๐“๐‡๐„๐ˆ๐‘ ๐†๐ˆ๐‘๐‹, แต–แต’หกสธ! แต’แต...

By -goddesstier

112K 2.8K 341

that one time the girl who was abandoned by her friends falls in love them. ๐—™๐—”๐—ฌ๐—˜ ๐—ข'๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—Ÿ๐—˜๐—ฌ; is... More

their girl


1.2K 62 8
By -goddesstier


FAYE TOLD THE GIRLS WHO SAT IN SHOCK AFTER HEARING that Faye was dating all five of them, they were so happy for their friend that she had finally opened up and told the boys how she felt.

They were talking about the Halloween dance which was next week, and how they need more helping hands on decorating the hall, they'd already got some more boys and girls while Faye had yet to ask her boys. She sat with them waiting for the bell to ring for lunch, she glanced at Ali and asked about Daniel to which the boy was still avoiding the girl.

Faye tries to comfort her and once the bell goes, she went to go and find him, but she was stopped by Tommy who'd wrapped his arms around her, lifting her into the air while placing a kiss on her cheek. "You comin' to sit with us today, Faye?" He asks as Dutch was besides him placing a kiss on her other cheek.

"Yeah, sure!" She says smiling at them while grabbing their hands and leading them away, her friends watching the three of them with smiles on their faces. Faye had those boys wrapped around her finger, and they weren't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Tommy, Faye and Dutch had made it to the lunch table where everyone seemed to be sitting. The other three had welcomed them with smile, Tommy and Faye still held hands as she sat next to Jimmy who held the other one before kissing her cheek. "So, you guys doing anything special this week?" She asks them as she pulls a cinnamon roll out of her bag and frees it from the wrapping paper.

"Just karate, but nothing special, why?" Jimmy asks, as he ate some weird protein stuff, while the rest looked up from eating their lemon tarts.

"Wanna help out with the Halloween decorations?" She asks as she took a bite of out of her gooey treat, "it's everyday after school until next week."

Dutch looks at her, "is that where you've been going?"

"Some days, yeah." She nods, "me, the cheer team and Ali." She states, "there's a mixture of us now, boys and girls."

"Okay, we'll go." Johnny volunteered himself and the other guys who also shrugged and nodded their heads, "anything for our girl." He winks causing her to smile into her roll.

Her sparkling blue eyes looked into his deep blue blue ones, she sent a smirk and turned around to Bobby who seemed more interested in his homework. He looks up and sends her a smile before he put his head back down and wrote down whatever he was writing, Tommy's laughter caused her to look at him. "Bobby why are you ignoring our girl?"

"I'm not I just acknowledged her, I'm just trying to do the homework that I couldn't do yesterday!" He says shoving him off of him teasingly, causing Tommy to argue back about how she deserves more attention.

Faye rolls her eyes and her eyes looks over towards the three girls who sent her a wave, she gives one back and sends them a smirk as they dropped their heads going back into quiet chatter. She glared when someone grabbed her cinnamon roll and took out a huge bite, Johnny sent a smirk back, the icing from the bun on his lips, she stares him down, "I don't care if you're my boyfriend but I don't share my food with you."

"Sorry, sweetheart." He says as he licks the icing from his thumb and his lips, "you were too busy in your own world, I had to snap you out of it somehow." She pouts at him while he laughs, the others were watching them, even Bobby who'd looked up from his homework.

She continued to pout and send him her big pretty batting eyes, "you took a bite from my cinnamon roll."

"I'm sorry!" He was trying to be serious and not laugh, "I'll buy you more later. How about that?"

Faye's face turns into a smiling one, "you better or else!"

"Or else, what?" He says chuckling looking more amused than anything.

"Or no hugs and kisses." She crosses her arms with a big sly smirk when she watched his face fall, "that goes for all of you."

"Oh man, Johnny, shut up and just buy her more cinnamon rolls!" Tommy screeched, "I can't have no hugs or kisses from Faye just because you won't buy her more."

