sun sink below the horizon. Soon the moon was high in the indigo sky and stars twinkled faintly. Hunter sat on the oak branch looking at the stars listening to the relaxing sounds of the forest. But Hunter didn't hear the sound she wanted to hear. The strange voice she had heard earlier had stayed silent and Hunter was beginning to think it was just her imagination. There was only one way to know for sure if she had heard the voice or not. "I'll look for the village." Hunter thought a plan forming in her mind "I'll go after my training with gramps." Hunter decided as she fiddled her bangs. Just as Hunter came to this decision Hunter heard Fidget calling her from the bottom of the oak tree. Hunter quickly climbed down to her brother and the two siblings headed inside for dinner.

"Hunter! Pay attention!" Hunter tried to dodge but she wasn't quick enough. Fidget easily tripped Hunter with his staff and Hunter fell face first onto the ground with a loud thud. Hunter got up and brushed herself off as Ki walked up to her. "You need to pay more attention in battle Hunter." Ki said when he was next to her "You must focus, your enemy won't stop fighting just because your thoughts aren't focused on the battle." When Hunter nodded Ki returned to his mat under the oak tree. Ki sipped his tea calmly before calling out "That's enough training for today you two get some rest." Hunter and Fidget carefully put their staffs away before trudging back to the house. "Ok, what's up with you?" Fidget asked Hunter when Ki was out of earshot. "What do you mean?" Hunter replied coolly "You know what I mean." Fidget said as he opened one eye half way. Hunter laughed awkwardly "Jeez, he knows me so well." Hunter thought before answering "Alright I'll tell you." As quickly as she could Hunter told Fidget about the voice she heard and her plan to find the village the voice had mentioned. "So that's why I was so distracted when we were training." Hunter finished "Do you want to come?" Hunter asked. When Hunter looked at Fidget both of his eyes where wide open and sparkling with interest. "Sure I'll come!" Fidget said excitedly "I'll go and get some snacks!" Fidget said as he and Hunter walked into the kitchen. Hunter grabbed two backpacks and put them on the counter and Fidget started filling them with snacks. Hunter quickly peeked into the backyard to see if Ki was coming. Ki was busy tending to his roses "Good that will keep him busy for a while." Hunter thought. White fluffy clouds lazily moved across the light blue sky occasionally hiding the sun. "It's the perfect day for exploring." Hunter thought excitedly as she quickly returned to the kitchen. Fidget had just finished packing and was holding up Hunter's backpack "You ready?" Fidget asked Hunter nodded and took her backpack and slipped it on. "This is it." Hunter thought as she and Fidget walked out the front door "It's time to find that village!"

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