The Nerd's Secret Life

By CandySweat_13

1.8M 49K 7.2K

Ashleyah Fox is that quite nerdy girl none notices. The one who's always wearing the long sleeved shirts and... More

Nerd at Day Badass by Night
Intro to my life
Nightfall calls for Badass
My Fucked up drunk self
Im like Klark Kent who's secretly Superman
Good news? Or bad news?
It's not fucking funny
I'm the new student
Fuck, this is going to be a long day
How's Kasey?
He fucking threw the cheese at me.
I know the nerd's secret
I didn't notice
cuore infronto (broken heart)
Minney? Like Minney Mouse?
Wrong move, Sweetheart.
Fuck you.
Kiss my chest, and jaw, and everything else.
Wow, the nerd's late
I hate school.
And you're apart of me.
We didn't have conversations

Then they get a show

41.6K 1K 553
By CandySweat_13


I sigh in relief when the last bell tang and it was time to leave.

No more Luis to deal with or his stupid clique, no more fucking slutleaders.

I can't wait to graduated. Especially since I'm not valedictorian. Even if I'm the highest GPA with record attendance in all four years, I made sure to flunk one of my math test in order to have Sabrina Loric a slept point higher than me so she could speak, because if I did I wouldn't make some touching speech.

No. I would flip everyone off, tell them to go fuck themselves and have fun for working for me in the future if they hadn't jumped off a cliff yet.

I shut my locker with a sigh. Maybe I shouldn't of flunk that test, that'd be one of the best day of my life.

I put my snapback on swung my satchel over my shoulder, holding my board with the other.

No on notices me like always as I pass by smoothly. They're too busy on their phone or shoving stuff in their bags because they're rushing to freedom.

When I saw the door to the parking lot for students I kind walked faster and threw my skateboard in front of me so I could hop on.

I swerved passed other kids and some teachers yelling at me. But I ignored them, they don't know who I am anyways.

I twisted my hat backwards because it kept me from seeing and it made my hair come forward. I started speeding up when I was at the door and took a breath as I kick flipped over the stairs. I grip my board for a sec when I was up to make sure it didn't leave me and kept my knees bent as I came down.

I mean it was at least seven or eight concrete stairs.

I landed steadily with my indeed bent perfectly and stood up straight as kept riding.

Someone was calling my name.

I turned to see a perky brunette.

I adjusted my hat. "Yeah?"

"You're Ash, right?"

I wanted to roll my eyes and say somethingvulgar, but nerdy would do that now would she?

So instead I politely- well tried to say ,"yes."

"Some kid- well no guy- I think your brother is here."

My brows furrowed.

"What's his name?"

"Mikey," she sighed and twirled her hair. "I think his name is Michael but I think I'm special."

My eyebrows raise to my hairline.

This is gonna be good.

"Mickey? Blue eyes?" I smirk.

"Yes! And like black messy hair, real tall, built tatts..." I almost burst out laughing when I saw her shiver.

"Okay, yeah, I know who you're talking about." I shook my head in amusement. "Where is he?"

"Over there." She pointed at him looking at me with a teasing smile.


He wave at me when I raise an eyebrow at him mouthing 'really?'

The girl waved back twirling her hair.

Oh my god.

I stepped on my board. "Thanks for... getting my attention?" I shook my head.

"Tell your brother I said 'hi'. And oh! My names Jenna!"

I skated away from her faster after saying, "he's not my brother!"

I speeded up a bit and crossed my arms at his face.

He was grinning innocently. Pft.

I flipped him off and be burst out laughing. He opened up his arms wide when I stepped off and picked up my board. I gave him a blank stare.

He was chuckling and beckon me with his arms. "Come on..."

He tried to wrap me in a hug but I pushed him away and leaned against st the car.

He stepped up against st me, a little too close. I was suppose to be irritated by him but I had to admit I would to the same shit.

But it was hard to pretend since the scent of cologne mixed with his natural scent and soap of his shirt was intoxicating. I bit my lip when if felt the feel of his breath puffing against my cheeks.

"I wonder if you're too mad to give me a kiss." He tapped me completely by putting his earn each side of me.

"Maybe," I whispered, "only one way to find out."

He laughed before putting g his lips on mine.

It was slow and soft as his lips moved against mine, I almost moaned when bit bit my lip and tugged before pulling away.

He tugged me by my hips and pulled me closer.

"You still mad." His lips brushed my neck.

I smiled. "Never was."

"What's the deal between you and my cousin?"

"Uhm, what?"

He looked at me before his eyes going back to the road. "How do you guys know eachother?"

I shrug. "Well, we kinda... bumped into to each other at a party and ever since he found out who I actually was, he's been annoying me ever since."

"He must be trying to fuck you."

I shrug. You have no idea.

As we kept driving in silence I couldn't help but feel guilty, I almosted destroyed him. He had to go to the hospital because of me.

He was like that for a while too and of course his parents didn't notice theyre too busy working even if the didn't have to.

I don't know what to do nowi sighed.

I wonder, if I sigh loud enough would all my problems go away?

Well all my problems with Vargas went away- I think. I mean we made a truce.

His reason was stupid though.

"I didn't want to steal my cousin's girl."

I rolled my eyes when he said that.

"You deserve him and vice versa."

I was kinda impressed until-

"Bro's before ho-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence.

The truce started after that.

I also told him to shut the hell up and let me deal with Nathan when he started to wake up. I made Vargas play along, much to his annoyance.

We made him believe he tripped on his already untied shoelaces and hit the locker very hard, explaining his swelled lip and bruised cheek.

It was a stretch, but he believed it. Especially when he said he had a weird dream of fighting Vargas. I glared at Him when he added under his breath, 'I kicked your ass too.'