"Yeah Johnny, that ain't fair." Jimmy says teasingly as he wraps his arm around their girl.

"Don't fuck this up, Lawrence." Dutch mutters, "if he doesn't, I'll buy you more, Faye."

"Good," she smiles and sends a smile to Bobby who ruffles Johnny's hair.

"That was a close one huh, bud?" He laughs causing the rest to join in at the look on Johnny's face, Faye sent the blonde a wink while continuing to munch on her cinnamon roll.

"Yeah," he sighs grinning into his milk carton, while staring at Faye with the sense of awe, "close one."

The boys began talking amongst themselves, Faye looked back at the girls table, and thought she seen Daniel at the lunch line but he was sneaking out. Luckily, Faye had finished everything, she turns to the boys, "going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second, watch my bag?" She looks at them and they look at her.

"Sure," Bobby nods, he seemed a little caught off guard since she'd just threw it in there. "Yeah, Faye, we'll keep your bag safe."

"Need me to come with you?" Tommy questions making Faye glance at him with a weird look, Dutch starts snickering into his fist.

"You going to walk her inside the bathroom too, Tommy?" He continues to snicker causing everyone to slightly crack up.

Faye's insides hurt from laughing, she shakes her head, "I'm good, I'll be back in five." She says before she gets up, she smiles at Barb when she walked past the girls table and out into the hallway.

There had been a bathroom in the lunchroom, but Faye had forgotten about that, she was too busy looking for Daniel and she found them at their usual spot; under the bleachers reading a book on Karate. "Hey, stranger," she raised a hand in a hello sign, Daniel had jumped but looked at her with a look before ignoring her. Faye sighs, "c'mon Danny, you can't ignore me forever, well, maybe you can, but come on..talk to me!"

"You got with your old friends.." he mutters as he put stuff into his bag, "the ones that abandoned you and kick my ass everyday."

"Yeah, thanks to your advice," she shrugs. "Though, it shouldn't matter, I told them to leave you alone, they're not going after you anymore."

"Cut the crap, Faye. The only reason they haven't come after me is because they now have you, and because you haven't been around me for a week –" Faye cuts Daniel off, "– they had their reasons! We talked it out, you don't know what happened so don't assume things you don't understand. Besides, you're only taking your emotions out on me, you still have to fix things with Ally."

Daniel was silent for a moment, he looked at Faye with regret and got up to hug her; "you're right, I'm sorry, Faye. I've been going through a lot, and I don't know where to begin with admitting my feelings to Ally."

Faye just smiles and hugs back before patting his shoulder, "say the truth. She likes you, and I mean, really likes you," she nods, "don't tell her I said that, but you should tell her because she's not going to wait around forever for you."

He nods with a smile, he was about to say something to her before the bell went, "I have a free period," he says and Faye nods, she did too.

"Y'know, you should come to the gym hall after school this week, we're decorating the hall with Halloween decorations!" She smiles as she helps him clear up forgetting about the boys and her backpack very quickly as she fills Daniel in on everything he's missed.


"So...how was the bathroom?" Bobby asks coming up beside her, Faye gave a quick little smile, completely forgetting she'd lied to them just so she could go and talk with Daniel.

Giggling nervously, she licked her lips, "oh, the bathroom, well..I bumped into a few people and had a conversation with them." She nonchalantly tries to shrug it off, "sorry I kept you boys waiting."

Jimmy had his arms folded as she takes her backpack back from Bobby, "uh huh," totally believing her.

"Yuh huh," she nods her head as she walks to class with them, "so..decided what you boys were going to be for Halloween yet?"

"Oh, yeah! Though, you're not gonna know, it's a surprise!" Tommy says not realising she changed the topic of the conversation, but the other four did.

Faye pouts, she tried using the puppy eyes, Tommy was struggling really hard, "please for me, Tommy?"

"I-uh...well.." he stutters, and Dutch slaps him over the head, "pull yourself together, Tommy!"

"Sorry baby, but you won't know until the dance." Bobby kisses the side of her head as Johnny wraps his arms around Faye and leads her away to their next class.

