Meet Me in the Undercroft

By zogfrog_

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Since Silver Burbank burst through the doors of the Great Hall, Sebastian Sallow knew that something interest... More

Author's Note // Disclaimers
Chapter I - A Proper Hogwarts Greeting
Chapter II - So Much You Don't Know
Chapter III - So You've Been Thinking About Me
Chapter V- Dangerous Game
Chapter VI - Crossed Wands
Chapter VII - Her Brother's Keeper
Chapter VIII - The Scriptorium (tw)

Chapter IV- Trust

102 3 0
By zogfrog_


The library door creaked open and the pair crept down the stairs. The excitement and nervous energy were palpable.

"Cast the disillusionment charm," Sebastian whispered, "just in case."

The girl's blank stare was enough of an answer. "It's an easy spell, just follow me."

Of course, she got it first try. It was almost unfair how quickly she was catching up to her peers. It would not be long until she was top of her class.

"Great job, Burbank. Now the fun part." Sebastian slipped through the final door to the library.

Madame Scribner's dry cough rang through the empty library.

"You said she'd be asleep by now," Silver hissed.

"I said she was usually asleep by now. Don't tell me you're not up for a little challenge."

Silver's sidelong glance at Sebastian was unmistakable, even in the low light of the closed library. She blinked slowly at the boy before returning her gaze to the librarian.

"Well," she said, "Let's get this key."

"I will cause a distraction while you grab the key. It is in the center drawer of her desk."

Sebastian walked to the corner of the library furthest from Scribner's desk. He shot some basic casts at the bookshelves to create just enough of a fuss that the old witch would need to take a look around, but not so much chaos that she knows there are students in her library.

As planned, she made her way over to the corner. Sebastian hid a few bookshelves away and watched Silver snag the key and run back towards the restricted section. He made his way to the locked door and met Silver. She couldn't see through his disillusionment charm and Sebastian saw the perfect opportunity. He tugged on the back of her sweater sharply, earning a jump and scolding expression when she located him.

"What are you waiting for, Burbank?" Sebastian removed his charm, standing next to Silver and nudging her gently. "Unlock the gate before Scribner wanders over here."

Silver's eyes looked into Sebastian's softly. "Right," she responded leading the way into the restricted section.

Sebastian checked his surroundings while Silver made to walk ahead. He spotted the grey lady around the corner that his companion was about to turn. He lunged forwards, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her away from the ghosts line of sight.

"What's this all about," she hissed in a hushed tone.

"There is a ghost around the corner. She won't be fooled even by the best of disillusionment charms." Sebastian looked at her trying to keep his cool. He hadn't realized that he still had a tight grip on her wrist until she was twisting it away from him.

"We'll just find a way around."

The pair managed to distract the ghost and avoid many prefects. When they reached the lowest level of the library, both dropped their disillusionment charms.

"What book is it that you need? I'll start looking as well." Sebastian ran his finger along the dusty covers of the long-forgotten books in this section.

"I don't exactly know," she admitted with a nervous glace over her shoulder.

Sebastian snapped his head towards the girl with a piercing look. "You roped me into your suicide mission I see. We don't have the time to look through this entire section."

"It's hard to explain," she said walking away from the boy, "the ancient magic this book contains draws me to it. I can feel where it is."

"Right. Feeling where it is. Sound perfectly normal and not at all demented." He followed close behind her, curious to see what kind of ancient magic this could reveal. Maybe the kind that can save Anne.

They reached a doorway that was blocked by a large suit of armor that was in shambles on the floor. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard to the right of them. Sebastian took a step up to stand in front of Silver, his wand outstretched.

She looked around with wide eyes before leaning in and whispering to her friend. "Peeves."

"If it isn't Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend," the poltergeist chided, "I think Madame Scribner would be quite interested to hear of your latest exploits." The badly dressed Peeves sped through the ceiling towards the main floor of the library.