I was thinking so much that I almost missed Mikey calling me.

"Are you okay? You kinda spaced out." He looked at me in concern.

I played with my hands since I didn't have my lip piercings to play with.

"Yes and no." I peered up at him.

He frowned, asking me to explain.

"Luis told me something and it's been eating at me ya know?" He licked his lips and left them parted.

"What did he say?" He asked cautiously.

I gulped and shrug. "Just you know, the weather.." He looked- well glared at me. I shrunk back a little bit.

The thing about Mikey is that he hates petty, sympathy, empathy, anything that'd make him seem weaker.

"And you knoww," my got quieter and mumbly, "what happened when I left."

"What!?" He grabbed his hair roughly. "Fuck, why would he tell you that?"

"Why didn't you?" I snapped.

"Because you shouldn't worry about it." He growled.

"I shouldn't!?" I could feel my eyes blaze. "I'm the reason it happen!"

"And you're the reason it stopped!!" He yelled then sighed. "You're the reason it stopped." He said quietly, almost to himself.

He looked lost, and as usual it was because of me. And I hated that. I hated it.

"He told me about that day."

"What did you do?"

"Cry." He inhaled sharply.

I reached over and wrapped his arms his neck and he tucked his face in my neck. He gently pulled me lacrosse his lap for a better hold, his arms came around my waist.

"You broke our deal."

"You weren't there." He pointed out. As he ha d rubbed my thigh.

After a couple moment of silence he talked.

"I didn't tell cos everyone rubbed in my face it wasn't gonna last, we're not right, I'm not good enough." I shook my head. "And I know you say it's the other way around and you have your reason because of your parents and shit but," I stroked his hair, comforting me and him, "every time I hurt I thought it was another reason for you not to be with me." He murmured.

"You know that's not true right?"

"I know."

"And you can't be with me 'cause I'm fucked up and I hurt you enough as it it," I held his hand, "I don't want to break your heart."

He looked up at me and smiled sadly. "You're pefectly flawed, Ash." He stroked my bottom lip. "And I say fucked up things and I fuck things up." He planted a kiss above my brow and smiled half heartily.

I looked into his eyes and they were blue green again.

"I'd rather have you while break my heart than not at all." I looked at him curiously.

"Why." I avoided contact and stoked the tattoo peeking from his t shirt. Same tattoo, same place as mine.

His face leaned closer to mine 'til our noses almost brushed. My heart hammered in mychest and my body warmed like a blush.

"Heartbreak is a side affect of love, I'm just trying g to make mine a little better." He leaned in and kissed me tenderly and so soft. He kept giving me soft pecks, it felt as if butterflies touched my lips.

Each kiss kept getting longer and longer until he put his hand on my cheek and deepened it. I almost lost my breath at the intensity, my hand gripped his tshirt, and the other snaked to the back of hi neck to thread his hair.

He groaned at the feeling and became more desperate, I did too. He grabbed my hips and pulled me up to straddle him and pulled me down so it could make friction against his. I sucked a breath of his harden length between my legs.

"Too many," I said, "clothes." Between kisses. My hands trailed down his stomach to tug at the hem. I was so eager I ran my hands under his shirt, trailing that V-line I missed.

He was about to take it off.

"Wait." I pull his lips from my neck, my hands rested at his chest.

"What if someone sees us?" I glance at the car window.

"Then they get a show."


He rolled his eyes. "Baby the windows are tented."

I looked at him flustered. "Oh," I whispered.

Hair messed up, shit half way up showing delectable tone stomach and wonderful V-line. The black v-neck complemented his skin and the tattoos peeking out- I bit my lip just thinking about outline each of it with my tongue. My fingers traced his collarbones, every dip and indents of each muscle. My hands pulled up his shirt up more to trace his abominables, when my fire traced his V-line he hissed and snatched my wrist.

I looke at him and his eyes were brightly colored blue, but he wasn't angry. I think.

He gently let go of my wrist and brought his hands to the hem of my shirt, tugging it up and off. The took his off, he hands curved around my hips and pule my closer.

He started to trail kisses from me neck to my jaw, and to the corner of my lips.

I mew led when bit my bottom lip and tugged slowly.

I couldn't take it any longer, I gripped his hair and smashed his lips on mine and when he rolled he his hips against mine...I almost lost my breath.

He pulled away. "We cant do this here." His pants matched mine.

I smirked. "Baby the window are tented." I mocked him.

"Haha, but seriously. We can't."


His lips kissed my neck and brushed my ear as he whispered. "Because I want you on a bed. Legs open, so ready and wanting, begging. I wanted to taste you to see if your sweeter than you lips. I want my head between those longs legs of yours." His tongue swirled the sweet spot where my collar bone meets my neck. I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning.

"Don't you want that?"


We hurried and put our shirts on so we could take the rest off upstairs. We got out and rush up the path way, well I did. Unlocking the door was a challenge since Mickey wanted to tease me with kisses and bites and touches of his skillful hands.

When it finally opened I grabbed Mikey's hand and almost dragged him upstairs but before I could reach the first step.

"Ash, you there?" I growled at Kasey's voice from the kitchen.

"We can't do this here. Seriously. We can't." I mocked Mikey.

"Yeah?" I called as Mikey said, "I don't sound like that and I think my reason was reasonable."

I heard her footsteps.

"I think my reason was reasonable."

"Hey! You were the one who was eager for me to eat your pu-"

"Oh my god Mikey! I can't believe it, I haven't seen you in so long."

( QUESTION OF THE DAY: what do you think about Jules? Do you think Mikey and Ash will finally be together? comment comment comment! I love you guys.)

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