Soon after their classes, it got to the time where the six of them where in the gym hall, Faye was helping Ali with the streamers, she giggles with the girl as Barbra was making a fool of herself by accidentally covering herself in glitter.

Faye took a fake spider decoration from the box and snuck up behind Tommy and sat it on his shoulder, "oh my god..Tommy don't move." She says putting on her best acting voice, Tommy looks at her, "you..your shoulder!" It took the boy a few seconds to look at his shoulder, he screams loudly that it makes Dutch and Johnny take off their walk-mans, while Bobby and Jimmy start to laugh. Tommy bats at his shoulder and realises it is fake, he turns to the blue-eyed girl with glare as she cackles.

"That wasn't funny, Faye." He says as he clutches his hand to his chest, he turns to Dutch and Johnny with an exaggerated expression making them chuckle and pick up the fake skeletons and build them together.

She manages to catch herself, "no, it wasn't funny, it was hilarious." Faye snorts and watches Bobby help one of the cheerleaders by hanging the fake bats.

Jimmy and Faye walk over to Ali's table, grabs the fake webs and some of the tinfoil confetti and sets them down on the table, they set and hang up the webs, Faye staples the tinfoil to the walls with the help of the coaches. She notices that Ali and Susan were hanging up plastic pictures of skeletons on the doors and complimenting the cheerleaders on paining the pumpkin pictures. One of the coaches help one of the football team members hang the disco ball before setting up the stage, however, that was all for today, no one needed to do anything anymore as the rest was left to the teachers.

Faye and her cobras grab their things, she was chatting with Ali who was fitting her bag over her shoulder, "have you seen, Daniel?" The blonde questions her friend.

"I saw him at lunch, why?" She asks as they began walking towards the exit, "did he not talk to you today?"

"We haven't talked in nearly a week, Faye." Ali says with a frown, "do you think he's even worth it? I have tried my best, and I think I ruined it by getting in his business." She explains, "I just wanted him to walk past them with his head up and not run away from the problem."

"Truth is Ali, he thinks you're mad at him after he snapped at you. He ran away because he was scared and I don't blame him, remember when I started avoiding them like the plague after I was ditched? I know how Daniel feels, I may not have been beaten or thrown down a hill, but I did get called names and I was so scared of what they thought of me after that. I thought that they didn't see me as Faye anymore, just another girl that they chose to throw away." She explained, looking at Ali who seemed to understand, the blonde nods her head as she seemed to get it.

"That makes sense, I shouldn't have tried to force him to face his problems." She mutters, looking down at her shoes.

Faye places her hand on Ali's shoulders, "c'mon, you didn't know. Let's just say; that's the way we now deal with it, but Daniel, he's a guy, who literally got beat up by my boyfriends because they think he's gonna steal me away." She rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"You think I should keep trying?" Questioned Ali as they got outside, the Cobra's waiting by Johnny's car.

"Definitely, he really likes you and I know you really like him. Let him come to you when the time is right. Oh, hey, maybe you'll see him at the dance." She smirks playfully, "and maybe, you'll both get a dance and finally confess your feelings for one another."

Ali playfully bumps the smaller girls shoulder, "okay, thank you, I needed an unbiased opinion as we both know Susan doesn't like Daniel and is too honest, while, Barb she just copies what Susan says."

"Speaking about Susan, do you know why she's avoiding me? She won't look at me, or really talk to me." Faye mutters, "did I do something wrong? Is this about what I saw at the party? She does realise I'm happy for her, right? I'm not one to judge my friends."

"Trust me, Faye, she'll tell you when she's ready, she was just terrified of your reaction, I'll tell her to call you that you're fine with everything." She says, this time she was the one who placed her hands on Faye's shoulders. "She's just having a hard time since we all know everyone in this day and age aren't so accepting of those who like the same gender."