"Find your book," Sebastian said turning towards the girl. "I'll go find Scribner and try to find a good excuse for this."

Silver turned around to call her friend as he walked away, "I don't want you getting in trouble for this."

"Trust me, I have a way with the faculty," Sebastian said with far too much confidence.

Sebastian made his way back to the main floor looking for Peeves around every turn. It was about a 50/50 chance of the poltergeist actually telling Scribner. After all, his favorite way to spend his eternity was scaring the lights out of students.

Of course, Sebastian's luck had run out and he spotted that horrendous blue top and pink jacket floating towards Madame Scribner. He composed himself and walked calmly towards the old witch.

"Madame Scribner, I'm surprised you're still awake. Could you tell me where I could find a book to help me with this theory of magic assignment? I'm having trouble finding who first channeled magic through a wand." Sebastian was quite proud of his quick story.

"Mr. Sallow, please. Were you sneaking into the restricted section again? Detention seems to have done nothing to teach you your lesson. I will be bringing this to the Headmaster."


"No more excuses, Sebastian. Your uncle would be so disappointed." The mention of Solomon made his blood boil. "Peeves told me someone was with you. Who's your friend?"

"I came alone," Sebastian huffed.


Silver's heart sank to the floor when Sebastian confessed to Madame Scribner. Silver was always the one taking the fall for the girls in her orphanage. Always the one to step up and make sure none of the younger girls fell to the cruel hand of the nuns who saw no fault in leaving a child black and blue. It was almost reactionary when Sebastian covered for her. He didn't think twice before keeping her out of trouble.

Silver saw him slowly walking out towards the central hall and disillusioned herself before speeding off after him. He stopped on the landing a few flights up and looked around slightly pulling on the cuff of his robes. Silver removed her charm and stood before him, book in hand.

"You got the book," he smiled. "I hope this helps with figuring out whatever you saw in that pensive."

"It will." Silver looked up nervously at the brown-haired boy in front of her. "You didn't need to tell Scribner you were alone. I don't want you to take the fall for something that I did."

Sebastian placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We were both in the restricted section, weren't we? There was no reason to drag you down with me. Anyways, I like having friends in my debt."

"I really mean it, Sebastian," she said grabbing the hand on her shoulder, "I've never had anyone to stand up for me like that. I am glad to be able to call you a friend." Silver did not drop the boy's hand.

"Oh, Sebastian now is it? Not Sallow or nitwit?" He smirked, squeezing the girl's cold hand.

Silver broke the contact only to smack him hard on the chest. "I was trying to be sincere."

"So was I," Sebastian laughed.

"It's rather late. I should get to my common room before Peeves comes out here." Silver was circling tile on the floor with her foot as she spoke.

"I'll walk you," he smiled linking arms with the girl.

"How chivalrous," she laughed deeply.


Breakfast was uneventful for Silver. She sat with Garreth and a fourth year named Poppy who seemed much too chipper for 7 in the morning. Classes were calmer than the past few days as well. It seemed as though all the chaos of Silver's first few days in the magical world had finally come to a lull. Friendly conversation, interesting classes, and lots of exploring made up Silver's entire day.

It was already 7 pm when Silver made it back to her common room to change out of her school robes. Garreth stopped her as she was about to walk up the stairs.

"Silver, I've been looking for you. I heard you have a proclivity for finding lost objects. I was wondering if you would want to come with me to find my shoes."

"Your shoes? How do you lose your shoes?" Silver was trying her best not to laugh but the amusement was evident on her face.

"Well, I didn't necessarily lose them. I might have gotten in a little row with Imelda earlier and she may have jinxed them off of me. I have a few ideas of where they might be."

"Sure Garreth, I think we can make quick work of this. Where do you think they are?"

"Probably in the library where I lost them, on top of the astronomy tower where she's hidden my stuff before, or she took them back to her common room."

Silver smiled at the thought of adventure. "Let me change then I'll meet you down here. Let's check the library first then work from there."

"Thank you, Silver! I really appreciate your help," Garreth smiled with his lopsided grin.

Silver responded with a nod and changed into a light skirt and contrasting scarlet top. She buckled her shoes and bounded back down the stairs while pinning up her hair.

"Let's get to searching," she said leading Garreth out of the portrait hole.

The Gryffindors reached the library and began their search. Not a single bookshelf was left unchecked.

"I think we're out of luck here. I think I need to check the Great Hall. I didn't think about that time when she stashed my wizard's chess pieces all over the dining hall. If I go check there, do you want to look in the Astronomy Tower?" Garreth was still looking around the library as he spoke.

"Good plan. Meet me in the entrance hall when you're done and we will figure out a way to get into the dungeons." Silver found the floo and walked towards the furthest point of the tower that overlooked the grounds.

It was a cold night. Even colder than when she had brought Sebastian up here to discuss Ranrok, Rookwood, and the ancient magic. The tower seemed to be in its usually pristine order. Silver walked to the shadowed corner and casted Lumos to check for any stray shoes.

"Merlin's bloody beard," she heard from her left. She jumped to face the voice only to reveal that brown-haired boy that it seemed she kept being pulled back to.

"Sebastian?" She walked slowly in his direction.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked promptly putting away his book.

"I could ask the same of you. What are you reading?" Silver was now standing feet away from the seated boy in front of her.

"I was just taking in the peace and quiet, but you seem to have a problem with me having any peace in my life," Sebastian said with a smirk.

"You always accept when I ask you to come along so really you don't want any peace in your life," the girl retaliated.

"I just can't stay away," the Slytherin said, looking up with a crooked head.

Silver hoped the lack of light on the astronomy tower was working to conceal her heating cheeks. "What were you reading?" Silver was desperate to break the tension she felt growing between them, and another question was her perfect excuse to keep him talking.

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours. Why are you on the Astronomy Tower freezing your ass off in that outfit," he said motioning to the skirt that was fighting against the harsh wind.

"I'm helping Garreth look for something he lost."

"It seems as though you can't turn anyone down. I bet Imelda jinxed his socks off him this time, didn't she?"

The girl stifled a laugh at Sebastian's extremely close guess. "No more questions until you answer mine, remember?"

"Right. The book is called The History of Curse Lifting. It's outdated but still interesting." He was mindlessly twirling his wand in his right hand as he spoke.

"Do you plan on lifting a curse?" Silver asked with a soft expression.

"I do. Now, find whatever our charming Gryffindor lost and get off this tower before you freeze."

"Very well. I tell you how I have the most infamous dark wizard in Europe as well as the leader of the Goblin Revolt after me and that I possess super freaky ancient magic, but I don't get to know about this curse."

"You trusting me doesn't mean I automatically trust you," Sebastian said standing up to look down at the girl a few feet away from him.

"Maybe I misplaced my trust then." Silver had already turned to walk away.

A warm hand landed on the shoulder of Silver's thin black blouse. Standing close behind her, Sebastian spoke softly, "I swear you did not misplace your trust. I will keep your secret, just as you will keep mine when I feel like I can tell you without breaking down. Tonight is just not the right time for me to discuss it."

Silver turned towards the boy whose hand remained on her shoulder. The short distance between them would have sparked her blush again in any other situation. "I'm sorry. I should not push you for information. I mean I've known you for only a few days. Who am I to be asking for information like that from you?"

"No, I owe you the truth. If our pattern of working together continues, you must know my intentions. I want to be worthy of the trust you put in me."

"You were already worthy. I don't usually share much with anyone, but something about you standing up against that troll made me realize you want the same things I want. That I could trust you." Silver inched closer to the boy slower than she had ever moved in her life.

"Well, I was only being chivalrous," he laughed. The proximity made each of his exhales jostle Silver's loose blonde hair slightly.

Silver took a step back, coming to her senses, and said, "If you really want to be such the gentleman, help me find Garreth's shoes."