"I know, it sucks, well, she should know that she has me and my boys on her side. Cause' I sure as hell know that not everyone in this school is okay with me dating all five boys at once, I've already had looks today but I tend to not let them get to me." Faye shrugs, it was more than that, she knows someone will start calling her names, but she didn't care as she was happy with her boyfriends.

"Yeah, oh and Faye, come with the girls and I this Saturday to get costumes." Faye suddenly smiles and nods her head, "anyways, I better go, they look like they're getting impatient."

Faye turns, they were watching them, but each had different expressions on their faces. Faye snickers, Johnny looked confused, his brows were furrowed, Dutch looked irritated – probably because she was speaking to Ali and he didn't like the blonde, Bobby had a small smile but he seemed concerned, he seemed to be talking to the guys in the car, Jimmy stares with his doe eyes but held a small tight-lipped smile, while Bobby lifted his eyebrows towards her while his lips were slightly pulled down into a little frown, Tommy looked bored and looked like he was on the same boat as Dutch; of course, he was, he was like Barbra who follows Susan around except, he follows Dutch.

"It feels like they've just figured out where I wandered off to today, or it's because they've not got the attention on them right now." She says looking to Ali, snickering with a smirk.

Ali giggles, "or, they're concerned about why we look like we are in a serious conversation and probably why you looked a little down."

"Perhaps, it might be that, but I better go, get home safe, ya?" She nods to the girl who points out, "– my dad's over there."

"Alright, good, I'll see you!" She waves and walks to Johnny's red Avanti Convertible which was parked away from the other cars.

She gave them a smile, "sorry for lagging behind, Ali and I needed to have a serious conversation where no boys were allowed to interject." She gave them a pointed look.

"Y'wanna tell us what you were talking about?" Tommy asks as she sat in between him and Jimmy, "or do we have to guess?"

"You can guess," she smirks at him, "I won't say it no matter how much you ask."

"Brat," he grumbles crossing his arms.

She snorts, "says the one crossing his arms."

She looked at Dutch who suddenly had his seatbelt off and was leaning into the back before staring in her eyes, the soft blue irises that they can all easily get lost in. "You went to go meet up with someone, didn't you, babe."

"Perhaps," she creates a little innocent face, "what's it to you, Dutch?"

"You've been doing it a lot lately, is it a boy?" Johnny questions this time staring at her, his hands clutching his steering-wheel, "or a girl?"

"Hmm," she says teasingly, her finger tapping again her chin as she fakes a thinking face.

This whole time, Bobby had his hand over his face watching this, carefully looking at Dutch, Johnny and slightly at Tommy, Faye was playing with fire. He glances at Jimmy who stares back at him and looked awkwardly at the girl sitting next to him, Faye was just as bad as Johnny whenever it came to purposely pissing people off.

"Are you seeing someone else, baby?" Tommy asks looking at her with a menacing look as he clutched the seatbelt, he was jealous.

Bobby interrupted, "I don't think it's like that, I'm pretty sure whoever it is, is just a friend, right Faye?" He gave her a pointed look while she smirks.

"Sure, just a friend." However, her chin was grabbed by Dutch who turned her to face him.

His fingers run across her jaw, he looked pissed, he looked jealous, they all did, but Jimmy and Bobby did best to hide theirs, "you're ours, doll, or do you not remember?"

"I think I need to be reminded," she says softly, "I don't seem to remember being your girl."

The car went silent, she had five pair of eyes on her, and soon enough, Dutch's mouth was on hers, she could feel Tommy's lips kiss her neck hungrily, the next one to kiss her lips were Johnny, his kiss was just as forceful as Dutch's, this one however was different, it was passionate, and shorter.

"Ours," Johnny mumbles softly, his eyes softening once more, Faye stares blearily, "yours."

I have missed this book and you lot so much!

I have made manips for this story but I'll post them when I write the Halloween chapter!

Also, sorry for lack of updates busy with college with new opportunities and responsibilities in real life! Also kinda dealing with mental health issues but due to new medication I am finally doing better!

Enjoy the 3000 and something chapters!

Give me some feedback, I love feedback!

thanks for reading! x

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