"I have a reputation to uphold. Can't have it going around that I was helping Gryffindor's golden boy." Sebastian's one-sided smirk was evident even in the dim light.

"Sebastian," Silver huffed swatting at him, "I'm a Gryffindor."

His smile went wide, "One of your few flaws."

"Please help me look before I truly freeze." Silver tilted her head up to look the boy in the eyes with her pleading look. As he looked down at the girl, a grin slowly crept onto his face.

"I suppose I can't let the great ancient magic wielder freeze to death." Sebastian unwrapped the Slytherin scarf and bundled up the girl in front of him. Silver prayed that he blamed the redness of her cheeks on the biting wind.

The pair searched every corner of the tower before Sebastian returned to his Gryffindor friend.

"Don't let Garreth see you in that scarf, Silver," Sebastian laughed, "you'll be hanged for treason."

Her gaze could cut stone. "Did you find the shoes?"

He shook his head no and they made their way back to the magical warmth of central hall.

"There is one last place to check," Silver said quietly.

"Do tell," Sebastian said with feigned enthusiasm.

She sent him one of her glares that he seemed to be on the receiving end of quite frequently and said, "Imelda might have taken them back to her common room," Silver changed her expression to a sickeningly sweet one, "Would you want to go check?"

"Of course m'lady," Sebastian bowed low to the floor. Silver's laughter rang through the almost empty hall at the sight.

"Thank you. I'll find Garreth and meet you at the entrance to the dungeons."

Silver sprinted to her meeting location with her fellow Gryffindor. When she arrived she spotted that bright red hair on the other side of the entrance hall.

"I see neither of us had any luck," Garreth smiled.

"I've enlisted some help to check the Slytherin common room. Sebastian should be meeting us at the entrance to the dungeons with a little bit of luck."

"You two have gotten rather friendly," he said losing his smile, "I reckon you were quite cold on the Tower." The redhead gestured at Silvers emerald green scarf.

"It is absolutely frigid out there," Silver managed to keep her face stoic, "Would have really put a hindrance on finding your shoes if I had frozen to death up there."

"I think Slytherin might have been a better house for you," he says with an awkward smile.

"Why would you say such a thing," she responds with a sharp look.

"Serpentine green goes well with the green of your eyes," he said slightly looking through his brow.

"I think red and gold suit me best but thank you. Now let's go get back your blasted shoes."

Silver was not so naive as not the notice his obvious flattery, however, she had only spoken to him a handful of times and did not feel like participating in the shameless flirting that most of the boys at Hogwarts seem to care so much for.

The Gryffindors reached the dungeon entrance right as Sebastian was strolling back up the corridor shoes in hand.

"You've lost these, Weasley?" Sebastian asked with a maniacal grin.

"Thank you for helping me, Sebastian. I won't forget this." Garreth took the shoes and replaced the slippers that he was currently wearing.

"I think it would be best for both of us if you did."

"Either way. Thank you." Garreth made to leave turning to gesture to Silver that it was time to return to the common room.

"I'll be up in a second. I need a word with Sebastian."

Garreth silently continued on his walk and left the other two alone in the cold hallway.

"I appreciate your help," the girl smiled, "even if it tarnished your reputation."

"My reputation will recover, yours will not."

"What do you mean?"

Sebastian ran a hand along the silver lining of his scarf that was wrapped around the girl's neck, "I think everyone will be shocked to see the new favorite Gryffindor parading around in Slytherin accessories."

"I think I'm just showing a united front for the school," she said with a corny smile.

"Green brings out your eyes," he said jokingly covering the bottom half of her face with the scarf to compare.

Silver pulled it down laughing. "You know Garreth said the same thing. Maybe you're both right and I was supposed to be in Slytherin."

Sebastian's previous smirk turned into a flattened line. Silver noticed, but before she could say anything he began to speak. "You should go catch up with him. I'll see you later."

Silver questioned the sudden change in demeanor but said her goodbyes and walked in the opposite direction of Sebastian. She found Garreth and gave him a good scare as she ran up behind him.

They made it back to their common room and enjoyed a few butter beers with Nellie and Natsai before they all went to their dormitories much later — and with more butter by beer in their system — than they should have. The warm fire heating the dormitory that usually soothed Silver right to sleep failed to pull her mind away from the Slytherin boy on the other end of the castle.


The common room was far from empty. Most of the younger students had already turned in for a good night's rest, but older students were still laughing and chatting all over the dimly lit common room. Sebastian sat in the quiet corner where he and Ominis had lately found themselves in light of Anne's absence.

"Out late again? Did it have anything to do with that Burbank girl?" Ominis asked as his friend sat down next to him.

"No, I was just up on the Astronomy Tower for some peace a quiet." Sebastian was lying through his teeth. Of course, it had everything to do with Silver. He went to the Astronomy Tower in the first place trying to find a quiet place to convince himself that he was not completely enamored by her.

"Well, Imelda told me that you came in and returned whatever she had taken from Garreth. It seems as though you've made a habit of cozying up to the Gryffindors." Ominis' sharp tone was canceled out by the smirk on his face.

"I've been caught in my lies then," Sebastian said running a hand across the back of his neck.

"What were you actually doing tonight?" Ominis set down the book he was running his wand across to read.

"I did go to the Astronomy Tower to be alone, but she found me. It's like we keep being thrown together. I run into her more than anyone else in the castle."

"Maybe you just notice her more than anyone else in the castle," Ominis interjected with a laugh.

"Shut it. Anyways, she was searching the castle for Garreth's lost shoes and wound up at the Astronomy Tower. We started talking and the long and short of it is that she roped me into helping her. It's dreadfully cold up there and I gave her my scarf so-"

"YOU GAVE HER YOUR SCARF!" Ominis yelled, attracting the attention of the nearby students.

"Quiet down you git," Sebastian hissed, "I gave her my scarf because she was shivering like she was having a seizure. Are you going to let me finish my story?"

"Yes, sorry continue."

"Right. I came back down here and got the shoes and met the both of them at the stairs that lead down to the dungeon. I gave him the shoes and he was on his way. Silver was thanking me for helping her and I noticed how serpentine green matched her eyes. I made a comment about it and she said that Garreth said the same thing earlier. I don't know why but her saying that made me see red. Neither of them did anything to me, but for some reason, I was ready to curse Garreth right then and there. I don't know what is going on with me."

"You are such a fucking idiot Sebastian." Ominis laughed heartily.

"What are you talking about," Sebastian asked roughly.

"I have never met someone so smart and so absolutely clueless," Ominis leaned back in his chair comfortably, "You're jealous of Garreth."

"Why would I be jealous of someone as dense as Garreth Weasley?" Sebastian was glad that his friend could not see the realization that was growing on his face.

"You fancy Silver and she fancies Garreth," Ominis said making Sebastian's knuckles turn white.

"No one fancies anyone!" Sebastian half yelled half whispered at his best friend.

"Whatever you say. I for one think that your new dueling partner has found herself a boyfriend." Ominis knew the reaction that his words would draw from his friend.

"He is not her boyfriend! Do I need to remind you whose scarf she still has!"

"Well then, it seems like you have something you need to tell Silver." Ominis returned to his book.

"No," Sebastian huffed from frustration, "She is my friend and I can't mess that up. She's truly been a good friend to me so far. I don't want to scare her off."

"Well, then you need to stop with all that scarf-giving business before she catches on."

"I fucking hate you Ominis."

"You know you love me."


I'm sorry that it took me so long to get this part up. Spring is definitely the busiest time of year. I really feel like I'm gonna see this story to the end though and I've been working on it for at least thirty minutes every day. I'm just a painfully slow writer and I'm hoping everyone will stick with me.

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